I can see both sides of the issue. My only complaint is how barren the part of the country I live in is for real people so when I see a message I get excited that someone may be real, then I see it's just a digest of messages of the groups I read anyway.
I find it irritating that I read the petty complaints about getting emails LOL. Wow, not only is this site free, there are alot of things one can do, and not have to pay. So, to complain about a few emails in my opinion is really sad.
Since when does one message per day qualify as "Constant"? If you find that "incredibly annoying" then I'm afraid your annoyance threshold is too low. If I ate all the food in your fridge every day, that might be "incredibly annoying". (You could solve that by poisoning your food one day.)
There is a very good reason for these notifications. I want to turn the interest groups into places for real discussions and sharing photos and ideas, instead of glorified badges that sit at the bottom of your profile. If you find the discussions in some of your interest groups to be, well, uninteresting, then perhaps you do not want then after all. You can edit your interest group memberships by going to your group list, selecting one that you no longer want, and then "Leave this Interest Group" near the top of the page.
One other thing to consider is forum subscriptions. When you start a forum or post on one, you can choose to get subscribed, and then you will get notified as soon as there's a new post on that particular forum. You can disable these individually.
I magically started getting email notifications on my interest groups and it's just a ridiculous number of messages that I get about it. It's incredibly annoying. How do I turn this feature off? Do I have to block notifications or something?
I find this irritating too and emailed Admin who said they were automated and the only way to stop them is to leave the group. I've learnt to live with them :-)
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Kureitondesu (14 )
07.7.2015 0:45I can see both sides of the issue. My only complaint is how barren the part of the country I live in is for real people so when I see a message I get excited that someone may be real, then I see it's just a digest of messages of the groups I read anyway.
Kevin93 (14)
04.7.2015 22:46I find it irritating that I read the petty complaints about getting emails LOL. Wow, not only is this site free, there are alot of things one can do, and not have to pay. So, to complain about a few emails in my opinion is really sad.
01.7.2015 16:23Since when does one message per day qualify as "Constant"? If you find that "incredibly annoying" then I'm afraid your annoyance threshold is too low. If I ate all the food in your fridge every day, that might be "incredibly annoying". (You could solve that by poisoning your food one day.)
There is a very good reason for these notifications. I want to turn the interest groups into places for real discussions and sharing photos and ideas, instead of glorified badges that sit at the bottom of your profile. If you find the discussions in some of your interest groups to be, well, uninteresting, then perhaps you do not want then after all. You can edit your interest group memberships by going to your group list, selecting one that you no longer want, and then "Leave this Interest Group" near the top of the page.
One other thing to consider is forum subscriptions. When you start a forum or post on one, you can choose to get subscribed, and then you will get notified as soon as there's a new post on that particular forum. You can disable these individually.
hephaestion2014 (49)
01.7.2015 21:56(In antwoord hierop)
I do like them because it does make me more aware of activity in the groups. And have paid more attention to them than I usually had.
So one positive voice here!
bigchicago (68)
01.7.2015 6:47I magically started getting email notifications on my interest groups and it's just a ridiculous number of messages that I get about it. It's incredibly annoying. How do I turn this feature off? Do I have to block notifications or something?
Cobra7668 (12)
01.7.2015 15:28(In antwoord hierop)
I find this irritating too and emailed Admin who said they were automated and the only way to stop them is to leave the group. I've learnt to live with them :-)