owns photos you upload to them ☠


02.8.2016 11:00

This thread does not contribute anything to meeting fighters, so I am closing it. For a potentially interesting read, have a look at the top post in this thread from the original Admin of MeetFighters.


Ironbull (96)

01.8.2016 16:04

Why is this thread here?


Vanman (87 )

01.8.2016 20:00

(In antwoord hierop)

In my opinion (and I hate to perpetuate it) Globalfight is keeping that site at the top of conversations here.


globalfight (0)

24.7.2016 19:05

MF is doing the SAME thing we or any site is doing. NO site can operate FREE of charge, MF is even requiring a donation to access parts of and additional usage so were one in the same in that regard (commercial purposes) the point about posting your image for traffic.. as I said... if your posting an image on a website WHOS PURPOSE IS TO GET YOU NOTICED then thats our business!!! to get your profile noticed. otherwise just have a fucking face book post. As far as copyright breach THATS IN OUR TERMS OF SERVICE no copyright material allowed which is part of the internet community as discussed prior requirements set forth by google etc. and a notice in our TOS you state it is owned by you and not copyright.

FINAL COMMENT.... in your profile settings you can SET YOUR PROFILE TO BE PRIVATE which any photos from that point on are not used for marketing in anyway and even limits what users can see your photos on the site.



25.7.2016 13:43

(In antwoord hierop)

This is simply not true, and I would much appreciate it if you made no claim about what MeetFighters does or doesn't do or require. Thank you so much. Please refrain from ever making statements about OUR site policy. We reserve that right to ourselves exclusively.

We claim absolutely no ownership of anything our users upload. Not only is doing so unethical, it would also exposes us to risk. Imagine this hypothetical scenario: Genius User A uploads a swastika flag to your site, something that happens to be illegal in Germany. If you claim ownership, it is now your responsibility! It's your swastika. Congratulations, you're the proud new owner of illegal material.

What we do instead is ask the uploader for a non-exclusive license to display his photo in the context of their profile. See the difference? We now have permission to show the photo, but do so legally, ethically and with less potential for abuse.

Also, I prefer not coming across as a greedy bastard.


globalfight (0)

01.8.2016 15:47

(In antwoord hierop)

True, if it was left in place but that is why all large sites have moderators to remove content deemed innapropriate such as flickr, tumblr etc. UK courts may be different but US courts have ruled on this already and as stated previous laws are in place to prevent frivoulous lawsuits.


Ticklish (0)

25.7.2016 3:57

(In antwoord hierop)

I'm sure you know what your business is better than I, but it is not necessary to own members' content that is being crawled by Google. Furthermore, all materials uploaded or transmitted to your site most certainly do not become the property of the site owners. Copyright remains with the author, photographer or subject of the material.

I would sincerely advise you to review those terms of service, because from where I'm standing their legal credentials are very shaky, and they also don't make your business look reputable.


globalfight (0)

01.8.2016 15:54

(In antwoord hierop)

For 10 years GF has provided InterNext conventions with sponsorships where world webmasters meet (billion dollar organizations) to discuss legal issues on the web and workout items international regarding among other photo ownership by websites. Before claiming to know all about something you read on an obscure website maybe come to the conventions sometime and learn the real facts. You will meet other movers and shakers in the global internet community and learn the actual facts about how photos are used by google, yahoo etc and how it impacts your rights of usage as a webmaster. Whether you like it or not you ARE part of that global community by having a website and just because you post something stating otherwise does not supersede the rights inherant to a webmaster.


Ticklish (0)

02.8.2016 7:52

(In antwoord hierop)

Just a word to the wise: Talking with other owners of adult websites does not make you an expert on copyright law. I can only reiterate that you ought to take those T&Cs back to the drawing board before someone with a lawyer who wants their pound of flesh puts you out of business.


globalfight (0)

24.7.2016 17:15

EVERY USA website on the internet and most outside USA including Meetfighters by court law statute OWNS (as a matter of legal jargon) photos uploaded to it. Let me point out why the internet could not operate if this was not the case. When you upload a photo google, yahoo and all other search engine have BOTS that scroll the internet storing data. PHOTOS are data. Without websites being allowed owner usage rights then search engines could not legally access that content NOR any other bot or means of access.... in other words a site would not be able to get accessed by anyone or anything... PERIOD.

Google has to know when they harvest images along with thousands of other harvesting sites on the net that store data "waybackmachine" ETC they have to know they cannot be sued for using or storing data. Essentially when you post something on the internet its going EVERYWHERE and stored EVERYWHERE! Regardless of WHAT site your posting within a week it is on thousands of stored devices all over the world and MOST are accessed by search engine and personal computers via sites such as those mentioned above.

