Fighting space construction

What are the most important aspects of a fighting space?

BluePrismArt (0)

28.2.2024 18:44

While I haven't built one myself, I do have a general idea on what I have seen in ones people have built:

1. Room Size: It should be able to fit 2 people in with a decent amount of room to move around in. Measure each room and see which one offers the best amount of space and standng room. This will help you with purchasing the mats as well.

2. Bathroom: This might be a personal choice but I would say yes to this. In the event that during a match someone feels like they may end up vomiting, it's better to have a toilet near by so they can release that. As well, you'll want a place where you can help clean the face from any blood that might happen from a spar or match.

3. Lighting: This one is a toughie. Natural lighting is good because of the vitamin you get from the natural sunlight, but it is risky considering that people may be able to look into the room. For this, I would say gauze it on your thoughts and ideas. Personally, I would say though to try to keep the fight between you and the guy you are going against.

4. Location: Most of the ones I see are in the basement so that tends to be a good go to spot. However, in cases where you don't have one, downstairs can work. An upstairs one is good too so I would say use your best judgment.

5. Storage space into he room for spare equipment if someone forgets something. If you and a guy agree to box, and they forget their gloves, it would be a shame to not have them fight due to forgetting equipment. So having a closet with some spare gear may prove beneficial.

These are just some ideas so take them with a grain of salt


StrikeFighter (62 )

29.2.2024 16:01

(In antwoord hierop)

Thanks for your feedback, BluePrismArt!

Storage space, good point. As it happens the room I am 99% decided on has a lot of that – both behind doors and visible, though high up, so gear can be on display and contribute to the general atmosphere without being in the way.

Bathroom ... as it happens all the spaces I have in mind are a bit of a trip away from the only toilet in this (oddly designed) house. The room I am 99% decided on has a washbasin and water tap just outside, but good point, I'll have to provide a bucket in case people need to 🤮 (or maybe my future opponents will just have to remember to train their abs before stepping onto my mats / into my ring, because their stomachs WILL be my main target 😈)

Anyone have any advice?


StrikeFighter (62 )

21.2.2024 13:28

So even though I've got a room in mind for my fighting space project (my former teenage bedroom), there are two other rooms in my old family home that could be turned into fighting spaces. All three have their advantages and disadvantages (for example, one of them is already empty, so everything could be in place next week – but that's the smallest of the three rooms and later I might regret not having gone for a bigger space.)

What aspects of a fighting space are most important? To help me make up my mind about which room to pick, it would be great to hear your ideas.

Floor size?
Standing room?
Having a bathroom nearby?
Natural daylight?
'Invisibility' (both from the street and from non-fighting visitors to the house)?
Upstairs / downstairs?
Anything I haven't thought of?

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