JiminQueens2's blog

To my surprise, he stopped playing with my ass and slid out of my grasp and out from under me, then got to his feet. “Boys,” he said, looking at our masturbating “sons”, “Mr. Whittaker and I need to be cleaned up.”

Wyatt immediately ran into the next room and came back with a double handful of towels, half of which he tossed to Kevin. My boy, impressively, caught each one, and the two of them came onto the mat to join us. I stepped forward to meet Kevin, but, to my surprise and to Kevin’s, Ryu directed Wyatt to towel me off instead.

Kevin looked a question at me; I nodded and gestured slightly with my head toward Ryu. He shrugged and obeyed orders. Meanwhile, Wyatt had reached me and was patting me dry with the towels – not rubbing, but the effect was electric. Having this muscular Japanese boy tapping his hands all over my body was making my boner scream for release, and when Wyatt started drying off my cock, I almost exploded right then and there.

Wyatt’s eyes met mine and he smiled at me. His smile wasn’t as sweet as Kevin’s, but there was an archness to it that I found strangely appealing. My body was dry now, with most of the oil absorbed by the towels that Wyatt dropped at our feet. And then, adjusting his body so that his knees were on the towels, he knelt before me and took my dick into his mouth.

Kevin didn’t wait for orders; he immediately dropped to his knees and started sucking on Ryu’s dick. I might have said something, but my brain was being overloaded by sensation as Wyatt proved with his lips and tongue that, novice wrestler though he was, he was a master cocksucker. My knees threatened to give out, but the competitive streak in me still had partial control over me, and I wasn’t about to drop before Ryu did.

Ryu must have felt the same, because I could see his legs trembling under Kevin’s ministrations. He dug his fingers deep into Kevin’s thick red hair, in part to steady himself. He glanced over to me and murmured, “Your Boy’s good.”

“So is yours.” My legs were about to give out, and I could see his were, too, so I decided to make it a draw. “Shall we?”

Ryu nodded in relief, and we began to sink back down to the mat. Wyatt and Kevin stopped just long enough to wipe up the oil from the mat using the towels, and, as Ryu and I leaned on our backs, the Boys returned to their duties. Or should I say, jobs.

Wyatt’s mouth was sheer heaven; he knew how to make a man feel good, but then, most men do, but only a handful of us are willing to do it. His mouth was all over my cock, pausing only to slide his tongue over my balls in ways that made me gasp, and I had to force myself not to crush his head with my thighs. The LAST thing I wanted to do was hurt this beautiful Boy.

I glanced over at Kevin and Ryu, and Ryu looked to be in similar condition. Kevin had laid on his side and continued to service Ryu. I knew from vast personal experience how good he was, so Ryu’s condition was easy to understand. But Kevin’s monster cock was just there, standing straight out from his body…

The thought was father to the deed. I shifted my body on the mat until my face was close enough to Kevin’s junk that I could smell the sweet musky scent that had made the last two years so magnificent. I opened my mouth and lassoed his dick with my tongue, guiding it into my mouth without even using my hands. Wyatt, pro that he was, didn’t miss a beat, moving his body along with mine without losing my dick from his mouth. Ryu saw what I had done, and shifted his body, too. His tongue wasn’t as dexterous as mine, but it still wasn’t long before he had his Boy’s dick in his mouth and was giving him what looked like absolutely superb head.

For a long moment, the four of us lay on the mat, four muscular men engaged in a perfect circle of cocksucking, the only sounds between us being the slurping and occasional gagging noises as the four of us enjoyed each other. Wyatt was able to take me all the way down his throat, something even Kevin had trouble doing sometimes, and I reveled in the wonderful pressure that it was putting on my shaft, even as Kevin’s delectable sweat and pre-cum danced a tango on my tongue.

Surprisingly enough, it was Wyatt who broke the circle, with just a single, “Switch!” None of us had any trouble figuring out what he meant. I took my mouth off Kevin, took some time out for a deep, loving kiss with my Boy, and then leaned over and took Wyatt into my mouth. He had a different taste than Kevin. Kevin’s sweat and pre-cum was almost spicy; Wyatt seemed almost earthy. Of course, some of what was in my mouth was the residue Ryu’s sucking had left, but, like a gourmet, my brain was analyzing what was on my tongue and concluding that it was all Wyatt.

