Minimum fight requirement?

jamesclarke1994 (8)

16.4.2014 13:50

I was on here for about 18 months before I got my first bout. As a student at college at the time it was difficult for me to plan the fact that I'm tryin to keep this wrestling malarkey away from my twin is very difficult. Hope to have some more matches with some of yous in the future


Miamigrappler (1)

06.1.2015 20:49

(In antwoord hierop)

Most of us have travel, career, and family ( str8, bi, or gay), and like any everyone in the rooms and on Meetfighters wrestling boxing or grappling needs to be planned in advanced, we don't live on the same street or city and or maybe country.
You will run into men... That are on a time clock that their machismo gets into the way to fight every man ! They blame the man that they want to fight for his work or family situation if the fight is not today... Plus they belittle there intended Fighter with "Childish" or crude insults....
I dont know when telling the wrestling world you wrestle who and with who with became popular but... I don't think a score card is necessary... In verbal cheap shots does nothing between wrestlers and makes this Venue a "kindergarten..."!
I have wrestled, grappled and box....for years.... From body builders to models to pro.... And what these punks or wannabes think they know about me or any other man who does not keep a score card ... They are wasted of time, and poor athletes ... Because they don't have the mindset of a athlete.... Cock balls and ass are not the rules of a wrestling!
I am not taking this out on you my friend..... Your skills in wrestling or any sport will come true as who teaches and instructs you! Gay friendships a a valuable too... As stereotypes and prejudices still exist .
As in any sport there are true athletes and jock minded guys. But dignity and respect are apart of any sport. I have been wrestling since I was a freshman in high school, continuing on in college and then in my working career found wrestling clubs and friends co workers who wrestle. Grappling came about 20 years ago for me and boxing about 15 years ago . I do not need to defend myself or my skills. I know my skills and how I can punish .... I consider myself as a novice and always open to learning, and both winning and submitting....
I am not a bragger nor need a award.... The sport of wrestling, boxing, and grappling give me the endurance and all three are apart of my gym and athletic structure.
Just be yourself and experience what your goals are not what some inexperienced fool expects of you... For their own ego or self satisfaction!
Good luck in all your fights.....


anathema1032 (1)

02.2.2015 20:33

(In antwoord hierop)

Couldn't agree more, those are the sort of guys who think that the drivel that they spout is the most important words you are ever going to hear.
Sorry I wrestle when I can IF I can and that's dependent on a lot of factors I am not going to jump straight up and rush to see you, it happens when and if it happens and we have our personal lives to consider and the protection of others in that may take precedence over the desire to wrestle, box etc


Ironbull (96)

02.2.2015 22:09

(In antwoord hierop)

Or maybe those who have no excuse not to wrestle migjt remember that a community requires input and participation. Maybe that's just the kind of person I am!


anathema1032 (1)

02.2.2015 23:13

(In antwoord hierop)

My view is if I make a commitment I will try and keep it, I've broken one commitment in 16 years due to a change in my circumstances on the day but I also tend not to make a commitment unless I am sure I am going to keep it
Random challenges bore me and I won't go into discussing a match up unless I know you and know what you like and wish to achieve from our meeting, anything else is foolish and wastes time for the both of us.
I had one guy in Ireland actually waste my time on 2 occasions and in the end He turned up on the third attempt for 10 minutes, in total that cost me with hotel and flights etc £1500 and now when he asks am I the answer is always going to be no, you had your chance and you blew it so yes I do udnerstand the frustration of those who believe that people can try harder but again it's RL and that fact is we have our fetish in wrestling but we don't live in wrestling


grappa50 (6)

28.1.2015 15:32

(In antwoord hierop)

cant agree more plus my wife would kill me if she thought i was wrestling again she hates any form of violence

me on the other hand lol


Dennis (1)

13.4.2014 17:49

used to have some local tough guys but they don't fight anymore and hard to find local opponents who don't just want to roll around. not able to travel and have been stood up more times than actually met guys.


grappa50 (6)

28.1.2015 15:34

(In antwoord hierop)

sincere good luck in our personal battle hope all goes well


wrestle13 (0)

06.11.2012 4:19

i can tell you from another point of view there are those who want to wrestle but are too shy or introverted to casually meet up for a match.... being a recluse i fall into that category... maybe someday i will find someone i will feel comfortable enough to enjoy a match with.. until then all i can do is remain in my house and continue looking and the occasional email...


Ironbull (96)

06.11.2012 21:04

(In antwoord hierop)

in which case can I entice you out f the house and on to the mats?


grappa50 (6)

28.1.2015 15:41

(In antwoord hierop)

not only shyness but god id if i met someone of your build i would be slaughtered its ok saying respect levels but what if you get there and they don't spare a thought for us little novices out there dying to dip our toes in the water but still anxious


wrestle13 (0)

07.11.2012 20:44

(In antwoord hierop)

you just might be able to if you weren't a continent away :)


Ironbull (96)

07.11.2012 20:45

(In antwoord hierop)

you never know....


