MeetFighters News

Summary: The site's name is changing from to soon. is a fine name, and served us well for 3 and a half years. The reasons for change are:

  • The .info TLD is not well-known and .com is preferred.
  • There is an site that is unaffiliated with us.

Why MeetFighters?

I wanted a name that:

  • Is available.
  • Ends with .com
  • Similar to the old name somehow
  • At most two words
  • Doesn't have the word "global" in it. :)

There were some great ideas proposed by members, most of them failing the first criteria.

  • was suggested, and I think it's the best name. Unfortunately there is a site, and the two names are too similar for comfort.
  • is also good. It's three words and a bit too long.
  • was also a good contender, again it's three words and longish.
  • Countless other brilliant names were suggested that were unfortunately unavailable.

In the end, expresses what the site is about and is familiar enough.


Sometime in July 2012.

Is anything else changing?

I am working on a new site design, hoping to improve both the look and the feel of the site.

Other than that, the site will be same as before.

What will I need to do?

Nothing. Once the new site is live, the old site will simply redirect you to it.

Laatst bijgewerkt op 14.6.2012 13:44 door Admin; 4 reactie(s)

Hi everyone,

Just when I thought I had every reason to hate Microsoft, they give me one more. Starting a few days ago, Microsoft started blocking all e-mail messages from our server. That includes activation codes for registering users, message and event notifications, etc.

The block is not aimed at our server specifically, and instead appears to be a blanket block on the entire IP address range. I would like to advise all users with hotmail, msn or addresses to switch to a provider that doesn't disservice you with such idiotic and thoroughly broken spam filtering. Google's mail service has given me the least headaches so far, so I would recommend that.

Laatst bijgewerkt op 03.6.2012 9:03 door Admin; 6 reactie(s)

Trial Users

So... Trial users... Who are they?

It is my new term for people who have just registered here, but they haven't uploaded a photo yet (or they have but their photos are just not good enough). They really get the short end here, don't they? No initiating messages, no sending challenges, no chat, nothing. On top of that, they get messages about photo moderation and how the photos they uploaded are just not gonna cut it here.

How did it all begin? It began two years ago, when I wrote about Providers and Consumers. It was written at a time when people who didn't bother to finish their profiles started to show up en masse, and went straight to the chat annoying regular members. They are the ones who never bother to check out someone's profile and just start asking and endless stream of pointless questions. Granted, back then the site was much more liberal (I didn't even require one to write an introduction at registration time).

After that, the site became a lot more demanding: complete your profile or no chat. Post a photo or no messaging. It made sense, but it also made the site very unfriendly toward new members. In the long run, this unfriendliness has turned away many people who would eventually post their photos and become site regulars, if only they got a better first impression.

So: I am instituting a small change in the site policy: trial users can initiate 5 messages per day. They can still reply to messages without limit. In turn, it is now possible for regular members to block these messages from trial members. Just visit your Administration page.

A related change in site policy is that members with 10 or more past opponents are no longer considered trial members.

Other changes since the last site news:

  • The French localization of the site has been updated. Thanks to ladron fr!
  • You can now create a bunch of "canned messages" to send (donating members only).
  • The Statistics page now treats the USA and Canada as one country (previously each state and province was listed separately). It also shows now the top donating countries. I wrote a separate blog entry about the new insights, like how generous the UK guys are or how few members are from Africa.
  • Rearranged profile pages to show all the "action buttons" at the top.
  • Mobile browsers are now automatically detected and presented the compact site view. This can be overridden on the Administration page.
  • Your photo thumbnail appears at the top of the screen.
Laatst bijgewerkt op 27.5.2012 11:49 door Admin; 1 reactie(s)

Dear AllFighters,

Yesterday I have moved the site to a new server, hopefully one that will prove faster in those busy hours than the one before. In peek hours, the site typically serves a few hundred pages per minute; and I estimate that the new server will be able to keep up with the present rate of growth for a while.

Unfortunately big changes have a tendency to cause problems. Last night, the automatic update mechanism (the one responsible for security updates) decided to update a software package that I have patched myself for this site. Unfortunately this undid the patch by overwriting it with a newer version! This has caused all kinds of hell breaking loose!

I would like to thank everyone for reporting these problems! I could fix them all very quickly, but your feedback has been useful.

So, the new server seems to be serving pages much quicker. It is the nature of things that the associated monthly costs are higher. If you are happy with the page and can spare the money, please donate! (The site's existence is not at risk if you don't so there's no pressure, I'm just looking to share the costs and motivation.)

Other changes since the news/2012-03-04 March site update:

Looks like I've been busy there :)

Laatst bijgewerkt op 23.4.2012 8:40 door Admin; 1 reactie(s)

Dear members,

I have changed the Fight Venues page this week. It is now a bit more wiki-like: any member with three or more past opponents can go and edit the pages there. Hopefully this will provide more up-to-date information, turning this neglected part of the site into something useful.

Also, you can now submit private fight spaces and I added some more facilities (e.g. sauna and massage).

In other news, I am working on a calendar feature. It's coming along nicely.

Smaller changes since the last site news include:

  • Translation updates. Members of the translation team will start getting special medals, just like the site supporters. (See green medal on right!)
  • A cleaner Bugs and Suggestions page.
  • Match Requests now show the date of modification.
  • Messages now show links to the messages that this message is in reply to.
  • The left column of the site has been reordered to show "Your account" more prominently.
  • Miscellaneous fixes.
Laatst bijgewerkt op 04.3.2012 15:10 door Admin; 3 reactie(s)