Allow commercial activity on MeetFighters?
- Disallow all commercial activity, including profile text, private messages, forums, blogs, etc. (487 stemmen: 1try2pinme8, 45manchego, 45North, 4--pack, a2bill, Abaelard1, AbsBoy, absok, ad61533, Adam1975, Admin, aeneas, afwrestler, Albert, Alex333, alex83, alsuper gp, andrewj, Andy Bailey, Animal KingDom, Anthon1, Antton64, armwrestler, asianmuscle, AsPalepsoume, athorr, Aussboxa, backwards, bam2, bamafight, BamaJDon41, barefoot, barefootrasler, Barney84, Basildon Bloke, battlefox, BBR, bear2967, bearboi, Bear Combat Warrior, BeefyWrestler, belegand, Belligerent, bellyache, Berlin, bermudabattle, BEST GUTPUNCHEE, bgwrslr, biathlete, BigBikerStache, Big Guy, bigguys4me, bigman, bigt730, bishop65, Bjjfight, blackmen13, bodycontactau, borderman, borets, BoroGrappler, boston kid, boxermad, BoxinCowboy, boxjim12, boxtpntx, Bristol Wrestle, bristolwrestler, bruceg, brunobsas, bulldogwrst, bullneck, Bustables, Caguy, cajunliteweight, cambridgeuk, camel boston, Cardiff40, Catalan Boxer, Cdncplfight, Cedric81, celticmuscles, CentralFL, CHAD99, ChaseAddams92, chevy33301, ChiBox, chicagowrestbox, ChineseGrappler, Chokemaster, Christos, chuckles06, CHwrestler, ckfightr, Clack, CoachRon, COFighter, colinfighter, commandertc, competitivestraight, Controller, Cornerman, Coub, cristhoper apolo, curiosoush, curtolutas, Cymrofight, Dadario, dany 2808, dave1973, DavidW, dawgman81, DCJobber, deanjones, Deano, Deeman, dermott wigan, dfwrasslr, dguy, DiverTom, docmoose, donegalsubwrestler, downforthecount, dpp4, drahtman, DraigGoch, drpdaz, DSMachado, dudmath, dundun, Dungeon Master, egyfighter, Elemental, etrekker, facesitee, Felipe, felix, ffm ringer, fig4me, fighter69, FighterV, FIGHTINGLEATHERNECK, fightinms, fightman123, fightmuscle, FightNut, finngrappler, Fit2014, fitspeedo, fixandfox, Flexforme, folgor3, folladorofollado, ForcedAbTrainer, foxy, freeman, frprowrestling, frushaggy, fsmeets60, Funfighter1985, fun missouri guy, funraufer, garrietate, gay kenny, gedlutte1, geekay, gerryfra, Giulian Vs, Gladiador gym, go2matwu, gordonbelly, gpau1900, grappler2000, grappler30, GrapplingHB, greatcow95, Greeklad, GroundFite, gunner, gures, gut123, gutpuncherNY, guy321, guyaskinforit, haden2, Hairy Puncher, hairytxwrestler, handto, hardfitsub, hardonthemat, Hartfordguy, hashbock, Heraclius2, heralduk, herovsvillain, Hertsteve, hiwrestling, Hollywood954, hotjudoka, hotkickboxer, hotprofanmuscle, hunk71fi, jack555, jake12345, jake325, jamieevans, jan44, Jarda, jason, JasonFL, JiminQueens2, jobber1957, jobbercombatif, jockl, John A, johnno, johnny, joman74, judo, judofun74, Judoka WA, judoraufer, kensean, Kent, KS58210, LA Bull Wrestler, ladron fr, Lamia, lancsguy, launce, Lawrence, Lbwrestler, leanonme, leatherhound, LeatherWrestlerUS, leicgp, lifter78, Liftmaniac, Lincoln