Guys, this thread has now gone way past civil discourse and is now a nasty flamewar. As per the terms of service, I declare this thread officially over.
Sorry Paul(mancsmonkey) but if you do not read the posts correctly then i am sorry to have to inform you that you are being ignorant,puerile, and rude and should stop making unfounded accusations against any of the guys you clearly think have abused you. At no point has anyone ever Threatened you with physical violence on recon that i am aware of!!!. You have as i said in my earlier post been ridiculed for your obscene comments towards Simon made in main chat.
In a court of Law not one point of what you have posted would stand as it is all here say!!1.
The place this conversation should have been had is on recon, it has no place being taken from one site to another.
My first post in reply to yours is long and it carefully points out that there has never been any threats of physical violence made against you by anyone on recon. It also points out all different wrestling and fighting techniques.
I suggest to you that you stop your negative puerile campaign of hatred against guys who use all sites to get fights or wrestling matches. In fact i am led to think you are attention seeking now or just like to see your name getting all the attention.
By the way my train tickets are already booked and paid for and i will be at the event in Manchester. So i would most appreciate it if you stopped your accusations and grew up and acted like an adult yourself. I bare no malice towards you at all for all that you have done and finally i would suggest you grow up and behave in an adult manner and learn to take the trash talking as you are only to good at kicking it off yourself.
my status has nothing to do with this and what simon said i forgive cos im the one who lives with it everyday do you? no ! so shut the fuck up and get on with your sAD LIFE I FIND YOU TOTALLY OFFENSIVE !!!!
1st, ask the person what i said about hiv and aids, he will give you the answer....
2nd.... im contacting the other site for a complete transaction, off every word said in either open chat rooms and private messages, as not sure if you are aware they have to by law keep a copy off it for upto 12 months.
4TH you have to be a good liar to remember what you said, and having 2 idenities on another site makes you a not true, so which one are you BIZAR..
5Th.. who ever your moles are will be exposed as once i instruct my legal team now with proceedings against you, first thing in the morning back home we will see then who said what which why...
I couldnt be bothered to read that last message in full. But, I never mentioned anyone's parents. This is a new Walter Mitty departure. Maybe it was one of the many others that even you said have blocked you on that site?
The bottom line is that we weren't friendly when you three made the threats. Like I said, I never saw them. I was told threats were made. I kind of had to take them seriously. What would you do? And now the response is to try and turn it back on me? "We never meant it. It was all a big joke." (Who's laughing now) "U are just being paranoid and don't understand the scene." Well that must include the 2 experienced guys who felt they had to forewarn me.
I think all three of you have underlined the points I've made. Again, if any of u turn up on 12th or at any other time, u know that u will have to behave. Let's just stay away from each other.
Lets get the facts st8 ere, so all can make up there own mind, without you playing the poor poor poor me card.
Who was the one, who came in the other chat room on another site, and soon you came in was ta ave a pop at me about my job..I.E wot Tie Rack at wot airport in the world you working in today.
Everyday everytime you entered the room was same old tiresome remark daily, don't you think i've na heard it a million times before, never once did i say anything about your job etc etc etc, because i don't know what you do.
You even took things personell then 2 me.
By all means have a pop at me im big enuf to take it, but don't even have a go at my parents like you did, and you know you did, why i went back at you.
I know i sware, but for god sake so do 99.9% off the world 2, if it offends you then move on.
I understand you blocked me full stop, na bovered ere, but 2 go and block the guys who spoke to me in another room how childish that is, and to come up with excuse after excuse they did this that and other.
NO ONE ever made threats to you not while i was in room, NO ONE.
Regarding score to settle, i made that remark if i could get to the meet in Feb, but that score was to settle with Andy, and no one else, and reason why said if i can get there, is because im away working, so that score was not for you at all.
So who ever your little mole is on another chat room, please tell them get the facts correct, and pass the correct information over to you.
So to sum this all up guys and for anyone to make there own mind up ok, Mancs Monkey, started all this rubbish in the other site, daily, at the end the day we are all big enuf to dish it out, but he is not big enuf to take it back PERIOD. If you got the bottle to dish it then take it, thats called BANTER. tis a fact of life.
Mancs i have never been interested in fighting you, never have and never will, did tell you in the very begining, but thibk you took offence to it, what they say a refusel often offends, beacuse after that the verbal started from you.
