MeetFightersInteressegroepenCockfightingUK cockfight - Shropshire Cockfighting Lid worden van deze interessegroepOnderwerpenLedenoverzicht 2037Galerij 88UK cockfight - Shropshire Boxer Boy (0)29.9.2019 19:28 Looking to have a cockfight with someone in the Birmingham/Shropshire area. Can travel, and can only host on certain days. 22y/o, 7.5 inches, only interested in guys around my own age, sorry. Vertalen Om een reactie te plaatsen moet je inloggen. Je moet inloggen om een nieuw onderwerp te beginnen.
Boxer Boy (0)
29.9.2019 19:28Looking to have a cockfight with someone in the Birmingham/Shropshire area. Can travel, and can only host on certain days.
22y/o, 7.5 inches, only interested in guys around my own age, sorry.