
Who has put a guy out with a bearhug?

FLbearhugger (21)

07.8.2023 9:05

East Central Florida coast, may be older but love to test you locals in bear hug contests, give and take..You will be to all sizes.


PA Wrestler (48 )

08.8.2023 9:28

(In antwoord hierop)

Still really want to test your’s nice and long sir, I ain’t gonna tap 💪🏼


Guiseppe84 (0 )

27.5.2023 15:04

I would love to see if I go limp from a bearhug. Natural muscle relaxant haha.

Anyone in Australia Queensland?


rufffight1979 (2)

08.5.2023 15:00

Would love to let any of you big, rough buggers bearhug me to KO...would also LOVE to test out your scissors moremuscle. I am DEFINITELY not scared of being KO'd in any move to be honest.


curiosoush (13)

06.5.2023 23:36

Can´t wait
Who would do me the honor of bear hugging me?


Squeezeme (0)

07.5.2023 1:25

(In antwoord hierop)

Would love to squeeze you and lift you up.


BodybuilderWrestler (0)

06.5.2023 17:27

Twice they first cum free while applying pressure


Jcoolz2020 (1)

28.5.2023 22:04

(In antwoord hierop)

I wouldn’t mind being put in a bearhug by you


DarkFighter001 (0)

08.5.2023 4:39

(In antwoord hierop)

I bet that I can last a very long time in your bearhug applying the pressure on me lol


FLbearhugger (21)

07.5.2023 2:21

(In antwoord hierop)

That is impressive Bodybuilder..


Jcoolz2020 (1)

06.5.2023 21:48

(In antwoord hierop)

Would you like to come to New Jersey and put me in a bearhug??


PA Wrestler (48 )

06.5.2023 21:45

(In antwoord hierop)

Yes please


SJB (5)

06.5.2023 15:22

I’ve never put anyone out in a bearhug, but quite a few times the dude giving me the bearhug applied the pressure real tight and I passed out. I didn’t mind it, in fact, I absolutely loved it! 😆


DarkFighter001 (0)

06.5.2023 5:43

I was being squeeze tightly in a bearhug before by this dude in the army in my room...he was a high school wrestler...I couldn't break free as he was squeezing me tightly...he was laughing at me because I was slowly passing out but he didn't allow me to as he was squeezing me out on and off for a very long time...I was tapping out but he didn't let me go.


Dragonsrule13 (12)

08.8.2023 20:53

(In antwoord hierop)

Wow that's so hot


neverenough (31)

05.5.2023 23:24

I've made a few guys tap out but not give out. Love a good bearhug!


Jcoolz2020 (1)

05.5.2023 23:44

(In antwoord hierop)

Would you like to put me in a bearhug??


neverenough (31)

05.5.2023 23:54

(In antwoord hierop)



Jcoolz2020 (1)

06.5.2023 0:57

(In antwoord hierop)

I’m from New Jersey. Do you have any plans on traveling to the New Jersey area in the future??


neverenough (31)

06.5.2023 4:03

(In antwoord hierop)

Unfortunately I don't get to travel much


Jcoolz2020 (1)

06.5.2023 16:50

(In antwoord hierop)

That’s okay I understand


Muscle hugger (1)

05.5.2023 20:33

Not quite, but I really do love lifting guys up into a really strong tigh bearhug, and squeezzzing the hell out of them, a few guys have started to go limp.... the ultimate thing then is to hoist him up over the shoulder.


Guri Brasil (4 )

08.8.2023 20:09

(In antwoord hierop)

Very hot, man. Very hot.


Squeezeme (0)

05.5.2023 21:26

(In antwoord hierop)

Game on pal. Would love to see u try and make me tap out. Or go limp.


NivekWas (18)

04.5.2023 7:01

Never manage to put a guy out… would love to try but I think need to build more strength. Haha but I did give a sudden strong squeeze and made someone tap


Riviera Wrestle (135)

08.5.2023 9:34

(In antwoord hierop)

I'm sure you have strength enough
I saw one a post explaining how he would put someone out with a bearhug.
Basically the idea is that everytime he exhales, you squeeze a bit more, little by little, reducing his abilities to catch breath


FLbearhugger (21)

04.5.2023 14:31

(In antwoord hierop)

Damn impressive muscular build. That guy was smart to tap out, love to have a bear hug buddy like you in our area. Wishing you the best. An older experienced hugger. :)


Jcoolz2020 (1)

04.5.2023 19:34

(In antwoord hierop)

Do you have any plans on coming to New Jersey in the future ?? I wouldn’t mind being put in a bearhug by you


hellman34 (13)

16.4.2023 5:45

Back in 2004, when I was 22, I met a guy in Dallas. We only wrestled for five minutes before I cracked his ribs in a bear hug. I barely touched him and yet still remember those ribs giving way and his horrible scream of pain. He was in his fifties or sixties and I think he just had weak bones. He also had racist wallpaper in that room, so I guess I don’t feel too bad. 😁

Not a knockout, but close.


