would Ballet Boyz style dance be ideal training for wrestling?
would Ballet Boyz style dance be ideal training for wrestling?
grapl (0)
18.2.2011 11:04
I recently watched The Ballet Boyz performing live. I reckon if those guys took up submission or BJJ their dance training would prove to be an awesome preparation. Forget Swan Lake & Copelia this contemporary dance: nine or so fit guys acting out man oriented stuff. There were sequences a bit like Capoeira, a hoodie/city-scape sketch, fight & gang fight scenes & some of their dance moves looked similar to stuff we might do as warm-ups & drills & stand-up grappling. To start with they must have good cardio & stamina to go a whole show on consecutive nights & with – we were told during an after show talk – one & a half hours of routines & warm-ups before going on stage. They have the strength to pick each other up & carry, apparently without effort. They have amazing flexibility, and fluidity in movement and balance that makes many of my class-mates look like a herd of oxen in comparison. On top of that, as could a good BJJ player, they perform complicated routines and - we were told - can be asked to swop roles at any time. And tell you what, in one number the shirts came off: what beautiful fit, toned torsos!
grapl (0)
18.2.2011 11:04I recently watched The Ballet Boyz performing live. I reckon if those guys took up submission or BJJ their dance training would prove to be an awesome preparation. Forget Swan Lake & Copelia this contemporary dance: nine or so fit guys acting out man oriented stuff. There were sequences a bit like Capoeira, a hoodie/city-scape sketch, fight & gang fight scenes & some of their dance moves looked similar to stuff we might do as warm-ups & drills & stand-up grappling. To start with they must have good cardio & stamina to go a whole show on consecutive nights & with – we were told during an after show talk – one & a half hours of routines & warm-ups before going on stage. They have the strength to pick each other up & carry, apparently without effort. They have amazing flexibility, and fluidity in movement and balance that makes many of my class-mates look like a herd of oxen in comparison. On top of that, as could a good BJJ player, they perform complicated routines and - we were told - can be asked to swop roles at any time. And tell you what, in one number the shirts came off: what beautiful fit, toned torsos!