Love this post. Gay and straight are a symptom of modern society's desire to label. Men were homosexual long before they were gay, heterosexual long before they were straight. By obsessing this binary view, we do ourselves an injustice and we make ourselves more than a little paranoid.
I hate the idea of a gay or straight boxer for this reason. My defences and attacks do not very according to my opponent's sexual orientation. If I really have time to ponder what he likes in bed, I'm going to pay for it with lapses in concentration.
Some people are stupid about gays. If not even boxing can teach them respect, I'm sure reason can't. Their loss.
Great, man. Well said. It's impossible to think about sex or eroticism during a real fight. Like you said, the minute you allow your mind to go anywhere else but the fight...that's the minute you will begin to lose the fight.
Interessantes Thema und heute leider mal zu faul, um auf Englisch zu schreiben. Verzeiht es mir, Jungs, und drückt die Übersetzungstaste ;-)
Ich habe in meinem Club die Erfahrung gemacht, dass man, wenn man offen mit dem Schwulsein umgeht, auch akzeptiert wird.
Eines Tages haben sich ein paar Jungs unterhalten und das Wort "schwul" fiel. Das ist jetzt im Deutschen verankert und auf Englisch etwa "gay".
Kurz darauf meinte einer aus der Gruppe, das Wort "schwul" dürfe man nicht sagen, seine schwulen Freunde (!) empfänden es als Schimpfwort.
Nun war mein Einsatz gekommen und ich sagte laut: "Also Jungs, fragt einen Experten und der bin ich. "SCHWUL " darf man sagen...". Es folgte noch ein paar Erläuterungen und die Jungs sagten, sie wollten mich um Himmels Willen nicht beleidigen....Seitdem grüßen wir uns immer, wenn wir einander sehen.
Yes. Did you read my long piece which is just under the profile of PunchingBagWanted? I have experienced so many great things in my boxing life. Two men are united in a bond of pure manhood when they box. It doesn't matter who or what the man is. Gay or straight does not matter at all. BOXING MATTERS.
Straight Boxer's have a right to their opinions, however they need to be reminded that gay Boxer's are still men like themselves physically.
Lest they forget history when a straight boxer taunted a gay fighter before a fight about his
Masculinity, the straight fighter ended up dead in their fight. For those history buffs out there check out
Emile Griffith vs Benny Kid Paret. Never under estimate a MAN, gay or otherwise.
The few really famous boxers who express homophobia get all the news...all the press. So it might seem to some as if the world of boxing is homophobic. It is not.
Boxing is a true bonding between two men. I have had an extensive, full, and rewarding life of boxing. I have owned or co-owned boxing gyms. I have trained hundreds of guys. I have boxed in more than half of the US states. I have boxed in England, Scotland, Germany, and Australia. I have visited many boxing gyms worldwide and have trained in many as well. I have never, not once, felt any homophobia. I go to box, and I box. I go to train, and I train. It's what men do.
If you are serious about the sport and go about your life living the sport, you find that men who box are all on a very level playing field. I'm not talking about ability. I'm talking about desire to engage in the sport. At my amateur, masters, and recreational level I have bonded with hundreds of men in the ring...most of them straight. I am currently a full time boxing coach in Adelaide, Australia. The guys I train know exactly who and what I am. I often have my husband with me (AussieBoxer on this site). He is also a boxing instructor. My guys come to me with a desire to learn the Manly Art of Self Defense...the Sweet Science. They get what the come for. I help instill within them a certain level of self confidence...a high level. They respect me for who I am and for what I give them.
When I spar or box, indeed when any man does so, he is experiencing an awesome insight into his own manhood. And he knows that his opponent is doing the same. When this happens, straight or gay no longer matters. I am not trying to paint a picture book, postcard perfect scenario. I am simply stating the truth of my life here. Boxing is the best and tightest bond between two men. All men have an inner need to fight, whether they accept and acknowledge that need or not. It is there. It is part of each man. Boxing fulfills that need. All men who box, need another man. They want another man. To box. To fight. To bond.
I have spoken about amateur, recreational, and masters boxing, as my life pertains to it. Professional boxing might very well appear to be a different story. But as I said above, I think the press gives magnification to the bad side of the story. I honestly believe that the good side of the story is exactly that...good. And I also believe that the good side of the story is a much bigger side. Much. Boxers are good men who respect other good men.
Ref aside, there are only boxers in the ring.
i was just thinking how multiple fairly prominent boxers are viruently and violently homophobic. Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, and Tyson Fury are three that come to mind. Do you think boxing is more homophobic than other sports. Of course the level of homophobia in MMA is much worse but than MMA is basically run by right, very right and the so called alt right . Curious what the groups thoughts are
I believe it’s typical of all sports to have a relatively homophobic attitude due to the fact that people see gay men as less masculine and less of a real man than straight men, which is inherently misogynistic in its own right. I don’t believe too many of the fighters are homophobic but the fans most certainly are.
You can see how homophobic the community is on here and on tumblr. With the amount of people talking about wanting to “beat f*gs” and such.
Ironbull (96)
28.4.2019 21:02Love this post. Gay and straight are a symptom of modern society's desire to label. Men were homosexual long before they were gay, heterosexual long before they were straight. By obsessing this binary view, we do ourselves an injustice and we make ourselves more than a little paranoid.
I hate the idea of a gay or straight boxer for this reason. My defences and attacks do not very according to my opponent's sexual orientation. If I really have time to ponder what he likes in bed, I'm going to pay for it with lapses in concentration.
Some people are stupid about gays. If not even boxing can teach them respect, I'm sure reason can't. Their loss.
