Robert England

Churd (78 )

07.7.2014 20:31

I know that Robert is running a wrestle meet in Mahchester for his 50th Birthday.

On Saturday August 2nd I am hosting an afternoon tea for him and Richard down south at SPFWC HQ. All are welcome to come along.

I have posted the event and details on here. Please take a look and add your name if you want to come along and say hi!

I first met Robert many, many years ago and he has attended may Open House meets. Always happy to teach and always keen to learn. He has been a very important part of SPFWC and I thank him for all that he has done.

He's not just another wrestler but he and Richard have become close personal friends to my partner and I.

He is a 'one off'!

Richard (Churd) x


Supersized Man (3)

31.10.2014 21:36

(In antwoord hierop)

Robert is one HOT wrestler! he would be a dream opponent for me!


wanna roll (3)

08.7.2014 20:27

(In antwoord hierop)

Robert is a great guy, totally one of a kind. He generously gave me some practice training at his place and has always been so encouraging. Would be great to stop by and say 'Hi' as he is down this way. Great idea to offer this opportunity.


Midlands guy (7)

07.7.2014 21:54

(In antwoord hierop)

A "one off" indeed! The last time I replied to this thread I had yet to meet Rob England. Because I work full time and care for an aged father travelling long distances is a problem. A few weeks ago Rob came down from up north to visit me in the Black Country. In my wildest dreams I never expected anyone to put themselves out like Rob has done for me.
A talented 'natural' wrestler and a gentleman as well. Many thanks my friend have many more happy birthdays!


photoroger (0)

07.7.2014 3:34

rob is a man who gives to people without asking for reward.i have the greatest respect for the man.i have watched him giving good sensible advice to lads new to wrestling & photographed him so many times at the Wrestle Factory & my studio.the best of English.


hephaestion2014 (49)

23.6.2014 1:15

Think I started wrestling too late.

Everyone I speak to has nothing but praise for this man. Have caught a clip of him wrestling on YouTube and can see that his great reputation is deserved. Like wow!

I know this is a thread to talk about the recommendations of the people who met him. But as someone who only knows him by legend, I just felt that had to say that those of us who have never met him, we missed out mateys.



22.6.2014 18:41

Rob is a true gentleman and our site is the poorer for his leaving. His generosity in giving of his time and the mats in his home is matched only by the skill and kindness he shows in training wrestlers at all levels from beginner to advanced and his popularity is well-earned. I am always pleased to meet and chat with him or watch him coach someone - his skill and wrestling etiquette shows how it should be done. A deservedly popular guy, he earns respects and friends wherever there are mats to be found.


Sturdy (31)

15.2.2014 14:18

It is a tragedy that all those recommendations have been lost, they were a real testament to him.

It would be great if people could add comments to his new site - - maybe we can get some of them back for him.


hugefan (78)

15.2.2014 9:24

Robert is a legend. I don't really know the full story as why he needed to leave here but the site is a poorer place without him - I wrote a book when we met so delighted to find its still in my outbox and I can repost it here -

With 112 recommendations, what can I find to say about the legend that is Robert England. Firstly he is not the actor who played Freddy Krueger. Secondly he is not a mad axeman. Having arrived on Friday evening at his place, being greedy i asked if we could wrestle, hardly had the words left my mouth and he was in his speedos. We decided to have a go so that he could see what I could do before he would give me some tips. The best analogy of our wrestling prowess, even though I hate football, is Barnsley taking on Arsenal, unfortunately the geography in this case was reversed and I was most definitely Barnsley or perhaps Accrington Stanley. After Robert made me tap about twenty times in ten minutes there was only one option available - distraction technique. Fortunately Robert enjoys a little bit of nipple attention so I was able to get his attention off breaking my arms and throttling me and instead do a passing impersonation of someone whose arms and legs became available for me to try out some of my alternative moves on. After which he fed me with some delicious food. have I mentioned what a great host he is yet?

