Hi everyone,

I am happy to announce that the new Message Center, first announced here, is now live. I would like to thank everyone who participated in testing it, reported bugs and submitted ideas for improvement. Most of the feedback accumulated over months have been incorporated into this new module, and I feel that it is a huge improvement over the old mail interface.

As with all big changes, there are bound to be some problems. If you are having trouble accessing your messages, please file a bug report here. We will try to figure out what is going wrong, and hopefully fix it quickly.

In a site this big, it is nearly impossible to make big changes so that every single member is happy with it. If you are one of those souls who dislike this particular one, please remember that the beta has been ongoing for months and you had ample time to voice your concern, and also that you can access the old mail interface here.

How do I see my messages?

One way:

  1. Open the Message Center
  2. Choose the "All" tab (or "Unreplied" or "Unread").
  3. Select one of the threads.
  4. Scroll down past the form to see messages.

Another way:

  1. Open your friend's profile.
  2. Click on the "User Menu" button and then "Send Message".
  3. Scroll down past the form to see messages.

– Admin out

Update 29th Dec

Hi everyone,

Thanks for expressing your love and hate for the Message Center. :)

I have made some improvements based on some suggestions above:

  • (Wrestlecub's idea) The "Message Sent" dialog is replaced with a simple alert box that goes away when you click close or start typing your next message.
  • There is a vertical ellipsis button in the lower right corner. Clicking it shows a bunch of buttons that allow for deleting individual messages, translate, etc.
  • (Wrestlecub's and frenchgrappler's idea) There is an "Outbox" now that lists sent messages and their states (unread, read, replied).
  • (Wrestlecub's idea) A "mini-bio" (I call it the profile summary) pops up when you hover over the title on a thread view.

Some responses to other concerns:

  • @Boxe: It is possible to delete individual messages by clicking on the message bubble and then on the red Delete button.
  • @Boxe and @frenchgrappler: There is an indication at the top-right of message bubbles if a message is unread. You can now also see the read state of your sent messages chronologically on the Outbox tab.
  • @Boxe wrote: "Before entering you would haven´t to enter to register to reply " -> I'm sorry, I don't know what that means.
  • @frenchgrappler wrote: "more difficult to send pics with the message on i-phone!!" -> Sorry, I don't have an i-phone. Can you please explain why is it more difficult?
  • @frenchgrappler wrote: "At each time more manipulation. " -> Can you please explain what you mean?

Everyone else, please bear with me as I make improvements. Your ideas are welcome. I am making this site for YOU!

Update 26th January

The 1-month limit on threads is now lifted. Loading times should be faster too. It was more effort than I had originally anticipated, so thank you all for your patience.

@rangerboots: I made the Delete /etc buttons in the conversation's speech bubbles smaller, hopefully they will fit your screen better. I am thinking about replacing the buttons entirely with a dropdown menu.

Regarding deleting multiple messages: You can either delete the entire conversation with three clicks (Top red menu -> Delete all -> Confirm), or individual messages with two (Click on speech bubble -> Delete). For now I am considering this "good enough"; cluttering the UI for the sake of supporting the deletion of select messages with one click each does not seem like a good trade-off.

I consider deleting a message without opening it to be a fringe use case and will not be supporting it. I am very much in favor of keeping the UI clean and uncluttered.

I will not be implementing a "Mark thread unread" operation. What I am considering instead is implementing a "Mark thread replied / unreplied" option; that should ideally cover the same or similar use case.

Work on the mail center is ongoing, I'll be posting updates here as they happen.

Laatst bijgewerkt op 26.1.2016 9:02 door Admin



bagarreur (1)

28.12.2015 14:29

I like the new message... It's clear. Thanx !


Wrestling legend (14)

28.12.2015 14:34

No way to sort sent or received messages? No inbox or outbox? Disappointing


The Kestrel (47 )

28.12.2015 22:14

(In antwoord hierop)

New messages will always appear on the initial screen.

Any you have received but not yet responded to are in the 2nd unreplied tab

The in and outbox are now rolled into a list per member you message. Just by clicking on the conversation you will find:

The sorting has been done for you (sent on one side, received on the other) and keeps them all in order so all messages are kept in context.

If a sent message remains unread, it will say so on the top right corner of each unread speech bubble when you look at a conversation.

This saves you having to open up previous dialogue history to catch up on what was said before.

As already mentioned, this has been planned for some time, and it is designed to check and send messages more efficiently, saving you time and keeping it organised for you. Please give it a bit of time, hopefully you will find the benefits that are intended.

If you continue to have difficulty or find issues with the new system, then get in touch through support to explain the problem and what you think will improve your experience - no point in being unsatisfied if you don't try to help fix it eh?