Lad, litewt78, Lkn4awrestletoy, Londongrappleguy, londonlad80, Lovestrength, Ltsfght, ltwtveteran, luallavi, luchador15, Ludwig, lutador, lutteausol, luttecatch3, Lutteur79, lutteurardent, MacGrappler, madridwrestler, maeCR1, Manc21, manchesterwrestler, manngegenmann, manuel76, MARC94, markec1, marks, martialartslad2013, Marty Magnum, Masked Speedo Lad, Mask-MI, matmanuk, matslam, Matt73, MattMahn, matt nbg, Maurice12, MAwrestler, Max, Maximus, MCRLON30UK, mectlse, mhnks2004, Miamibrit, Miamigrappler, Middlegaguy, milll36, mipiacelalotta, MisterLegs, Mixedboxing1983, Mixedfights, MlkshkFan, Mr KO, MTLwrestler1967, Mufasta, musc2000, musclechris80, muscledfighter, musclepunch, musicmixer, muslsqueezed, mziv, naokijudo, Nature boy, NChi01, neck428, New2this, next door wrestling, NHB, NickZ, niki-hh, niwrestler, NJFTR, NJmatman, NJMusclebud, nola roller, Norwayman, NWJobber84, nycyberfighter, oc wrestler, Ohiomatman, OHjobber, olli1994, omr24, oneatatime, Orlandoscissors, Orthobull, osakarob, OTS XL, ottawajock, ozboxer, oziwrestler, pacho, PacNWBulldog, painauthority, paradigm shift, passivemuscle, passndomnj, PatBoxer, patlutte, pavid, pdxphil, Peter wak1, phemt, philip1, PHLBoxer, PippoGe, playwrestle, polyethylene33, poseidonwrestler, ppocthey, PSSam, pulsar 79, radryan43, raufer1234, realthing, redlandguy, Reilly, resl4top, RetiredAF, reyntime, Ricardo50, Richa, ricky 1, Ridge, RingerHH1, ringer-mainz, rio, ritchy england, rob99, Robbert, robbiecp, ROBOCOP, Roughmatch, RoughNeck, roundhay, RSl, ruinurabs, rumbletumbleUK, Rusnak, SammyUSA, sbpfan, schabernacken, scissorholdme, Scissorvictim, Scot Grappler, Scotsjay, Scottish Red, scubawrestler, Scunlad1, SFFight, sgregorson, shuttlexp, skinnystan, skiwrestler, skrapper, slamitdown, sleeper wrestler, smother, sousou, southernguy, SparklePlenty, sparkytbg, speedorassler, speedos, SQUEEZEPLAY, SSHET76, st7, steelmann, steve50a, steve fleming, stlfights, STLsubpro, STREAKOFBACON, Streetfighter30, StreetFighter4U, Stripey2001, strongerthanyou, stubbboy, stuttgart grappling, SubmissionMan500, SucheGegner, suig, superfighter, Superfly, surfboard, svenmarc, synxiec, Syrwrestler, Tanin79, tankuk, tansko, tassos1, tateshiho, terminalpunch, terry, The Darknight, thenordby, Tiger, Tigerrific, tna fan, tokugawa, tomafr, TONYO75, topper, tough gut, Tower79, Tristan98765, TS NHB, tuffwrstl0, ukgrappler, ukpitbull, Username, viavoice fr, videoboyuk, vince 39, walterfighter, warrior007, welshdragon, WillLondon, wolf, wolveswrestler, wrassler123, wrestle bomb, wrestlecubcleve, wrestled, wrestledave, wrestle dc, wrestleforfun, WrestleFun13, wrestlekid193, wrestlemat2001, WrestleMeDude, wrestlemick, wrestler60610, Wrestlerfun, wrestlermars, wrestlernys, WrestleSweat0077, wrestlewanted, wrestling82, wrestling coach, wrestlingspeedos, wrestlinstudd, wrestlruff, WWECmPunkRockFan, Ynotwrestler, you hard enough, Zeus, zwirnie)