You have a very short memory don't you! very very short. so before you keep playing the poor poor poor me card, on here and anywhere else, PLEASE HAVE A VERY GOOD LOOK CLOSE TO HOME !
Beacuase you are the one no one else who is taking it from site to site and bad mouthing everyone there, not one else is but you, you STARTED it on "RECON" now you are on here 2! people from ere and anywhere else are only answering back to questions that you are bringing up everywhere.
I am wondering if you are looking for major attention, everywhere you go, to be the most talked about guy anywhere, and play the same old sob card here and try my luck to get everyone on your side.. well if thats your game it's a sad sad sad life you lead...
And finally, i must ask this question?
So there you go guys the truth, but hey ho, guess within 5 mins ere there will be a post from him slagging me off and everything i have said ere, but this is the truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... only reason i joined on here was so can post a comment back to this rubbish he is spouting about all... thanks for your time
Oh for God's sake. 46? Sure. It's almost as good a joke as Andy's long speech below. This was not a joke that I just didn't get. The 3 of u took beyond that and you know it. I am not laughing. I am not paranoid and neither were the two who informed me of your little pantomime. Simple as that. I really don't want to be bothered with any of you. Now let's call it day eh?
Tintin. I would never dream of fancying you. In fact, that would be a nightmare. I blocked the three of you because of your continued aggression. There was one occasion when you joined in with the abuse and then in the next breath whispered that you thought I was a nice guy. Make your mind up. Are going to lie about that as well? I know what I saw and I know what I was told. The vendetta is not mine. I've not issued any threats so havent resorted to playground tactics. So, like I've been asking, let's just keep a distance. One thing's for sure, if any you turn up, you'll just now have to behave in grown-up company.
I suppose you've outed yourself now. But there is a difference between trash talk and the threats that were reported to me, so please don't patronise, lie or cover up. Incidentally, I am more into submission style. And I know whose words I trust more. I don't follow the logic of "How's Tie Rack" a mortal insult to somebody you have described as childish and over-sensitive. There is a difference between that and a volley of abuse that involved "cunt" to someone yr friend has never met. All a bit community care. But u don't do logic when u bizarrely blame me for somebody becoming homeless. So lightening up is not something you should tell others to do. All I wanted was for you to keep away. I think publicising it in this way without naming you will achieve the desired effect.
Mancsmonkey: man you need to realise when you are being trash talked. Pro-style wrestling is full of nothing but lighthearted and sometimes not so lighthearted versions of trash talk.
Obviously once you have been in the game as long as some of the rest of us have, you will learn to understand that it is all banter and not to be taken serious as you seem to be doing.
Your version of petty disagreement was actually a degrading insult to the said person.An apology to the said person would have stopped it from going any further. At no time from what i have seen have you been physically threatened by anyone of them,but you have been given a good written trash talking. Slang words commonly used are words like knob head, dick head,cock sucker, it lump it they are all part of life today.
One comment that was made while you were not in chat was that it would be good to see a certain guy from recon who is now working in J/burg and Capetown being back over in time to come to the event in Manchester, was that it would be good to make the monkey Squeal by swinging him from his tail as in the match i had with you, you seemed to enjoy a good amount of trash talking and cock and ball abuse.
If you choose to block or put someone on ignore and they don't do the same to you then you should realise that they can see all the comments that you make about them as well.
Pro-style wrestling which is obviously all your into survives on Trash Talk and should be kept that way as it is fun to do,it also makes good reading on a chat line when
two horny studs going at it all out with verbal trash.
I agree with Den by the way that you should lighten up , realise that you are being had and take it all a lot less serious as it is all banter. What goes on in whispers to one another has no place in being brought out into the open as it is private.
It also appears that you don't understand the different forms of wrestling and grappling,I will be only to happy to give you a run down on these. W.O.S Wrestling/Brit-pro lighthearted pretty much acted out wrestling where you get your opponent into lightly held wrestling holds normally won by 2 submissions,2 pin falls or a k.o in good old fashioned fun style wrestling.
pro-mission : A mix of brit pro style wrestling and submission wrestling where and according to what rules are agreed in advance, you can apply all holds bars and chokes till your opponent submits. this can be fought over either a stated amount of rounds or until one is technically k.o'd or retires from exhaustion.
Submission : Fought over an agreed number of round or until one taps out in a hold, bar or choke.these can also be fought multiple submission in a non stop match. Winner being declared by the highest amount of submissions or by TKO or retirement. This can also include wrestling with body punching allowed but no facial contact.
