Hey Billy, from the looks of your butt,{which is an awesome one} you would make wolfy grunt like hell and kick hard as hell for fresh air as you ignored him, flexed for 1 minute, then continue to sit on his face as you counted slowly to 10 :-)
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Wolfy (0)
23.11.2016 9:18Anyone in chicago willing to sit on my face?
Billy Bonney (6)
24.11.2016 6:33(In antwoord hierop)
Yes, but apparently you got scared and deleted your profile.
26.11.2016 20:12(In antwoord hierop)
Hey Billy, from the looks of your butt,{which is an awesome one} you would make wolfy grunt like hell and kick hard as hell for fresh air as you ignored him, flexed for 1 minute, then continue to sit on his face as you counted slowly to 10 :-)