- Allow offers of commercial activity in profile text. (200 stemmen: akboitoy, Akrob, Alex Martini, ansky, antcarvalho, anton2411, ArmwrestleAndMore, Astatine, athens123, axxo007, babyabe, BadBoy, Bailey147, barrieuk, beachedboy, BearTamer, Bennyfighter, billy, blackburn lad, BLKMUSCLES, Boston Tap, Boxingmarco, brightonguy, brilliant n buff, BRITANNICUS, bulldogkv, casalutte, cgnfighter, chazzlovesboxing, chicagoburbswrestler, chuck29205, chuckie333, coedyuk, colmar, Col Rich, cyberjobber, cyberwrestler21, daniellibra1986, danielmueller, darkwin369, davey123, David, Denver1, dfeetffm, dimitrisdiogenis, eGambler, Elan1, enthusiast, feelssostudent, ferdybear, fghter, fighterff, Fighter Gary, FlevoHans, flexiblesub, Forester, fptmffldaos, Freenote, fun missouri guy, funraufer, gábor, Gamer, Geoslam, glad42, glaliot, guigui01, gutpunchbln, gymgeordie, GymGladiator, hakancem, HardfightFfm, HardWorkerBL, HDScissorFan, highscreener, Hslut75, Hyede, ikf, IKneadFighters, ImtiazAli, Ironbull, Iwreslinca, Jake, JayXMuscle, JBoy92, jobberdash, judoantwerpen, KämpferLPZ, kickboxer2014, Kickboxer88Zh, leelondon, leeray, LondonHeel, london sub, longlines8, lotta t, lumanis, lutteur31, maddwrestler, manuy27, manuz, marcus, marko75, marphy, matpowers617, maw1667, mcic, MCRLON30UK, MDsport, mickey jw, midblue, mikemat123, mikey3458, Mik nwuk, Mirceal, MTFBN, musc1961, MuscChamp, MuscleBond, newlondonwrestler, njwrstlr, Noby, NorthernWrestler, nottsman, nwfan53, nycgtpnch7, NYWrestler1985, Omar23, outdoorfighter, Pancrace92, pepperoncino, Peteuk, playfulwrestler, prosubsladuk, PunchFun, Raufbold1976, raufenhh, Raufmaniac76, RedShadow, redstarbear, Reefhook, Reilly, reno695, RickWrestlerFL, Riviera Wrestle, RNC81, rock20087, rocko, Rudge, Ruffbear7, Rukh, Ryno, sandrive, sbplooser, sbp RJ, schoolboypinmixxt, scrasher, silverbear, smeikle, Smeshy, sockvid, sparkie, SpeedoFun, STEELMUSCLEGOD, Stief, stlmuscledad, stormenregen, sublondonsw4, submissiongames, superal, swell, Talldavidla, The Kestrel, throwdownsg, tinytough, tna fan, touchHD, Toughwrestler, training and fight, tucxmil, tupsi, UKAndy99, u-max, upstatenyprowrestler, ursamajor, Uzak2014, vaxrte, v vv v, Wf310, WildcatLes, wildcub70, WrestleForFun NL, wrestleindo, wrestle me, wrestler2000, wrestlercgn, wrestlesweat, wrestlingcub, wrestlron, wrestman, wrestme)
- Allow offers of commercial activity in blogs and forums. (196 stemmen: 4fun, AbhijeetSingh, Alkane, Anfänger, anton2411, Astatine, ausjock28, ayrshirewrestle, BadBoy, BAWrestler, Bearhug KO, bearwrestler69, bhug3996, BigFootRJ, Blaze Bradley, Bomber, BoxerBoy, BoxerCoachinmd, boxingfan21, Boxnmech, braintreejack, brazilwrestler86, Cali25, carioca fighter, Celticmuscle, chazzlovesboxing, chicagoburbswrestler, Chris4prosubs, chuck29205, chuckie333, clamp, Coldice, Col