I like to think that the people who give me a thumbs down are using a smart phone and have particularly fat fingers and just accidentally pressed the thumbs down, just like they accidentally block me ha ha. I try not to take anonymous thumbs too seriously.
Alternatively it's a compliment from someone in the south Pacific island where thumbs down means well written sexy guy.
Yeah, sometimes getting a thumbs down is just sympathizing with somebody's bad news. Other times it makes no sense at all. But, real or not, the South Pacific reference is funny!lol
For the same reason that when a foreign language speaking person writes in their own language in a blog or chat, you get a group of English speaking people furiously writing: "speak english" "no one can understand you".
I've seen it plenty of times in the chat room where someone will write something in German for example, and someone will have a go at them for not speaking in English.
If they can't understand English, they might not be able to write in it either. Whilst English is the main language on here and globally, there are still plenty of MF users who can't read, write or speak it.
All I'm writing is that people have their reasons for disliking things and it's not necessarily because of anything the creator of the blog, picture, video has actually done wrong.
But it also doesn't mean they are trolling. There are thousands of members on here. You can't please all of them.
In some cases maybe. But, for example, a member wrote a blog in memory of another member who died. Who in their right minds would place a thumbs down? That's one example. There is a pattern of a single thumbs down on blogs where there is no reason to be so rude. I thnk anyone giving a thumbs up or downshould be named. I will bet that there are one or two members who place thumbs down because they are trolls
Fair points. Although, what is the protocol for thumbs up/down on a post about a members death? The thumbs down might have been used to signify the members sadness that someone had died, and disliked that fact instead of the blog itself.
I've set my stuff to votes with comments only this afternoon. Force people who want to dislike something to openly explain why they dislike it.
I understand that. Of course people may want to express a range of negative emotions, not all of them hostile. But to use a thumbs down fails to explain and makes it appear that the person didn't like the blog but wants to be anonymous and not explain their view. BUt what made me post this form in the first place was that there seemed to be a pattern of there being one dislike to every blog and that seemed suspicious to me
I believe some guys might use a thumbs down in response to being blocked or they may just think you're an Ahole. Or somebody may just find the concept of blogging ridiculous. One guy recently went through and gave a thumbs down to all my blogs. Doubt if he even read one of them. And I've never blocked anyone. lol. Whatever.
I think that what I object to is anonymity. If you're grown up enough to criticise some else's thoughts then you should be grown up enough to say who you are
Reckon the thumbs down folks would not be so gung ho to it if their names were visible. Maybe the names of thumbs up and of thumbs down people should be made visible. Also have a "top 10 thumbs down" guys – could be same folks who are on the top 10 blocking list. Call it "Top 10 Curmudgeon" list?
There are some rude characters out there. They infest every site. You should see some of the bullcrap I get about a man my age having no business wrestling, or being unable to fight, or that they are afraid they would injure me. Either they have not read my recommendations, or they have and In all likelihood they are unable to say they are scared s**tless that if they took me on and I made them tap like a flock of woodpeckers and their friends found out, they could never live it down.
Brand new blog from a member simply saying he has mats and can host. Someone almost immediately gives a thumbs down. He (or she) leaves no comment. WTF? Why? I can't help but think this is one person. Whoever you are, get on the mats and fight. You'll find it a lot more satisfying.
More excellent sense from Ironbull. I too have noticed that someone - perhaps several different people? - seem to delight in adding a "thumbs down" to blog entries which are either highly positive or even just plain inoffensive. This seems totally counter to the encouraging, supportive ethos of the site and entirely reprehensible.
Well done, Ironbull, for mentioning it again. Perhaps whoever it is will think twice about what he/she is doing?
Some people seem to be a bit offended when serious issues are addressed on a site that most look to for entertainment. Talk about depression or other difficulties can itself be seen as depressing. I'm sure some people would rather not see it on this site. That's not my position, but I understand how some people may feel that way. Of course anonymity makes it easy to be a bad human being.
I agree with what is being said here. This site is about one-on-one combat, but with that comes a sense of vulnerability and trust.
I have considered blogging about some demons I have. I have opened up to some individuals on this site and have received moral support from the gentlemen here. But there is a fear of judgement due to the stigmas associated with mental health issues and physical shortcomings.
I have taken up wrestling and subsequently joined this site to help my own psyche. I was physically abused. The psychiatrist's couch can only take someone so far. I am combating my fear of violent aggression. Wrestling gives me the opportunity to set limits and tap out if things get "too real" for me.
We like to state we are safe and sane when we battle. To be a troll is not sane activity and it can be unsafe for the well being of someone with a fragile psyche.
Well said, Ed (Sir)
Mental Health is too often brushed aside by those too small minded to understand it.
Talking about it, and raising the issue on here, as some guys do, is often their first step in reaching out for help. Dismissing them, as some do, with the push of a keyboard key, is unwarranted and cowardly.
I can't help but notice that a number of people have written highly personal blogs about their life experiences, and that someone (or perhaps more than one person) has given them a thumbs down. In quite a few cases no person has come forward to criticize the blog or explain why they think it warrants their disapproval. It comes across as cowardly and snide.