Australian Wrestler (69 )

28.12.2015 15:00

Agree with pgh-maybe a way of spliiting sent or received would be better rather than just jumbled together-that said fine with the format


Wrestledad (80 )

28.12.2015 15:26

I like the new look of the messages and I appreciate you trying ot improve the user experience. There are a few features still missing from the new messages that I would like to see added though:

1. Replace the modal "Message Sent" dialog with a non-modal response which doesn't require me to click on it.
2: A way to delete the message without having to click into it
3. A chronologically sorted list of all sent messages.
4. It would be great to have a mini-bio pop up when you hover over the message sender which lists Height/Weight/Location etc like you do on some of the other pages.



StrikeFighter (82 )

28.12.2015 15:26

I think it's a great improvement and totally clear. Thanks!


Wrestle4Fun (106)

28.12.2015 16:48

I just dislike this new message center
And no it's not clear at all!.
1. No more possible to see if the messages are readen or not.
2. Not possible to have a global view the messages u sent
3. more difficult to send pics with the message on i-phone!!
4. At each time more manipulation. Very, very disappointed. sorry
PS. Anyway thanx for all, thanx for the site.


Boxe (5)

28.12.2015 17:34

I like the new graphical interface, but there are still allgunas things that I do not like about before
1) You can' t delete messages that arrive in your inbox and are 't of you interest
2) Can't seen if the message has been readed or not, this could cause problems
3) Before entering you would haven´t to enter to register to reply
Thanks for everything
a greeting


olivier65 (1)

28.12.2015 17:49

Je suis complètement perdu avec cette nouvelle présentation des messages reçus...je n'y comprend rien. J'ai plusieurs messages d'une même personne, je ne peux répondre qu'au dernier reçu pas aux autres, car je ne sais pas comment faire ! Il n'y a aucune aide hélas pour nous familiariser à cette nouvelle présentation.


edscissors (29 )

28.12.2015 22:08

The new presentation will probably take a little getting used to but it certainly looks tidier and, once again, a lot of generous, hard work has gone on behind the scenes to make this upgrade. Thanks very much to all involved. Let's all give it a go and see how we like it after a few days/weeks.


Domitian (1)

28.12.2015 23:13

I'm allowed to select 'unread' messages but I can't sort by 'inbox', 'sent', etc.
It's OK, I suppose, and it looks good, but it seems like more of a triumph of design over usability.
And it's a bit of a pain to have to open a message to delete it.


downforthecount123 (0)

28.12.2015 23:21

A little confusing at first. When I went in to read my messages, It took me awhile to figure out if it was a new message or one that was previously sent. After going through and reading the several messages, I finally did figure it out. Liked the way it was before, but everything seems to be changing these days either good or bad, so I guess we have to take it in stride.


alexxwrestler (222)

29.12.2015 0:36

I better now! The design is awesome as well !! ;)


back2pin4fun (37)

29.12.2015 11:11

Very good work. Neat, clear and concise. Thanks!


Southcoast Guy (34)

29.12.2015 15:11

prefer the old system sorry used to be easier sent recieved unread etc
probs going to leave MF now


marconi (31 )

29.12.2015 17:17

I like the new message centre. I have only one problem with it, which is not one admin could possibly have anticipated...

I always leave MF logged in on the 'Unread messages' page during the working day - a nice distraction from time to time. I'm obviously very careful about when I look at it anyway, but under the old system I had one added reassurance. With multiple google chrome browser tabs open, it wasn't obvious what this site was, as the length of a standard tab allowed the text 'Unread Messages Mee' to fit on it, so if I ever let my guard down and my screen was accidentally visible to the casual observer, you couldn't tell what that was.

Now, however, the new message centre means that leaving MF logged in on the 'Messages' page, the tab reads 'Messages Meetfighters' - not quite so subtle as before!


Vanman (87 )

29.12.2015 20:37

Your IT team can see what pages you visit and for how long. I would venture to say they haven't spotted your usage yet, but they will.



29.12.2015 21:26

Hi everyone,

Thanks for expressing your love and hate for the Message Center. :)

I have made some improvements based on some suggestions above:

  • (Wrestlecub's idea) The "Message Sent" dialog is replaced with a simple alert box that goes away when you click close or start typing your next message.
  • There is a vertical ellipsis button in the lower right corner. Clicking it shows a bunch of buttons that allow for deleting individual messages, translate, etc.
  • (Wrestlecub's and frenchgrappler's idea) There is an "Outbox" now that lists sent messages and their states (unread, read, replied).
  • (Wrestlecub's idea) A "mini-bio" (I call it the profile summary) pops up when you hover over the title on a thread view.