Kevin, meanwhile, was sucking me with an aggression I hadn’t felt before. I shot a quick glance at him, while never keeping my mouth off Wyatt. It didn’t take long. His eyes were closed, but after a couple of seconds they opened and looked at Wyatt. It was about halfway between a friendly glance and a furious glare; my Boy was just a little jealous. Then he saw that I was watching him; his eyes widened and he flushed, embarrassed. I took my mouth off Wyatt’s dick just long enough to mouth the words, I love you.

There is nothing on this earth more beautiful than my Boy’s smile. He mouthed, I love you too, and then got back to work.

I don’t know how long we lay there, four hot men engaging in hot cocksucking, but this time it was Ryu who broke things up, taking Wyatt out of his mouth. He sat up, sitting on his thighs, breathing deeply. Wyatt took his dick out of my mouth. I was expecting him to move in on me, but, to my surprise, he knee-walked across the “circle” and took Kevin’s head in his hands. The two Boys began to kiss, their tongues dancing, or maybe wrestling, back and forth between their mouths.

I looked at Ryu; again, rather than moving toward me, he was moving behind Kevin, who was on his hands and knees and still tongue-wrestling Wyatt. I smiled; I knew what was coming next. As Ryu’s head disappeared behind Kevin’s ass, I crawled over behind Wyatt and placed my hands on his massive glutes. There it was, the Promised Land, a beautifully smooth pucker just waiting for my tongue to give it the attention it deserved.

I kissed one of his cheeks, then the other, then moved up his body so that I was almost mounting him – but didn’t penetrate. Wyatt looked back at me in surprise; clearly, he was expecting the same treatment Kevin was getting (and enjoying, from the look on his face). I only smiled at him, bent over, and swirled my tongue on the back of his neck until I found his spine. Slowly, I ran my tongue along his backbone, pausing only to replenish the spit on it, and Wyatt shivered at the feeling. When I got past his waistline, he tensed in anticipation. And when my tongue slid past his crack and into his waiting hole, a low moan escaped from his lips.

I swirled my tongue into Wyatt’s tight little pucker, pushing in and out, fucking him with my mouth. Wyatt loved it, and he started grinding his ass into my face. I didn’t hear any more moans from him, though, and when I paused briefly to see what was wrong, I smiled. He and Kevin were locked in a deep, soulful kiss, one hand supporting their bodies and the other hand caressing each other’s cheeks.

I returned to washing Wyatt’s hole with my spit, but one part of my brain was acknowledging that Kevin and I were going to have to have a talk when this was over. I loved my Boy and I didn’t want to lose him, but it was clear that he and Wyatt were really into each other, and it seemed more than just below the waist. Something about they had interacted with each other at the party hinted at a deeper connection, and if he wanted to explore that, I was going to give him the freedom to do so.

But back to the business at hand. I left off rimming Wyatt and moistened one of my fingers, then slid it gently into his pulsing hole. I could hear him gasp as my finger worked its way out and in, out and in. When I expanded it to two fingers, the gasps became moans, moans echoed by Kevin as Ryu began to finger him. Listening to the two of them, Kevin had the slightly deeper voice, but the erotic harmony they were making was music to my ears.

At three fingers, Wyatt looked back, his eyes pleading for more. He didn’t want fingers, he wanted the real thing. I locked eyes with Ryu, about to ask a question with my eyes, but I didn’t have to. Ryu had already produced a bottle of lube from somewhere and he was prepping his cock and Kevin’s hole. He smiled at me and tossed me the bottle.

I applied a liberal amount of lube to my eager cock and to Wyatt’s hole. Kevin and I have been lovers for over two years, and while I'm almost always the top, he's been inside me a few times; we know exactly how fast we can go with each other. But I’d never been with Wyatt and I had no intention of hurting him. I teased the head of my cock at his hole, and then slowly, slowly, s-l-o-w-l-y started to push in. Wyatt gasped as I penetrated him, and I paused, watching his face. When he looked back and nodded, I pushed in a little more. We kept on that way, start and stop, until I was balls deep into him.

I began to fuck him, my hips thrusting forward and then pulling back, slowly and first, but with a faster and faster rhythm as I went on. Across the sea of flesh, Ryu was pumping Kevin just as hard, and the two Boys, not able to kiss with the constant pounding, were holding onto each other for dear life as their Daddies reminded them who the Daddies were. Wyatt’s hole was even tighter than Kevin’s, and I was having the time of my life being inside him

Laatst bijgewerkt op 18.12.2023 1:53 door JiminQueens2; 1 reactie(s)

All artists crave approval, but some of us also want to hear criticism, too.