I am aware that blog writers can opt out of having their blogs voted on but I imagine that they are placing their trust in this community by revealing deeply personal matters including physical and mental health issues. I'm sure that if I were to write on so personal level, the thumbs up would feel very supportive and kind at what might be a vulnerable moment. The fact that people feel they can say such things here is a tribute to our culture. It seems ungenerous to do shoot them down and it shocks me that anyone would do so.
Some blogs, in my humble opinion, are fair game. Shoot me down for this opinionated forum post and I'll take it on the chin (beg pardon for the mixed metaphor). Shoot me down for revealing a personal struggle that I want to share and it'll hurt and maybe even send me lower. Those blogs that are and are not fair game are, in most cases, easily distinguishable.
Perhaps I am being naive but I know that the men and women of this site are of a better calibre than the ghastly little trolls of the internet who use anonymity to make unwarranted attacks on strangers. So, you who place a thumbs down on a person's blog kindly reveals yourselves and your reasons.
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hugefan (78)
08.4.2019 16:06I like to think that the people who give me a thumbs down are using a smart phone and have particularly fat fingers and just accidentally pressed the thumbs down, just like they accidentally block me ha ha. I try not to take anonymous thumbs too seriously.
Alternatively it's a compliment from someone in the south Pacific island where thumbs down means well written sexy guy.
BamaJDon41 (10 )
08.4.2019 20:00(In antwoord hierop)
Yeah, sometimes getting a thumbs down is just sympathizing with somebody's bad news. Other times it makes no sense at all. But, real or not, the South Pacific reference is funny!lol
AlexIan (11)
13.3.2019 13:54Some people dislike stuff on here simply because it's not written in a language they can understand. They're not necessarily trolling.
synxiec (76)
13.3.2019 19:22(In antwoord hierop)
A question here: if you cannot actually read the language something is in, Then why add a dislike as opposed to doing anything else at all.
They could have just passed by the whole entry without comment but felt like, “I can’t read this, but you know what? Dislike!”
AlexIan (11)
13.3.2019 21:42(In antwoord hierop)
For the same reason that when a foreign language speaking person writes in their own language in a blog or chat, you get a group of English speaking people furiously writing: "speak english" "no one can understand you".
I've seen it plenty of times in the chat room where someone will write something in German for example, and someone will have a go at them for not speaking in English.
synxiec (76)
13.3.2019 21:55(In antwoord hierop)
I have the exact same question for them.
Either way, It is rude and hateful. People should mind their own and move along unless they are being addressed.
AlexIan (11)
13.3.2019 21:57(In antwoord hierop)
I think you've hit the nail on the head there! It's downright rude but that's a different issue.
Trolling, as far as I believe, is done deliberately. Saddened to hear that members are targeted on purpose for such petty reasons.
synxiec (76)
14.3.2019 4:27(In antwoord hierop)
And There It Is. a Point On Which We All Agree.
Ironbull (96)
13.3.2019 19:26(In antwoord hierop)
My thoughts exactly
Ironbull (96)
13.3.2019 13:54(In antwoord hierop)
So why not say so?
AlexIan (11)
13.3.2019 13:56(In antwoord hierop)
If they can't understand English, they might not be able to write in it either. Whilst English is the main language on here and globally, there are still plenty of MF users who can't read, write or speak it.
Ironbull (96)
13.3.2019 13:58(In antwoord hierop)
There is a translator available
AlexIan (11)
13.3.2019 14:01(In antwoord hierop)
There is indeed.
All I'm writing is that people have their reasons for disliking things and it's not necessarily because of anything the creator of the blog, picture, video has actually done wrong.
But it also doesn't mean they are trolling. There are thousands of members on here. You can't please all of them.
Ironbull (96)
13.3.2019 14:04(In antwoord hierop)
In some cases maybe. But, for example, a member wrote a blog in memory of another member who died. Who in their right minds would place a thumbs down? That's one example. There is a pattern of a single thumbs down on blogs where there is no reason to be so rude. I thnk anyone giving a thumbs up or downshould be named. I will bet that there are one or two members who place thumbs down because they are trolls
AlexIan (11)
13.3.2019 14:07(In antwoord hierop)
Fair points. Although, what is the protocol for thumbs up/down on a post about a members death? The thumbs down might have been used to signify the members sadness that someone had died, and disliked that fact instead of the blog itself.
I've set my stuff to votes with comments only this afternoon. Force people who want to dislike something to openly explain why they dislike it.
Ironbull (96)
13.3.2019 14:11(In antwoord hierop)
I understand that. Of course people may want to express a range of negative emotions, not all of them hostile. But to use a thumbs down fails to explain and makes it appear that the person didn't like the blog but wants to be anonymous and not explain their view. BUt what made me post this form in the first place was that there seemed to be a pattern of there being one dislike to every blog and that seemed suspicious to me
AlexIan (11)
13.3.2019 14:14(In antwoord hierop)
Fair enough :) I just like a good debate more than anything!
