New Profile Layout Discussion

Ironbull (96)

15.1.2017 1:17

I hated every one of my new phones but then they grew on me. These changes are fine.


StrikeFighter (82 )

22.12.2016 11:15

Days (Years) on the site and number of past opponents are EXACTLY the things I look for first when I look at a new profile. So it's great that this information is now highlighted.


IndyWarrior (39)

22.12.2016 13:25

(In antwoord hierop)

^^what he said


Alexander the Great (13)

20.12.2016 18:26

Admin, I do not like the new layout, it is not functional at all!

The most important information you need to find out about an opponent is: age/height/weight. That tells you instantly what you need to know about him, especially weight. That should be at the top, before anything else! It was better before.

The text is also important, well it is to me. In it I write answers to ALL the questions which inevitably come up, such as gear, style.... I do not want to have to repeat this to everyone who contacts me!! But the information is now hidden if you write a lot.... and not everyone will scroll down... So I am already suffering from the new layout, because I get people writing to me asking...... "gear?" "style?" grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........

Why the need for enormous coloured boxes? What does that actually achieve?

Please restore to the way it was before. It was more functional. Thank you.


munichsubfight (184)

21.12.2016 9:44

(In antwoord hierop)

I agree with Alexander the Great that age/height/weight is very important information and is rather hidden in the new layout while it was prominent near the top in the old layout.

The emphasized information was and still is easily visible (I´m talking about the desktop version...):
- The number of recommendations is shown in the tabs "Profile" - "Recommendations (0/0)"
- The number of past opponents is shown right after the profile name, e.g. "Profile of pierspandex (1)"

Also squeezing long profile texts in a little box with its own scrollbar makes reading the text more cumbersome.
I like to use my big desktop screen and hate the feeling of peeping through a loophole when I would have a screen big enough to fit the whole text.

Keep up the great work!
But don´t be afraid of going one step back sometimes:-)

Please restore the way it was before. It was more functional. Thank you.



21.12.2016 13:05

(In antwoord hierop)

My take is that the stats, location, etc. of a person are irrelevant if they will not be meeting you. The top three numbers are the best semi-verifiable indication we have of that.


freestyle (87 )

22.12.2016 8:32

(In antwoord hierop)

I think munichsubfight does raise a valued point . When anyone does plan a match then stats what they are into and what they are like to wrestle etc do play a big part
in arranaging a match and weather or not you will meet them. Also if they have been on here a long time had lots of past of opponents and have recommodations
does that mean they wont let you down on the day of meeting . I speak from past experience having travelled abroad just to wrestle guys for them to go quite when you arrive and dont show up and dont even bother to let you know they are not going to meet or they tempory suspend their profile .
This has happened to me a few times . I can say it also applies to me have arranged a date to wrestle some one but then other life stuff gets in the way be it family stuff etc at least i let them know though.
So the number of days on site past opponents recommondations may be a judge of someones willingness to meet ,4 years on the site no past opponents yes there is a big chance they wont show. But again does this mean those with past opponents are any better.
I think as munichsubfight says we have all that info already in the way the profiles are laid out in the tabs.
I also find it strange that the colored images past opponents days on site recommondations actually take up more space than the profile photo thumbnails,they are about six times larger than the profile photos in the gallery strips .


munichsubfight (184)

21.12.2016 18:59

(In antwoord hierop)

I beg to disagree with Admin and fully agree with imajem´s list of facts he´s looking at.

My list of things to Iook at matches imajem´s list, although in a slightly different order.
However, still two of the metrics in the colorful boxes are already visible enough (number of past opponents/number of recommendations), and the third (days already on meetfighters) seems to me more like a contra-indicator...
Two guys with each two recommendations and 5 past opponents, one is her for 3 months, the other for four years... who is more trustworthy/likely to meet me/safe to meet me?

Granted, "the stats, location, etc. of a person are irrelevant if they will not be meeting you", but so is the number of past opponents and the recommendations if they are not going to meet me;-)

However, as relevant - I´d even say even more relevant? - is whether I will be willing to meet him!
And I don´t care for the *number* of past opponents, I don´t care for the *number* of recommendations, but for the details behind that numbers.
What kind of guys did he meet, especially: do we have common past opponents (thank you very much for that feature, it´s extremely valuable!), so I could ask someone whom I know for their first-hand experience.

Same with the recommendations, there is a lot of detail:
Was their meeting great because he is so strong? Or because he has such good technique? Or because he could adopt so well to a weaker opponent?
That works both ways, what does the profile owner write in his recommendations about other people?

Also the numbers are completely irrelevant when I am looking for the sportive submission grapplers and groundfighting only, while others might be looking for boxing partners and standup combat.
It might be true that on a global scale your numbers would give a high chance that we would be likely to meet - but what would we do then?
Re-enact the infamous Muhammad Ali vs Antonio Inoki bout? I don´t think so;-)


imajem (2)

21.12.2016 18:14

(In antwoord hierop)

Profiles: What I look at.
1. Location - travel limitations for me
2. Age - Not too young
3. Wt
4. Read their intro
5. Their interests
6. interest Groups joined
7. Recommendations


StrikeFighter (82 )

10.12.2016 12:39

I like the new layout. There's only two minor things that bother me (I think others have mentioned them as well.)

