NorthTown Fight Club

NorthTown Fight Club BKB fight event

Fighter Matt (38)

25.9.2013 1:27

Come on guys, If any of you have anyone interested in stepping up to fight on the event on Oct 19th. Im looking for at least 6 fighters and friends to come along to the wrestling factory in Manchester.


Fighter Matt (38)

13.9.2013 21:04

Since Damien has pulled out there maybe a replacement French cage fighter fighting on 19th October. More fighters are required as I need at least one to match up with one fighter who will be attending. come on lads, step up and make it a good one.


Fighter Matt (38)

09.7.2013 22:24

There will be a fight club fight event held at the Wrestling Factory in October. The fight will be a bare knuckle boxing fight between Damian Cleaton and Fighter Matt. Other fighters are needed to add to the fight card. A purse for the winner will be available. The date will be announced later. Its £10 to enter the event.

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