A Short Villainous Wrestling Tale

The Villainous Prince Glycerine (37)

12.3.2016 5:51

After what seemed to be the longest, most stressful day ever. Ya know, the kind that makes you want to hide under your duvet with a mahussive cup of creamy hot chocolate with froth on top.

Yep, that’s the one, you got it.

Scott pulled his key out of his pocket and slowly unlocks the door letting out a loud sigh. "Just another day." He mutters under his breath. He proceeds to throw down his man bag on his designer sofa as he slumps into in, being careful as possible not to damage his ever so precious walls, all while kicking off his designer Italian? French? …… Something expensive leather shoes.

His tie slips between the innards of the legs, curling around his calf before crumpling onto the floor in a heap. Off next comes the shirt revealing his glorious well groomed chest hair, yet still long enough to run you fingers through. The perfectly seamed Teflon anti-anything pants soon follow. Soon he is left near starkers only covered by a pair of tight, yet breathable spandex boxers that expose his full shame. Every curve and bulge printed out on show for my eyes to see, I take my time to indulge in the sights before me, of which truly tickle my fancies.

But my gaze doesn't get to hold for long, as he heads towards his bathroom finally removing his undergarments. The view is as always, Glorious.

I move like a Panther in the night gone black, stealthily behind furniture, creeping around fixtures 'till I find myself a secure spot with a direct view the shower in the bathroom.

See, I'm fortunate since he almost never slide the shower door closed. Well even if he did the glass is so clear nothing is hidden.

I wait patiently as he check the water to make sure it's his liking, arranged his towel on the side of the face basin of easy of use and then finally get in.

I watch as Scott steps slowly onto the cold stone floor beneath the shower heads that were placed on each side of the block, just enough room for him to walk around. He pulls down the release located to the left of the entrance, and as soon as the water leaves their captures, the door eases shut. He lifts his head so the water could touch his neck before running down his skin; trickling around the shape of his ass and down his legs until it parted with his naked body to mingle on the floor and fall down the small drain in the middle of the block.
He turned around and closed his eyes, letting his head be drenched from the falling water, rubbing the water across his chest; flattening his hair to his skin.

As with so many time before I am transfixed watching as the water cascades down his body, running along the ridges, highlighting the definition of his muscles. Water droplets entrenched in his chest hair glisten and gleam as if to be white sapphires. I grow envious of the water droplets running along the contour of his body. My hands should be in their place. My mind is lost to eager and lustful thoughts, I feel depraved .... I must be sated.

His French accent had a gruff, deep undertone, yet still so sweet. His eyes were beautiful yet dangerous. From what information I gather by sneaking around his apartment on previous visits, it said he was a teacher. I figured a fist fight with him shouldn't be to difficult., but I am much better at using my head than my hands, also he is pretty well built for an accountant.

It'll be good if he doesn't break my hands or smash my teeth in. He could see the fear in my eyes. It was soon confirmed when He gave a calloused laugh and folded his arms.

I slowly raise my self on to the tip of my toes, preparing myself to flee like a Cleveland bitch.

"(The door is unlocked, I left it that way just in case things ever went south, if push comes the shove I could scale the balcony led..") my escape plans are interrupted with a firm first around the front of my collar. "You look so scared, pretty-boy." he whispers.

"Did ….. Did you eyes just darken?"

He just shrugs, as if to say whatever, and flicks his fingers against my forehead.

"You like?" he asks while gesturing towards his bare crotch.

"Your deaf?, answer me!" he slams me against the wall with some real force. It's cute and terrifying at the same time because he only 5'5.

I chuckle and close my eyes, dodging the question.

"I'll find ways to make you talk" I hear him say.

Feeling a bit nervous, I ran my fingers through my hair and responded with a questioning humph.

A few moments later he lets me go suddenly, my feet miss the ground and I land on my arse, but manage to roll through to stand.

Both of us stand there looking at each other in silence, neither of us blinking.

I break the silence.

"I'm not going to make any sudden moves and you won't call the cops. Deal?" I say in the calmest most suave voice I can muster.

"So he does talk." I hear him quip

I nod in a gesture of goodbye and walk slowly towards the door.

He sticks out his arm and grabs my arm firmly.

Getting nowhere, I attempted to disengage from him, but before I can, Luc reverses his hold. twirling me backwards so that he is gripping my chest and shoulders from behind. "Fuck, never seen anyone do that before..." I pant.

