Thought I’d share something I used to enjoy a number of years before I was a part of this site.
When I was younger, a friend and myself used to enjoy WWE type video games! One thing we actually enjoyed doing was us both picking a wrestler (or even making one) and setting them up in a CPU vs CPU match (usually a submission match). We would then “act” out the match as the CPU controlled the characters. For example, we would put each other in the various moves within reason (couldn’t body slam or suplex each other haha). Now that I have been on this site, always thought it would be interesting to maybe try this again!
Two of my favorites were always SVR 2006 and 2007. Just something different than a standard competitive submission or pro match that we are used to! Fun to just horseplay and trash talk some while going at it! Especially since it’s not really “skill” based and the match is random!
Curious if anyone else has done anything like this or what people think about something like that!
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SimplyDapper (15)
21.11.2022 3:34Thought I’d share something I used to enjoy a number of years before I was a part of this site.
When I was younger, a friend and myself used to enjoy WWE type video games! One thing we actually enjoyed doing was us both picking a wrestler (or even making one) and setting them up in a CPU vs CPU match (usually a submission match). We would then “act” out the match as the CPU controlled the characters. For example, we would put each other in the various moves within reason (couldn’t body slam or suplex each other haha). Now that I have been on this site, always thought it would be interesting to maybe try this again!
Two of my favorites were always SVR 2006 and 2007. Just something different than a standard competitive submission or pro match that we are used to! Fun to just horseplay and trash talk some while going at it! Especially since it’s not really “skill” based and the match is random!
Curious if anyone else has done anything like this or what people think about something like that!