Ironbull (96)
13.3.2019 14:15(In antwoord hierop)
I hear that lol
BamaJDon41 (10 )
13.3.2019 17:55(In antwoord hierop)
I believe some guys might use a thumbs down in response to being blocked or they may just think you're an Ahole. Or somebody may just find the concept of blogging ridiculous. One guy recently went through and gave a thumbs down to all my blogs. Doubt if he even read one of them. And I've never blocked anyone. lol. Whatever.
Ironbull (96)
13.3.2019 17:59(In antwoord hierop)
I think that what I object to is anonymity. If you're grown up enough to criticise some else's thoughts then you should be grown up enough to say who you are
BamaJDon41 (10 )
13.3.2019 18:04(In antwoord hierop)
Perhaps that they never object in words but only an anonymous thumbs down is proof of their trollness(trolitude/trolicity)
Ironbull (96)
13.3.2019 18:07(In antwoord hierop)
To me it's vandalism
Spruceman (55)
10.11.2018 15:12Reckon the thumbs down folks would not be so gung ho to it if their names were visible. Maybe the names of thumbs up and of thumbs down people should be made visible. Also have a "top 10 thumbs down" guys – could be same folks who are on the top 10 blocking list. Call it "Top 10 Curmudgeon" list?
Ironbull (96)
10.11.2018 15:15(In antwoord hierop)
I completely agree. This is a fight site. What kind of "fighter" behaves with such cowardice?
Spruceman (55)
14.10.2018 22:13There are some rude characters out there. They infest every site. You should see some of the bullcrap I get about a man my age having no business wrestling, or being unable to fight, or that they are afraid they would injure me. Either they have not read my recommendations, or they have and In all likelihood they are unable to say they are scared s**tless that if they took me on and I made them tap like a flock of woodpeckers and their friends found out, they could never live it down.
Ironbull (96)
11.10.2018 18:42Case in point.
Brand new blog from a member simply saying he has mats and can host. Someone almost immediately gives a thumbs down. He (or she) leaves no comment. WTF? Why? I can't help but think this is one person. Whoever you are, get on the mats and fight. You'll find it a lot more satisfying.
edscissors (30 )
11.10.2018 13:45More excellent sense from Ironbull. I too have noticed that someone - perhaps several different people? - seem to delight in adding a "thumbs down" to blog entries which are either highly positive or even just plain inoffensive. This seems totally counter to the encouraging, supportive ethos of the site and entirely reprehensible.
Well done, Ironbull, for mentioning it again. Perhaps whoever it is will think twice about what he/she is doing?
BamaJDon41 (10 )
10.10.2018 3:12Some people seem to be a bit offended when serious issues are addressed on a site that most look to for entertainment. Talk about depression or other difficulties can itself be seen as depressing. I'm sure some people would rather not see it on this site. That's not my position, but I understand how some people may feel that way. Of course anonymity makes it easy to be a bad human being.
justsomeguy (1)
09.10.2018 20:22I agree with what is being said here. This site is about one-on-one combat, but with that comes a sense of vulnerability and trust.
I have considered blogging about some demons I have. I have opened up to some individuals on this site and have received moral support from the gentlemen here. But there is a fear of judgement due to the stigmas associated with mental health issues and physical shortcomings.
I have taken up wrestling and subsequently joined this site to help my own psyche. I was physically abused. The psychiatrist's couch can only take someone so far. I am combating my fear of violent aggression. Wrestling gives me the opportunity to set limits and tap out if things get "too real" for me.
We like to state we are safe and sane when we battle. To be a troll is not sane activity and it can be unsafe for the well being of someone with a fragile psyche.
Barraboy (13)
09.10.2018 18:12Well said, Ed (Sir)
Mental Health is too often brushed aside by those too small minded to understand it.
Talking about it, and raising the issue on here, as some guys do, is often their first step in reaching out for help. Dismissing them, as some do, with the push of a keyboard key, is unwarranted and cowardly.
Ironbull (96)
09.10.2018 16:55I can't help but notice that a number of people have written highly personal blogs about their life experiences, and that someone (or perhaps more than one person) has given them a thumbs down. In quite a few cases no person has come forward to criticize the blog or explain why they think it warrants their disapproval. It comes across as cowardly and snide.
I am aware that blog writers can opt out of having their blogs voted on but I imagine that they are placing their trust in this community by revealing deeply personal matters including physical and mental health issues. I'm sure that if I were to write on so personal level, the thumbs up would feel very supportive and kind at what might be a vulnerable moment. The fact that people feel they can say such things here is a tribute to our culture. It seems ungenerous to do shoot them down and it shocks me that anyone would do so.
Some blogs, in my humble opinion, are fair game. Shoot me down for this opinionated forum post and I'll take it on the chin (beg pardon for the mixed metaphor). Shoot me down for revealing a personal struggle that I want to share and it'll hurt and maybe even send me lower. Those blogs that are and are not fair game are, in most cases, easily distinguishable.
Perhaps I am being naive but I know that the men and women of this site are of a better calibre than the ghastly little trolls of the internet who use anonymity to make unwarranted attacks on strangers. So, you who place a thumbs down on a person's blog kindly reveals yourselves and your reasons.