Persoonlijke details

Lid sinds 22.5.2024
Leeftijd 54
Lengte 178 cm
Gewicht 100 kg
Geslacht man
Seksuele oriëntatie Homo
Op zoek naar man
Draagt Boots. Pads. Trunks. Singlet.
Laatst ingelogd 4 dagen geleden
Laatst bewerkt 10.11.2024
  1. Canada - Nova Scotia, Lower Truro
    Place of residence

In het kort:

I've had other profile before and left thinking I was finished. Third time's a charm? Pro style fun is my game.
I'm getting a bit more selective in my old age so I'll say a few things: I'm not here for sex. I'm also not really into dudes who are covered in a carpet of hair. And I do read profiles so I'm not really into wrestling guys with a body count into triple digits or if they have wrestled people I'm not keen on.
I'd like to connect with guys who like pro wrestling and all its cool aspects, that's all.
Given where I live I don't get to wrestle much anyways so if all we do is chat about it, cool.



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