VOTE - We Need Your Input: MeetFighters App and our new project
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- 13.1.2024
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Hello Fighters and Kinksters,
We're at a crossroads and your input is crucial. We're not only deciding on the name of our new website but also prioritizing features for the next update of the Meetfighters app. Your voice matters! Below, you find three votes:
Meetfighters App
Version 1.5.2 of the Meetfighters app brought some exciting new features, including an idle indicator, Challenges, a full implementation of Recommendations, and more. And there's more on the horizon - version 1.6 will drop soon.
With version 1.6 emphasizing Events and Match Requests, what should we prioritize next? Let us know your top 3:
Next App feature (select your top 3):
- Chat (1063 stemmen: 운좋은올빼미, Тымояжизнь-1987, 30wrestle, Aadi singh, aaron27, abelisfine, AC Luchador, actiondudenj2, adidasguy, afwrestler, AidanTrooper, Aitordonosti, AJtheWrestler, Albertomm, AldiStl, Alef23, Alen farmer, Alep 9, Alexbw78, Alexdarius, alexgonz, alexjs, Alexthegreat, Alfa-cat, alfayiz, Alf Nelson, Alleykitten44, alphaboy, AlphaViking, alphawrestler, altosportos, Alyxx, Amateur fightR, Ambrose12345, Ameture Grappler 93, amex2, amo1969, ams1989, An02960, Anakinsky, andre123, andreawrestling, AndrewChiappini05, Andrufight, AndTheNew, Angel, Anr, Ant21, antaeus3, Antheus, Anthon1, Anthony12, Aquatico, ArabFighter, arabicwrestler, Araboy78, ArdonUD, ArielBoxFigth, armrassler, Armund1Box, Arvindpark, ashnightmare777, AsianHeelLA, AsPalepsoume, astian, athlwrestleguy98, ATONMAN, ausjock28, Au sol 71, aussiefight, austinwrestling, Australian Wrestler, austrianguy, a victor, awpins, AZFighter2, azsportsguy, aztruk, BABY21SF, Backbreaker07, backpacker2415, badboy fighter, BagBoxGuy, BaldNorthGA, bam27, Bardi, Barrett, BaseballBrad, Basildon Bloke, Batterysentinel, BAWrestler, BBPyleWrestlingTH, bcnlucha, bear4bears, bear89, Bear Bao, BeatenPAProJobber, BedsUK, Beefy 1976, BelgiumWrestler, Bellyfighter, Belly spalshes Dom, Benofduty, BerkshireGuy, BetaBoyBrody, BeTrayedBetrayal, bgaff64, BigBeast, Bigbeef, Big e, Bigkiruafood, BigNY, Bigrb29v2, BigRob, BillC, BJJ chile, BLACKBELTJUDO, BlackOpals, Blarger, Blasak, blitzpuncher007, Blue33, Bluefox, BluePrismArt, bluetiger, Boa94, bobbybencarter, bobster, BocaWrestleGuy, bodycontact321, bonno chele, bopper0831, bovine91, Boxer98, Boxerboy91, boxerexplorer, boxingfan91, boxingjohn, boyjobber, boyrassler, Brass1977, Bratwrestler, bravo1, Brett58, brettjones, brian24, brians1974515, briansp, bristolbigtel, BristolJobber, BritLadSpain, BritproBear65, BritProSub, Brmunc, BroadJob, bromance, broscissors, Brown Bomber, Browrest, Bruce wayne, bruiser the butcher, brumlad99, Buffalo