stiffening and hard on wrestling

What is the best part of fighting/wrestling with another guy

FLGripper (8 )

19.11.2017 20:37

Best part of the match for me is that point when (in an even match) it is obvious that someone has begun to dominate and it becomes apparent they will eventually make their opponent submit... I love the game and revel in it regardless of the outcome... I will go for the win/pins, but either way, at that point, I will become extremely aroused and stiffen up promptly. I will either enjoy the ride dominating or eventually settle in to the fact I will have to vocally/physically submit and play out my role to the finish. Stakes make it even more arousing for a great final submission.


Dadfights (24)

19.11.2017 20:42

(In antwoord hierop)

I agree!
I also get aroused by just stripping off and gearing up with my opponent.
Nothing like two guys getting ready to wrestle, fight or rough house!


ennjay0381 (0 )

15.11.2017 23:17

I’d have to say I like the build up, the arranging of the match, the gear, stakes if so, the hottest part for me is the last few minutes before we meet. I get excited and rock hard. Changing into gear, oiling up (if it’s an oil match), meeting on the mat/mattress/padded floor just gets the adrenaline going. That first few moments of contact, testing each other’s strength, the beginnings of sweating and the sounds of skin in skin contact just keep me hard and motivated as I’m trying my damndest not to lose. That fight instinct and the struggle to gain the upper hand all while feeling another man doing the same is one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced. Can’t wait for the next one!!


Dennis (1)

15.11.2017 16:10

Fightguy, spot on. I'm constantly sizing myself up to other guys at the mall, gas station, restaurant, grocery store, etc. Also have a strong sadistic streak and looking for other sadists to see who the toughest man is. Heel/jobber doesn't work with me at all, always competitive whether we go easy or rough.


Nhantsuk (9)

01.2.2016 12:30

The whole thing is a great experience. Going toe to toe, grabbing each others bulge to see what they got, rough snogging as you squeeze, then onto the match itself. Fighting to get the other guys trunks off, battling with other to win, and once one of us wins, milking the loser dry as he lays there under you helpless. And then its the winners turn...


Phil51 (5)

01.2.2016 16:04

(In antwoord hierop)

You sound like you need a fight


Barefoot Grappler (10 )

21.12.2015 10:40

Man to man competion,putting on a tight wrestling singlet,stepping on the mat in my barefeet to test another mans strengh and skill, stakes after a match if agreed,aggressive wrestling turns me on


bridgeman (0)

03.1.2016 8:34

(In antwoord hierop)

The best part is when you both step onto the naked both erect and slowly circle each other cocks waving then you come together body to body cocks leaking


Starbrand2099 (1)

03.1.2016 17:12

(In antwoord hierop)

Hell yes, fully nude and both completely rock hard, their cocks swaying back and forth until they grapple together and their rock hard cocks slap together! A huge fantasy of mine, looking for a opponent for my weapon! Om foto's in de galerijen te zien moet je inloggen.


Supersized Man (4)

31.1.2016 17:20

(In antwoord hierop)

man that is a really beautiful dick...I'd love to see it up close when you are fully engorged


Starbrand2099 (1)

01.2.2016 6:58

(In antwoord hierop)

Show your cock bro!


Phil51 (5)

25.12.2015 20:36

(In antwoord hierop)

I'd take you ok or any one in the uk anytime


barefootdude (0)

21.12.2015 0:19

the best is when your on top and your both naked and ready to jizz and grinding him and he starts squrting and u know u won and u feel the cum ready to squrt out your cock all over him


Chrisblodgett (23)

19.12.2015 13:00

I just want to say thanks to the men who have made this fantastic string of comments. You have all said so perfectly why I am here. Love to take on any of you!


Phil51 (5)

20.12.2015 19:46

(In antwoord hierop)

Any uk guys interested message me I need a good hard fight


Ynotwrestler (3)

23.7.2015 6:01

Simply, undressing together, gearing up and engaging! It's quite the rush!


PeterJA (0)

28.7.2015 22:21

(In antwoord hierop)

Yes, besides undressing together, the commitment to see who is the Best Wrestler under Scrutiny Conditions.


bcgrapple (2)

29.7.2015 0:50

(In antwoord hierop)

Totally agree


Dadfights (24)

24.7.2015 17:46

(In antwoord hierop)

Yes, I agree!


Andrews (0)

24.7.2015 1:07

(In antwoord hierop)

its and strip wondering what underwear speedos they are wearing...a real rush to see what lies underneath....down to sexy underwear-then coloured jock strap...hmm sexy


SacWrestle (0)

22.7.2015 14:17

After facing off and going down to the mat when one guy mounts the other guy and you wind up chest to chest and junk to junk. At that point a little shit talking starts and the match is on as we Grind, Struggle and Roll for control and position on top.

That's my Favorite!


handto (12)

26.7.2015 23:34

(In antwoord hierop)

I agree. That is the best way to fight to the finish.


bcgrapple (2)

22.7.2015 15:54

(In antwoord hierop)

Totally agree's the best!