Saturday was teaching day, when Robert taught me how to fight like a dinosaur, this he promised was not because that is what I resemble but because keeping your arms close and your legs wide is the best tactic. Learning from the master I successfully managed to keep him at bay for twice as long, it took him at least 2 minutes now to get me squealing like a girl. Robert is incredibly strong, i won't say for his size, he is just incredibly strong and knows how to use his very fit body to great effect. Having learnt as much as a dinosaur brain can absorb in one morning I felt it was important that his nipples were reminded they were there. From the noises this created I feel nipple memory was restored. Then off to the pant pooing prospect of a tag team match with Mark and Jay. What a treat (and I don't just mean seeing Jay in the flesh) It was great wrestling guys who really know what they are doing but nearly as good was watching them. Saturday evening - more great food. Sunday morning - wrestle with one of Roberts mates then a bit more practice with Robert. As someone who is generally wiped out by a weekly wrestle, a weekend of wrestling was taking its toll on the old dinosaur bones, so it was important to rapidly move on to nipple attention.

I don't want anyone to get the impression that my only reason for wrestling is to get my hands on nipples, that is only a happy by product when my opponent is willing. Wrestling with Robert was fantastic and I learnt loads which I forgot by the time my train got into London but I had a fantastic weekend. Robert is an amazingly welcoming guy, very hot, he can talk for England but not in a bad way, he is charming and funny and if you do get the chance to meet him before he semi-retires grab it with both hands (but don't grab his nipples those are mine ha ha)

hugefan read New recommendation on your profile 29/9/2013 19:26 Delete

With 112 recommendations, what can I find to say about the legend that is Robert England. Firstly he is not the actor who played Freddy Krueger. Secondly he is not a mad axeman. Having arrived on Friday evening at his place, bein greedy i asked if we could wrestle, hardly had the words left my mouth and he was in his speedos. We decided to have a go so that he could see what I could do before he would give me some tips. The best analogy of our wrestling prowess, even though I hate football, is Barnsley taking on Arsenal, unfortunately the geography in this case was reversed and I was most definitely Barnsley or perhaps Accrington Stanley. After Robert made me tap about twenty times in ten minutes there was only one option available - distraction technique. Fortunately Robert enjoys a little bit of nipple attention so I was able to get his attention off breaking my arms and throttling me and instead do a passing impersonation of someone whose arms and legs became available for me to try out some of my alternative moves on. After which he fed me with some delicious food. have I mentioned what a great host he is yet?

Saturday was teaching day, when Robert taught me how to fight like a dinosaur, this he promised was not because that is what I resemble but because keeping your arms close and your legs wide is the best tactic. Learning from the master I successfully managed to keep him at bay for twice as long, it took him at least 2 minutes now to get me squealing like a girl. Robert is incredibly strong, i won't say for his size, he is just incredibly strong and knows how to use his very fit body to great effect. Having learnt as much as a dinosaur brain can absorb in one morning I felt it was important that his nipples were reminded they were there. From the noises this created I feel nipple memory was restored. Then off to the pant pooing prospect of a tag team match with Mark and Jay. What a treat (and I don't just mean seeing Jay in the flesh) It was great wrestling guys who really know what they are doing but nearly as good was watching them. Saturday evening - more great food. Sunday morning - wrestle with one of Roberts mate then a bit more practice with Robert. As someone who is generally wiped out by a weekly wrestle, a weekend of wrestling was taking its toll on the old dinosaur bones, so it was important to rapidly move on to nipple attention.

I don't want anyone to get the impression that my only reason for wrestling is to get my hands on nipples, that is only a happy by product when my opponent is willing. Wrestling with Robert was fantastic and I learnt loads which I forgot by the time my train got into London but had a fantastic weekend. Robert is an amazingly welcoming guy, he can talk for England but not in a bad way, he is charming and funny and if you do get the chance to meet him before he semi-retires grab it with both hands (but don't grab his nipples those are mine ha ha)


Sturdy (31)

10.2.2014 10:46

Sturdy (31)

06.2.2014 19:24

I have added a Comments page to the site, so you can leave your recommendations there easily.

If anyone has any photos of Rob wrestling please send them to me, I will add them to the gallery (be sure that anyone else who appears in the pics is happy for their face to be seen, as the site is totally open. I can very easily blur out faces)

Email photos to me at:



Sturdy (31)

06.2.2014 3:44

I have started building a website for Robert. It is VERY MUCH a work in progress!

PLEASE SEND ME YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS. If you wrestled Robert and had a recommendation on his profile here, please send me the text of that recommendation (or what you can remember of it, or just make up a new one). I will add it to the site with a link to your profile here on MF.