"Don't make this too easy," Scott growls into my ear.

"As if!" I snarled back at him.

It takes some struggling and major effort, but eventually I am able to throw my weight backwards and cause him to fall to the ground. I try to crawl away, but it was no use. His grip doesn't even break. Things start to look dire, as Luc
wraps his arm around my neck, pressing his biceps against one side of my neck and the inner bone of his forearm against the other side.

"I need to escape fast, or this could end badly." I think to myself.

"Choke for me pretty boy, you are bitch ah," Scott bellowed while tightening his hold. I am too busy fighting for breath to answer him, but I can't escape. He starts laughing into my left ear, or is it my right ear. I can't really tell anymore. "you didn't put on much of a fight."

"Fuck you...." I croak. It's wasted breath, I am on the verge of being lights out.

He pulls himself up to his knees, dragging me along by my neck. I'm …. Beginnin9 …… t0 ….. Dr1ft …….1nto …….unconsciousn3ss………..
"You were easy..." he releases his hold around my neck and pushes me forward so that my arse is in the air.

I cough and splutter all over his gorgeous carpet and try to roll over to recover.

"Oh... you're not done?" he cackles. "Not bad, not bad." He catches me before I can roll away. Clawing endlessly as his carpet, tying to drag myself away, he smacks my arse. "I won't be gentle this time."
Scott proceeds to rip my jeans down to my knees, exposing my boxers. "You know, I have a pair in the same colour" I hear him taunt before pulling my hair. I grit my teeth at the sensation. He stops abruptly and pulls my shirt up over my head and tosses in the corner. "You have nice broad chest pretty boy ahh" he says while pulling on my chest hair, gesturing to his barely concealed hard-on.

I roll over and growl.

I roll my eyes as Scott lets out a deep, accented laugh right in my face. "Easy tiger."

He charges towards me. I don't have time to formulate a plan, so instead I react on instinct. I drop like a sack a spuds and slide in-between his legs. I use my weight to knock him over grabbing his left leg. I quickly transition into a single-legged Boston Crab, trapping the other leg under mine. I apply a good amount of pressure pulling back Scott roars in agony, "you fucker!"

It's my turn to taunt him now. "Do you give?"

"Fuck no!" and with he begins to wriggle out of my hold. It's officially true, there s no rest for the wicked. Moving quickly, I slam myself onto his back. Again he roars, but this time with more shock.

While he is stunned, I try to grab his balls for a devastating submission combo. But Scott insists on struggling. But it's impossible to grab his nut sac firm enough without losing my advantage, so I stretch as far as I can, yanking on any hairs I can find on his inner thigh.

Scott manages to get me off of his back and roll towards the other side of the carpet. "Not too bad rosbif," he says while standing and clapping in a mocking fashion. "And this?" Scott starts swaying his cock back and forth in order to tease me, and fuck me is it working. I could feel my member starting to harden within my boxers.

"You like?"

"I'll like it more when you're face down in your own spunk and I am screwing you." I reply feeling pretty chuffed with that response.

"No can do ahh," he retorts dangerously, again his gaze darkens.

I just had to stalk a psycho bitch.

We begin circling each other. I make the first move and lunge towards Luc. It is a poor decision. He grabs and twist my arm effortlessly, snaking me towards the mat. I want to scream in pain, but the sound of my voice is denied by his free hand covering my mouth. To add insult to my injury, I feel his cock begin to nudge between my arse cheeks.

"I like," he says while rubbing the tip of his erect cock against my hole. "But, first..." Scott releases my arm, choosing instead to rip my boxers from my body.

I try to distance myself from him, but Scott grabs my leg and drags me back for more.

"What we have here?" he teases while flipping me over. "Damn! I make you horny ahh?" he asks with chilling sarcasm, fondling my erection and sitting on my face.

"Fuck you!" I offer in muffled objection. I can feel him begin to pump my dick in his hand.

"Once I make you blow your load…" a short pause follows "Then, I'll blow my load right in here" he crows and smacks the side of my ass. "I spoil you ahh."

I struggled against him. I need to teach this douche a lesson.

Thankfully, I am able to lay him flat onto his back. He yelps in surprise, and faster than I ever moved in my life (so fast that his legs were still up in the air,) I was able to whirl myself onto him and force him into a sort of missionary position, with my dick resting against his asshole.