NHB, NO HOLDS BARRED. a match where all forms of fighting and wrestling are combined.Can include blows to the head and face as well as Any part of the body.These fights tend to be for the more experienced guys and frequently fought by the younger generation.Can be fought either in mma fight gloves or bareknuckle. all kicks, knees elbow strikes and punches allowed. fights normally one by a tap out, submission, tko, or ko.
MMA/ufc semi and pro Style fighting. A mix of submission Grappling, kicking to both head and body, punching to both head and body,All bars, chokes ,and submission holds allowed with the exemption of eye gouging. Fights tend to be blooded , risks of cracked ribs, noses and dislocated joints where an opponent doesn't tap out. Fights normally won by tap out, tko.or ko. Fought in 2-5 minute rounds.
Pankration:As fought by the Spartans in arenas. Sadly basically an illegal form of fighting in the uk but it is still fought in private in outdoor fights and in some garages and warehouses. These are fought naked normally or in a loin cloth only. every part of the body including cock and balls, face all head strikes included.a mix of kicking, kneeing, elbowing,punching, choking including the dreaded straight finger choke allowed and can also be fought using weapons. In spartan times these were fights to death, now finish with a knock out only. No submissions are allowed and only breaks for water are allowed.
your last comment fighting/wrestling style is up to the individuals who will have made there rules in advance for the style of match they want to have.
So Mancsy baby, please lighten up and enjoy the banter and trash talk, FFS, you used plenty of it yourself when we were arranging our match at Manchester in December.
The open wrestle group at Manchester is great fun and full of wrestlers and fighters of all ages and experience, A great place for one and all to learn holds escapes moves from one another whether it be in one of the private matrooms or the mats in front of the ring or the ring itself. The whole wrestling /fighting scene is fun and in general is full of good guys that enjoy nothing better than getting together and testing each other out on the mats in the domination game. what you have to remember is what one fighter/wrestler likes may not be another wrestle/fighters cup of tea. But by chatting openly or in private then you thrash out what rules each of you would like to have in a match and stick by the rules.
Om foto's in de galerijen te zien moet je inloggen.
may i just say mancs monkey i have never bullied you or made idle threats and definately never whispered that i fancy you in your dreams i have a fabulous bf so why ? you have messaged us three on recon but have blocked all 3 of us from returning messages even on here i think you have taken what i call banter to make it your own little vendetta against you i think its sad and childish and your behaviour isn't clever its cunning ! i won't be going to the next meet cos i have a bad left leg from my fall at xmas so i hope you can put all this behind you cos life is too short !
Hi Guys and thx 4 yer help. Tho Den, please please have a closer look at the thread and my original posting. It actually says threats BEYOND trash talk. I can only go on what two reliable sources have seen and have told me and assure you they are a lot more credible and grown-up than the trio in question. If u r saying I don't understand the less "inhibted" forms of fighting u r right. But, I think to make the problem mine (and then telling me to relax) is a bit off if not strange. The problem lies in the psychology of those who choose to do it. Fair enough let em do it but in private and not as an exhibition to show how 'tough' they are. That way the rest of us dont have to witness two grown men men beating each to a bloody pulp. And you call that fun? The word I'd use is 'barking.'
Mancs Monkey I think what is happenning here is that as a relative newcomer to wrestling you don't undersrtand the meaning of the word "pro", pro wrestling is all about threats and taunts and jibes and little of it should be taken seriousely, it is all part of the build up to future matches, and is generally forgotten about when the wrestlers concirned get into the ring and have fun. There are basically 2 styles of wrestling, the "pro" style which you are obviously into, and take part in, very competantly from what I have seen, and the more serious style of submission and untimately MMA style which some guys genuinely do very seriously with bare knuckles and no rules. I just think that you need to take it all less seriously and have some fun giving (and taking) the pro threats in a much more fun way, that way we will all have fun, and no one will spoil it for anyone else.
I've been wrestling both styles for over 12 years and am always willing to offer help and advice to anyone who asks, and you asked, so you got some!
See you at the next meet mate, where I'm sure we will all be mates and have as nice a time as we always do!! Den.
Sorry to hear about the threats and jibes you are being subjected to. There always has to be someone somewhere to spoil a good thing, and it is sad it happens in the wrestling community. I have often read your blogs etc on here with some amusement, and the thing I am certain of, is that you will be more than a match verbally for any of these guys. And it appears you have gained a great deal of respect and friendship from many members on here, so you are certain to have plenty of support. It cannot be pleasant, but guess you have to be the bigger man and take it on the chin, and let these numbskulls get on with their sad and pathetic mouthing off. Take care, and good luck.