J, Builtt2, BulldogJoynson, BULLGUZ35, buscapanza, ButchJobberGA, Caguy, calfatestic, CaliFight, Califorman, Canuwrestle, Captainandy, CaptainKidd8012, Carlosperez1, CarlosRockyBoxer, CBusFighter, CelticFire, cem, Centaur, Charmaine84, chas47707, ChaseAthlete, chatchawal06, Chato, Chchwrstl, CHC in DC, Chicagochub1991, chigrapple, ChiJobber, chitownbearchmp, Chokedup85, Chokeslammer, choKOut, Chris55, cielpourtous75, Cirrolis, Clin10, cmhhw, CoachSal, coedyuk, Colbyjackedup, collegecyclist, Collegiate29, complique, ConshyMan, cookie0, cool bln, Coolmgf, Cornejo, Couple4wrestling64, Couplefight, craigtoronto, Crescent, CroChillDude, Cronus, crossguy, Cruche, Crumpy141, CRwolfman, cub93100, curiousguy, cute guy, cuthbert73, Cymrofight, daerre, Daivat, dan9692, Daniel Erwin, Danielfernandez, Danishguy, danle, dann the man, Danny biceps, dansp, dany 2808, dario sz, DaveStillWrestles, Davey716, Daveyboi, DavidArsalan, David Batista, Davidho1357, Deadpool1, DemolidorBR, Demolisher, Demoniu, Dermott wigan1, Dessert Doozer, Detro it, detyrin, Devgrapple, dexsal, DFWGuy, diannej, didou, DiscreetFighter, diumraid, Dodgetim, doingaight, DomMexa, doublehelix, Douglas, doyouevenwrestle2, Dracarys771, Drew123, drguy, dsbh1, DSMWrestler, Duke406, E10newbie, eagleg8, EagleScout18, Earth, EastCoastBoxing, Easygoing1973, eddie17, EddieR, Eddie Sants, Edge2127, Elan1, eljes, elpectoral, El Taïg, Emperor, English1000, EranG, Erdrick, ericc, ErwanNatz, erzada, es20042, Etativel, Evan Azarov, Evillee, Extremevell4, f4ewithm, Fameux 2, Farron, Federico ABS, Fefoasdf, Feroce DeLeon, Ferrero83, ffight, fghtruff, fighter3, fighter961, fighterbjj87, FighterBoy97, Fighter UK, fighting4fun, fightingnovice, fightinms, FightLover, FightMeNow5, FightQQ, finderskeepers34, fineyngmn, fireman87, FlDean2012, flexboxer, FlexWrestler, flocki, floridaguy, flscw, FluxFlox, ForrestTaylorWrestling, fraitaly, Franc8112, Francis Schwann, FrBoxer, Frechdax1968, Fred49, freestyle singlet, frenchcat, frogcub, fullnelson enthusiast, FunBoxing, funkpro, Funlad89, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, Fun time wrestling, funwrestleguy, Furrycub85, gamer82, gawrestler99, Gdbjs, gegcatch, Germanboy97, Gerrardwienk, ghostblinks, giannilotta78, gioroma80, giro mail, Gjpmadixtara, Gladiador gym, Gladidead, Glasgow Jobber, GloveBoxer, glovesupboxer, gpau1900, Gpfan1996, Grabber01, Gradient01, Grakoda, grappler49, grappler9, GrapplingGuy93, Greed, greenlightning, groundgrappler7, GTheFighta, guerrero2s, Gulatyuk, gures, gutpunchingvzla, gutpunchlover88, GutpunchTw, GuyMN1983, GuyOtt, Guysmiley, hairytxwrestler, Handsom1, Hanjo, Hardfightr, hardinthering, harlemgp, HawkeyeWrestler, hboxer, headlock20, HeavyBearLdn, hephaestion2014, Herofighter, herovsvillain, HeroWrestling, highflyeral, HopeK, houjobb, Howlitzer, hrylegs, humanpunchingbag22, Hypnojocks, I24142, idechi721, ilovetowreslte, imri, Instinctively, IntoBoxing, Irishwrestler11, IronbearJones, Ironchef, Ironcheftom, IsaacA, Italian