Some responses to other concerns:

  • @Boxe: It is possible to delete individual messages by clicking on the message bubble and then on the red Delete button.
  • @Boxe and @frenchgrappler: There is an indication at the top-right of message bubbles if a message is unread. You can now also see the read state of your sent messages chronologically on the Outbox tab.
  • @Boxe wrote: "Before entering you would haven´t to enter to register to reply " -> I'm sorry, I don't know what that means.
  • @frenchgrappler wrote: "more difficult to send pics with the message on i-phone!!" -> Sorry, I don't have an i-phone. Can you please explain why is it more difficult?
  • @frenchgrappler wrote: "At each time more manipulation. " -> Can you please explain what you mean?

Everyone else, please bear with me as I make improvements. Your ideas are welcome. I am making this site for YOU!


Wrestledad (80 )

29.12.2015 22:00

(In antwoord hierop)

Wow, thank you for implementing these improvements so quickly!
Very much appreciated!


Boxe (5)

30.12.2015 3:54

(In antwoord hierop)

Thanks for response,sorry my english isn´t perfect yet.but thanks for worry


edscissors (29 )

29.12.2015 22:05

I second Wrestlecub's remark. You have moved so quickly to incorporate suggestions. I am particularly pleased to have a delete button for individual messages. I want to keep strings of messages between MF friends and me but don't need to keep the profile update notifications. The new delete button allows just one message in a series to be deleted. Excellent idea!


vince1383 (0)

30.12.2015 3:00

Thank you for this new message center. And à good idea to have placed the status of the membre who sent the message (on line or chat).


Amirul (6)

30.12.2015 3:11

I cant access my messages on my iphone. I hope you guys can get in back to work soon!


Vanman (87 )

30.12.2015 4:06

OK - I'll say it I love the message centre and hope everyone stops bitching about it.

I'm sorry but that is what it is!


Eagle2009 (87 )

30.12.2015 5:44

Works great


hammock (0)

30.12.2015 9:26

I really, really love the new inbox. It's so much neater than the old one.
I'd only have one improvement proposal for it; I wish we could open the sender's profile by clicking on his profile picture.



30.12.2015 20:22

Following on from the site support ticket I made before this site news post, a way to solve the Send Message vs Message History button issue, why not just change the text on the Send Message to Messaging or Message Centre or Dialogue or similar? That way people can read the message history without having to think to send a new message.


LondonHeel (4)

30.12.2015 21:41

Thanks for all the work that you and your helpers put in on this site. It's the best all-round meeting site I know of, by far.

I only saw the beta link a couple of days before it went live so not much time to feedback but having used it, I'd make the following hopefully-constructive comments (sorry there's several - I think I'm still in form design/test mode from work!) :

1) the look is fine (though was it designed slightly more with smartphones in mind perhaps, e.g. the main column of info could be a bit wider on most PC screens to fit in more info); but

2) the current way to delete messages is too slow and less efficient as you have to go into each message, click on the ellipsis (thanks for the advice on that as it's not very intuitive) then click delete for every message, so:
a) there needs to be a way of mass deleting messages - the old tick box + delete button worked well as did the individual delete links/buttons within each message on the main inbox page
b) ideally replace the ellipsis with individual icons (with pop-up explanations/on hover; not sure how best to do that on a smartphone though) so a second click isn't needed, or at least have some help on hover for the ellipsis to make it clear what other actions it leads to

3) I appreciate the grouping of messages as "conversations" but an option to view as the old inbox/outbox would be great as it's confusing having marked-as-favourites that you've sent sitting next to ones you've received (we users don't like having to think!)

4) it's also slower to read through a number of messages without the "next message" button displayed at the top. Could that be reinstated please, or even better have a "next message" button and a second "delete this message and go to next one"?

These changes will probably spoil the layout (sorry) but I think they would make it faster and more efficient to use, which was the stated intention :)

Once again, many thanks for all your hard work with this site; it really is brilliant, and apologies if any of those suggestions are in place and I've just overlooked them!


PatBoxer (4)

04.1.2016 16:59

(In antwoord hierop)

I very much agree with point #2. The other points are valid as well, but #2 has really made the experience of reading/replying to messages less efficient and more ponderous.


Vanman (87 )

31.12.2015 3:16

can we incorporate the pop up new message box into the main page so it doesnt need closing. if i dont read a measage immediately it keeps on popping up.


quadi1 (185)

31.12.2015 8:33

First of all I like the new message system
However, I miss the buttom on each profile where you could have seen the whole conversation with the fighter completly...no you have to go to the message menue and search for him, it's a bit confusing :D


blnfighter (52 )

31.12.2015 14:56

Thanx for the good work and very quick implementation of user´s proposals.