- the "Safety Awareness" button is too big and throws the profile out of whack
- it would be great if, when a user has been a member for more than one year, the duration of their membership could be shown in the "X years and Y days" format, rather than XXXX days.


Didja1 (21)

04.12.2016 23:02

I love the new layout, but you have to get rid of the challenge.


WrestoBG (49)

03.12.2016 8:50

Hmh I also think the new layout is a bit messy and more dificult to follow the information. I like the way the mobile site is structured. But I guess like everything on this site We will get used to it and like it at the end. What is surprising though is that sometimes the most active members in the forums are people who do not donate.


hephaestion2014 (49)

03.12.2016 10:53

(In antwoord hierop)

Not everyone has credit cards, not every one has pay pal and certainly some people (myself included) don't like doing transactions over the interweb

But jab well taken and given.


imajem (2)

04.12.2016 17:17

(In antwoord hierop)

No credit card!
No PayPal!
No internet transaction!
No donation!
No Checks!
Money orders only!
That's how I donate to FireFox and others. Why not here?



05.12.2016 20:45

(In antwoord hierop)

Sorry. I have no idea what I would do with a US money order.


EdwardoPain (0)

11.12.2016 20:11

(In antwoord hierop)

Can a foreign debit card be used to donate?, legit question.



12.12.2016 15:28

(In antwoord hierop)

Guys can you please keep the discussion on topic? This forum is about the new layout.
Use the support page if you have questions.



fightguy (18)

05.12.2016 12:39

(In antwoord hierop)

I never use money orders NO...NO money orders only!


WrestoBG (49)

04.12.2016 0:09

(In antwoord hierop)

2016? Man You must really miss the steamed trains :)


Belligerent (15 )

01.12.2016 19:55

Where's the 'generic no interest' reply gone from the email? That was a handy feature.



05.12.2016 18:12

(In antwoord hierop)

You click on the button of the lower right corner of the message, and it brings up Translate and the rest.


funscrapseverino (24)

29.11.2016 21:14

I like it =)



29.11.2016 15:10

I have written a news post explaining the thought process behind the recent changes.

I don't believe in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality. The steam engine was fine, but that doesn't mean that it is good by today's standards. I believe it is possible to improve upon things even if they are not "broken". Please trust me to have the site's and its members' interest in mind when I make changes, not some perverse need to tinker. When I implemented the new mail system, there was the same reaction from a bunch of guys, but the fact of the matter is that it is massively more useful than what we had before. Granted, it took me some time to iron out some of the kinks and for that I do apologize. That is just the nature of things when you run a site without budget for paid QA staff. I do try my best, though. Also remember that once a site grows to 13,000 members, it is no longer possible to make changes without at least one person complaining about it. It's a scientifically proven fact!

Please give the changes a little time. Maybe they will grow on you. Keep an open mind.

Regarding the two-column layout: I have done a short usability study (mouse movement heatmaps) and came up with the new layout trying to optimize for that, bringing the more commonly sought parts closer to the top. The two-column (sometimes three or four) layout is common practice on the web to solve such optimization tasks. It might look "messy" to some at first, but once your eyes get used to it, it is my hope that you will find that you can get to the relevant parts of a profile at least as quickly as before. I tested the new layout on desktop browsers, a mobile and a tablet device to make sure it is reasonably responsive.

I'm open to ideas on how to improve upon the new design, but I urge everyone to keep in mind that coming up with a layout that appeals equally to 13000+ members might not be possible.


buzzcut (2)

10.1.2017 0:55

(In antwoord hierop)

New layout is great. Past opponents don't tell me much about the type of match. I've met guys who've only had cyber matches. I've also been asked by others to claim I had a match with them so they could get access to additional site features.

As you can tell from the other member's posts on this topic, I am the only member who has a sexual connection to wrestling and is looking for a relationship. I'm completely unashamed of that. In the context of my profile, past opponents are inappropriate. I immediately stopped posting them after I realized that, in my case, it's a huge indiscretion. Hahaha!

My point is, pictures and these numbers are great summaries of profile info. They belong at the top. But whether they're a good thing or not is a matter of context and interpretation. My profile sez to me, "you've been here over a year and still haven't found anyone. Something is wrong with you." Lol.


Vanman (87 )

04.12.2016 22:35

(In antwoord hierop)

It's great on a tablet, less so on my iPhone though. (Yes I know some people anti iPhone)

Can we make the time on site convert to years once it reaches a figure, maybe 730 / 2 years.

The safety awareness badge could go alongside the other blocks or possibly a block for badges generally. I'm thinking 100+, donor etc here.