Ironbull (96)

05.11.2012 9:59

I had in mind members who have been members for months and into years and are often on the site but never meet anyone. This site differs from most others by applying recommendations and other means of ensuring that it is a site for participating fighters of all levels.

I agree that there are people whose geographical location makes it difficult to meet often but those guys will surely find a way to meet one member in the space of 12 months if they really do love to wrestle.

I also think that some new members are nervous about taking the plunge and so the more experienced members ought to be reaching out to them to get them started and build their confidence.

In the UK in particular there are numerous open events every year, several commercially available matrooms (and cheap hotels nearby) and probably 200+ wrestlers who can host or travel.

This is not meant in a spirit of harshness but rather to promote the actual experience of wrestling and fighting and to bring people off the sidelines and into the action


FairMatch (0)

03.11.2012 16:12

I originally joined the site out of curiosity about wrestling as a way of getting fitter and how I would do in a match. Concerns about the fact that I would be a disappointing match for anyone due to the fact that I have limited upper body strength combined with the fact that I would prefer no injuries (hospitals are not my favourite places) resulted in me always talking myself out of trying.

Now that I have started Judo I find that there are areas I definitely need to work at. For example, my groundwork (pinning, escaping from pins, etc). I have received a lot of great advice from people on here regarding technique, etc. Although I would like to have the opportunity to practice these I find myself going back to my original concerns.

I don’t know if others have the same concerns.



Andyman (1)

03.11.2012 16:42

(In antwoord hierop)

Whilst I understand your concerns I think you underestimate the willingness of most members, especially those with age and experience, to adapt to the needs and requirements of their opponent/partners. If you are honest and staightforward and tell people in advance what u are looking for most people will let u know if they can help you. In addition, try going to the group meets where u can" try before u buy". Hope that helps a bit Andy.


anathema1032 (1)

02.2.2015 20:38

(In antwoord hierop)

A good opponent will help you in your match, they can show you new moves and they will treat you with respect, you are giving them your body in a match and the first concern of all those involved is always safety
Conversely a bad opponent will not care and may injure you in order to prove their non existent credentials as a "bad ass" and sadly you do get guys like that who's status is in their own minds only


Ironbull (96)

26.10.2012 14:26

There is a quid pro quo to this which is that experienced wrestlers should reach out to newcomers and help them into it.

I suppose if someone is open about bein a spectator only then that is fair enough


grappa50 (6)

28.1.2015 15:29

(In antwoord hierop)

actually getting full use of this site isn't easy people cant always put pics on straight away and i agree with others the in the uk meets are varied mainly london or midlands further north less takers and certainly no facilities so be patient with us and what's the harm in spectators its the guy who arrange meets the dont turn up who should be susended


wr25 (8)

26.10.2012 16:56

(In antwoord hierop)

I think it should be decided between the people interested in meeting up. Removing or suspending someone is kind of harsh and frankly not something one should be worried about unless there profiles that are abusive in some form. People are adults here and can communicate with each other without being watched over so much by individuals. I do not have many meet ups from here but have wrestled numerous guys from other sites/boards and we go through each others email and texting, so adding matches on here is not necessarily something I think about. But perhaps I should pat more attention to it as I can see it can be helpful to others.


DaveLon (2)

26.10.2012 14:22

Well as a spectator myself I wouldn't want people suspended for that but there is certainly a problem when guys are not honest about what it is they actually want!


Ironbull (96)

26.10.2012 12:45

I sometimes think that a member who has no fights in any 12 months should be challenged and even asked to remove/suspend his profile as he is either resting, injured, fake or a spectator.

I thought this after chatting with a member and then realising he has been a member for nearly 4 years and has had no opponents at all.

What do others think?


anathema1032 (1)

02.2.2015 22:01

(In antwoord hierop)

Maybe the question has to be asked why are you here if you can't find a match over a 4 year time period?
Cyber warrior possibly, fake maybe or just someone who sits at their keyboard typing with one hand and tugging with the other is a possibility.
I think you have to use your judgment and ask as many questions as you feel is needed to get a gut feeling on them and simply if you don't like the feedback you are getting from them it's easier to just walk away and chalk it up to experience


wrestling1984 (37)

04.11.2012 23:49

(In antwoord hierop)

In answer of IronbullUK's post:

There are guys in this website who love to wrestle, but they live off the beaten trucks, so the opportunity to find opponents is a small.

Secondly, if somebody rematch his past opponents year round and train in a wrestling/ BJJ club, but don't meet new opponents within an year should he be suspended?

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