Stakes, Spoils, and Post-Match Punishment

Wrestle best 5 out of 7 dominates! Loser gets buzzed head haircut to a .5 or 1.0 & is sub for same a

Waterpolo (0)

07.1.2018 18:01

Wrestle best 5 out of 7 wins! He dominates loser for same # of days as losers age.Loser gets buzzed to a .5 or 1.0 or double Mohawk or single Mohawk. If oponent loses all 7 out if 7 he gets full body shaved. Then 8th Wrestling match is oiied. Whoever cums 1st is a slave for a month or # if days as his age


hardonthemat (63)

07.1.2018 18:37

(In antwoord hierop)

Hey Waterpolo - I'll rassle you best 5 out of 7. Nude sub match. Rassle for the stakes you propose. Bring it!!!


Waterpolo (0)

07.1.2018 22:54

(In antwoord hierop)

Look up Mickey3458
he rents out Wrestling rooms and also a ring plus he has showers there


Waterpolo (0)

15.1.2018 20:33

(In antwoord hierop)

Mikey3458 has a ring & 3 wrestling rooms +showers
I misspelled Mikey


Gregorio2 (10)

08.1.2018 17:55

(In antwoord hierop)

Searched "Mickey3458" on this site and results are zed


Waterpolo (0)

08.1.2018 23:59

(In antwoord hierop)

I just looked up Mickey3458
& his page works fine.


Waterpolo (0)

07.1.2018 21:29

(In antwoord hierop)

NJ here
there us a place to meet & wrestle that a meet fighters rents out for $20

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