I will back you all the way if you can get other guys interested in a league, living in Scotland so travelling would not be to much of a problem to get to north of england.
I'm thinking about trying to get a group of people togeather to form like a wrestling group in whitch we'd establish a league, anyone interested in welcome to contact me with more idea's also guys looking to get my first real bout under my belt.
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dobbokid (0)
23.8.2009 18:36well the more we can get the better and we could go as far as to have its own website. dobson992@hotmail.com
leedsmatch (0)
22.8.2009 21:22Hi fella i am game for joining you can get me on here or email me t anyfght25uk@hotmail.com
hardandy312 (44)
22.8.2009 16:56hi,
I will back you all the way if you can get other guys interested in a league, living in Scotland so travelling would not be to much of a problem to get to north of england.
dobbokid (0)
21.8.2009 23:42I'm thinking about trying to get a group of people togeather to form like a wrestling group in whitch we'd establish a league, anyone interested in welcome to contact me with more idea's also guys looking to get my first real bout under my belt.