I think I'd take the precautionary approach. First as its happening on recon, approach recon to deal with it. Although as you have the culprits blocked you'll maybe need to get your sources to forward the messages to recon. Although you could unblock them if the abuse is in their profile. From experience I know recon will ask for the relevant messages.
The only other thing you can do is check whether they are attending any meets you plan to go to. then either avoid or make suer you're with someone you can trust. If anything happens there you then probably have a case for harrassment which you can take to the police. Again it is vital that you have evidence or reliable witnesses. The evidence might include the material on recon.
I've been told by 2 reliable sources that there is a trio who have been issuing threats via the Recon chatroom abt coming to a wrestle meeting to "settle scores" with me. This has occurred after a rather petty disagreement with one of them online.
I haven't seen the threats because I've got the culprits on block and ignore. I've asked them to do the grown-up thing and move on. But, they don't seem to want to let go. I am told that they are ramping up the abuse. One of the trio is puerile full stop. The second one has been joining in the abuse (so I am told) whilst at the same time sending me privately 'whispered' messages saying how much he likes/fancies me. But, one of them does have a real thing for full-on violence. Perhaps all of this is just hollow, macho posturing - surprisingly puerile given that two of them are well into their 40s and 50s! But then again when bullies get together...
19.1.2011 21:54Guys, this thread has now gone way past civil discourse and is now a nasty flamewar. As per the terms of service, I declare this thread officially over.
Any further posts will be deleted. Thank you.
hardandy312 (44)
19.1.2011 21:44Sorry Paul(mancsmonkey) but if you do not read the posts correctly then i am sorry to have to inform you that you are being ignorant,puerile, and rude and should stop making unfounded accusations against any of the guys you clearly think have abused you. At no point has anyone ever Threatened you with physical violence on recon that i am aware of!!!. You have as i said in my earlier post been ridiculed for your obscene comments towards Simon made in main chat.
In a court of Law not one point of what you have posted would stand as it is all here say!!1.
The place this conversation should have been had is on recon, it has no place being taken from one site to another.
My first post in reply to yours is long and it carefully points out that there has never been any threats of physical violence made against you by anyone on recon. It also points out all different wrestling and fighting techniques.
I suggest to you that you stop your negative puerile campaign of hatred against guys who use all sites to get fights or wrestling matches. In fact i am led to think you are attention seeking now or just like to see your name getting all the attention.
By the way my train tickets are already booked and paid for and i will be at the event in Manchester. So i would most appreciate it if you stopped your accusations and grew up and acted like an adult yourself. I bare no malice towards you at all for all that you have done and finally i would suggest you grow up and behave in an adult manner and learn to take the trash talking as you are only to good at kicking it off yourself.
tintin46 (4)
19.1.2011 21:29my status has nothing to do with this and what simon said i forgive cos im the one who lives with it everyday do you? no ! so shut the fuck up and get on with your sAD LIFE I FIND YOU TOTALLY OFFENSIVE !!!!
Tynesider (82)
19.1.2011 21:14Golly!! Things seem to have got a bit heated on here.
Could it be time to let things rest? The combatants will never agree on what was said so it seems daft to continue arguing.
essexskinfighter (0)
19.1.2011 20:351st, ask the person what i said about hiv and aids, he will give you the answer....
2nd.... im contacting the other site for a complete transaction, off every word said in either open chat rooms and private messages, as not sure if you are aware they have to by law keep a copy off it for upto 12 months.
4TH you have to be a good liar to remember what you said, and having 2 idenities on another site makes you a not true, so which one are you BIZAR..
5Th.. who ever your moles are will be exposed as once i instruct my legal team now with proceedings against you, first thing in the morning back home we will see then who said what which why...
6th you have crossed a very fine line now...
MancsMonkey (0)
19.1.2011 20:13Simon, could you remind me what it was you said about people with HIV?
MancsMonkey (0)
19.1.2011 20:04I couldnt be bothered to read that last message in full. But, I never mentioned anyone's parents. This is a new Walter Mitty departure. Maybe it was one of the many others that even you said have blocked you on that site?
