subwrestler2 VS Matt Larsen
Lijkt dit je een mooie match? Geef de deelnemers een opgestoken duim!
Verenigde Staten - New York
New York
woensdag 23 april 2025
Onderwerping (BJJ, etc)
Geen technieken verboden
Commentaar 11
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Matt Larsen (118 )
5 dagen geledenSubmission match with body shots to exhaustion. First man to make the other quit wins.
GrapplerFL (11)
2 dagen geledenoh fuck, Matt - this'll be your toughest test. i can't wait to watch this battle. @subwrestler2 is an unparralled grappler and fighter. i cannot wait to see this match. a dream come true to battle either one of you this way. love that its a first to quit match. that... is a whole other level of toughness - and subwrestler2 is toughest around. Good luck in this battle. i cant wait to watch.
herb (38)
2 dagen geledenCan’t wait