MeetFightersInteressegroepenBoxingFederation of cam.boxing refs Boxing Lid worden van deze interessegroepOnderwerpenLedenoverzicht 990Galerij 160Federation of cam.boxing refs Nightmareera (0 )21.7.2019 7:21 you joking right Vertalen PIboxer98 (10 )20.7.2019 20:34 I'd like to form a federation which unites all cam boxing ref in order to discuss rules, scores and substitutions if someone is busy. Who's interested, please text me Vertalen DTBoxerman (20)21.7.2019 5:37 (In antwoord hierop)Hey, I’m interested. Vertalen PIboxer98 (10 )22.7.2019 13:43 (In antwoord hierop)Nice! I'll add you on Skype Vertalen Om een reactie te plaatsen moet je inloggen. Je moet inloggen om een nieuw onderwerp te beginnen.
Nightmareera (0 )
21.7.2019 7:21you joking right
PIboxer98 (10 )
20.7.2019 20:34I'd like to form a federation which unites all cam boxing ref in order to discuss rules, scores and substitutions if someone is busy. Who's interested, please text me
DTBoxerman (20)
21.7.2019 5:37(In antwoord hierop)
Hey, I’m interested.
PIboxer98 (10 )
22.7.2019 13:43(In antwoord hierop)
Nice! I'll add you on Skype