FLbearhugger (21)

02.5.2023 18:33

(In antwoord hierop)

I call that two experiences with the wallpaper and cracked ribs. OUCH


Dragonsrule13 (12)

16.4.2023 7:09

(In antwoord hierop)

Haha crazy. I'd def love to test your bearhug out


Tungsten (2 )

19.3.2023 4:52

I've not put a guy out, but I've come close myself trapped in an intense bearhug


KJM090 (0)

25.2.2023 9:11

Id give it ago


FLbearhugger (21)

20.2.2023 17:39

I did crack a friends rib, in a bear hug just last year and we are two elders still doing this. I had the opportunity to meet with Brad Hollibaugh three times and yes he made me see stars in his bear hugs...I tapped before I went out and was dizzy when first standing up. When he came to Orlando, was able to meet with him and do dinner, what a very kind man and there was more to this man than is muscles and brute strength. We talked many subjects and was a very open minded man. Was a gift to have met and shared time. I will never forget him! Rip


Juggernaut (0)

16.4.2023 2:02

(In antwoord hierop)

So did I. At least that what he claimed. I never really saw any x-ray or medical report, so he could have been exaggerating. Although I did notice he'd keep his distance and never taunted me after that.


Dragonsrule13 (12)

16.4.2023 2:42

(In antwoord hierop)

I wanna test your bearhug. 😈


Italwrestler (73)

20.2.2023 17:43

(In antwoord hierop)

I always wanted to meet him. He was an impressive specimen! I couldn't believe when I heard he passed away. I'm sure you'll never forget that encounter! I had a few of his CD's.


FLbearhugger (21)

20.2.2023 18:28

(In antwoord hierop)

Yes I had 6 of his CDs, Thank you for your kind words and yes he went quickly, Meeting him was one of my best memories and so genuine as have been most of the wrestlers I have met over the years. Great pics on your profile and a handsome man as well. Thanks for your note. Brad really had a great sense of humor and smile readily. Sorry you never got to meet him. Like I said, a very genuine man.


moremuscle (0)

21.2.2023 20:45

(In antwoord hierop)

Wow cool story about Brad, I used to watch his vids online years ago. Always wondered how strong he was irl and would have loved to meet him. Def gone way too young. RIP


OrlJockwrestler (5)

24.2.2023 13:26

(In antwoord hierop)

wow moremuscle. your bearhug must be amazing!!


moremuscle (0)

24.2.2023 22:54

(In antwoord hierop)

Amazingly devastating hehe ;)


Dragonsrule13 (12)

27.2.2023 21:21

(In antwoord hierop)

You put them to sleep with it? Bet I could resist it 😈😈


OrlJockwrestler (5)

24.2.2023 23:05

(In antwoord hierop)

i'd love to try that out lol


moremuscle (0)

24.2.2023 23:09

(In antwoord hierop)

Well if you're ever near Toronto Canada lmk I'm happy to demonstrate


OrlJockwrestler (5)

24.2.2023 23:14

(In antwoord hierop)

i will definitely let you know!! Never been but hear it's absolutely amazingly beautiful


moremuscle (0)

24.2.2023 23:28

(In antwoord hierop)

In the summer yeah. Don't recommend this time of year lol


OrlJockwrestler (5)

24.2.2023 23:35

(In antwoord hierop)

good break from the Florida heat of summer


moremuscle (0)

24.2.2023 23:39

(In antwoord hierop)

guess so. tho wish I was in Florida rn - 20F atm going down to 11 tonight and just finished shoveling the 7 inches of snow we got yesterday


OrlJockwrestler (5)

25.2.2023 0:01

(In antwoord hierop)

you would love it. 83 right now. :)


FLbearhugger (21)

24.2.2023 3:24

(In antwoord hierop)

Nice reply on Brad...nice profile you have and sure you can do some damage with your hugs...again the man was very special.


moremuscle (0)

