Pippas closing?

latestarter (74 )

24.1.2020 23:20

the last meet is scheduled for Sat June 20th (see events page) It would be great to have a big turn out (possibly followed by a meal etc afterwards). I am considering asking Pippa if there is any availability on the Sunday to make a weekend of it. Any thoughts?


Ironbull (96)

25.1.2020 8:20

(In antwoord hierop)

Maybe rebrand it on the events page? It's a big and rather sad day


latestarter (74 )

27.1.2020 22:17

(In antwoord hierop)

was waiting to hear how Pippa was getting on with a new place before deciding whether we would be saying goodbye to just Pollard St E or to Manchester.
Will certainly update as I hear anything
Will add info on the events page and also as a blog


bogeyedmonk (1 )

23.1.2020 20:53

I spoke with Pippa 2 weeks ago. Yes, its true. Land lord slamming up the rent and wont repair anything. She is looking for something else, but fears its probably going to be on a smaller scale than she currently has


Ironbull (96)

23.1.2020 21:09

(In antwoord hierop)

Will there be a closing party?


DenverWrestler (887)

20.1.2020 16:45

That is a real shame – I've always looked forward to attending the meets there on my UK visits. Hopefully a few extra meets can be scheduled there before the closing?


Merseywrestle (60 )

11.1.2020 14:56

Hope she finds something as it would be a shame not to have a venue like Pippa's in the northwest.


matworker (95 )

11.1.2020 9:49

She is looking for a new place and has told us not to panic.
I'm sure that she will look after us and hopefully it will be much better for us.
It's a case of watch this space at the moment.
Not totally unexpected but there's still hope 🙂


Ironbull (96)

10.1.2020 18:09

I am told that Pippas is closing in June. I can't say I am completely surprised because so much development is going on close to the building. But is this news or speculation? Does anyone know?

End of an era if it is true....


Squashlad (245 )

11.1.2020 18:26

(In antwoord hierop)

Unfortunately it is true but she is looking for a replacement venue.


hephaestion2014 (49)

12.1.2020 17:47

(In antwoord hierop)

It will be sad when it goes. So many good memories and have met so many great people there. Good times.

I shall miss the butterflies in my stomach as I rode the tram into Holt Town.

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