Wrestler, Italwrestler, ItsMike, Ivangp, izmirfreeter, JacksHarry04, Jacquelyn Fletcher, Jacques, Jalt, jamielee, Jay Fighting, JayJayNYC, JayMiami, Jaywr, JCextreme, Jcoolz2020, Jdawg7182, Jetfra21, jjjherrera24, Jmwrestle, Jobberboy255, Jobberboyfromchi, jobberdude88, JobbrBoy, joehaddad1, JoeMaster1, joewrestler, JohnKinkson, Johnny B Bad, Johnnyjumper, Joker116, Jon paol, JORDANCKING, Jordy125, Joseccs39, Joshblueye, josmat, jovenconganas, Jshwrestle, Judobremen, Judoguy, judokaguy83, Justadude, justafella8, justir, JustLikeThat, Just Looking, JustWrestling, JW130kgYYC, jwill404, jwrestling85, Kaijuman, Kamikaze, Karategi01, KBlume, Kempur65, Kenyalang Terebai, Kevin, Kevin5, kevinsantana, KiritoKamui87, Kjafa, kjh1963, KKFighter, knight1701, knightsub, koorwin, Kruhn, KryppleTron, KryptonianFigher, Kureitondesu, kynice, LAMuscleWrestler, Lancs guy, Larson659, LCC2001, LDNTussle, leagueofdraven2, leanmachine94, leelondon, Legend666, leicgp, LeinsterWrestle, lelestat85, Leon98, leondex, letswrestleyvr, Levi McDaniel, LGBigMan1, Liamrm98, Libdray, LiftingandWrestlingBro86, LincolnGrapple, Links07, Lion97, litewt78, Little Labourer, liwrestler, LIWrestler65, Lobo09, LondonMatch, looking2121, looldve, Lorenzolorenzetti, Lorenzotensur, lotta t, lottatoregentile, Lovetobecrushed23, LowHeel, Ltsfght, LucaFightGutPunch, Lucass, LuchadorChinito, LuchadorenCali, Luchadorpizarro, Luchagu, Luctator, luctator76, LukaYe, Luke rocco, Lusobear, LutadorBerlin, luta-sp, luttecatch3, luttefrance, Luv2Wrestle, Luxxor, LV1GUY, LVAsianNovice, lvntn, madeincanada, Madine, maeCR1, Magneto, Magneto manc 80, maineagle93, mainewrestlingchub, Mainewrsl, MajesticSleeper, Maleboxing, mambru, manbarbs, Mancunian, ManhattanMaulers, ManyNames, Marcob3k, Marios1991, Markoilwrestler, Marsan22, MaskedGargoyle, Mask Master wresting, Matboy27, mathandy, Matinio, Matis jobber, Matmaster95, matt99, matthewriv82, mattz4fun, Matwix, Maxbert, Maximovillareal, maxiwrestler, MCGP27, mcic, MCRLON30UK, mctfght, Mean Darth Flash, MedirFuerza, meierjim, mentatzps, Merseywrestle, Metmat, mexicanboxingboy, MexicanGiant, Mf17a, Michael2546, Michael D, Michael KL, Mick1966, MICKEY KNOXX, Mickwrestler, Middlegaguy, Midwestdude, Mik79, MikeUK, Mikey-28, mikey3458, mikeyteen, milll36, Mirceal, Mister80, MisterNoGi, Mixedboxing1983, mixmail, MMABoxerMX, MMAGUY53, mmt005, Mocha, mockingbird, mondo321, MoonKnightFighter, MorenoSunga, Mortadelo, Mowrestle, MrBrick2, Mrg1423, MrRanser, mrwrestle79, Mr Wrestling, Ms Botas, MtyTopWrestler, muaythairant, Mumbai4, MuscleBeast, MuscleBully, musclechris80, musclefightsmuscle1, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Musclejock06, Musclesamy, MusclesPassion, musclfl, Musclpa, MusculaDos, Mushino, mutualfights, NandoSanMartin1978, Narek