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MeetFighters.com is een sociaal netwerk voor vechters.

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Dankbetuigingen en complimenten

“I have wrestled growing up and was excited to find a site where I could continue wrestling as an Adult. MF is that site ! The Administration Staff is outstanding and always helpful with concerns. I have met so many people from all over the country and have gained many friends in the wrestling community from all walks of life. I have wrestled many matches and many return matches. And I look forward to many more matches. The Chat room is a daily text of greetings and subjects to chat about. A great place to meet new friends who share the passion in the greatest sport of Wrestling. MF , I look forward to your continuing of the site. And I thank you for a wrestling site for many of us to meet , gain friends & wrestle ! THANK YOU !!”

Wrestlekeith, donderdag 15 augustus 2024