BoxerBrawlerNL (4)
12.10.2020 11:00(In antwoord hierop)
This right here. Amazing 👏
HarborFighter (53 )
29.4.2019 2:03(In antwoord hierop)
Great, man. Well said. It's impossible to think about sex or eroticism during a real fight. Like you said, the minute you allow your mind to go anywhere else but the fight...that's the minute you will begin to lose the fight.
H16111960 (14)
28.4.2019 10:32Interessantes Thema und heute leider mal zu faul, um auf Englisch zu schreiben. Verzeiht es mir, Jungs, und drückt die Übersetzungstaste ;-)
Ich habe in meinem Club die Erfahrung gemacht, dass man, wenn man offen mit dem Schwulsein umgeht, auch akzeptiert wird.
Eines Tages haben sich ein paar Jungs unterhalten und das Wort "schwul" fiel. Das ist jetzt im Deutschen verankert und auf Englisch etwa "gay".
Kurz darauf meinte einer aus der Gruppe, das Wort "schwul" dürfe man nicht sagen, seine schwulen Freunde (!) empfänden es als Schimpfwort.
Nun war mein Einsatz gekommen und ich sagte laut: "Also Jungs, fragt einen Experten und der bin ich. "SCHWUL " darf man sagen...". Es folgte noch ein paar Erläuterungen und die Jungs sagten, sie wollten mich um Himmels Willen nicht beleidigen....Seitdem grüßen wir uns immer, wenn wir einander sehen.
HarborFighter (53 )
28.4.2019 12:15(In antwoord hierop)
Das ist sehr gut zu hören!
H16111960 (14)
28.4.2019 13:11(In antwoord hierop)
I think it is important to show this absolutely enjoyable expierence.
And indeed....boxing means something special because of the contact between men
HarborFighter (53 )
28.4.2019 13:21(In antwoord hierop)
Yes. Did you read my long piece which is just under the profile of PunchingBagWanted? I have experienced so many great things in my boxing life. Two men are united in a bond of pure manhood when they box. It doesn't matter who or what the man is. Gay or straight does not matter at all. BOXING MATTERS.
H16111960 (14)
28.4.2019 13:27(In antwoord hierop)
Absolutely!!!! Boxing and the love to it connect Boxers. I read it.
PunchingBagWanted (5)
27.4.2019 7:46Straight Boxer's have a right to their opinions, however they need to be reminded that gay Boxer's are still men like themselves physically.
Lest they forget history when a straight boxer taunted a gay fighter before a fight about his
Masculinity, the straight fighter ended up dead in their fight. For those history buffs out there check out
Emile Griffith vs Benny Kid Paret. Never under estimate a MAN, gay or otherwise.
HarborFighter (53 )
27.4.2019 14:50(In antwoord hierop)
The few really famous boxers who express homophobia get all the news...all the press. So it might seem to some as if the world of boxing is homophobic. It is not.
Boxing is a true bonding between two men. I have had an extensive, full, and rewarding life of boxing. I have owned or co-owned boxing gyms. I have trained hundreds of guys. I have boxed in more than half of the US states. I have boxed in England, Scotland, Germany, and Australia. I have visited many boxing gyms worldwide and have trained in many as well. I have never, not once, felt any homophobia. I go to box, and I box. I go to train, and I train. It's what men do.
If you are serious about the sport and go about your life living the sport, you find that men who box are all on a very level playing field. I'm not talking about ability. I'm talking about desire to engage in the sport. At my amateur, masters, and recreational level I have bonded with hundreds of men in the ring...most of them straight. I am currently a full time boxing coach in Adelaide, Australia. The guys I train know exactly who and what I am. I often have my husband with me (AussieBoxer on this site). He is also a boxing instructor. My guys come to me with a desire to learn the Manly Art of Self Defense...the Sweet Science. They get what the come for. I help instill within them a certain level of self confidence...a high level. They respect me for who I am and for what I give them.
When I spar or box, indeed when any man does so, he is experiencing an awesome insight into his own manhood. And he knows that his opponent is doing the same. When this happens, straight or gay no longer matters. I am not trying to paint a picture book, postcard perfect scenario. I am simply stating the truth of my life here. Boxing is the best and tightest bond between two men. All men have an inner need to fight, whether they accept and acknowledge that need or not. It is there. It is part of each man. Boxing fulfills that need. All men who box, need another man. They want another man. To box. To fight. To bond.
I have spoken about amateur, recreational, and masters boxing, as my life pertains to it. Professional boxing might very well appear to be a different story. But as I said above, I think the press gives magnification to the bad side of the story. I honestly believe that the good side of the story is exactly that...good. And I also believe that the good side of the story is a much bigger side. Much. Boxers are good men who respect other good men.
Ref aside, there are only boxers in the ring.
robeboy (1)
28.4.2019 0:31(In antwoord hierop)
this was great thank you for sharing you pov it was very informative
robeboy (1)
26.4.2019 15:28i was just thinking how multiple fairly prominent boxers are viruently and violently homophobic. Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, and Tyson Fury are three that come to mind. Do you think boxing is more homophobic than other sports. Of course the level of homophobia in MMA is much worse but than MMA is basically run by right, very right and the so called alt right . Curious what the groups thoughts are
HarborFighter (53 )
27.4.2019 14:51(In antwoord hierop)
Please read my post under PunchingBagWanted.
Budah (0)
27.4.2019 6:46(In antwoord hierop)
I believe it’s typical of all sports to have a relatively homophobic attitude due to the fact that people see gay men as less masculine and less of a real man than straight men, which is inherently misogynistic in its own right. I don’t believe too many of the fighters are homophobic but the fans most certainly are.
You can see how homophobic the community is on here and on tumblr. With the amount of people talking about wanting to “beat f*gs” and such.