Wrestling Videos on the Net

Unreleased / Rare Movimus Wrestling / NHB-Battle matches

RuffFightChallenge (77)

19.4.2024 22:59

How about my favorite, I think he went by "Isaac Bolt"?


Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)

03.5.2024 1:29

(In antwoord hierop)

You lucky bastard, you did wrestle him!!!
Yeah, he is great, too bad he only did one video for Movimus.


iowajoh (14)

18.4.2024 15:43

Do you have many of Shawn Dunkin?


Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)

03.5.2024 1:31

(In antwoord hierop)

Yes, all of his matches are available at their website.


headscissorschgonwburbs (21 )

10.4.2024 21:52

always like Duke Russo


SRQlightweight (2)

10.4.2024 20:34

"Spanish God," are you tAlking about thE famous Wrestler I think you are?


Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)

10.4.2024 21:11

(In antwoord hierop)

The Best Ever. 🐐


guywhowrestles (0)

14.4.2024 21:33

(In antwoord hierop)

I give up. Who the "Spanish God"?


Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)

14.4.2024 22:32

(In antwoord hierop)

You know, you could ask me that question in private.


Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)

09.4.2024 22:45

I'm a big fan of the Movimus Wrestling website and the old NHB-Battle website. The videos they produced are the best, always with great guys grappling each other in real submission wrestling matches.

Well, I have almost 500 matches in my collection, but there are some that have been removed from the catalogue, and that can no longer be purchased, even if you look on the official website.

If anyone here would like to exchange these rare Movimus Wrestling videos, please contact me.

Here's a list of these rare matches I DON'T have.

  • Axel vs. Josh Taylor & Rocky Morelli
  • Axel vs. Trevor Jones
  • Cody James vs. Scott Towers & Chas Morgan
  • Darrin Hoffson vs. Asante
  • Darrin Hoffson vs. Chris March
  • Darrin Hoffson vs. Joe Conte
  • Darrin Hoffson vs. Patrick Donovan
  • Derek Ortiz vs. Salvatore Landow
  • J.J. Kirkpatrick vs. Kevin Forneo
  • Jace Davis vs. Cosmo Jordan
  • MJ Walker vs. Axel (not their rematch, which is available on the website)
  • Patrick Donovan vs. Iohann Ioto
  • Swage vs. Angel Tonga
  • Teddy Freeze vs. Darrin Hoffson

Here are some rare matches I do have. I'm not counting all the 7 matches featuring the "Spanish God" out of respect for the Wrestling star, as I avoid sharing them.

  • Darrin Hoffson vs. Axel
  • Duke Russo vs. James Bianchi
  • Richie Towler vs. Jolt Jenkins
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