If there's something in particular about my stories that you like, or anything that you don't like, that's what the Comment section is for! Let me know!

Laatst bijgewerkt op 16.12.2023 0:15 door JiminQueens2; 6 reactie(s)

Ryu’s cries became louder and more pronounced, and his face twisted into a rictus of mixed pleasure and exertion. Kevin’s head shot up and his back arched and his lips formed a silent “O” as Ryu emptied his nut sack into my Boy’s ass. Satisfied that I could last longer, I no longer had to hold back, and I let the pressure that had been building up release, exploding deep into Wyatt’s guts. Wyatt’s “O” wasn’t silent; he howled with pleasure as I seeded him.

The Boys collapsed on their bellies, exhausted, with Ryu and me collapsing on top of them. We lay there for a long minute, panting, our bodies slick with sweat. I felt Ryu nudge me; I glanced over, and he jerked his chin at the boys. I had no problem interpreting his intention. He and I had gotten off; now they deserved a turn.

Moving as one, we got off the Boys and turned them over onto their backs. They were both still rock hard, and both of them were leaking a little after what we’d given them. Ryu lowered his mouth onto Kevin’s cock, and I did the same for Wyatt. Still earthy. I gently worked his shaft with lips, tongue, and throat until I could feel it start to get even harder, then began to suck him harder and deeper until, with a cry they probably heard next door, he exploded into my mouth.

I had no trouble taking all of the salty-sweet juice and swallowing it down, and next to me, Kevin’s cries were joining Wyatt’s and Ryu was doing the same. The Boys softened and left our mouths, and we collapsed on top of them, but my left arm reached out for Ryu at the same time as his right reached for me, as Kevin and Wyatt reached for each other. The four of us pulled each other close and lay there for a long time, savoring the closeness and the contact and the sheer joy of finding kindred spirits.

Finally, Ryu said, “We should clean up the mat, and then find our beds. It’s late.”

It didn’t take us long to remove the last vestiges of oil, sweat, and cum from the mat; Ryu was an absolute fanatic about keeping it clean, and I agreed with him 100%. Still naked and leaving our uniforms downstairs, the four of us climbed up the stairs from the basement and made our way through the house to the stairs leading to the second floor. At the top of the stairs, we didn’t even have to consult with each other. Wyatt led Kevin, hand-in-hand, down the hall to presumably his bedroom, while Ryu put his arm around my shoulders and guided me to his bedroom. It was a good room, tasteful but masculine, and it reflected its owner very well.

I was hard again; I couldn’t always get this hard this soon after cumming, but I was really, really into this man and my dick wanted more. Ryu was just as hard, especially after we kissed and held our bodies close, crushing our dicks between them. He pushed me down onto the enormous bed and opened a drawer in the table next to it. More lube; did he keep a bottle of it in every room? He lifted my legs in the air and applied a liberal amount of lube to my hole and to his cock.

I don’t bottom very often, and not for anyone but Kevin in a long time, but I wasn’t about to fight. I wanted this man inside me. Ryu jumped on the bed, lifted my legs again, and guided his cockhead to my waiting, pulsing hole. Kevin’s dick was bigger, but Ryu’s had an interesting curve to it that I’d never seen before.

It hurt, as it always does, when he entered me; I took a series of long, deep breaths and waited for the pain to subside and the pleasure to take over. It didn’t take long. Ryu let go of my legs and lowered his body and his lips onto mine. He began to drive into me, easy, measured strokes, while our tongues renewed their acquaintance. I could feel my body melting into his as my hips rose to meet his thrusts. We were like two halves of a seamless whole, our bodies twisting and gyrating in unison as if some unseen puppet master held our strings and knew exactly what the next moves would be.

Normally, Kevin and I switch positions several times when we make love, but Ryu and I didn’t. We stayed in missionary the whole time, either kissing each other deeply or else our eyes locked on each other. I had never enjoyed being with another man, not even Kevin, as much as I was loving being with Ryu, even loving it when his sweat dropped off his forehead and landed in my eye. Ryu’s eyes were alight with desire, which made for an interesting contrast with his mischievous, almost goofy smile. My god, this man was beautiful.

