Read the profile first!

munichsubfight (184)

30.10.2016 20:44

Usually I just send a canned message saying:

Thanks for your challenge!
However, I have no travel plans to your region.
If your paths lead near me someday, feel free to write me!

...not much work at all, it shows the guy that his challenge is pointless, and I keep a door open for that one guy who´s just too shy(*) to write a full message about his travel plans in the first case...

Also: Planning a travel and writing dozens over dozens of full messages to get a handful of wrestling is a lot of work. Been there, done that - and it was totally worth the effort, thanks MeetFighters for making this possible at all!
But when time gets short I just send out challenges and hope the other guy will see there are more than one location mentioned in my profile when I´m gonna travel to his region... So make that (*) "or too busy";-)


SileX (219)

27.10.2016 13:35

You do realize that the same people who ignore your profile will be the ones who will also not read your poorly written rant here? :P


Boundspik (0)

27.10.2016 13:25

Thanks guys yeah sadly clearly some guys are just too keen to look at the pics first then look at the information -


Squashlad (245 )

27.10.2016 18:41

(In antwoord hierop)

No doubt true; but just treat it as a compliment that you've got great profile pics!


Tynesider (82)

30.10.2016 9:54

(In antwoord hierop)

I think most on here will agree that to put "no challenges" on your profile is a total waste of time. Been there...

I wonder if the men that ignore it are having a mild joke?


hephaestion2014 (49)

31.10.2016 0:45

(In antwoord hierop)

Have to admit there's a mischievous part of me that reads "no challenges" and wants to send one ... as some of you may realise :)

Okay, yeah a challenge is a kind of "over to you" type of gesture

But one you can easily with the minimum of fuss ignore, or let the spirit of adventure take hold and engage.

You're having to log on and read a message. Minimum effort and it might lead somewhere, it probably won't but in all the things in the world it doesn't feel to me that much of a hardship and inconvenience.

Soak up that attention whilst you can :)


Boundspik (0)

30.10.2016 12:19

(In antwoord hierop)

There is poking or messaging to see if anyone wants to meet up but sending challenges for no reason from guys not even in the same country seems pointless


Tynesider (82)

30.10.2016 19:43

(In antwoord hierop)

I have started to just delete such messages. It feels wrong to do that but if the man can't even be bothered to read the few words on my profile he doesn't deserve to be treated decently.


Vpower (17 )

27.10.2016 10:58

Had a few people asking me if I like boxing or gutpunches...

My profile says I dislike punches and kicks... x)


Boundspik (0)

24.10.2016 23:42

Having re-joined the site after a break I made it very clear on my profile for folk NOT to send me challenge request's sadly there are quite a few guys out there who seem to look at the pics first then send request's without having read the profile.

A few have sent requests and then said sorry maybe having then had a read personally speaking I wish in all honesty I could remove the challenge section for the site altogether,


Belligerent (15 )

27.10.2016 9:33

(In antwoord hierop)

I agree. This is exactly the experience I've had.

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