Sturdy (31)

26.1.2014 20:23

If anyone wants to contact Robert just send me a private message, I will pass your details on to him.


tricky (16)

11.2.2014 23:03

(In antwoord hierop)

HI Sturdy - have just seen your comments about Rob. Is he OK? I hope nothing serious has happened to him.
I first met him at a meet at Long Eaton in 2005 and was fortunate to wrestle him at his place last year. You can see a couple of the photos in my gallery pics. I seem to have lost the recommendations from my page - I assume because he has left. We had talked about meeting again before his 50th and I would still like to do so - if he is still wrestling. What a top notch guy - the perfect host and so considerate to a virtual novice such as myself. Please pass this on and I wish him well.


Sturdy (31)

11.2.2014 23:16

(In antwoord hierop)

Hi tricky, Robert is fine. His 50th event is still going ahead:

You can leave a recommendation on his new website:


wanna roll (3)

26.1.2014 10:14

Rob is a top bloke. I had the pleasure and privilege of meeting him last year. He is a fantastic wrestler but also a great and inspirational teacher. I am sorry he has left the site and that is a big loss. Hope find another way to keep in touch.


Midlands guy (7)

26.1.2014 11:29

(In antwoord hierop)

I have yet to meet Rob England but have spoken and exchanged messages with him many times. I have always found him to be very helpful and encouraging to the nervous novice. I am aware of many others who are grateful for his training , his time and accommodation over many years. This site has now apparently over 8000 members but can it afford to lose just one like Robert England?


Mark uk (293)

25.1.2014 22:52

I met Robert in a tag match the end of 2013 with hugefan against me and jay219. awesome guy and a real gentlemen. Sad to see him go but wish him all the very best. hope to make his birthday bash


Andyman (1)

24.1.2014 19:46

Very sad to see Rob go. He and I have been friends for longer than I care to remember. A nice guy and a fab mate. Andy


Sturdy (31)

23.1.2014 22:09

Turning 50 will do NOTHING to slow him down!


matworker (94 )

23.1.2014 20:50

Robert is a good friend and it is so sad that he has had to leave this site. I totally understand his reasons for not wanting to return.

He is a very generous person and has opened his home to so many wrestlers. I'm sure all who know him will appreciate how much he has done for the worldwide wrestling community.

He had organised a 50th Birthday Event on here but it has been deleted so he's asked me to repost it for him which I am very happy to do. Here's the link to the event

He may be gone from this site but he is not out of action.

(Sorry for the double post, I'm not sure why it happened and I can only edit this one)


matworker (94 )

23.1.2014 20:32

Robert is a good friend and it is so sad that he has had to leave this site. I totally understand his reasons for not wanting to return.

He is a very generous person and has opened his home to so many wrestlers. I'm sure all who know him will appreciate how much he has done for the worldwide wrestling community.

He had organised a 50th Birthday Event on here but it has been deleted so he's asked me to repost it for him which I am very happy to do. Here's the link to the event

He may be gone from this site but he is not out of action.


Maximus (12)

23.1.2014 16:38

Sorry to hear that Rob has left I knew he had been talking about it for sometime. Like a lot of people on here I have been fortunate to know Rob and have wrestled him on several occasions. He has been a marvellous ambassador to wrestling especially to those starting out with helpful tips and training, also the offer to loads of people to stay over and use his Matroom in the attic which for many is one of the biggest problems especially in South & West Yorkshire.

So I would very much like to wish him all the very best for the future and hope to meet up again sometime. Thanks for everything Rob.


Sturdy (31)

23.1.2014 11:04

Robert has recently left this website. If anyone wants to contact him, I will pass your details on to him.


Andy Cage (30)

23.1.2014 13:36

(In antwoord hierop)

My first experience of sub wrestling///jobber role was at Robs and I will always be grateful for that. I am lucky to live fairly close so I still enjoy regular meets at his and hope to for some time. I have and continue to find Rob a true gentleman both on and off the mats and his wealth of knowledge should be bottled and sold! I often turn to rob when seeking advice about potential new opponents and his opinions are appreciated. I have gained a regular wrestling opponent and also a friend. Thanks Rob

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