Attention to everyone who believe whatever GlobalFight is feeding you:
I am currently the owner of the Moon. I am willing to sell it for the very affordable price of $1000 or whatever the highest offer is. Think about it, your own celestial object! 14.6 million square miles (38 million square kilometers) of real estate, including the historic landing site of the Apollo 11 mission!
Why hasn't the moderator/owner of this site commented on what appears to be a very disturbing hack of his site by an aggressively hostile rival site? Global is notorious for hacking, sending viruses, etc to any site or individual they consider a threat to their BS site. They are clearly threatened by this site, which is well run and legit, unlike their consumer unfriendly mess of faux profiles, and self-loathing members who post their ages in dog years. If the two sites are indeed merging, I'm outta here!
I really did not like that new look that actually looks more like globalfight. Why would anyone like that shitty grey color? It's harder for everybody to read! Many of us used to be active at globalfight and switched to meet fighter for reasons!!! The last thing I wanna see is those stupid soft porn with the same "straight" old Irish men!
OK I'm slightly confused by what's going on with this place.
Suddenly I only have one face looking back at me through profile of the day, latest donors and all the pics running across the top - who is this megalomaniac?!!
Also from the country drop down I only have English (US)
Do I need to do something to fix this? I know I had a recent message about the merger of two sites and I was on Meetfighters before, but I can't help but think this is like a taste of things to come should Donald Trump becomes president!
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SileX (219)
06.4.2016 13:07Attention to everyone who believe whatever GlobalFight is feeding you:
I am currently the owner of the Moon. I am willing to sell it for the very affordable price of $1000 or whatever the highest offer is. Think about it, your own celestial object! 14.6 million square miles (38 million square kilometers) of real estate, including the historic landing site of the Apollo 11 mission!
Reply here to place your bids.
Wrestler50 (32)
06.4.2016 21:19(In antwoord hierop)
I can beat that as I can sell pluto a bit on the chilly side but great for winter sports.. Any Offers ?
The Kestrel (47 )
06.4.2016 19:42(In antwoord hierop)
I'll start the bidding at 50p and a button!
Mr Coops (16)
03.4.2016 2:13yes - sorry chaps this was me stupidly fooling for an April Fools joke.
The Kestrel (47 )
02.4.2016 22:10Rather than pointlessly get worked up, why not check the news?
Brawlbrad (26)
02.4.2016 22:05Why hasn't the moderator/owner of this site commented on what appears to be a very disturbing hack of his site by an aggressively hostile rival site? Global is notorious for hacking, sending viruses, etc to any site or individual they consider a threat to their BS site. They are clearly threatened by this site, which is well run and legit, unlike their consumer unfriendly mess of faux profiles, and self-loathing members who post their ages in dog years. If the two sites are indeed merging, I'm outta here!
Mikey Aarons (16)
02.4.2016 20:09I'm pretty sure it was all just an april fools joke poking fun at GF...I thought it was funny.
SammyUSA (113)
02.4.2016 17:05It looks like it was a hack that wanna attack both sites.
Mr Coops (16)
02.4.2016 11:10I've just checked it out and it looks a very busy site and a bit text heavy on the home page with different sized fonts and colours.
I will probs sign up though and check it out.
Mr Coops (16)
02.4.2016 10:52Seems like me fooling hook line and sinker for the April' Fools joke has started a proper debate.
Having not been on Global Fights I can't really say.
wrestlingspeedos (27)
02.4.2016 7:37Dear SammyUSA, I ...TOTALLY agree you !
SammyUSA (113)
02.4.2016 6:30I really did not like that new look that actually looks more like globalfight. Why would anyone like that shitty grey color? It's harder for everybody to read! Many of us used to be active at globalfight and switched to meet fighter for reasons!!! The last thing I wanna see is those stupid soft porn with the same "straight" old Irish men!
Mr Coops (16)
01.4.2016 21:59Maybe that was a glitch - the minute I posted this order was restored.
Mr Coops (16)
01.4.2016 21:57OK I'm slightly confused by what's going on with this place.
Suddenly I only have one face looking back at me through profile of the day, latest donors and all the pics running across the top - who is this megalomaniac?!!
Also from the country drop down I only have English (US)
Do I need to do something to fix this? I know I had a recent message about the merger of two sites and I was on Meetfighters before, but I can't help but think this is like a taste of things to come should Donald Trump becomes president!
Anybody else experiencing this?