24.2.2023 22:53

(In antwoord hierop)

Thx! and yeah I've damaged a few egos with my hug lol ;)


tplaurent (0)

02.5.2023 14:46

(In antwoord hierop)

Then I will break this record !


young79312 (1)

27.2.2023 1:06

(In antwoord hierop)

I would love to test your power and see if I end up draped over your shoulder like a toddler that played at the playground all day as you carry me around


Jcoolz2020 (1)

24.2.2023 19:43

(In antwoord hierop)

Would you bearhug me if you have any travel plans to New Jersey USA in the future??


panther2016 (6)

21.2.2023 16:06

(In antwoord hierop)

It was a dream to meet him and Kyle Stevens. Honestly the best bearhug in the business.


Jcoolz2020 (1)

19.2.2023 17:03

I’ve never been put in a bearhug before.


ruffnhard (126)

19.2.2023 14:31

Have done so many times, also KO with my body scissors


Heel Bait (13 )

22.2.2023 17:54

(In antwoord hierop)

Challenge accepted. If we're ever in the same city–or at least same time zone–I'll dare you to follow through on that, if you can. 😈


FLbearhugger (21)

20.2.2023 17:40

(In antwoord hierop)

Wow, impressive young man. Keep doing it.


Dragonsrule13 (12)

19.2.2023 20:42

(In antwoord hierop)

Damn I need to wrestle you then. I've never even met a guy who can get me to tap to his bodyscissor let alone sleep. I challenge you to do both to me


ruffnhard (126)

19.2.2023 23:22

(In antwoord hierop)

Got to have y try he strength and technique… very few guys have both.

Will gladly squeeze you out if ever in the same country


Gorilla01 (11)

23.2.2023 5:32

(In antwoord hierop)

Do you do any Watchfighter videos? I know many of us would pay to see a video of that @ruffnhard. GRRR


ruffnhard (126)

23.2.2023 5:35

(In antwoord hierop)

So far all my opponents are too shy to allow videos going public... but as soon as one gives permission I would love to share!


PA Wrestler (48 )

03.5.2023 8:04

(In antwoord hierop)

Would for sure be down to do plenty of match recordings 😘, will have to find a way to get down your way.


ChrisWrestling (59 )

26.2.2023 1:57

(In antwoord hierop)

I'm not shy. My face is already all over the internet


Gorilla01 (11)

24.2.2023 4:09

(In antwoord hierop)

I'd gladly volunteer


Dragonsrule13 (12)

20.2.2023 0:48

(In antwoord hierop)

Hell yea. That sounds amazing to me


Jcoolz2020 (1)

20.2.2023 0:30

(In antwoord hierop)

Are you talking to me?? I’m from New Jersey and if you have any plans in the future of traveling to New Jersey USA . Please let me know


panther2016 (6)

19.2.2023 16:35

(In antwoord hierop)

I need that bearhug on the daily haha


Squeezeme (0)

19.2.2023 15:54

(In antwoord hierop)

Never wrestled someone of your size so I have no doubt with your arms. Prefer a bearhug lift while I squirm and go limp in your squeeze.


Squeezeme (0)

19.2.2023 14:16

I haven’t but would love someone to try it on me.


guerrero2s (26)

19.2.2023 5:29

I can do it


Squeezeme (0)

19.2.2023 23:13

(In antwoord hierop)

You’re on my friend!


Dragonsrule13 (12)

19.2.2023 20:42

(In antwoord hierop)

Hmmmm I doubt it. You have a great body but you don't look like you have enough crushing power, no offense.


Dragonsrule13 (12)

18.2.2023 7:52

I'd love to meet someone strong enough to could crush me to sleep with his bearhug


moremuscle (0)

21.2.2023 20:51

(In antwoord hierop)

Come to Canada, never had anyone break outta my bearhug and have had a few pass out


Guiseppe84 (0 )

27.5.2023 15:06

(In antwoord hierop)

I plan on visiting Canada. Love to see if you could make me go limp.

Might be the first to break free from your bearhug ;).

You ever visit Australia?


ChrisWrestling (59 )

26.2.2023 2:00

(In antwoord hierop)

Let me know if you're ever in Seattle


Heel Bait (13 )

22.2.2023 17:52

(In antwoord hierop)

If I'm ever there, or you're ever out here, I'm gonna test that claim.


moremuscle (0)

23.2.2023 23:28

(In antwoord hierop)

Nice! Tho you'll probably regret it ;)

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