I want to see more jobbers succumb to this. Would love to see Dex carry them over his shoulder out of the ring too. I like the idea of them re-appearing ringside completely blank and mind wiped after being subjected to his sleeper torture reprogramming, becoming his minions.
in case this hasnt been posted, i thought i might share it. not only is it fairly accurate regarding timing with passing out in such a hold, but the way lumis gently strokes his victim's hair afterward is rather, um, unusual...
chicagocroix (16)
14.5.2020 20:59I love going out in that hold! Can't wait for it to happen again!!
untouchable1 (12)
14.5.2020 19:56Loved this. The eye roll and panic was super hot
Spenser Locke (19)
15.5.2020 5:31(In antwoord hierop)
The selling was great. I want more.
SlimScrapper (212 )
15.5.2020 7:47(In antwoord hierop)
Yes. The eye roll, the panic, the selling. All so hot!!
Spenser Locke (19)
15.5.2020 9:52(In antwoord hierop)
I want to see more jobbers succumb to this. Would love to see Dex carry them over his shoulder out of the ring too. I like the idea of them re-appearing ringside completely blank and mind wiped after being subjected to his sleeper torture reprogramming, becoming his minions.
full nelson expert (2 )
13.5.2020 2:13in case this hasnt been posted, i thought i might share it. not only is it fairly accurate regarding timing with passing out in such a hold, but the way lumis gently strokes his victim's hair afterward is rather, um, unusual...
Lthrwrstlr (2 )
17.5.2020 2:34(In antwoord hierop)
Love a heel in gloves
wrestlerspig (14)
14.5.2020 17:24(In antwoord hierop)
Gee, can I be next to be sleepered out cold and have my hair stroked?
SlimScrapper (212 )
14.5.2020 7:59(In antwoord hierop)
I'm with @Spenser Locke here...I do find this VERY hot!
Barry O (27 )
14.5.2020 15:35(In antwoord hierop)
agree lets try his finisher out on you.
SlimScrapper (212 )
15.5.2020 7:46(In antwoord hierop)
Hehe. Oh yeah?
Barry O (27 )
15.5.2020 13:35(In antwoord hierop)
Yes heelbait!
Spenser Locke (19)
13.5.2020 17:23(In antwoord hierop)
You mean hot! I want him to do that to me...just before he takes off my trunks.