The bottom line is that we weren't friendly when you three made the threats. Like I said, I never saw them. I was told threats were made. I kind of had to take them seriously. What would you do? And now the response is to try and turn it back on me? "We never meant it. It was all a big joke." (Who's laughing now) "U are just being paranoid and don't understand the scene." Well that must include the 2 experienced guys who felt they had to forewarn me.
I think all three of you have underlined the points I've made. Again, if any of u turn up on 12th or at any other time, u know that u will have to behave. Let's just stay away from each other.
essexskinfighter (0)
19.1.2011 18:57Hi to everyone im Simon.
The so called other party.
Lets get the facts st8 ere, so all can make up there own mind, without you playing the poor poor poor me card.
Who was the one, who came in the other chat room on another site, and soon you came in was ta ave a pop at me about my job..I.E wot Tie Rack at wot airport in the world you working in today.
Everyday everytime you entered the room was same old tiresome remark daily, don't you think i've na heard it a million times before, never once did i say anything about your job etc etc etc, because i don't know what you do.
You even took things personell then 2 me.
By all means have a pop at me im big enuf to take it, but don't even have a go at my parents like you did, and you know you did, why i went back at you.
I know i sware, but for god sake so do 99.9% off the world 2, if it offends you then move on.
I understand you blocked me full stop, na bovered ere, but 2 go and block the guys who spoke to me in another room how childish that is, and to come up with excuse after excuse they did this that and other.
NO ONE ever made threats to you not while i was in room, NO ONE.
Regarding score to settle, i made that remark if i could get to the meet in Feb, but that score was to settle with Andy, and no one else, and reason why said if i can get there, is because im away working, so that score was not for you at all.
So who ever your little mole is on another chat room, please tell them get the facts correct, and pass the correct information over to you.
So to sum this all up guys and for anyone to make there own mind up ok, Mancs Monkey, started all this rubbish in the other site, daily, at the end the day we are all big enuf to dish it out, but he is not big enuf to take it back PERIOD. If you got the bottle to dish it then take it, thats called BANTER. tis a fact of life.
Mancs i have never been interested in fighting you, never have and never will, did tell you in the very begining, but thibk you took offence to it, what they say a refusel often offends, beacuse after that the verbal started from you.
You have a very short memory don't you! very very short. so before you keep playing the poor poor poor me card, on here and anywhere else, PLEASE HAVE A VERY GOOD LOOK CLOSE TO HOME !
Beacuase you are the one no one else who is taking it from site to site and bad mouthing everyone there, not one else is but you, you STARTED it on "RECON" now you are on here 2! people from ere and anywhere else are only answering back to questions that you are bringing up everywhere.
I am wondering if you are looking for major attention, everywhere you go, to be the most talked about guy anywhere, and play the same old sob card here and try my luck to get everyone on your side.. well if thats your game it's a sad sad sad life you lead...
And finally, i must ask this question?
So there you go guys the truth, but hey ho, guess within 5 mins ere there will be a post from him slagging me off and everything i have said ere, but this is the truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... only reason i joined on here was so can post a comment back to this rubbish he is spouting about all... thanks for your time
MancsMonkey (0)
19.1.2011 18:24Oh for God's sake. 46? Sure. It's almost as good a joke as Andy's long speech below. This was not a joke that I just didn't get. The 3 of u took beyond that and you know it. I am not laughing. I am not paranoid and neither were the two who informed me of your little pantomime. Simple as that. I really don't want to be bothered with any of you. Now let's call it day eh?
tintin46 (4)
19.1.2011 18:07it would be a nightmare to fancy you when you lie about your age cos you feel you have to! i like honest people and your certaintly not that paul!!!!
MancsMonkey (0)
19.1.2011 17:41Tintin. I would never dream of fancying you. In fact, that would be a nightmare. I blocked the three of you because of your continued aggression. There was one occasion when you joined in with the abuse and then in the next breath whispered that you thought I was a nice guy. Make your mind up. Are going to lie about that as well? I know what I saw and I know what I was told. The vendetta is not mine. I've not issued any threats so havent resorted to playground tactics. So, like I've been asking, let's just keep a distance. One thing's for sure, if any you turn up, you'll just now have to behave in grown-up company.