Sargsyan, Nashville Grappler, native chris, Natwing, NCgrappler, neatpete, nels11, Neomon, neva474, Neverbackdown, New2Jobber, Newboxer34, Newboy, NewbSumo, Newfighter 85, NewUnderscore, NHB, NHBFighter, Nick, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, NickScratch, NickZ, ninos, nipplefighter, Nishal nishal, NivekWas, NoCalWrestlebob, Nodnarb1987, Nonofight, norcallifter, NordikGrappler, Northernbeef65, NorthernDon, Northern Warrior, No Rules Brawler, nothin, novice wrestler tr, nwarassle, nwih, NW UK WRESTLER, NYC123, NYCEast25, OceanWrestler, Oeste90, Oilwrest, Oilwrestlingturkish, Oleh Shy, oliver1985, omr24, OneLastFight, optflow, ord1952, Orpheus, osakaman, Other Guy, OttawaWrestler, otterslacks, Ottor, P1973, painangel1213, Pandathug, Paolo Knockout, paradoxrunner, PAScramble, Pehlivan07, perseusblue, persianwrestler, Pete14, pete26, Pete72, PetinjuJKT, Philosopher60, phoenix th, PHXGrappler, PIboxer98, piledriverprofantasy, pinfallwizard, Pinmeifyoucan, pinmi, PJHartx, Playhard, plutonium, pndfighter, Poggybacklove, Pokefan, poseidonwrestler, powerlifter, Powerpunch25x, PR-30, Pranay wrestler, Princesse Ludwyna, ProDudeTX, ProRassler, punchandroll, puncher, puncherello84, Punjabimunda, PuppySP, Putmeonthemat, Pyro7, Rach61, ralfman, ramma, Ramswrestle, Rasselpa, RasslerMID, realfighter83, RED DADDY, redlandguy, Reltser W, reslograppler, retserof, Rex8rock, Rex Thomas, Rfg44, rickjohnson8718, Rickp, Rickywilson22, ricwrstlr, rijobber, Riviera Wrestle, rjbklyn, Rjohnp15, RNC23, Robgrappler, rochroll, rock20087, RocketMan, rockon-, Rohit Patil, Roll23, romandiewrestler, rookie2, rowdybear, RRR, rs123, RSantos, RudoPR, ruffbear, ruffcurious, ruffhouse30, RufTumblr, rumbletumbleUK, Ryan-Savage, Saad33, Sadsally, Sam13, Sam154, Samael, sampaul, sandmgh, SanLee3001, Santu, ScissorMarvel, scoopslamme, scorpio2, Scorpio38, Scrap Lad, scrapper02, scrapperjj, scubafighter, Seasmallbear, sebldn, Serhan, serrengeti, SethTheStud, SE UK Wrestler, Shad, ShadowBoxer, Shadow Knight, ShaneHannagan, ShaunR, Shaurya Pratap Singh, shore2shore, Shorty Wrestler, Shoryuken78, shuttlexp1, Siegertyp, silversnow, SimpleMan Br, SimWre, singletturk, Skeletor, SkinnyBoy, SkullBeef, Sleeper boy, sleeperfan94, sleepermuscle, Slim79, SmallFry, Smalo, SmoothLander, Smothbear62, Smother, SneakyTracer, Snips20202, SoccerAbs, solo danil, son4coach, Sotonscrapper, southernbear1983, southernguy, South Florida Slinger, Southspar01, sparte, Spassringer, SpeedoHeel, spinne, spladle2submission, spladleguy, Spoiler18, sportfreak91, Square Mile Bloke, Srikar Charan, Starting out, StephenM, stevestoke, Stoker, stone, stopbarking84, StrikeFighter, Strongnfine, StudInTraining, Studius, Sub1973, Sub