Rich, combat ludique, CotswoldsFighter, cyberjobber, cyberwrestler21, daniellibra1986, DavidSE14, dfeetffm, dimitrisdiogenis, DKnight, duel action, eGambler, Elemental, fghter, fighterff, Fighter Gary, fightparis, fireball, Fitman40, FitnessLast, flexiblesub, Flightbook, Forester, francknord59, Freenote, funfight71, Gamer, gamergp, gardenboy, Geoslam, gj be, glad42, glaliot, greendude2002, guigui01, gutpunchbln, guy321, Guysmiley, hairybrussels, hakancem, heeljobb83, henk1966, highflyeral, Hslut75, IKneadFighters, ImtiazAli, Ironbull, Islandmusc, Iwreslinca, JACARE, Jake, jason080, jaydee, JayPuncher, JBoy92, Jdawgoh, jobberdash, johnwhy, joman74, jset, judoantwerpen, justsee, Kamikaze, KämpferLPZ, kill-switch, koxy, Lambtonguy, Lederringer, leeray, leondex, lewy paradise, LondonHeel, londonq, LuchadorenCali, lumanis, lusowrestler, LutadorJPA, lutteur31, manunderstorm, marconi, marcus, matman, mcic, MDsport, midblue, musc1961, MuscleBond, n2rassle, newlondonwrestler, next door wrestling, niko06laus, njwrstlr, Noby, nwfan53, nycbrawl, nycgtpnch7, NYerhere, NYWrestler1985, oldscrapperderby, Ottawajp, ouo ouo, Pancrace92, Phillip, phillutte, prosubsladuk, Raufmaniac76, Reefhook, Reilly, rguts, rock20087, Ruffbear7, RuffFightChallenge, RuffStuff, Rukh, sbplooser, sbp RJ, schoolboypinmixxt, SeattleFight, SecretBoy, Sherbrooke, Slam me, slvrsqrl, sockvid, SpeedoFun, STEELMUSCLEGOD, Stief, stormenregen, sublondonsw4, suig, superal, SurreyGuy, swell, Talldavidla, The Kestrel, throwdownsg, tinytough, tizerlad, tna fan, Tom 049, touchHD, tryharder, TryThis, TxWrestle, Tyger, UKAndy99, u-max, upstatenyprowrestler, uwillgive, Uzak2014, vaxrte, Versus, v vv v, walrus, Wiesel 65xxx, WildcatLes, wildcub70, wrestleindo, wrestle me, wrestler2000, wrestlethecoach, wrestlingcub, wrestme, wrstnl, youngwannd)
- Allow offers of commercial activity in private messages. (225 stemmen: AbhijeetSingh, Ajax, akboitoy, Akrob, Andy Bluebear, ansky, arabianhunk, ArmwrestleAndMore, B3Wrestle, batman, beachedboy, BearhugAddict, Bennyfighter, Bigboy5604, BigChris, BigFootRJ, blackburn lad, Black Titan, Blaze Bradley, blnfighter, Boston Tap, BoxerBoy, Boxnmech, bulldogkv, chameleon, ChaseAddams92, chicagoburbswrestler, chuck29205, chuckie333, coedyuk, Col Rich, curiousinhh, cyberwrestler21, Dakota Skye, danielmueller, dantheman777, Davey716, DavidSE14, Denver1, dimitrisdiogenis, dobbobruv, DomSquashMatch, eGambler, enthusiast, fightsoldier, fireball, fishandchips, Fitfighter, Fitman40, flexiblesub, flexiwrestler, Freenote, fun missouri guy, Gamer, Gary53, glaliot, gr8sportpa, greendude2002, greg1969, gutpunch, GutPunchBear, gutpunchbln, gutpuncheedan, gymgeordie, GymGladiator, hairybrussels, hakancem, hardabs1, Hardmatch, hardpunch, HardWorkerBL, HDScissorFan, headlockmehard, hephaestion2014, highscreener, hobbitbear, Hobbyfighter, ikf, IKneadFighters, ImtiazAli, IndyWarrior, Ironbull, Iwreslinca, jackthebear, Jake, JanRingfanHH, JayXMuscle, jcdf, jeffjcao, jobberdash, jset, judoantwerpen, KämpferLPZ, khalid, lancs77, Ldnruggerlad, leelondon, leeray, leicswrestle, Littlepitbull 