I could feel him getting harder inside me; he was getting close. Suddenly I couldn’t decide if I wanted him to cum inside me or all over me, but Ryu took the decision out of my mouth. He pulled out and started jerking his dick. I had never stopped jerking mine, but while I’d had Ryu in my ass, it had softened a bit. Now it was swelling to full size and thickness, and I started jerking it harder, faster, even as Ryu matched me stroke for stroke.

It doesn’t happen as often as you read in the stories, but this time it really did; Ryu and I exploded together in a fountain of semen that splattered all over my chest and stomach and even a little reaching my chin and my forehead. Ryu collapsed on me and I caught him in a rough bear hug. We started kissing and grinding our bodies together, our juices mixing to give both of our torsos a light coating of jizz. I held him tightly and realized that I didn’t want to let him go, maybe not ever.

“That…was….glorious,” Ryu whispered into my ear.

“Yes, it was,” I whispered back. I checked the time; four a.m. “It’s a little late to be driving. Okay if Kevin and I crash on your couch?”

“You idiot,” Ryu murmured with a kiss on my cheek. “You’re staying the night, and right here. Or at least,” he glanced at the clock himself, “what’s left of the night. Besides, the Boys may not be finished yet.”

“They seemed to be getting along pretty well,” I agreed. Then, more somberly, I said, “I’ve never seen Kevin that comfortable with anyone—not even me.”

“Nor have I, Wyatt,” Ryu said. “So I guess that you and I are going to have to spend time together, since our Boys are on their way to being best friends. It will be an imposition, since you’re so hideous and such an asshole—“

I shut his mouth, or rather, opened it wider, by kissing him.

It didn’t take us long to fall asleep, spooned together as easily as if we’d been made that way. I woke a few hours later, and that was where you came in. I felt drained and a little achy and deliriously happy, but the part of me that over-analyzes everything was making a list in my mind. Kevin and I were going to have to have a serious talk, and we were going to have to start spending more time with Ryu and Wyatt. For all I knew, the four of us had just been caught up in the moment and now that the moment was past, the feelings we had for each other would be past as well. But I really, really hoped that wouldn’t be the case. I liked this man and I wanted to see if that liking would develop into the same depth of feeling I had for Kevin.

But those were conversations for later in the day, or for another day altogether. Ryu stirred in his sleep and his body pressed a little closer to mine. I held him a little tighter, closed my eyes, and dozed off again.

Laatst bijgewerkt op 18.12.2023 1:57 door JiminQueens2; 2 reactie(s)

Mike dropped the dumbbells with a tremendous CRASH! and smiled as heads turned all over the crowded gym. He liked attention, positive or negative. He stood up from the incline bench and did a couple of flexes in the mirror. Now that was a chest. He’d been doing flies with 50 pound weights and his pecs were suffused with blood, making them almost ripping through his tight t-shirt.

Just one more exercise to go – cable flies. He left the bench with his sweat still all over it and made his way over to the cable station. He dropped his stuff by one side and adjusted the pulley then turned…and stopped.

Who the fuck was this guy, and where the fuck had he come from? He was already adjusting the pulley and putting the rope handle on. “Hey, asshole,” Mike snarled, “I’m using this. Get lost.”

The other guy turned around. He was as built as Mike, standing about an inch shorter than Mike’s six-two, but with just as much muscle. And the look he was giving Mike was not friendly.

“I’m using this,” he said shortly, “so why don’t you go fuck yourself since no one else is going to?”

Heads were starting to turn. Mike heard his name, and “Jack”, which he figured was this pussy’s name. He took a step forward so that he and Jackoff were within arm’s reach. “I said, I’m using this station. You can use it when I’m done. Leave. Now.”

Jack took a step forward, too. Now they were very close, their massive chests less than an inch apart. “We can do this two ways,” he said quietly. “You can leave and I can do my workout, or I can wipe up this entire fucking gym with your face, and then do my workout. Your choice.”

People had stopped even pretending not to listen. A crowd was starting to gather around the cable station. Mike decided it was time to teach this scumbag who was boss. “Just remember you asked for this, fucker,” he said as he began to raise his fists.

And then, Steve, the gym owner, was there, putting his body between the two much bigger men. “If you two fight in here, our insurance premiums will go through the roof and we’ll probably have to close,” he said, “so would you mind taking it outside?”

Mike almost took a swing at Steve, but the little man was right, and he liked this gym; he didn’t want to have to find another one. So he nodded curtly at Steve, grabbed his stuff, and stalked to the exit. He looked over his shoulder. “Coming, you little bitch?”