Fighter, submisionss, SubmissionGrapple, Submission Guy 82, submissionmission, subproth19, SuperSteve, surrey71, swiss75, synxiec, T0Nii, Tadeo, Takis, Takushitsu, Tal92, Talldavidla, Taran, Target10, tback094, TBLHockeyGeek, teamsmorbo, TengokKanan, tenispt, Terminator, thalassamare, Thebeastpaul, thedrakemarcos, The Ed, TheGranta, TheHoosierBoxer, The Kestrel, Thespian wrestler, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, thingnstuffs, thirtyrookie, ThisIsTeal42, throw, Throw2, Ticowrestler, Tiger, TigerWizard, tigrotto, Tim22793, Timbpa, TipTopTapper, TiWolf, Tjbivi, TKOtonyNYC, Tnman173, TOBearhugFan80, tofighter, tommyV, Tomtapp3, Toror, TOROSO, Toughdude65, toughJobber13, Tr1zzz, Trabuv31, Traguy, training and fight, tramplinglover, Travoz, Tripp Evans, TripWire, Triumphman65, TS5XG, TTG87auro, tummy18, Tunisian fighter, twrstk101, Tybinola, UKAUS Wrestler, uk submission jobber, UKSubsFighter, ukwrestle101, ukwrestler, Ultimate Domination, Und3rst8ed, UnderBare, Undertaker, ursolutador, UsagiChanCuu, username22, Users name, USwrestlerTokyo, VAChub4Muscle, VacuumGP, Vadude, Varwrestler, Velofight, viavoice fr, Victoris, videostar07, ViennaFighter, vikasm, Viktor98, Vinni, VinnyDurango, Vivichannn, Vlcfight, Vulgan21, wanikawaii, WannaWrestleSC, Want2lrn, wa rassler, WarriorUy, wbsobe74, WeeJimmie, wekkir, Welshgoat, Werstling uk, westsawake, wfa12521refa, wibster74, Wii, WIjobber13, Wildman, Wiltswrestle, Wlaendure, wolfarmstrong, wolfjobber, wolfmad, wolvejong, woofbear, wres, Wrest5585, wrestle2sbp, wrestle4pins, WrestleAddict, WrestleBox4Fun, WrestleBoyMX, WrestleCubSide, wrestle guy, wrestleguy222, wrestleguyb, Wrestlelad, Wrestlem88, Wrestleman1234, wrestlemat2001, WrestleMeDude, Wrestlenoob, wrestlenut, WrestlePacificNW, Wrestler04, wrestler86, wrestlerboy01, Wrestlerfun, WrestlerGoias, WrestlerJames, wrestler noob, wrestlerplace, wrestlerpnw360, Wrestlertop, WrestlerUK, wrestleruk1, wrestlerwatcher, wrestlesub, wrestlewanted, Wrestleyou2, Wrestlia, wrestling111101, Wrestling Ace, Wrestlingadmirer, WrestlingBro, wrestling coach, Wrestling legend, wrestlinstudd, wrestl lad, Wrin86, WrslrJim, wrstlarturo, wrstlnow, Wrstlr22, Wrstlsub77, Wtodell, wywrestle, X2000, Xanti Bilbao, XO LWF, Yonso21, young79312, YoungCousin, youngjobber, youngwannd, young wrestler, Youngwrestler29, you tell me 1, yoyo2016, Yunjin, Yupper, Yusufu, ZeakMartin, ZEROX6699, Zorbas49)
