Iain, mate, you have just gotta move lock, stock and barrel from SE23 to Manchester, mate! I'd kill for an opportunity like you provide. Either that or we need to nurture an Iggy Scott clone in Mancs/NW!
Can yer qet a qualification - like NVQ Level 3 in Pro Wrestlin? I have to admit tho that I do prefer sub but the curriculum you describe sounds mint!
We had our pro-style wrestling group meeting yesterday with an increase in the numbers coming along from last time. We had scheduled a 3 hour session but in the event it went to 4 hours and we were kept pretty busy throughout with the moves and holds and some well-tasty wrestling from the guys.
We are adopting the syllabus of the BRITISH WRESTLING COUNCIL ...
... as our overall guide to coaching and I'd recommend it to anybody who wants to start out wrestling in this terrific co-operative and entertainment and exhibitionist wrestling style. Wrestling promotions throughout England and Scotland and Wales are using it as the guide and common standard to training their tyro wrestlers.
In theory this would mean that if, as a gay want-to-be wrestler, you came to us for coaching you would not only learn a lot and have a great time into the bargain; but if you were to later decide to try to get into the pro-wrestling ring professionally then you could easily slot into the promotion of your choice. You would already have done the training and would know the moves you'd need to know. Just don't tell them you are gay though!!!
Anyway nobody here is looking at that option and we are running the pro-style group as professional Brit-Pro and Indy Wrestling is hugely popular among gay and bi guys.
Actually, if you wanted to do wrestling videos for the gay video production promotions then you could do no better than get trained in video-directed wrestling with us. We have no connection with any of them though so you'd have to search that option out on your own but being trained as an eager gay pro-style wrestler would help you out no end.
The group is still new so we are at the early stages of the syllabus and are well into the GRADE 1 ...
•Lock up
•Wrist lock
•Hammer lock
•Full nelson
•Waist lock
•Single leg take down
•Side break fall x 2
•Back break fall
•1 submission
•1 pin fall
... and GRADE 2 early parts ...
From lock up:
•Wrist lock
•Hammer lock
•Waist lock
•Head lock
•Full nelson
•Single leg take down
Reversals to:
•Wrist lock (1)
•Hammer lock (1)
•Waist lock (1)
•Head lock (1)
•Full nelson (1)
•All break falls and flip break fall
•Hip toss
•Waist lock take down
•2 submissions
•2 pin falls
... with GRADE 3 ...
From lock up:
•Roman knuckle lock
•Hammerlock x 2 techniques
From knuckle lock:
•2 holds
Reversals to:
•Wrist lock (x 2)
•Hammer lock (x 2)
•Waist lock (x 2)
•Full nelson (x 2)
•Arm drag
•Waist lock take down – full spin
•Break falls – all with full feed
•4 submissions
•4 pin falls
... starting at the next few monthly sessions.
The way we were doing our SPEEDO-WRESTLERS coaching was to combine Grade 1 and the early parts of Grade 2 into the same sessions. This meant we could coach them not just as isolated holds but immediately move into coaching them as live chains of moves. So in the first session the wrestlers were actually doing short skits of chained-together moves.
Guys were acting the 'heel' and 'jobber' roles and had to learn to 'sell' their wrestling actions to the rest of us (and the phantom audience and pretend camera). We all got good laughs out of our doing that initially but then as guys warmed to their roles and got better with the chains we started to see some really tasty wrestler aggro and heat with smoothly flowing fight action.
We demonstrated how you could signal your intentions to the other guy by using discrete hand gestures and direct position of arms and hands. Next session we'll be doing bouts were guys actually talk to one another during the bout - though this will be to demonstate a training point and just how you do that.
We also did the back-hammer switch and how to do it discrete but still selling the wrestling action. Not so easy was it guys? At least at first!!!
The proof of the training, as always, is in the wrestling! So we did some singles wrestling rounds and even did some tag-wrestling - all as pro-style. This is where it gets interesting and entertaining and guys were able to try out extended sessions of 'unscripted' wrestling. Initially it came over as a bit hammy but, again, as guys got comfortable with each and settled into the idea and using mainly the moves already taught it started to look really good. Facial expressions and almost-isometric muscle flexing and tensing while putting on the moves and a good bit of arm waving and hand gestures added hugely to the overall impression. Lots of grunt 'n groan!!!
We'll be having another group meeting in roughly a month but every week are meeting just for pro-wrestling bouts as individuals and also to hone things a bit from the group sessions. If you find weekends difficult then come along to the weekly sessions which are organised quite flexibly. Please contact me directly about this.
The cost of the group session (£10) gets you the weekly sessions as well. So, potentially, when you pay a tenner (either at a weekend or weekday evening session) you could come to up to five pro-style practice sessions in any one month - like £2 each or something.
We even set homework! To look the moves we have coached up on YouTube and then watch how the pro-wrestlers in the live rings do them. You'd see plenty of variants of full-nelsons, for example, and so on. At the moment I'm compiling a training CD of various clips for Grade 1 and 2 of the syllabus and it should be ready by the next group session.
If you want to join our growing group of pro-stylers please join us now while we are still in the early stages. Don't worry about catching up as we'll do stuff during the week so you'll be up to speed in no time. If you know guys not yet joined SPEEDO-WRESTLERS who'd be into this pro-wrestling action then please put them onto us. We need more varied weights and are looking for the light guys, the muscle guys and the heavy guys. If you prefer just performing one role - jobber or heel - then we'll do you for that as well but be prepared to be flexible during the training.
We all agreed that doing pro was harder than doing any other wrestling style as the knowledge requirements and the need to leave your ego outside the door were considerably greater.
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MancsMonkey (0)
13.9.2010 17:47Can u learn 'Speedo style' at Pros Wrestlers tho?
