Books about wrestling or fighting

MMTwister (23)

08.8.2014 8:02

Chael Sonnen - "The Voice Of Reason: A VIP Pass To Enlightenment" is a great read and has several chapters on wrestling and Mixed Martial Arts as a whole. Discusses at length the how wrestling defined him and shaped him into who he is. Highly recommended. Also recommend 'Into The Cage, The Rise of UFC Nation' by Nick 'The Tooth' Gullo for all MMA fans. Great insight of what goes behind the scenes and some excellent photography!


vonsueno (4)

11.9.2014 0:49

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I would expect this to have been presented to Meet Fighters by this combatant. I asked him how he got so good at fighting and he replied he took on men who were better than he was. Kudos to MMTwister; this Brit has done it again. Thank you.

vonsueno Om foto's in de galerijen te zien moet je inloggen.


teejayem (0)

05.8.2014 14:47

If you haven't read "Got Fight?: The 50 Zen Principles of Hand-to-Face Combat" by Forrest Griffin, I strongly recommend it. I think it's got everything a guy could ask for.


Fighter Matt (38)

17.12.2013 2:57

If you want a great read then checkout Dave the Beast Radfords autobiography. Its out this week and he has dedicated a chapter of his book to one of my bare knuckle boxing fights. Hes my Mentor and biggest influence in my fight career. His book is called 'Blood is only red sweat'. I received my signed copy from him at his book signing event on Saturday. I also met James 'the Mighty' Quinn of the film 'Knuckle'. James has also seen me fight. You must give this book a read as you will see what its like from the Gentleman fighters point of view.


JiminQueens2 (58)

26.12.2013 20:17

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Couldn't find it on Amazon–is it not available in the US yet?


Fighter Matt (38)

26.12.2013 23:12

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You should google daves book and see if you can find what online book stores stock it. Its out there somewhere.


bassman (40)

18.12.2013 16:18

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Cheers Matt Wouldn't mind a tussle with you myself.


Fighter Matt (38)

18.12.2013 20:10

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Checkout todays Sun newspaper as the last BBad event is in it with a good write up. I have fought on 3 of these events and will be fighting on the next Bbad bare knuckle boxing event in March.


JiminQueens2 (58)

03.12.2013 7:13

I remember reading one story online about a couple of fathers who pitted their sons against each other in a no-holds-barred fight, then ended up squaring off themselves after one son came out on top and the other father got pissed off. Can't remember where it was, though!


rassler (4)

07.12.2013 15:50

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Maybe this is the story you're searching for:


JiminQueens2 (58)

09.12.2013 20:57

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Nope, that's not it. In the story I remember, the dad fight took place right after the son fight, not a day later.

This one was pretty damn hot, though!


bigchicago (68)

05.12.2013 4:58

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That sounds hot, I wish you could remember where it was!


colinfighter (0)

28.11.2012 18:06

sorry bros,but guess didnt save the fight storieswhen changed computers. But will put some new together ....and send one out when finish it..get ur thoughts..good or bad. Got idea for new one: 2 young muscled fight dudes want to join leatherfight gang. they have to show who the toughest is by series of muscle tests the gang leader puts them thru...ending in a NHB wrestle/fight.


bassman (40)

05.2.2013 17:51

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sounds great , they better be hairy fellas


colinfighter (0)

05.2.2013 17:49

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hey dudes, been kinda busy soory aint got story posted yet but shouldbe finished sorry with first scene to send. Plot will be a young muscled ex military stud, hitching on country road. Gets picked up by a hick deputy and taking to local jail where sheriff pairs off jailees to fight each other. My boy is new stud and accepts challenge for first match. Has to fight to get to champ and if he beats him....gets out free.


boxtpntx (0)

17.12.2012 19:34

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Hey man would be interested in reading any of your fight stories.


rassler (4)

29.11.2012 13:03

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Hot idea, would like to read that too.


Tyger (106)

26.11.2012 18:27

Have found some on Amazon by Michael Ladd, which I like - but they're electronic only.

colinfighter - luv the sound of ur stories! if u find em can u post em here so we can all enjoy? cheers!


bassman (40)

27.8.2013 17:34

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Thank heavens the kindles can be wiped down ha ha


colinfighter (0)

25.11.2012 17:14

hey dude, me and a wrestling buddy joined up and wrote acouple of hot stories, we think", about a young muscled ex miltary stud who got into some private wrestling scenes after leaving corp. First couple were he was pickup by a hick deputy in a rural area and ended up wrestling for the sheriff at local jail against fighters sheriff matched him up with..some were other inmates, some good ole bois. Fights were in old ring in jail complex were inmates watched the battles. Did some others too were to make some cash he entered "Tough Man" shows hwere he wrestled or brawled some tough fucks. If still have em, will send u one let u decide if u like em.


bigchicago (68)

29.8.2013 4:32

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Can you send 'em here too?


bassman (40)

26.11.2012 8:21

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Thanks mate


ibex (1)

26.11.2012 10:58

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upload some, bro


bassman (40)

13.9.2012 15:48

Like the rest of you I love wrestling and fighting, and I was looking for books for bedtime reading about other guys experiences. The few I have seen on Amazon are American fictional stories which are a bit to cheesy. I wanted to read about the bodies, the aggression, the fight, the smells, the sweat, the friendship. I know it doesnt beat the real thing, but just want something stimulating for between matches. If anyone has any recommendations let me know, and if I find any myself I'll let you know too. Happy fighting, men ! Geoff


matsteve (2)

18.12.2012 13:29

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There are two books called Growing Up Wrestling 1 and 2 written by Victor Rook where he interviews a lot of guys who love to wrestle. How they first got turned on to it and their favorite matches ect. You can find them on Amazon.


bassman (40)

19.12.2012 18:01

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Cheers , will look them up


rassler (4)

29.11.2012 13:06

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There's an old collection called Scrapbook by Sean Martin, a dozen wrestling stories with different themes (workers, superheroes, ancient warriors etc). It's very hot and well written.

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