14, little Tony, LondonHeel, lookingver, lou, LukasHuber, lusowrestler, lutteur31, maddwrestler, marconi, marphy, maskedheel, mcic, MCOfighter, MDsport, mikemat123, mikey3458, Mik nwuk, MMTwister, mtwrestler, munichsubfight, musc1961, MuscChamp, MuscleBond, muscledhunk, muscledwrestler, musclepunch, musicmixer, n2rassle, newlondonwrestler, njwrstlr, NorthernWrestler, nwfan53, nycgtpnch7, NYWrestler1985, ohwrestler171, oldscrapperderby, Omar23, Ottawajp, ouo ouo, Pandathug, pepperoncino, Phillip, PhillyDevil, Physical, prosubsladuk, PunchBag28, PunchFun, PunchMyGut, Quicksilver, RassleBrawl, RasslerFTL, raufenhh, Raufmaniac76, rberto89a, Reefhook, Reilly, reno695, RickWrestlerFL, Ringerfreund24, Riviera Wrestle, roal4151, rock20087, Ruffbear7, Ruhrpottfighter, Rukh, Ryno, Safari 6969, sandrive, sbplooser, sbp RJ, schoolboypinmixxt, Scots KO, scottimike, scrasher, sczrlokd, SeattleFight, Shadow Knight, shadowwrestler, Sherbrooke, silverbear, Slam me, Slugfest, slvrsqrl, southernguy, SpeedoFun, STEELMUSCLEGOD, stlmuscledad, stormenregen, sublondonsw4, superal, SurreyGuy, tailcut, TechnicalMachine, The Kestrel, throwdownsg, tinytough, tna fan, Torrnado, toughmatch, Toughwrestler, tryharder, Txwresl, TxWrestle, Tyger, UKAndy99, ukrassler, V AFighter, walrus, wildwooly, Wlaendure, wolfmad, WrestleForFun NL, wrestle fun, wrestleindo, wrestle jock42, wrestleman, wrestler2000, wrestler5465, wrestlercgn, WrestlerLondon1980, Wrestling Beast, wrestlingcub, WrestlingGR, wrestlron, wrestme)
- Keep the "Classifieds" forum for the trade of small personal items. (328 stemmen: 1try2pinme8, 4fun, a2bill, aarnav, AbhijeetSingh, AbsBoy, absok, adidaswrestling, Admin, Ajax, AJtheWrestler, Amidwestwrestler, andreawrestling, andrewj, ansky, apollon, aquila, ArmwrestleAndMore, Astatine, ausjock28, aussie titan II, AyeAye, B3Wrestle, BadBoy, Bailey147, battlefox, BBR, beachedboy, BearhugAddict, Belligerent, Berlin, bhug3996, BigBikerStache, BigFootRJ, BigRilesKS, blackwrestleruk, BLKMUSCLES, blnfighter, boblutte, bogeyedmonk, Bomber, Boricua Wrestler, BoxerCoachinmd, BOXERMAN, Boxingmarco, boxtpntx, bradleyj, BrawlerNV, brazilwrestler86, brilliant n buff, Bristol Wrestle, bulldogkv, Butchnelson, cambridgeuk, carioca fighter, Cdncplfight, chameleon, ChiBox, chicagoburbswrestler, chigrapple, chub, chuck29205, coedyuk, colinfighter, curiousinhh, cyberwrestler21, Dakota Skye, daniellibra1986, DavidSE14, DCJobber, dcur, deanjones, dfeetffm, dimitrisdiogenis, DKnight, dobbobruv, DomWrstlrUK, donegalsubwrestler, dragonuk, duel