online app/ youtube

SileX (219)

14.10.2014 10:31

I'm afraid there aren't any good shortcuts. You cannot improve your game without practicing with a partner, or better yet, several partners. You can learn some stuff watching videos, but you will quickly reach diminishing returns. It is like trying to learn swimming without actually getting wet.

The only (relatively small) shortcut is finding a good instructor.


hephaestion2014 (49)

15.10.2014 3:02

(In antwoord hierop)

Okay, I feared that may in fact be the case. Have found one or two video instructional,but I think as you said, the swimming without getting wet is a good analogy.

Guess, wasn't looking for a short cut, just a better foundation :-)



hephaestion2014 (49)

13.10.2014 8:13

I am trying to pick up stuff as I go along, but kind of want to step up my skill level a bit.

Due to work hours and the like, can't easily attend classes. And when I have searched how-to for submission wrestling, the choices can be overwhelming ...

Looking for free sites, info so not asking for any advertisement of a product (not hundred percent sure on the new guidelines)

But if anyone has any suggestions or recommendations, would be happy to hear from you.

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