Scott growled in fury practically spitting, but I didn't care. I thrust my dick against his anus expecting to make him squirm. To my delight however, and much to Scott's very unhappy surprise, I felt the head of my cock penetrate into him. He spits in rage, and hopefully a little pain. I laugh and enjoy how great my dick was already feeling.

"You like that bitch?" I jeer down at him while pushing my dick deeper into his asshole. It made me smile wider and wider the deeper I went; watching him struggle and groan was making me horny like never before. I was going to enjoy punishing the cocky bastard.

In my haste to get my dick all the way into Scott's tight arsehole, I let him clench his legs around my neck in a faux scissors hold. "Gotcha..." I hear him hiss. I attempt to break his hold around my neck. I pulled out of him, hoping to get better leverage him to release me, but nothing is ever simple. Unfortunately for me, I just made it easier for him to shove me to the mat, still trapped in-between his thighs.

"Ughkkffk!" I choke, but Scott just laughed while clawing at my pecs.

"I ave to admit, that was a first. Usually, I dominate my opponent, but you have fight ahh…." A crooked smile form on his face. "Now I have to discipline you for it!" His thighs clenched tighter around my neck and I can already feel myself losing consciousness. I couldn't let it end like this.

On the verge of falling into god-knows-what, Scott releases me from his hold. I heard him get up and the next thing I knew he was dragging me by my feet towards the center of the carpet. All I feel next is... him pressing his foot against my junk. I don't know whether to moan in pleasure or scream in pain.

"Do you give?" He asks straightforwardly.

"Fuck you!" I shout. He increased the pressure against my groin.

"Do you give?"

"...uuhggg fuck no!" He drops my legs to the ground and sits on my chest.

"You're getting me all hot and bothered. I like watching you try and beat me ahh." He leaned forward and licked the inside of my ear, "is never gunna happen ahh."

I push him off of me, but it only make him let out a deep, husky laugh.

I feel fucking exhausted, even worse I'm still in pain, I manage to once again get to my knees and meet Scott head on. We grapple, both of our cocks fully erect and clashing together like swords. I can feel my strength waning. He begins to bring me inward, presumably to initiate a bear hug and get me to submit. However, I am wrong.

Now chest to chest, face to face, and dick to dick at the center of the carpet, Scott chuckles while grinding his member against my own with an obviously practiced efficiency. "Making you submit wouldn't be nearly as fun as making you jizz."

My nervousness is showing and he can see it. I try to move away, but he clenches his arms around my waist and, much to my surprise, begins to kiss my neck with more selfless and passionate enthusiasm than I had assumed him capable of. It's like all of my fantasies coming to life at once. So much better than I ever imagined. Fuck!

"It won't be long now. The sensation of our cocks rubbing together was becoming too great a strain for me to hold back my load. "Ffuuuugghhh," I breath through clenched teeth.

"Come on pretty boy! I want you to see your load!" Scott pants into my ear after sucking on it. Is he close as well? can I out last him?

Just as I attempt to regain control and resist Scott, I could feel it. The head of his cock masterfully prodding against the tip of my own member. That tiny, repeated pressure was the straw that broke the camel's back. I knew I had lost, I couldn't resist my orgasm any longer.

I growl as my arms tighten impossibly around him as my hot cum coated his abs. With two more thrust he lost his load. I feel as his body twitches in my arms during his orgasm. His warm seed spilling out on my thighs.

I fall sideways on to the carpet, Scott follows immediately. I completely forget my arms are still wrapped around him. I smile at him, this is the same guy house I've been sneaking around in for months and now this. I start to worry a little while he just stares at me, is his fun over?? Am I gon…….. He runs a finger over my cheek and laughs. He pauses as if to tell a joke maybe "I've been waiting for this, I just didn’t know when it would finally happen…….. I always knew you were sneaking around my apartment and watching while I showered. I mean, I left the door unlocked half of the time."

I feel like such a fool right now.

I say nothing in return.

We continue to lie next to each other; sticky and sweaty together sated.

He lets out a contented sigh. "You'll stay the night won't you?" I lean in to kiss him "Sure, I mean got nothing better to do." My reply is met with a playful yet deserved jab to my ribs.

- Villainous Prince

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