Wrestling Videos on the Net

Classic Match

lacteur1 (6)

22.3.2020 1:38

Love this old-school ring action:


Meilo1 (27 )

22.3.2020 6:17

(In antwoord hierop)

love this good old catch-wrestling video's


lacteur1 (6)

21.3.2020 21:47

This is the wrestling I grew up watching on Saturday afternoons. Pretty sure I single handedly (no pun intended) kept Kleenex in business:


Bighouse (1)

22.3.2020 6:54

(In antwoord hierop)

Kleenex! Why? Hey tough guy I hate to think your champ lost?

I’d like a wrestle with you before I move to TN in August - NH is closer to Ontario vs TN. You look to be a formidable and challenging opponent.

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