MancsMonkey (0)
13.9.2010 17:40Iain, mate, you have just gotta move lock, stock and barrel from SE23 to Manchester, mate! I'd kill for an opportunity like you provide. Either that or we need to nurture an Iggy Scott clone in Mancs/NW!
Can yer qet a qualification - like NVQ Level 3 in Pro Wrestlin? I have to admit tho that I do prefer sub but the curriculum you describe sounds mint!
iainscott 8 (45)
13.9.2010 11:38We had our pro-style wrestling group meeting yesterday with an increase in the numbers coming along from last time. We had scheduled a 3 hour session but in the event it went to 4 hours and we were kept pretty busy throughout with the moves and holds and some well-tasty wrestling from the guys.
We are adopting the syllabus of the BRITISH WRESTLING COUNCIL ...
... as our overall guide to coaching and I'd recommend it to anybody who wants to start out wrestling in this terrific co-operative and entertainment and exhibitionist wrestling style. Wrestling promotions throughout England and Scotland and Wales are using it as the guide and common standard to training their tyro wrestlers.
In theory this would mean that if, as a gay want-to-be wrestler, you came to us for coaching you would not only learn a lot and have a great time into the bargain; but if you were to later decide to try to get into the pro-wrestling ring professionally then you could easily slot into the promotion of your choice. You would already have done the training and would know the moves you'd need to know. Just don't tell them you are gay though!!!
Anyway nobody here is looking at that option and we are running the pro-style group as professional Brit-Pro and Indy Wrestling is hugely popular among gay and bi guys.
Actually, if you wanted to do wrestling videos for the gay video production promotions then you could do no better than get trained in video-directed wrestling with us. We have no connection with any of them though so you'd have to search that option out on your own but being trained as an eager gay pro-style wrestler would help you out no end.
The group is still new so we are at the early stages of the syllabus and are well into the GRADE 1 ...
•Lock up
•Wrist lock
•Hammer lock
•Full nelson
•Waist lock
•Single leg take down
•Side break fall x 2
•Back break fall
•1 submission
•1 pin fall
... and GRADE 2 early parts ...
From lock up:
•Wrist lock
•Hammer lock
•Waist lock
•Head lock
•Full nelson
•Single leg take down
Reversals to:
•Wrist lock (1)
•Hammer lock (1)
•Waist lock (1)
•Head lock (1)
•Full nelson (1)
•All break falls and flip break fall
•Hip toss
•Waist lock take down
•2 submissions
•2 pin falls
... with GRADE 3 ...
From lock up:
•Roman knuckle lock
•Hammerlock x 2 techniques
From knuckle lock:
•2 holds
Reversals to:
•Wrist lock (x 2)
•Hammer lock (x 2)
•Waist lock (x 2)
•Full nelson (x 2)
•Arm drag
•Waist lock take down – full spin
•Break falls – all with full feed
•4 submissions
•4 pin falls
... starting at the next few monthly sessions.
The way we were doing our SPEEDO-WRESTLERS coaching was to combine Grade 1 and the early parts of Grade 2 into the same sessions. This meant we could coach them not just as isolated holds but immediately move into coaching them as live chains of moves. So in the first session the wrestlers were actually doing short skits of chained-together moves.
Guys were acting the 'heel' and 'jobber' roles and had to learn to 'sell' their wrestling actions to the rest of us (and the phantom audience and pretend camera). We all got good laughs out of our doing that initially but then as guys warmed to their roles and got better with the chains we started to see some really tasty wrestler aggro and heat with smoothly flowing fight action.
We demonstrated how you could signal your intentions to the other guy by using discrete hand gestures and direct position of arms and hands. Next session we'll be doing bouts were guys actually talk to one another during the bout - though this will be to demonstate a training point and just how you do that.
We also did the back-hammer switch and how to do it discrete but still selling the wrestling action. Not so easy was it guys? At least at first!!!
The proof of the training, as always, is in the wrestling! So we did some singles wrestling rounds and even did some tag-wrestling - all as pro-style. This is where it gets interesting and entertaining and guys were able to try out extended sessions of 'unscripted' wrestling. Initially it came over as a bit hammy but, again, as guys got comfortable with each and settled into the idea and using mainly the moves already taught it started to look really good. Facial expressions and almost-isometric muscle flexing and tensing while putting on the moves and a good bit of arm waving and hand gestures added hugely to the overall impression. Lots of grunt 'n groan!!!
We'll be having another group meeting in roughly a month but every week are meeting just for pro-wrestling bouts as individuals and also to hone things a bit from the group sessions. If you find weekends difficult then come along to the weekly sessions which are organised quite flexibly. Please contact me directly about this.
The cost of the group session (£10) gets you the weekly sessions as well. So, potentially, when you pay a tenner (either at a weekend or weekday evening session) you could come to up to five pro-style practice sessions in any one month - like £2 each or something.
We even set homework! To look the moves we have coached up on YouTube and then watch how the pro-wrestlers in the live rings do them. You'd see plenty of variants of full-nelsons, for example, and so on. At the moment I'm compiling a training CD of various clips for Grade 1 and 2 of the syllabus and it should be ready by the next group session.
If you want to join our growing group of pro-stylers please join us now while we are still in the early stages. Don't worry about catching up as we'll do stuff during the week so you'll be up to speed in no time. If you know guys not yet joined SPEEDO-WRESTLERS who'd be into this pro-wrestling action then please put them onto us. We need more varied weights and are looking for the light guys, the muscle guys and the heavy guys. If you prefer just performing one role - jobber or heel - then we'll do you for that as well but be prepared to be flexible during the training.
We all agreed that doing pro was harder than doing any other wrestling style as the knowledge requirements and the need to leave your ego outside the door were considerably greater.
Pro-style! It fuckin' rocks!!!