Now that you understand where the jargon comes from and why it is posted in terms of service lets explore the final complaint posted by this user... using photos on GF marketing galleries. Ummmmm, if you post a PROFILE trying to find matches I assume you want people to FIND your profile right? and you want a website that GETS you noticed right? if not why post a profile at all. We at GF use every marketing tool at our disposal to get you lots of contacts which is why we utilize all means necessary to push traffic to your posting. It takes tons of man hours each week to keep content fresh and get people wanting to look at your profile but just another thing we do to keep NEW guys finding the website and your profile.

Let me point out a few things to set the record straight. First off, many of the bashings towards globalfight come from people who were banned for GOOD REASON and meetfighters has and will in long run ban many of them for same reasons as they are disruptive to any site they use. They are just bad apples.

As for being money hungry the first three years globalfight started we were FREE but as meetfighters has learned the internet is not free, we and them have to pay HUGE amounts of bandwidth for every 100 people using the site. As usage increases you have to pay MONEY to internet providers BUY more equipment etc and thus membership prices go up the more people use it. That is dictated by powers outside our control.

We too provide TWO FREE contacts each day as meetfighters do. This is fair but to think EVERYTHING should be free is not realistic. Even MF charges a nominal fee the more you want to contact people in a day. Keep in mind GF has tons of porn shows and video shows in a multimedia area which is part of the membership and this is NOT something we wanted but rather things members have ASKED for over the years which we provided and which also increased bandwidth usage on the site. Again, we each provide something to the community different flavors. We are both nearly identical in terms of operational features, what sets us apart is membership interest and location.

As far as bad layout... well again that comes down to different type of people using the site because we have laid out the site AS PEOPLE HAVE ASKED it to be laid out. We respond to membership requests and comments to make the site easier just as MF does. I mean hell, you want to go into every restaurant have the SAME look and feel and taste in each one? makes no sense. Also keep in mind GF has a FULL TIME manned PHONE line for customer support... you wont find that with hardly ANY site on the net except the multi-million dollar sites so to bash for no customer service just makes no sense at all. True, we cannot make everyone happy all the time neither can MF or any other site but try bashing or saying anything out of line on ebay, flickr etc and see how quick you will get banned by them.

Admin, I would like to thank you for the kind comments you posted trying to point out some of the counter points to a few of their comments . Per your comment about if we had a thread section yes we do have a forum and if someone did post a Why We Hate Meetfighters we would not allow it. Not because were censoring free speech but because it brings BOTH our sites down, does NOT provide any real benefit or growth (if someone has a beef about a site they should contact the admin with suggestions) and fosters more negativity then good will. You can go into the happiest place on earth where everyone is having a great time and find SOMETHING to start complaining about and other people around you will start looking for the bad instead of the good to bitch about as well.

If you have a suggestion for GF then send it to the admins and it will be considered, but dont expect every site on the internet to make your changes... keep in mind many other folks are wanting changes that might be contrary to your request. Like MF we respond to the majority. MF and GF will never be identical that would just be pointless and ridiculous so stop bitching about one being laid out better than the other, if they were identical you would be bitching about THAT :) Now stop whining and spend that time finding a match.


Ticklish (0)

24.7.2016 18:19

(In antwoord hierop)

I have nothing against GlobalFight, but that first paragraph is solid gold bullshit mate, and if you publish other people's personal photos for commercial purposes on the back of those terms, without their express permission, you are probably in serious breach of copyright law.


tigerfuzz (13)

06.10.2013 23:53 won't allow this to be discussed on their site. Thanks for allowing it to be discussed here.



08.10.2013 10:58

(In antwoord hierop)

Though I might disagree with some of their policies, I do feel a certain solidarity towards the GlobalFight operators. I would appreciate if you did not discuss your issues with their sites here.

Thank you.


Ironbull (96)

06.10.2013 18:39

And flickr... search "wrestlers wrestling". Some images have even been porned up.


globalfight (0)

01.8.2016 15:58

(In antwoord hierop)

I suggest you point out a specific photo URL otherwise treading on slander and our lawyers CAN get your info from ips and other internet websites when demanded.

First off, anything PORN related is removed and we risk being banned from those G rated services so your comment is a lie right there. Second we have thousands of models so if anything is G rated risque it is our own models.


Ironbull (96)

02.8.2016 8:14

(In antwoord hierop)

Ok well I withdraw any comments that you find defamatory and I accept that all of the erotic photos posted on non wrestling sites are posted with their full and informed consent.

This is the most unpleasant thread.

Long may Meetfighters endure as the site for the community of wrestlers who I have the honour of calling my friends and who turn up as real people.



23.9.2013 19:17

Uh, guys? com would be a better place to discuss this.



chicagowrestbox (24 )

23.9.2013 18:06

Yet another reason to quit Globalfight permanently.


tigerfuzz (13)

23.9.2013 15:23

The terms of service for claims:

"All materials uploaded or transmitted to this site become the property of the site owners and operators and can be used to promote the site or in any way the site owners deem to be in their interest. "
(8th bullet point)

What do they do with your photos? check these out:

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