action, dundun, easygoinggrapple, Elemental, enthusiast, etrekker, feelssostudent, fighterff, fightfan68, fightguy, fightmuscle, FightNut, fightsoldier, fireball, fishandchips, fitspeedo, FlevoHans, flexiwrestler, Flwresler, Forester, Freenote, Freindlywrystler, FresLuchador, funfight71, Geoslam, gj be, glad42, gordonbelly, greed, gutpunchbln, Gutstrike, guy321, guyaskinforit, Guysmiley, gymgeordie, hardfitsub, Hardmatch, hdscissorztn, heeljobb83, hephaestion2014, herovsvillain, Hertsteve, Hslut75, Hyede, IKneadFighters, ilovetowreslte, IndyWarrior, Interactive, Ironbull, israeli hye, Jake, JanRingfanHH, jason080, JayPuncher, JayXMuscle, Jeremy09, JJ Sparks, jobber1957, jobberdash, johnny, johnwhy, jonnie35, jset, justsee, Kent, krak85, la1984guy, Lancs guy, Ldnruggerlad, legflexxxer, LF Fighter Bloke, Littlepitbull 14, little Tony, LondonHeel, londonq, london sub, ltwtveteran, luchadorargento, lusowrestler, LutadorJPA, lutteur31, madridwrestler, Manc21, manchesterwrestler, manuy27, marcus, marphy, Marylands Best, masculinewrestler, matpowers617, MCOfighter, Merida, mickey jw, mikemat123, Mirceal, MisterLegs, msclhard, mtwrestler, MudWrestler, musc1961, musc2000, muscldfighter, MuscleBond, muscledwrestler, musclehunk, n2rassle, neogrunt, newdawn2007, newlondonwrestler, niko06laus, NJFTR, njwrstlr, northbound, NorthernWrestler, NYerhere, nytribeca, NYWrestler1985, OHjobber, Omar23, Orlandoscissors, Orthobull, Ottawajp, ouo ouo, outdoorfighter, oziwrestler, Pancrace92, paradigm shift, pepperoncino, philip1, Physical, playfulwrestler, PrimalPuma, Princesse Ludwyna, prooil69, prosubsladuk, Protheus, PunchFun, Quicksilver, RasslerFTL, raufenhh, rberto89a, RED DADDY, redlandguy, RedShadow, Reefhook, Ridge, Ringerfreund24, ritchy england, roal4151, Roborobinson, rock20087, Rudge, Ruffbear7, RuffFightChallenge, RuffStuff, Rugby guy, Rusnak, Ryno, Safari 6969, Sambobear, Sambofrance, sandmboxer, sbplooser, sbp RJ, Scot Grappler, scottimike, scrasher, sczrlokd, SeattleFight, SecretBoy, Seddo29, Shadow Knight, shadowwrestler, silverbear, skinnystan, Slam me, Slugger, smlgrappler, sockvid, sparkie, SparrLad, SpeedoFun, STEELMUSCLEGOD, Stief, stlmuscledad, stormenregen, stubbboy, sunboy, superltweight, SurreyGuy, synxiec, Talldavidla, TechnicalMachine, Tetraites, Thredbare, TigerWizard, tinytough, tkdfeet, tna fan, TNbud, tomsgut, tote, touchHD, tough gut, toughmatch, treag25, tryharder, TTG87auro, tucxmil, Tyger, UKAndy99, ukrassler, UKSubsFighter, unngghh, Username, usmcwrestler, Uzak2014, V AFighter, vaxrte, ViennaFighter, v vv v, walrus, Want2fight, waroscar, westox, Wf310, WildcatLes, wildcub70, Wlaendure, worstelen, wresadam, wrestle73, WrestleAddict, wrestle fun, wrestle jock42, wrestleman, wrestler ca, WrestlerLondon1980, WrestlerUK, wrestlesweat, wrestlewanted, wrestling82, wrestlron, wrestman, wrsl247, wrstlng only, wrstnl, yoinvito, youngwannd)