MancsMonkey (0)
19.1.2011 17:29I suppose you've outed yourself now. But there is a difference between trash talk and the threats that were reported to me, so please don't patronise, lie or cover up. Incidentally, I am more into submission style. And I know whose words I trust more. I don't follow the logic of "How's Tie Rack" a mortal insult to somebody you have described as childish and over-sensitive. There is a difference between that and a volley of abuse that involved "cunt" to someone yr friend has never met. All a bit community care. But u don't do logic when u bizarrely blame me for somebody becoming homeless. So lightening up is not something you should tell others to do. All I wanted was for you to keep away. I think publicising it in this way without naming you will achieve the desired effect.
hardandy312 (44)
19.1.2011 16:46Mancsmonkey: man you need to realise when you are being trash talked. Pro-style wrestling is full of nothing but lighthearted and sometimes not so lighthearted versions of trash talk.
Obviously once you have been in the game as long as some of the rest of us have, you will learn to understand that it is all banter and not to be taken serious as you seem to be doing.
Your version of petty disagreement was actually a degrading insult to the said person.An apology to the said person would have stopped it from going any further. At no time from what i have seen have you been physically threatened by anyone of them,but you have been given a good written trash talking. Slang words commonly used are words like knob head, dick head,cock sucker, it lump it they are all part of life today.
One comment that was made while you were not in chat was that it would be good to see a certain guy from recon who is now working in J/burg and Capetown being back over in time to come to the event in Manchester, was that it would be good to make the monkey Squeal by swinging him from his tail as in the match i had with you, you seemed to enjoy a good amount of trash talking and cock and ball abuse.
If you choose to block or put someone on ignore and they don't do the same to you then you should realise that they can see all the comments that you make about them as well.
Pro-style wrestling which is obviously all your into survives on Trash Talk and should be kept that way as it is fun to do,it also makes good reading on a chat line when
two horny studs going at it all out with verbal trash.
I agree with Den by the way that you should lighten up , realise that you are being had and take it all a lot less serious as it is all banter. What goes on in whispers to one another has no place in being brought out into the open as it is private.
It also appears that you don't understand the different forms of wrestling and grappling,I will be only to happy to give you a run down on these. W.O.S Wrestling/Brit-pro lighthearted pretty much acted out wrestling where you get your opponent into lightly held wrestling holds normally won by 2 submissions,2 pin falls or a k.o in good old fashioned fun style wrestling.
pro-mission : A mix of brit pro style wrestling and submission wrestling where and according to what rules are agreed in advance, you can apply all holds bars and chokes till your opponent submits. this can be fought over either a stated amount of rounds or until one is technically k.o'd or retires from exhaustion.
Submission : Fought over an agreed number of round or until one taps out in a hold, bar or choke.these can also be fought multiple submission in a non stop match. Winner being declared by the highest amount of submissions or by TKO or retirement. This can also include wrestling with body punching allowed but no facial contact.
NHB, NO HOLDS BARRED. a match where all forms of fighting and wrestling are combined.Can include blows to the head and face as well as Any part of the body.These fights tend to be for the more experienced guys and frequently fought by the younger generation.Can be fought either in mma fight gloves or bareknuckle. all kicks, knees elbow strikes and punches allowed. fights normally one by a tap out, submission, tko, or ko.
MMA/ufc semi and pro Style fighting. A mix of submission Grappling, kicking to both head and body, punching to both head and body,All bars, chokes ,and submission holds allowed with the exemption of eye gouging. Fights tend to be blooded , risks of cracked ribs, noses and dislocated joints where an opponent doesn't tap out. Fights normally won by tap out, tko.or ko. Fought in 2-5 minute rounds.
Pankration:As fought by the Spartans in arenas. Sadly basically an illegal form of fighting in the uk but it is still fought in private in outdoor fights and in some garages and warehouses. These are fought naked normally or in a loin cloth only. every part of the body including cock and balls, face all head strikes included.a mix of kicking, kneeing, elbowing,punching, choking including the dreaded straight finger choke allowed and can also be fought using weapons. In spartan times these were fights to death, now finish with a knock out only. No submissions are allowed and only breaks for water are allowed.
your last comment fighting/wrestling style is up to the individuals who will have made there rules in advance for the style of match they want to have.
So Mancsy baby, please lighten up and enjoy the banter and trash talk, FFS, you used plenty of it yourself when we were arranging our match at Manchester in December.