Dadfights (24)

24.7.2015 17:47

(In antwoord hierop)

Yes, it is!


dc5wrestler (3)

18.7.2015 13:08

You guys are right. Its the whole build up towards the match. Then the match itself. I hate squash jobs. Give me a battle. I definitely prefer guys my height. At 5'7" most guys are a lot taller and bigger. I need to get eye to eye and get my body around my opponent and squeeze the shit outta him


Dadfights (24)

18.7.2015 18:13

(In antwoord hierop)

So true dc5, let's fight!


BDave9 (0)

14.7.2015 21:32

The Best Part is "Knowing" - You are 110% sure, you are going to win and what to expect afterwards :)


Fullnelson (3)

25.6.2015 15:16

As you size up the other guy you are about to wrestle. You think to yourself fuck this is going to be harder than I thought or this is going to be a walkover. Love it when the other guy is the same size as then it is down to skill. love the hot struggle that happens when 2 men get naked and want to dominate the other.


Bigdave315 (0)

11.7.2015 18:09

(In antwoord hierop)

I agree with you. There is nothing like standing in front of your opponent. Both of you naked eyeing each other up and down. Both with hard cocks. Ready to have a down and dirty nude fight.


Katfitefan (4)

03.7.2015 20:21

(In antwoord hierop)

Even better when you don't know who is gonna win. Adds to the tension!


mochablk (22)

24.6.2015 18:05

I like the ma to man private "boys will be boys" action and sexual tension (gay or straight) that manifests itself during the match.


SamuraiJack (7)

16.7.2015 15:48

(In antwoord hierop)

Agree completely. For me, it's the "tension" of two men trying to be the victor, testing each other's strength, and trash-talking. It's the reason I'm not a fan of jobber/heel matches, for no matter how defiant the jobber is, the winner is already predetermined. So the tension isn't the same. And then the sexual tension that it creates - whether you act on it or not - is pretty exhilarating.


Katfitefan (4)

03.7.2015 20:22

(In antwoord hierop)

Yes, it's like being back in the schoolyard or backyard as a kid settling shit.


Dadfights (24)

09.7.2015 2:25

(In antwoord hierop)

Man, let's go out in the backyard and settle some shit! I'd like to take you on!


Katfitefan (4)

11.7.2015 20:04

(In antwoord hierop)

Would love to slug it out with ya'


Dadfights (24)

12.7.2015 23:08

(In antwoord hierop)

I'd love to fight it out with you too!
Close in size, would be a HOT one!


dc5wrestler (3)

22.6.2015 10:28

Squaring off circling each other. Trash talking. Growing when you have a guy in a tight hold. Making each other tap out. It's especially nice when guys are the same size especially height


bcgrapple (2)

17.7.2015 16:30

(In antwoord hierop)

Totally agree dc. Trash talk adds to long tight holds with guy that's simpler stats..very competitive..very sweaty


Dadfights (24)

22.6.2015 22:02

(In antwoord hierop)

Yes, the closer in size the better the fight!


Dadfights (24)

21.6.2015 20:02

The entire time you are together.
Both guys challenging each other, stripping off, maybe to jeans and barefoot, or putting on trunks and getting ready to fight.
Circling each other, fists up, feeling out each other and waiting for the first punch.
Trading punches,damn,it's all HOT!
Best way for two men to release some stress, or just have a good time.
Two guys who fight each other can also be best of friends!!


fightguy (20)

20.6.2015 19:37

For me the 'best' part is the entire experience. Checking out another guy, sizing him up, the anticipation, the mix of anxiousness and aggressiveness in the encounter..."How tough is this guy?" "Can I take him?" "What will he be like in a fight?" And then the actual struggle, be that wrestling or boxing or fighting, the adrenal rush of two male animals engaged in physical combat. There is absolutely nothing like it...the smell, the sound, the passion...both men completely focused on each other and the fight they create together. I always fight to win, but the winning for me is not as important as experiencing another man's maleness...getting to the core of what another guy is all about. And of course there is the all important 'chemistry' ...the stronger the attraction the more I want to fight a guy.


stdfghter01 (4)

20.6.2015 4:29

Always the submission. Or multiple submissions. Totally dominating another man with long held holds. Watching his eyes as they seem to say I've had enough. Love the total physical contact from the initial handshake to the final handshake.


bradleyj (4 )

19.6.2015 23:48

The submission, strength and domination among men are pretty much the same. you could be going for high stakes where loser has to submit to the winner, Male bonding is def a plus factor in there releasing frustrations from society caused or built up testosterone and aggression that needs some release. Another man is the only one that understands these needs and desires.


Roberts (0)

19.6.2015 21:18

Tell me how and what is the best part. Open discussion.

Please add your own past experience or even a fantasy here.


hephaestion2014 (52)

07.7.2015 6:12

(In antwoord hierop)

Funnily enough the whole thing is great, the arranging, the trash talk before if the other guy is wanting that. The changing into gear and the sizing up and circling

But I judge how good a match is, and my favourite part is after the battle where you shake hands, talk about the match and chat.

Knowing you tested yourself against another guy, and win or lose, you acquitted yourself well enough for them to have respect for you as a fighter but also as a person too.

Sorry, probably sounds silly :)

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