- Interest Groups (556 stemmen: Тымояжизнь-1987, Aadi singh, aaron27, abelisfine, actiondudenj2, AhmetEr, AJtheWrestler, Alex6352, alexjs, Alex RS23, Alexthegreat, alexxwrestler, Alf Nelson, Alisdair, Alleykitten44, alphaboy, AlphaViking, Ambrose12345, An02960, an0681, Anakinsky, Andre82, AndrewChiappini05, andrewj, Andrufight, antaeus3, arabicwrestler, Araboy78, Archer, ArdonUD, ashnightmare777, AsianHeelLA, Atlantis400, AtléticBogota, ausjock28, austinwrestling, austrianguy, Azalku, AZFighter2, azsportsguy, aztruk, B4ck4t1t4gain, backpacker2415, BaldNorthGA, bam27, Bardi, BaseballBrad, bcnlucha, Bellyfighter, Berlin, BetaBoyBrody, BeTrayedBetrayal, BigBoy5, bigbrother, bigchicago, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, BlackOpals, Blackstallion436, blacwing, Blaze wolf, BluePrismArt, bluetiger, bobster, bonno chele, bopper0831, BostonCub, Boxerboy91, Boxtp, boyrassler, Brass1977, Bratwrestler, bravo1, brettjones, brian840701, bristolwrestler, BritLadSpain, BritproBear65, Brmunc, BroadJob, broscissors, Bruce wayne, bruiser the butcher, buck214, Bucks grappler, builtnycguy, BULLGUZ35, Canttouchthis123, Canuwrestle, Captainandy, CarlosRockyBoxer, Cdmxguy, CelticWarrior, cem, ChaseAthlete, chigrapple, Chokedup85, chokingout, Cirrolis, cmhhw, CodyW, coedyuk, Collegiate29, complique, cookie0, Coolmgf, Couplefight, craigtoronto, CroChillDude, crossguy, Cubbear, cute guy, Cymrofight, Damly, dan9692, Danielfernandez, Danishguy, dann the man, DaveStillWrestles, Davey716, David Batista, Delta1717, Dermott wigan1, Dessert Doozer, Detro it, detyrin, Devgrapple, dexsal, diogiemax, dirtybarefet, doingaight, DomMexa, DomSquashMatch, DragonSleeper63, drkovacs, dsazcw16058, EagleScout18, Easygoing1973, EddieR, Eduard, Elan1, ELDIABLITO666, eljes, English1000, ericc, ErwanNatz, Evan Azarov, Extremevell4, Fairfighterworksop, Fameux 2, Farron, Federico ABS, Ferrero83, ffmjobber, fghtruff, fgt-91, fight9, fighterbjj87, FighterBoy97, Fighter UK, fightingnovice, fightinms, fireman87, Firemanslift, FLbearhugger, FLpinfall96, Flyer1, ForrestTaylorWrestling, FoxyBoxer, Franco290, FrankTramplee, Frapjack, FrBoxer, Fred49, FreeGrappler, freestyle singlet, Funlad89, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, FunWrestler94, gamekeeper, Gary53, gawrestler99, Gerrardwienk, giannilotta78, Gjpmadixtara, Gladiador gym, Glasgow, Glasgow Jobber, gpau1900, GPNA7, Grakoda, Grappeler, grappler49, GrapplerJay, greenlightning, guerrero2s, gutpunchlover88, gutwrecker, GuyMN1983, GuyOtt, guysinshorts, Hairyheadscissors, hausmeister81, HeroWrestling, Hggh145, HopeK, hsfan, humanpunchingbag22, I24142, imri, INDIGO CAGED, Instinctively, Ironchef, Isaac Andrews, ItsJY, Ivangp, Jacquelyn Fletcher, Jalt, Jay Hotley, JayJayNYC, JayMiami, JayPuncher, Jcoolz2020, Jh430, jitsu-will, jjjherrera24, jobberman vs heels and hairy, Joe1717, JoeMaster1, JoeStud, JohnKinkson, Johnny B Bad, Johnnyjumper, Joker116, Jon666uk, Joseccs39, Joshblueye, Jshwrestle, JSM94, Judoguy, JudokaB, judokaguy83, justafella8, JustCurious, Just Looking, JustWrestling, Jvallee8, KBlume, KCBearKc, keith230665, Kempur65, Kenyalang Terebai, Kevin5, KinksterTom, KiritoKamui87, KnottedMangler, Kos