- Allow companies to register and promote their products on the site. (157 stemmen: 19Andy88, aarnav, AdepteduBetmatch, amdg, andreawrestling, Anfänger, antcarvalho, ArmwrestleAndMore, athens123, babyabe, backbreakers123, Bailey147, bardobrat, BAWrestler, bearwrestler69, BeatenPAProJobber, bhug3996, BigFootRJ, BigRilesKS, blackburn lad, Blaze Bradley, BLKMUSCLES, boblutte, BoxerBoy, BoxerCoachinmd, Brad1, brazilwrestler86, BRITANNICUS, calwrestler, chicagoburbswrestler, CompetitorBCN, curiousinhh, cyberjobber, cyberwrestler21, danielmueller, dantheman777, DCSoBeWrestler, dfeetffm, DKnight, ed516, ferdybear, fghtruff, fighterff, fighterhenk, fightfan68, fightmuscle, FitnessLast, Flightbook, Flwresler, francknord59, Frenchfighter2, Geoslam, glad42, goingtobust, golferX, gotwrestler, grapplerguy, greatcow95, greendude2002, gutpunch, gutpunchbln, guy321, hakancem, Harry, henk1966, herovsvillain, highflyeral, hotprofanmuscle, huge fighting man, ImtiazAli, Islandmusc, jackthebear, jamieevans, JanRingfanHH, jobberdash, JoeyJS, judoantwerpen, justsee, jwbjj, Kickboxer88Zh, kickpower, kommaarop, la1984guy, Lederringer, Leorio, Leorj, LondonHeel, ltwtveteran, LutadorJPA, luterotic, Lv2wrestle, malefight, ManhattanMaulers, marks, Mars1978, Marylands Best, maw1667, MCOfighter, MDsport, moonraker1973, msclhard, MudWrestler, musc1961, muscldfighter, MuscPecPunch, Newwb, nola roller, NorthernWrestler, nrboxing, nwuk, NW UK WRESTLER, nwuk wrestler1, NYerhere, phillutte, playfulwrestler, Prostylefan, RED DADDY, Reilly, reslograppler, RetiredAF, ricantarzan, rock20087, Rowdy Submission, Shadow Knight, Sherbrooke, skinnystan, Smeshy, smlgrappler, STEELMUSCLEGOD, stlmuscledad, superal, swell, swiss-boy83, Thredbare, tna fan, Tom 049, touchHD, trent1978, tucxmil, Tyger, UKAndy99, uk submission jobber, uk wrestler slam, u-max, upstatenyprowrestler, waterrescue, Wf310, wildcub70, workovertheguy, wrestleindo, wrestlemax, wrestle me, Wrestler Berlin, WrestlerLondon1980, wrestling82, WrestlingGR, WRSLMSK)
- Allow everything. Capitalism ahoy! (63 stemmen: babyabe, BEARWTLFTR, Bigdave315, bigfootfighter, bob76, boxinboy82, BritNYC, cem, chicagoburbswrestler, Churd, CompetitorBCN, CTwrestler, cyberfighter, cyberwrestler21, danwrestle, dave king, Daz, dgwrestler, flgrappler, gayjudoka055, Golden, GoodBoyMtl, gotwrestler, GrapplerNY, gutpunchbln, gutpuncheedan, Headscissor Dude, highflyeral, horti, HotJakeyyy, Indomable, jack wilson, jobberdash, K-Extreme, mikangelo, musc1961, navels, njrassler, NorthBayGuy1992, OrlJockwrestler, OVERunder, Pedro Cage, ProfileName1, ReadingFight, Ringmuscle, rob21uk, Rochdale slugger, RojoLion, SpeedoPin, StarkerJunge123, STLsubpro, stronghold13, tna fan, uk submission jobber, worstelen, wrestler2015, WrestlerBR, wrestling game, Wrestling legend, wrestlingmicha, yorkshireboxer, youngwrestler, zeder)
Zie ook: On Commercial Activity