Not sure if this Facebook link will work for you, but I'll give it a try. It is my favorite type of gutpunching scene – the erotic kind – where the receiver is mostly unflexed and seems to really be absorbing the punches. It is the first video that appears on this FB page.
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Pedro H (6)
13.4.2020 13:05Hi folks, facebook deleted all my erotic gp video...i only can share thrm on skype or whatsapp...
slimp (0)
11.2.2020 3:38Put it on Youtube, then all can watch it.
Brett364 (1)
05.2.2020 3:38Not sure if this Facebook link will work for you, but I'll give it a try. It is my favorite type of gutpunching scene – the erotic kind – where the receiver is mostly unflexed and seems to really be absorbing the punches. It is the first video that appears on this FB page.
Punked Preppy (1 )
10.2.2020 21:59(In antwoord hierop)
Thanks for posting. The link worked it is. awesome!
Brett364 (1)
10.2.2020 23:44(In antwoord hierop)
You're welcome. Glad you liked it.
JayPuncher (12)
06.2.2020 5:18(In antwoord hierop)
Yup! That's how I like gut punching.
playfulwrestler (28 )
05.2.2020 5:44(In antwoord hierop)
Alas, I am not on Facebook.