Jack was right behind him. As Mike paused to deliver his challenge, Jack kept walking and bumped Mike as he passed him. He reached the gym entrance and opened the door, then theatrically invited Mike to come outside. The rest of the people at the gym were right behind them, but the gym owner nonchalantly blocked the door and said, “If you want to cancel your membership, feel free to leave now.”

Mike and Jack walked around to the side of the gym – there was a narrow alleyway between it and the next building, and as they followed it, they found it opened into a larger space – about five feet wide. “This suit you all right?” Mike asked.

“Just fine,” Jack replied, dropping his stuff by one of the walls. He peeled off his shirt and dropped it on his gym bag, revealing an upper body packed with solid muscle under a thin coat of dark, coarse hair across his chest and abs. He started swinging his arms to loosen them up. “You need any special rules, little girl?” he asked mockingly.

Mike had dropped his bag against the opposite wall and removed his shirt as well. Stripped to the waist, he showed off a thick, muscular, smooth tanned body. He threw a couple of jabs in the air and smiled. “No rules at all. I win when I make you quit.”

“You fucking wish. Let’s do this.”

Laatst bijgewerkt op 20.12.2023 3:05 door JiminQueens2; 4 reactie(s)

Four fists were raised. The two massive men stalked each other in the narrow alley. Mike made the first move, throwing a jab-cross combination that Jack easily evaded, just as Mike had expected him to. They shadowboxed, bobbing and weaving and looking for any opening to do some damage.

Mike threw another jab that feel well short, and got a short jab back in return. He threw another, but this time Jack stepped forward and threw a combination of his own that landed hard on Mike’s face. Mike’s eyes widened in surprise at the power behind the other man’s blows. For the first time, he realized that he was in for a real fight.

He lunged forward, throwing punches, driving Jack backwards, and Jack had to step to the side to avoid being trapped against the wall. Mike followed after him, and threw a hard left that made Jack’s face contort in pain. Jack shook his head as if to try to clear the cobwebs, and Mike waded in, throwing hooks to the body that drew very satisfying grunts from the other man, and a solid cross to the face that sent Jack spinning around to land face first into a huge pile of reeking garbage.

“Just where you belong, fucker,” Mike said mockingly, then spat on his fallen opponent. As the liquid hit Jack’s bare back, the other man’s body stiffened, and he pushed himself up and turned to face Mike again. The look of rage on his face would have sent most people running for their lives, but Mike just smiled. Obviously this asshole wanted some more, and Mike was going to give it to him.

They squared off again, but this time as Mike threw a jab, Jack’s hand shot up, caught his wrist, and pulled hard. Off balance, Mike staggered forward, and a left hook caught him right under the ribs! He doubled over, gasping for breath, and Jack grabbed his head with both hands and brought a knee up right into his face!

Mike’s head snapped back, and he felt Jack’s hands grab both of his ears, and then pain exploded right behind his eyes. Headbutt, the fucker must have headbutted him. His nose started throbbing and he knew it must be broken, and he staggered back, the stars still dancing in front of his eyes.

His back hit the wall, and Jack was right there, throwing punches into Mike’s abs. Mike was still stunned from the headbutt and couldn’t tighten his gut the way he normally did when taking a gut punch, and Jack’s were driving deep into him, driving the wind from his body, doubling him over, wheezing. Then Jack threw an uppercut that caught Mike right on the chin, snapping his back and making his skull impact the bricks behind him. His legs gave out and he sank to the pavement. He felt something wet hit his face, and heard Jack say, “I’m going to go finish my workout. Remember who the alpha is in this gym.”

Fury gave him new life. He opened his swelling eyes to see Jack put his t shirt in his bag and zip it up. Scrambling to his feet, he lunged at Jack from behind, tackling the other man and bringing him down to the ground!

Jack tried to roll onto his back to face Mike, but Mike wasn’t letting him. Jack only made it to his side, blood dripping from Mike’s nose onto Jack’s chest, before Mike had his arms pinioned over his head with one hand; leverage and gravity were on his side. His other hand…Mike smiled.

He began to pound Jack’s face, punch after vicious punch after merciless punch, not stopping until he saw a beautiful, wide cut begin to open under Jack’s right eye. He rolled Jack completely onto his back and straddled him, raining hard, nonstop punches, down on his fallen enemy.

