I know this is a bit of a local isue but this fella has done many favours for guys outside of th NW and Britain. I have never wrestled Roger but wish I had. This guy is a true gent and a major figure in Manchester (NW) wrestle events. However, I want to recommend him not just as a lovely guy who is easy to talk to but for his services to us lads in the gay/bi wrestle community. Many a photo on this site is courtesy of Roger's expertise and generosity. His expertise in photography and puttin together DVDs is awesome - knows how to capture both the erotics and technicalites of the sport. There is a spare plinth in Trafalgar Sq and we need to get together a petition to get a statue NOW of this guy on it for services to the gay/bi wrestle community.
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MancsMonkey (0)
13.8.2010 16:09I know this is a bit of a local isue but this fella has done many favours for guys outside of th NW and Britain. I have never wrestled Roger but wish I had. This guy is a true gent and a major figure in Manchester (NW) wrestle events. However, I want to recommend him not just as a lovely guy who is easy to talk to but for his services to us lads in the gay/bi wrestle community. Many a photo on this site is courtesy of Roger's expertise and generosity. His expertise in photography and puttin together DVDs is awesome - knows how to capture both the erotics and technicalites of the sport. There is a spare plinth in Trafalgar Sq and we need to get together a petition to get a statue NOW of this guy on it for services to the gay/bi wrestle community.