Ich bevorzuge Schwanzboxen,weil mein Schwanz viel ertragen kann und ich beim Schwanz gegen Schwanz Kampf nicht kommen würde
Abwechselnd gegenseitig Schläge auf den Schwanz. Ein Kämpfer steht breitbeinig und der andere schlägt aus dem Stehen oder Knien. Wer zuerst spritzt hat verloren
There is a major distinction in cockfighting between using your cock as a weapon and using it as a target.
In the former the cock is slammed against an opponent's cock or balls. Sometimes this is called "cock jousting". The goal is to cause pain and damage to the other cock, but frequently the attacking cock gets hurt just as much. Obviously, if the cock goes soft it is useless as a weapon, and the fight is lost.
In the latter type, the cock serves as a target, usually for punches from a fist. Sometimes this is called "cock boxing". The goal is to cause pain and damage to the cock while avoiding any return blows. Ironically, it can be an advantage if the cock goes soft, as a soft cock can absorb more punches with less damage than a hard one.
If you're planning a cockfight with another man, be sure to specify what type of combat you are interested in.
There’s also the most pleasurable of all cockfights… the forced 69 AKA Skull-Fucking. Where we force feed each other hoping your rival gags or chokes on your weapon!
TRUTH! You my friend, get it. You are actually talkin cockfighting and not just talkin about participating in "pleasurable frottage" which most people around here seem to think is cockfighting. Grinding together to do a "first to cum" competition is still NOT a fight no matter what anyone thinks. Competition, yes I'll buy that, but a fight nope.
And yes, gotta discuss and agree to those boundaries and other rules too. Like how far with the hurt you are both willing to go. Discuss conditions on how to win and losing happens. My rival and I stand our ground in one place on a mat when we fight. We stand man to man and fight, no clowning around. We don't move around much. If one of us steps off the mat because he's to trying to avoid getting hit or jousted, the guy who steps away is in danger of forfeiting the fight. Do it once usually no big deal, sh!t happens. Do it twice, now you're trying to hide and quit and whether you mean it or not, you lose or you better have a good reason and maybe we gotta call time out and figure this out. Even if he steps off by accident.
That's just another example of some rules and limits to talk about.
Schwanzzieher (0)
27.1.2025 8:27Ich bevorzuge Schwanzboxen,weil mein Schwanz viel ertragen kann und ich beim Schwanz gegen Schwanz Kampf nicht kommen würde
Abwechselnd gegenseitig Schläge auf den Schwanz. Ein Kämpfer steht breitbeinig und der andere schlägt aus dem Stehen oder Knien. Wer zuerst spritzt hat verloren
Bellyfighter (1)
27.1.2025 1:18There is a major distinction in cockfighting between using your cock as a weapon and using it as a target.
In the former the cock is slammed against an opponent's cock or balls. Sometimes this is called "cock jousting". The goal is to cause pain and damage to the other cock, but frequently the attacking cock gets hurt just as much. Obviously, if the cock goes soft it is useless as a weapon, and the fight is lost.
In the latter type, the cock serves as a target, usually for punches from a fist. Sometimes this is called "cock boxing". The goal is to cause pain and damage to the cock while avoiding any return blows. Ironically, it can be an advantage if the cock goes soft, as a soft cock can absorb more punches with less damage than a hard one.
If you're planning a cockfight with another man, be sure to specify what type of combat you are interested in.
Mantikcore (7)
11 dagen geleden(In antwoord hierop)
There’s also the most pleasurable of all cockfights… the forced 69 AKA Skull-Fucking. Where we force feed each other hoping your rival gags or chokes on your weapon!
kevinshtoo (0)
27.1.2025 5:32(In antwoord hierop)
TRUTH! You my friend, get it. You are actually talkin cockfighting and not just talkin about participating in "pleasurable frottage" which most people around here seem to think is cockfighting. Grinding together to do a "first to cum" competition is still NOT a fight no matter what anyone thinks. Competition, yes I'll buy that, but a fight nope.
And yes, gotta discuss and agree to those boundaries and other rules too. Like how far with the hurt you are both willing to go. Discuss conditions on how to win and losing happens. My rival and I stand our ground in one place on a mat when we fight. We stand man to man and fight, no clowning around. We don't move around much. If one of us steps off the mat because he's to trying to avoid getting hit or jousted, the guy who steps away is in danger of forfeiting the fight. Do it once usually no big deal, sh!t happens. Do it twice, now you're trying to hide and quit and whether you mean it or not, you lose or you better have a good reason and maybe we gotta call time out and figure this out. Even if he steps off by accident.
That's just another example of some rules and limits to talk about.