It would be nice to think he was a wannabe punk, a hapless wimp trying to be manly and tough. But I actually reckon he'd be quite good at boxing and wrestling. Wouldn't mind finding out, though.
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Trekie66 (0)
29.12.2018 17:48He's him wrestling. Love to take him on
bigchicago (68)
03.2.2019 17:41(In antwoord hierop)
What happened to the vid?
Zzarty (0)
31.3.2016 9:52Would happily knock him down a peg or 10 ;)
PunchyPunch (0 )
19.1.2016 4:41Looks like Bieb is keeping up the training
PunchyPunch (0 )
18.10.2014 21:33
What do you guys think? Could Bieber kick some ass or is he just a wannabe punk?
pinningmuscle (0)
10.1.2019 19:22(In antwoord hierop)
I wouldn't last 20 seconds in the ring with anyone who has a clue at what they are doing.
Ryno (5)
08.2.2015 0:23(In antwoord hierop)
Punk. I'd be happy to whoop his ass. Wouldn't even do anything to him while he was out cold. Not worth my time.
FLASH1025 (12 )
08.1.2016 6:19(In antwoord hierop)
I agree 100%! Nothing but a wanna be bad boy. I'd like to beat the $#1t out of him, too. Teach that twerp a lesson.
Jaymatb (4)
14.11.2014 15:44(In antwoord hierop)
It would be nice to think he was a wannabe punk, a hapless wimp trying to be manly and tough. But I actually reckon he'd be quite good at boxing and wrestling. Wouldn't mind finding out, though.
PunchyPunch (0 )
14.11.2014 17:49(In antwoord hierop)
Nor would I ;)