As I was travelling through Battersea by train noticed there were advertising commercial units for sale or rent there. But guessing that area is expensive.
It seems a lot of my life is taken up by ignoring the book in my hand and staring out of train windows. So I'm always noticing industrial estates that seem to have garages/units free but not sure if facility wise or even pricing wise if they would ever be effective.
Good comment and one I have empathy with. However, one needs to consider how easy some of these place are to get to by public and private transport. The fact that these industrial units are next to a railway line does not mean the are very accessible. Worth looking into though.
This is so important
There are very few mat rooms and even less those with a ring
We must collectively ensure that this very important venue is maintained
I will do my best to find a solution but we all need to put our 'thinking caps on'
In the UK we are very fortunate to have a number of reliable venues. It's what makes the UK wrestling scene so vibrant and the envy of many other European countries.
One of those venues is Hackney. The owner has been running a commercial matroom there for many years and it's often used by members of this site, me included. The owner has now bought a full sized wrestling ring (presently in pieces in her garage) and is looking to expand.
A problem has arisen. The existing building where she is based is now being developed and it may be that the matroom loses it's place in the not too distant future. The owner is committed to providing these facilities long term, and is looking for another venue but so far without success. The London commercial property market is a difficult place for smaller traders especially those with specialist requirements.
This is where help is needed. If you are a wrestler in the UK, especially the south east, please keep your eyes peeled for possible properties. Here is what is needed.
1. At least 1,000 square feet but preferably more
2. Rental budget up to £2,000 per month. Deposit up to £8,000. A long lease is preferred so that the venue is secure.
3. Within the M25, east, south east London preferred. Central London is pretty much out of the question in these market conditions.
4. Served by good public transport links so that people from around the UK can easily access it on London public transport from the mainline stations.
5. Available parking
6. Scope to put in a shower
If a property can be found, there promises to be a really good new wrestling venue for us all so please shout if you think you know of a suitable place.
I understand Rochdale is closing (please correct me if I'm wrong) or has even closed. Pippas is one of the last old buildings in a sea of new residential developments, and must surely be living on borrowed time. If Hackney closes the UK will lose a significant facility.
Just so that there is no doubt, I have no financial or other interest in this except as a wrestler who appreciates what we have and wants to help and support the facilities in the UK as they are a vital part of the wrestling community. Since this is a matter of importance to wrestlers in London and the south east of England I hope Admin won't object to this post.
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hephaestion2014 (49)
07.4.2016 6:33As I was travelling through Battersea by train noticed there were advertising commercial units for sale or rent there. But guessing that area is expensive.
It seems a lot of my life is taken up by ignoring the book in my hand and staring out of train windows. So I'm always noticing industrial estates that seem to have garages/units free but not sure if facility wise or even pricing wise if they would ever be effective.
Torrnado (130)
07.4.2016 7:59(In antwoord hierop)
Good comment and one I have empathy with. However, one needs to consider how easy some of these place are to get to by public and private transport. The fact that these industrial units are next to a railway line does not mean the are very accessible. Worth looking into though.
duel action (17)
03.4.2016 23:53This is so important
There are very few mat rooms and even less those with a ring
We must collectively ensure that this very important venue is maintained
I will do my best to find a solution but we all need to put our 'thinking caps on'
All hands to the pump
More to come
Ironbull (96)
31.3.2016 19:29In the UK we are very fortunate to have a number of reliable venues. It's what makes the UK wrestling scene so vibrant and the envy of many other European countries.
One of those venues is Hackney. The owner has been running a commercial matroom there for many years and it's often used by members of this site, me included. The owner has now bought a full sized wrestling ring (presently in pieces in her garage) and is looking to expand.
A problem has arisen. The existing building where she is based is now being developed and it may be that the matroom loses it's place in the not too distant future. The owner is committed to providing these facilities long term, and is looking for another venue but so far without success. The London commercial property market is a difficult place for smaller traders especially those with specialist requirements.
This is where help is needed. If you are a wrestler in the UK, especially the south east, please keep your eyes peeled for possible properties. Here is what is needed.
1. At least 1,000 square feet but preferably more
2. Rental budget up to £2,000 per month. Deposit up to £8,000. A long lease is preferred so that the venue is secure.
3. Within the M25, east, south east London preferred. Central London is pretty much out of the question in these market conditions.
4. Served by good public transport links so that people from around the UK can easily access it on London public transport from the mainline stations.
5. Available parking
6. Scope to put in a shower
If a property can be found, there promises to be a really good new wrestling venue for us all so please shout if you think you know of a suitable place.
I understand Rochdale is closing (please correct me if I'm wrong) or has even closed. Pippas is one of the last old buildings in a sea of new residential developments, and must surely be living on borrowed time. If Hackney closes the UK will lose a significant facility.
Just so that there is no doubt, I have no financial or other interest in this except as a wrestler who appreciates what we have and wants to help and support the facilities in the UK as they are a vital part of the wrestling community. Since this is a matter of importance to wrestlers in London and the south east of England I hope Admin won't object to this post.
Torrnado (130)
04.4.2016 1:03(In antwoord hierop)
Why not try failed shops, garages and retail parks. Theyare cheaper than renting rooms in private properties.