Kon, ks56, KungFuPanda00, Kureitondesu, kynice, LAbackBreaker, Lancs guy, Larson659, Lbwrestler, LCC2001, leanmachine94, leicgp, LeinsterWrestle, Leoscissors63, leyati87, LF2005, Libdray, lighthouseguy, Lightwrestling, Lkn4awrestletoy, LondonFight, LondonMatch, Lorenzotensur, lotta t, Lotus, LowHeel, LutadorBerlin, luta-sp, luttecatch3, luttefrance, Luv2Wrestle, LVAsianNovice, Madine, maeCR1, Maleboxing, mambru, ManhattanMaulers, Marcob3k, markweis, Marsan22, Matboy27, Matinio, Matis jobber, Matmaster95, matt99, matteurlutte, mattz4fun, Matwix, maw1667, Maximovillareal, maxiwrestler, MCGP27, meierjim, mekmall, Melbourne Catfighter, mentatzps, MexicanGiant, Mf17a, MicahGP, Michael D, Mick1966, Middlegaguy, Midwestdude, MikeUK, Mikey-28, mikey3458, Mister80, mixedukfighter, mixmail, MLinLA, mmt005, Mocha, Monster, MorenoSunga, Mortadelo, Mowrestle, MrBrick2, Ms Botas, MtyTopWrestler, Mumbai4, MuscleBully, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Muscle Nick, Musclesamy, MusclesPassion, MuscleSportAZ, MusculaDos, Mushino, Nachmad52, Narek Sargsyan, Neomon, neva474, New2Jobber, NewbFighter, Newboxer34, NHBFighter, NickScratch, NickZ, ninos, niwrestler, NoCalWrestlebob, NordikGrappler, Northern Warrior, northstar, novice wrestler tr, nwarassle, nwgamuscle, NW UK WRESTLER, NYC123, NYCEast25, oahurookie, oliver1985, oneatatime, Orpheus, osakaman, Other Guy, OTS XL, pablackbelt, PANEWT10, Paolo Knockout, Perseus, perseusblue, Pete14, philip1, philmay, Philosopher60, PhoenixBigBear, phoenix th, PIboxer98, piledriverprofantasy, pinmi, Pintug, playfight63, Poggybacklove, Pokefan, poseidonwrestler, Powerpunch25x, pressurelover, Princesse Ludwyna, ProRassler, punchandroll, puncher, puncherello84, qwerasd2, Rach61, ra ck vlc, ralfman, ralph, RasslerMID, RC - GP, realboxer, rebelwrest, Reltser W, reslograppler, rhober, rhss4682, rickjohnson8718, Rickp, rIgrapple, rijobber, ringking, Riviera Wrestle, Rob89, Robgrappler, Rocko96, Roll23, rookie2, RRR, rs123, RSantos, rslnishot12, ruffcurious, RufTumblr, Ruggdguy, Ruhr fighter, Ry462, Sadsally, SanLee3001, ScissorMarvel, scissornpinmenow, Scissorsubmit, Scorpio38, Scrap Lad, scrapperjj, scubafighter, SethTheStud, Setiabudi Astra, SE UK Wrestler, shauny, Shen 02, Shoryuken78, SimpleMan Br, SimWre, SkinnyBoy, Sleeper09, SoccerAbs, solo danil, southernbear1983, SpeedoHeel, sportfreak91, Square Mile Bloke, Stanbelly, stevestoke, Stmbt797, stone, Strongbear, Studius, subctboy, subproth19, swiss75, t0awanna, tailslover0725, TallCanadian, Talldavidla, tayelagos, tback094, tenispt, Tera92, TerryHK, Thebeastpaul, TheCosplayKid, TheFighterInMe, TheGranta, The Kestrel, TheWillC, thingnstuffs, Throw2, Ticowrestler, Tiger, TigerWizard, tinytough, tiotgas, TiWolf, tj666, Tj Lo, TOBearhugFan80, Toddey, Tomtapp3, Tony C, TOROSO, Tradeblows, Traguy, training