
Persoonlijke details

Lid sinds 11.8 jaar
Leeftijd 35
Lengte 185 cm
Gewicht 100 kg
Geslacht man
Seksuele oriëntatie Hetero
Op zoek naar man
Draagt shorts, pants, no shirt, shirt
Spreekt Engels
Laatst ingelogd Gisteren
Laatst bewerkt 08.1.2022


  1. Verenigde Staten - Pennsylvania, Harrisburg
    Place of residence

Bewezen tegenstanders

Op zoek naar

Onderwerping (BJJ, etc) Onderwerping (BJJ, etc)

Gevechtsopzet: Ik doe niet aan cyber

Overige interesses: Massage

Eventuele fetisjen: Ik ben niet op zoek naar seks, Buikspieren testen (gutpunching), Trampling

Volgers van GutPuncher89

In het kort:

Hello everyone! As my username here suggests, I am into a fetish called gutpunching.

I have been into gutpunching since I was a young teen, and the fetish has always had a very arousing effect on me. The feeling of slamming my fist into a six-pack set of abs is truly a fantasy of mine. The deeper my fist sinks in, the harder I get. The more pain my receiver can endure, the harder I get. I especially love it when my receiver wants more hours into the session. A typical start to finish session for me would be to begin with semi light punches to get a feel for the abs under my fists. After that, work my way into harder, and more brutal punches as the session progresses and my receiver grows more comfortable and yearning for more punishment. I am mainly into one sided but can be open to give and take sessions.

As a puncher I am somewhat stalky, not exactly fit, but not exactly fat either. Some would probably describe me as being a bear. Like most others with a fetish, I do have a preference in mind for what I like to be punching. I am strictly looking for physically fit guys with visible abs. I am not into or turned on by guys who don't fit that profile. So, if you don't fit my preference and you message me, please don't be offended if I am not interested.

I have been a member of this site for several years now. Traveling is difficult for me to accomplish due to the fact that I don't drive. I am always willing to split a hotel/motel but will need a ride to and from. I hope to meet like-minded individuals in the future.


  • blacknight915

    Onderwerping (BJJ, etc)Boksen

    Verenigde Staten - Nevada, Clark County

    42 / 180 cm / 87 kg
    10 bewezen tegenstanders in 13 jaar

GutPuncher89 heeft geen cybertegenstanders.
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