The open wrestle group at Manchester is great fun and full of wrestlers and fighters of all ages and experience, A great place for one and all to learn holds escapes moves from one another whether it be in one of the private matrooms or the mats in front of the ring or the ring itself. The whole wrestling /fighting scene is fun and in general is full of good guys that enjoy nothing better than getting together and testing each other out on the mats in the domination game. what you have to remember is what one fighter/wrestler likes may not be another wrestle/fighters cup of tea. But by chatting openly or in private then you thrash out what rules each of you would like to have in a match and stick by the rules. Om foto's in de galerijen te zien moet je inloggen.
tintin46 (4)
19.1.2011 13:47may i just say mancs monkey i have never bullied you or made idle threats and definately never whispered that i fancy you in your dreams i have a fabulous bf so why ? you have messaged us three on recon but have blocked all 3 of us from returning messages even on here i think you have taken what i call banter to make it your own little vendetta against you i think its sad and childish and your behaviour isn't clever its cunning ! i won't be going to the next meet cos i have a bad left leg from my fall at xmas so i hope you can put all this behind you cos life is too short !
MancsMonkey (0)
19.1.2011 11:45Hi Guys and thx 4 yer help. Tho Den, please please have a closer look at the thread and my original posting. It actually says threats BEYOND trash talk. I can only go on what two reliable sources have seen and have told me and assure you they are a lot more credible and grown-up than the trio in question. If u r saying I don't understand the less "inhibted" forms of fighting u r right. But, I think to make the problem mine (and then telling me to relax) is a bit off if not strange. The problem lies in the psychology of those who choose to do it. Fair enough let em do it but in private and not as an exhibition to show how 'tough' they are. That way the rest of us dont have to witness two grown men men beating each to a bloody pulp. And you call that fun? The word I'd use is 'barking.'
oldscrapperderby (163)
19.1.2011 0:45Mancs Monkey I think what is happenning here is that as a relative newcomer to wrestling you don't undersrtand the meaning of the word "pro", pro wrestling is all about threats and taunts and jibes and little of it should be taken seriousely, it is all part of the build up to future matches, and is generally forgotten about when the wrestlers concirned get into the ring and have fun. There are basically 2 styles of wrestling, the "pro" style which you are obviously into, and take part in, very competantly from what I have seen, and the more serious style of submission and untimately MMA style which some guys genuinely do very seriously with bare knuckles and no rules. I just think that you need to take it all less seriously and have some fun giving (and taking) the pro threats in a much more fun way, that way we will all have fun, and no one will spoil it for anyone else.
I've been wrestling both styles for over 12 years and am always willing to offer help and advice to anyone who asks, and you asked, so you got some!
See you at the next meet mate, where I'm sure we will all be mates and have as nice a time as we always do!! Den.
nottsman (25)
18.1.2011 21:35Sorry to hear about the threats and jibes you are being subjected to. There always has to be someone somewhere to spoil a good thing, and it is sad it happens in the wrestling community. I have often read your blogs etc on here with some amusement, and the thing I am certain of, is that you will be more than a match verbally for any of these guys. And it appears you have gained a great deal of respect and friendship from many members on here, so you are certain to have plenty of support. It cannot be pleasant, but guess you have to be the bigger man and take it on the chin, and let these numbskulls get on with their sad and pathetic mouthing off. Take care, and good luck.
NZ Heel (7)
18.1.2011 21:22I think I'd take the precautionary approach. First as its happening on recon, approach recon to deal with it. Although as you have the culprits blocked you'll maybe need to get your sources to forward the messages to recon. Although you could unblock them if the abuse is in their profile. From experience I know recon will ask for the relevant messages.
The only other thing you can do is check whether they are attending any meets you plan to go to. then either avoid or make suer you're with someone you can trust. If anything happens there you then probably have a case for harrassment which you can take to the police. Again it is vital that you have evidence or reliable witnesses. The evidence might include the material on recon.
Good luck.
MancsMonkey (0)
18.1.2011 19:06I've been told by 2 reliable sources that there is a trio who have been issuing threats via the Recon chatroom abt coming to a wrestle meeting to "settle scores" with me. This has occurred after a rather petty disagreement with one of them online.
I haven't seen the threats because I've got the culprits on block and ignore. I've asked them to do the grown-up thing and move on. But, they don't seem to want to let go. I am told that they are ramping up the abuse. One of the trio is puerile full stop. The second one has been joining in the abuse (so I am told) whilst at the same time sending me privately 'whispered' messages saying how much he likes/fancies me. But, one of them does have a real thing for full-on violence. Perhaps all of this is just hollow, macho posturing - surprisingly puerile given that two of them are well into their 40s and 50s! But then again when bullies get together...
Any advice?