The applier positions themself so they can clearly see a clock/stopwatch, alternatively a third person can act as timekeeper.
The applier chooses a hold that they know they can maintain for prolonged periods, and places the victim in it for an agrred upon "base time" (for this example, we are using 30 seconds). After this duration, they release the victim and give them a 30 second rest period (ie, the base time), then re-apply the hold for 60 seconds. This is followed by another 30 second rest, 90 second application, 30 second rest, 120 second application and so on. The rest period is always 1xbase time, the application times always increase by the base time each repitition. This continues until the applier tires of applying the hold or the victim is completely destroyed.
The victim cannot submit, but can say either "half" or "double" at certain times to change the duration of the hold and rest periods. They can only say one or the other, and only once, so they have to choose which option they consider more important.
"Half" can only be said during the first 5 seconds of a hold application period, and it causes the hold duration to be halved and to only be increased by .5xbase time (e.g. 15 seconds) from that point on. The catch is that all future rest periods are also halved, in this case to 15 seconds each.
"Double" can be called during the first 5 seconds of any rest period. It immediately doubles all rest periods to 2xbase time (e.g. 60 seconds), but also causes the hold application times to increase by 2xbase time (e.g. 60 seconds) each time.
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pumpgun (0)
28.8.2017 13:25cool , muss man mal probieren !!!
BearhugAddict (3)
13.3.2011 10:34Double/Half (2)
The applier positions themself so they can clearly see a clock/stopwatch, alternatively a third person can act as timekeeper.
The applier chooses a hold that they know they can maintain for prolonged periods, and places the victim in it for an agrred upon "base time" (for this example, we are using 30 seconds). After this duration, they release the victim and give them a 30 second rest period (ie, the base time), then re-apply the hold for 60 seconds. This is followed by another 30 second rest, 90 second application, 30 second rest, 120 second application and so on. The rest period is always 1xbase time, the application times always increase by the base time each repitition. This continues until the applier tires of applying the hold or the victim is completely destroyed.
The victim cannot submit, but can say either "half" or "double" at certain times to change the duration of the hold and rest periods. They can only say one or the other, and only once, so they have to choose which option they consider more important.
"Half" can only be said during the first 5 seconds of a hold application period, and it causes the hold duration to be halved and to only be increased by .5xbase time (e.g. 15 seconds) from that point on. The catch is that all future rest periods are also halved, in this case to 15 seconds each.
"Double" can be called during the first 5 seconds of any rest period. It immediately doubles all rest periods to 2xbase time (e.g. 60 seconds), but also causes the hold application times to increase by 2xbase time (e.g. 60 seconds) each time.
SJB (5)
21.8.2017 11:53(In antwoord hierop)
I would be up for that!