The events section is cluttered, is anyone interested that I signed up for an event in 2012. Occasionally it will be one that I didn't get to..


funscrapseverino (24)

01.12.2016 14:57

(In antwoord hierop)

Dick pics should be removed from the site...


ruffnhard (127)

31.12.2016 0:13

(In antwoord hierop)

100% agree.... most unattractive!
Maybe they could at least be blocked out of the thumbnails in "Photos" view... I like checking out the new pics, but don't need to see that!


mochablk (21)

21.12.2016 22:11

(In antwoord hierop)

Why? Just curious.


ruffnhard (127)

31.12.2016 0:22

(In antwoord hierop)

My reason is they are unattractive and unimpressive... All dicks are the same, a little bigger or smaller, a little thinner or thicker, but essentially the same. I just can't see the thrill, and yes I am gay.

I'd rather look at a guys body... something you can build, shape, sculpt the way you want! Your dick is whatever you were born to have, no amount of hard work can change it... If a guy has dick pics in his profile it's pretty unlikely we will be meeting.


GutPuncher89 (1 )

21.12.2016 22:31

(In antwoord hierop)

Generally because this is a wrestling/fighting site. That's just how I see it. I'm not saying they should be removed, but in my opinion they shouldn't really be allowed. I honestly think dick pics should be limited to message attachments.


mochablk (21)

01.1.2017 19:02

(In antwoord hierop)

OK... just asking.


surrey71 (21 )

30.12.2016 18:42

(In antwoord hierop)

Absolutely !! Get rid of cock pics as this is a fighting site not a dating site!


Vanman (87 )

21.12.2016 22:47

(In antwoord hierop)

Well said.


IndyWarrior (39)

30.11.2016 23:41

(In antwoord hierop)

Love the new layout!

I use the site almost exclusively from my mobile; therefore, everything is touch interface.

Any plans to make the new infographics for "past opponents" and "recommendations" into links to that respective info? Because, I tell you what, I tap them almost every time I look at a profile, and then I'm like, "oh, yeah..." LOL



01.12.2016 12:32

(In antwoord hierop)

Sounds doable. :) Except I'm not sure what tapping "days" would do.


IndyWarrior (39)

01.12.2016 15:07

(In antwoord hierop)

Agreed; that's why I didn't mention it, I didn't think it could access any more meaningful or detailed info.

Thanks for all your work!


Kevin93 (14)

30.11.2016 5:18

(In antwoord hierop)

I like it..


hephaestion2014 (49)

29.11.2016 16:34

(In antwoord hierop)

I miss the steam engine :(

When I read the reasoning on the news post, I understand the thinking behind it and appreciate the change.

Not that I was opposed to it anyway.

Change is always meet with resistant, and grumbles. When all the kinks are discovered and worked through, people won't even remember what's changed.

Too busy grappling or moaning about missing the meeting function they never used :)


GutPuncher89 (1 )

29.11.2016 12:31

THIS. This is why I hate Google for buying everything out and making changes. YouTube was sooooo much better before google bought it out. Now I won't go and jump the gun and compare this site to google, but the changes made feel a little unnecessary.


hephaestion2014 (49)

27.11.2016 21:11

Change is always bad.
Till you get used to it and forget how things ever were.


GutPuncher89 (1 )

28.11.2016 0:22

(In antwoord hierop)

The thing is, nothing was ever really wrong with the layout in the first place. Yeah, I know every now and then an owner of a website would like to try something new and different. Honestly in my opinion changes should only be made when necessary. I just didn't see any need for the change. I liked that stacked version better =)


Vanman (87 )

27.11.2016 22:49

(In antwoord hierop)

You mean.........

Once I wasn't fat but I've forgotten it!


hephaestion2014 (49)

27.11.2016 23:03

(In antwoord hierop)

You calling me fat? I prefer the term well fed, mature twink :D


Vanman (87 )

28.11.2016 0:44

(In antwoord hierop)

No, I'm saying I don't remember being not fat.


Vanman (87 )

27.11.2016 20:47

It is Work in Progress, most if not all of Admins changes work in the end. I am sure these will be no different.


synxiec (76)

27.11.2016 14:48

I'd say from the looks of things, this is a work in progress. I'm curious about the goal here, but we'll see.


freestyle (87 )

27.11.2016 5:28

i agree the profiles now seems to a bit over the place down the side across the bottom where as before it was all there all followed on . I think the symbols they are using are a bit pointless and too big too seeing as we have all that already on profile pages.Also if they are going to keep using the symbols it would be better if you click on them and it took you to the the information , when i first saw them in someones profile i clicked on them waiting to see his reccomondations nothing happened then i noticed we still had the tabs for recommondations but at first was a bit confusing then i thought what was the point of having them there.
But like most things you get use to the way things are maybe after a few months will be alright and will get use to the new layout but i do agree the layout now looks worse


GutPuncher89 (1 )

27.11.2016 2:32

Anyone else not a big fan of the new layout being used? The Recommendations, Past Opponents, and Days on site look fine and don't really bother me. However, I liked it better when the location, stats, introduction, and interests were all on top of eachother.

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