"Letting" your opponent win

Muscle man (1)

17.10.2016 22:37

Being a machosist I love being beaten up so often let the other guy win


SileX (219)

11.10.2016 7:20

Hard to say without having seen the video, or the comments. A link would help.

Random thoughts:

  • Don't worry too much about comments on youtube.
  • Do what you and your opponent enjoy in your match. It's your match!
  • It happens now and then that I completely outclass my opponent. I sometimes let my opponent win a round or two even when I wrestle competitively just for the fun of it.

JasonFL (23)

11.10.2016 2:54

Recently saw a video where one guy was a much better wrestler than his opponent, and some comments on the video claimed that the superior wrestler should have let his opponent win some falls. In fact, even though they weren't doing pro, the comments said they needed to take "turns" being the "heel" and being the "jobber."

So should one "let" his opponent win some falls? Now I know in a true competitive match that usually you don't let your opponent win, but except for the few wrestlers doing tournaments, most aren't doing true competitive matches. But even in fun matches, I think most don't want to be pandered to by having his opponent throw the fall.

Except for give-and-take "matches", but as that type of match doesn't interest me (not judging anyone else's preferences; just stating mine) I can't speak to that.

Now the few times I've controlled the match, I've used the time to show my opponent some new holds and how he could make his holds more effective. And I know for myself, I never want to be "given" a fall; I want to earn all my falls myself.

But, I have heard that perhaps you are supposed to let your opponent win some falls and not take all the falls yourself.



hephaestion2014 (49)

15.10.2016 2:28

(In antwoord hierop)

From a different perspective, and again, this is just MY personal opinion.

As someone whose learning, I'll often be the one tapping more than making the other guy submit. I'm good with that, I'm learning.

I occasionally get annoyed or frustrated - not with my opponent having it all one way, but with myself. Not in a bad loser kind of way, but more "doh, I knew not to do that" way.

Personally I'd be more angry and insulted that if I was wrestling competitively and my opponent was letting me do anything.

I understand Kestrels point but that does describe more give and take, or maybe the opportunity after the competition is over to go over moves.

I'd be more insulted if someone let me win one or two. Yes, I appreciate wrestling down, but wrestling down makes it a more non competitive and more of an exercise in one refining technique and one learning it.

If I was wrestling fighterguy or someone else of that great calibre and I got a tap, I know I'm outclassed before even taking him on, and it'd feel hollow.

As for the comments on the videos, opinions are like arseholes, we all have them and rarely any thing good comes from them ;)


The Kestrel (47 )

11.10.2016 19:30

(In antwoord hierop)

There is no need give away anything, if you and your opponent are enjoying yourselves, then why bother changing it?

I can only really echo fighterguyy:

Let the haters hate

Keep it enjoyable

I also sometimes ease up in a match or let my opponent have a few subs on the very rare occasions where it has gone (unexpectedly) one sided. There are occasions where an opponent can become frustrated at taking a mauling which spoils the fun for me.

And it is good that you try to show your opponents how to improve, keep that up, they may well make a better match for you next time round 💪👍

Keep doing what you do, no need to cave in to peer pressure.

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