But Jack wasn’t done yet. His legs snaked up and caught Mike around the head, and brought him down onto his back with a tremendous impact. Mike barely had a chance to register the reversal before Jack was on him, his hands going for Mike’s throat. Mike slammed the butt of his hand into Jack’s cheek, and the cut grew a little wider. With his other hand, he grabbed a handful of Jack’s hair, and the two men began to roll back and forth across the alley, punching and headbutting each other all the while.

Finally, Mike, thrown onto on his back, got a leg between his body and Jack’s and kicked the other man off of him. He slowly got to his feet, his body aching from the abuse it had taken on top of the hard workout he’d already done. His vision was still puffy, but he thought that Jack was taking just a long to get up, but the fury in his eyes was obvious even to Mike’s swelling ones.

The two men sprang at each other again, leading with their fists and their chins, and savage, powerful punches found their way to their faces. Mike’s nose throbbed painfully every time Jack’s fists landed anywhere near it, but the entire side of Jack’s face was a sheet of blood from the cut he’d opened.

For what seemed like hours, Mike traded bombs with Jack. Kicks, too; Mike’s thigh was bruised from the savage impacts delivered by Jack’s foot. Now and then, they would get in close enough to wrestle on their feet, and each would slam the side on his head into the other man’s face, trying to do even more damage. It was when they were wrestling that Jack’s head slammed into Mike’s cheek – and his ear was right in front of Mike’s gasping mouth.

Mike didn’t think about it. His teeth closed down on Jack’s vulnerable ear.

Jack screamed and began thrashing wildly to try to break Mike’s grip on him. Mike kept his hold on the other man and bit down even harder, reveling in Jack’s shrieks of agony. But then he felt Jack’s other hand, off-balance but still strong as hell, press on his Adam’s apple and SQUEEZE……

Mike immediately let go of Jack and broke the chokehold before Jack could get balanced enough to do it right. He backed away a couple of steps, rubbing his throat, while Jack, bent over, held his ear. Jack straightened up and fixed Mike with a look of absolute hatred. “Biting?” he growled. “BITING?”

“Yeah, why not?” Mike said, his voice mocking and nasty. “No fucking rules!”

“Fine.” Jack was coming at him again, fists up, and Mike immediately brought his up in response.

So when his balls exploded in agony, he was completely unprepared.

Mike sank to his knees, pain shooting up and down his body from Jack’s kick. The kick had been solid, with all the force Jack had behind it, and Mike had walked right into it, he hadn’t even tried to dodge it.

Jack had found a chair somewhere. Mike tried weakly to get up and fend him off, but Jack swung and caught him right across the face, sending his spit flying across the alley and spinning him down to his stomach. As he tried to rise, Jack’s boot slammed into his ribs, then again, then again, then again.

Mike curled into a ball and tried to protect himself, but Jack’s merciless kicks kept coming in, and his arms and legs weren’t responding to him anymore. And as soon as the kicks stopped, Mike felt Jack pulling on his hair and forcing him back up to his feet.

Jack, his face a mask of blood, stared into Mike’s eyes, which refused to focus on the other man. “Like I said,” he growled, “remember – always remember – who the alpha is in this gym.” He drew his fist back.

And that was all Mike remembered until he woke up. He was in a bed. Something was beeping. There was an IV inserted into his wrist. He was in the hospital.

And almost on cue, a man in a white coat came into the room. “Well, you’re awake,” he said. “Care to tell me what happened?” A name tag on his coat said that he was Doctor McCarthy.

“I must have gotten mugged,” Mike said shortly.

Dr. McCarthy’s eyebrow rose in skepticism. “Your wallet was found in your bag,” he pointed out, “and your money and credit cards were still in it. Also, your shirt was off, but in one piece, so those ‘muggers’ didn’t rip it off you. And muggers don’t generally take the time to leave their victims covered in semen. So do you want to change your story?”

“I must have gotten mugged,” Mike said again.

The doctor shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he said shortly. “I’ll report your ‘mugging’ to the police, and they’ll certainly want a statement from you. We’re keeping you overnight, but you’ll be released first thing in the morning.”

He left. Mike leaned back and swore silently to himself. He’d clam up to the cops, of course, but the image of Jack was spinning in his mind. He was going to get revenge somehow.


Laatst bijgewerkt op 22.12.2023 2:22 door JiminQueens2; 1 reactie(s)