MeetFighters News
New Server!
Hello Fighters,
This weekend MeetFighters has moved to a faster server. This was made possible by all your generous donations to the site. Big thanks to everyone who pitched in!
The switch was a largish undertaking involving operation system upgrade and also updating many parts of what comprises the MeetFighters service, including the video streaming and chat parts. As with all major changes, there are bound to be some snags. Please let us know if you hit any.
Upcoming Stuff
Finishing touches to the new message center are coming up. The switch to the new code will be happening in October.
Unfortunately the mobile app is currently on hold, but we hope to resume work on it in a few months' time.
That's all, folks!
imajem (2)
13.9.2015 21:15Already noticed pages are changing much faster.
privatefight (0)
13.9.2015 21:16en français, svp, merci
cyberjobber (2)
14.9.2015 18:07(In antwoord hierop)
Typiquement Francais. S'est une cite Anglophone
tna fan (4)
14.9.2015 21:28(In antwoord hierop)
Translate it we need to do that also
ukwrestler (132 )
13.9.2015 21:16Looking good :-)
pshawfocus (105 )
13.9.2015 21:24Giving a few bucks is the easy part - thanks to you for making it all happen.
lutter (11)
13.9.2015 21:34I hope I don't
need to log in each time because I don't nhow my mot pass its been 3 years here and I don't want to change my profil!!!
13.9.2015 21:47Thanks for all the hard work for our benefit. Greatly valued and appreciated.
ArabianGuy (49)
13.9.2015 21:57Great jo, thank you for making this site an amazing place!
edscissors (30 )
13.9.2015 22:00It's a great site and just gets better and better. Thank you, Admin and your team, for your hard work.
Didja1 (21)
13.9.2015 22:38Thanks Admin & team, great job!
scottimike (26)
13.9.2015 22:42You are a darn wrestling, thanks for your organisstion & committment hombre.sMike.
ptitbrun (58)
13.9.2015 22:49en français s'il vous plait !!!!
the natureboy (16)
13.9.2015 22:53an excellent site, made even better,
Tigerrific (129)
14.9.2015 1:39Thank you! I agree with natureboy. Best wrestling personals website I've come across so far!
Carlosfit (28 )
14.9.2015 3:16Its much faster, thank you very much
Marsan22 (1)
14.9.2015 3:22Essas mensagens também deveriam vir em português, já que se trata de um importante comunicado do site.
vonsueno (4)
14.9.2015 6:40As Patrick Swayze said in Ghost, "Ditto." We can adapt and the adaptation will be good because things will be better and better. So, along with all the above positive remarks, "Ditto!"
Oh, yes...
Thank you; mil gracias; danke; and merci!
14.9.2015 16:07And now we had a 3-hour outage today due to some hardware problem. The system looks stable now. I was sweating for hours trying to figure out how to recover everything :S
tna fan (4)
15.9.2015 9:38(In antwoord hierop)
@admin i hear it was a heavy match;) hahaha
15.9.2015 11:20(In antwoord hierop)
There are other types of heavy matches that I prefer more :)
14.9.2015 18:41@Admin. Poor you! I realised something had gone wrong and I'm sure we all felt sorry for the admin and IT team. We all know there isn't a massive group behind MF, but a small group of dedicated guys working for the members' benefit.
Thanks again for putting in those 3 hours of hard work and skill.
DRessel (0)
15.9.2015 2:55Your continued dedication to helping men like me from around the world find wrestling buddies is deeply appreciated.
waltyfight (34)
18.9.2015 11:58That's sounds good!Thank you from Italy!
Landshark (4)
30.10.2015 1:44The site is fantastic, can't wait until my 30 days is up so I can donate.
vonsueno (4)
30.10.2015 2:31Thank you for all the hard work, the endurance of obstacles and challenges, and (I hope not) the complaints of a few (and, may that be less than 2).