Only one thing: I miss the "ping" from the old system, when I got a mail or someone visited my profile.

Happy new year everybody!


chrisfit (21)

05.1.2016 7:32

I personally love the new format and find much more practical, particularly after the last improvements,
The whole discussion (with feedback, complain, reaction, explanation, understanding, satisfaction of needs) is just amazing!


Torrnado (130)

05.1.2016 15:01

I am not sure why the format had to be changed? Now I can't delete messages without opening them.
I still enjoy the site, however.


Southcoast Guy (34)

05.1.2016 15:05

I agree with Torrnado shame we cant delete the messages without opening them


Vanman (87 )

05.1.2016 18:03

It may be me but I don't understand why you wouldn't open a message, it only takes a few seconds.

Maybe I just don't get enough for it to be an issue.

Please don't deluge me with mail just to prove the point.


GiulianVs (4)

18.1.2016 16:06

(In antwoord hierop)

It's not such a big deal, i agree with that. But, what if you want to delete several messages? Would you load each message in order to remove them? Talk about waste of time. That would be a pain.

It would be handy if you could check a box next to each one of them and remove several messages in a snap. This is pretty much what people expect from a service like this.

So yes, this is another important feature / fix that could be added / fixed in the future.


rangerboots (12)

13.1.2016 5:20

Would it possible to have a 'mark as unread' choice on messages? I have this choice on some other forums and find it useful for me to keep something in the main inbox that I quickly read on the move but want to write a more detailed reply to when I have time at a PC.


LondonHeel (4)

15.1.2016 18:10

(In antwoord hierop)

I use that elsewhere too. Technically a "come back to" flag would be more accurate but "mark unread" is probably easiest.


xlotta (1)

14.1.2016 0:04

Mi piace lotta nudi tra cazzi lotto x vincete cerco solo chubby o robusti


GiulianVs (4)

18.1.2016 15:41

I tested the new message center on my computer and on my smartphone and in both scenarios whenever i click (or tap) the "not interested" button, the site will not ask me for any confirmation.

This can be a problem because the message will be sent instantaneously for the other member, and sometimes you may click or tap that button accidentally.

This message "Are you sure you want to send a "no interest" reply?" should be present right after you hit that button, and then you should decide whether you want to send it or not. It is not happening.


GiulianVs (4)

20.1.2016 5:10

It seems that meetfighters can not update the number of unread messages after i read it. I can even browse through the entire message center, but the number will update only if i visit a link anywhere else.


rangerboots (12)

20.1.2016 5:54

Another little comment. on my smart phone when I click on the three dots in a message. I see four buttons stacked vertically. The red delete button only shows the top third of it as the res is beyond/below the message boundary. When I hit delete I am sure my fat fingers have accidently hit report as spam.


GiulianVs (4)

20.1.2016 15:33

(In antwoord hierop)

Yep. Buttons are to large to fit that area. It is not a problem if you have only three lines of buttons instead of four. Portuguese translation had the text of the second button changed to ignore (ignorar) so it can fit next to the first button, in the same line. Not the ideal solution, though.



26.1.2016 8:36

Update: The 1-month limit on threads is now lifted. Loading times should be faster too. It was more effort than I had originally anticipated, so thank you all for your patience.

@rangerboots: I made the Delete /etc buttons in the conversation's speech bubbles smaller, hopefully they will fit your screen better. I am thinking about replacing the buttons entirely with a dropdown menu.

Regarding deleting multiple messages: You can either delete the entire conversation with three clicks (Top red menu -> Delete all -> Confirm), or individual messages with two (Click on speech bubble -> Delete). For now I am considering this "good enough"; cluttering the UI for the sake of supporting the deletion of select messages with one click each does not seem like a good trade-off.

I consider deleting a message without opening it to be a fringe use case and will not be supporting it. I am very much in favor of keeping the UI clean and uncluttered.

I will not be implementing a "Mark thread unread" operation. What I am considering instead is implementing a "Mark thread replied / unreplied" option; that should ideally cover the same or similar use case.

Work on the mail center is ongoing, I'll be posting updates here as they happen.


rangerboots (12)

01.2.2016 10:16

(In antwoord hierop)

Thank you. The buttons now all fit on my little phone screen correctly.




latin63 (3 )

06.2.2016 17:41

I can't get messages in my iPhone sad....like the site but impossible why we can't have it the old way...easier I missed a match set up because of this....sorry is frustrating for c me...I still like page....but nothing I can do.
