Navel Torture/Fetish

List the objects you have taken in the navel

Rt ND Guts (4)

17.9.2018 21:10

Fingers, sticks, wax, freezing, electro, Airsoft, needles, nails, screws, BBs darts. icepicks and screwdrivers


slimp (0)

24.5.2018 3:59

I guess it depends on what you find satisfying. I like the feel of impact, breath forced out, and involuntary grunts. Something small and sharp may cause pain, possibly damage, but all that can occur without muscle or intestine displacement, hence no wind being pushed out, etc.


navelbinetw (0)

23.5.2018 9:49

i actually play real to my navel
have ever stabbed in with screwdriver nail icepick and knife
they said it's called hardcore, but hav no idea what it refers to.


slimp (0)

12.5.2018 5:10

Baseball bats, broomsticks, bed posts, river rocks, dumbells, acetylene tank valve covers, boots, shoes, sledgehammers, fossil rocks, lowered the front tire of a Ford Tempo, hydraulic jacks, shot puts, chin-up bar expanded between my gut and the other side of a door frame, and I know I'm forgetting some stuff too.

It works out well for me to be pressed against a wall, by an unyielding blunt object wedged against an opposite wall or door frame, etc. I imagine being wedged between two 2x4s, with a pole forcing my gut against the wall. The only escape is forward, as sideways movement is prevented by the boards, and there's no escape forward because the pole, sunk deep into my gut, has my back firmly against the wall.

Up to 25 people can join a Skype call at the same time. It could be fun watching stuff happen to our guts, or talking about what we'd do to each others. My Skype username is Guy.ask


lived eht (2)

10.5.2018 20:13

Broom handle. Rubber mallet. Metal bar. Screwdriver. Scribe. Knitting needle. Pens. Boots. Pool cue. Air gun dart. Meat skewer. Cains. Base ball bat.


Soccer20 (0)

09.5.2018 15:20

mit einem schraubenzieher ganz langsam rein , fühlt sich extrem gut an .


bayridgefighter (3 )

11.5.2018 6:02

(In antwoord hierop)

Hey hi I thought you like the feel say a blunt blade of a sword or knife or Trident in your abs and navel during armed combats like I do... Ave Caesar! Of those of us who are about to........... salute you

. hope to see you in the arena someday Gladiator


navelbinetw (0)

23.5.2018 8:42

(In antwoord hierop)

i can take blade in my navel


EP Tiger (14)

11.5.2018 15:08

(In antwoord hierop)

I would love to face you in that scenario! Trident against your Sword.


bayridgefighter (3 )

12.5.2018 6:01

(In antwoord hierop)

With something like this Hummmmm?


EP Tiger (14)

15.5.2018 23:25

(In antwoord hierop)

Meant blunt blade and blunt point on trident ..not that crazy.


slimp (0)

13.5.2018 3:56

(In antwoord hierop)

A session like that wouldn't last long enough. Also, the gut should remain intact enough to take more punishment.


RadnerBearman (0)

05.12.2017 13:08

Over the years I have absorbed the blunt end of a louisville slugger ( bat ) , several different weight and size hard medicine balls, softball in the palm of your hand, brass knucks, and SAP gloves. As a kickbixer I have taken knees and feet. I have been rammed with the top of a folding chair. That went in hard and deeeeep i felt it, but i took it Lets hear from the rest of you. These days i drive a 16 pound two handled med ball into me as hard as I can to failure.


bayridgefighter (3 )

11.5.2018 6:06

(In antwoord hierop)

Joe I love to see you do that on a video can you post one for us? Bass Knuckles sounds hot.. Hope you're doing well, George


EP Tiger (14)

06.12.2017 21:08

(In antwoord hierop)

The longer and wider the object the more I can take! Punches with knuckles even better. Medicine balls throw what you want I’ll take it! The harder the harder I get!


RadnerBearman (0)

10.5.2018 22:16

(In antwoord hierop)

I firmly believe and I have suggested it to several of the guys on here who I train, that when you can take the blows in the gut from a two handled 16 or 22 pound medicine ball, you can take any fist. There is a member, of MF, who is a wrestler, who likes body shots, and lives in the US, who can easily take a 9 pound bowling ball in the stomach, repeatedly and is NOT hurt or winded from it. He has done what I suggested and has conditioned his core, so that he is NOT hurt by this. He loves the feeling of power. He is a better wrestler because of his core strength.


bayridgefighter (3 )

11.5.2018 6:01

(In antwoord hierop)

Hi I didn't realize a medicine ball can do this core-strengthening on one's abs.. how about working with a kettle ball?


RadnerBearman (0)

30.7.2018 20:00

(In antwoord hierop)

Kettle bells are ok but the two handled med ball can be controlled better. Just my opinion. I ram a 22 pound ball into my abs. But have 6 meetfighters cliends who beat their guts with medicine balls

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