and fight, tramplinglover, TravelCub, Travoz, TripWire, Triumphman65, TS5XG, tummy18, twrstk101, TX bull, Txwresl, Ultimate Domination, Und3rst8ed, Undertaker, ursolutador, VacuumGP, Vadude, V AFighter, Varwrestler, videostar07, ViennaFighter, vikasm, vincent741, Vinni, VinnyDurango, Vivichannn, vostok scissors, wbsobe74, wekkir, Werstling uk, Wii, Wildman, wolfarmstrong, wolfjobber, wolvejong, WontTap, wres, Wrestel, wrestle, wrestle2sbp, WrestleBox4Fun, WrestleBoyMX, wrestleguyb, Wrestlelad, WrestlePacificNW, wrestler122001, WrestlerJay, Wrestleyou2, wrestling111101, Wrestling2211, wrestling coach, wrestlnfool, Wrin86, WrslrJim, Yonso21, Youngwrestler29, Yupper, ZEROX6699)
- Forums (203 stemmen: Accty99, Aitordonosti, AlanBaggins, Alex6352, Alexbw78, Alf Nelson, Alisdair, Alleykitten44, AlphaViking, amo1969, andrewj, Angel, arabicwrestler, Arabwrestle123, Archer, Atlantis400, ausjock28, AZFighter2, B4ck4t1t4gain, backpacker2415, BaseballBrad, Batterysentinel, Bear Bao, bigbrother, bjj-new, blacwing, Blaze wolf, Bluefox, bluetiger, bonno chele, Boxerboy91, Brett58, brian840701, brians1974515, bristolbigtel, BristolJobber, BroadJob, Browrest, buck214, Canuwrestle, CelticWarrior, chatchawal06, chigrapple, ChiJobber, chitownbearchmp, Chris55, Cirrolis, CLEWrestlr, coedyuk, complique, Corbd91, Couplefight, CroChillDude, Cubbear, cuthbert73, Damly, dany 2808, davey123, David Batista, DavidVdw, Daxdante, DemAngel, detyrin, diamondcutter, dirtybarefet, DomMexa, DomSquashMatch, dsazcw16058, EagleScout18, EastCoastBoxing, EddieR, ericc, ErwanNatz, Fairfighterworksop, fghtruff, FighterBoy97, FightMeNow5, fineyngmn, fireman87, Firemanslift, ForrestTaylorWrestling, FrBoxer, Freedomitalywrestling, Freenote, gamer82, Gary53, gegcatch, Gerrardwienk, GrapplerJay, greenlightning, gutpunchingvzla, gutwrecker, GuyOtt, hairytxwrestler, hephaestion2014, heydude61, Hypnojocks, ItsJY, JacksHarry04, Jacquelyn Fletcher, Jay Hotley, jobber84, Joker116, Jon666uk, Jordy125, JustWrestling, Jvallee8, jwill404, Kempur65, Kenyalang Terebai, KinksterTom, Kureitondesu, leanmachine94, letswrestleyvr, Lightwrestling, LondonMatch, Lorenzolorenzetti, Lotus, Lulmuid99, LutadorBerlin, Luv2Wrestle, ManyNames, Matinio, matt99, matteurlutte, maw1667, Maximovillareal, maxiwrestler, Melbourne Catfighter, Merseywrestle, Metmat, mexicanboxingboy, Mf17a, Mik79, Morgan81, Mortadelo, Mowrestle, Mr Wrestling, MtyTopWrestler, MuscleBully, Mushino, mutualfights, New2Jobber, NewbFighter, NHBFighter, NoCalWrestlebob, oahurookie, Other Guy, Pandathug, Pete14, philip1, Philosopher60, Pintug, playfight63, plutonium, PowerAndControl, P-X-3, ralfman, ralph, Rasselpa, RavenMidnight, rebelwrest, reslograppler, Rex Thomas, Rickp, rIgrapple, ringking, RNC23, Roll23, RoninWrestler, rslnishot12, Setiabudi Astra, SimWre, SoccerAbs, Spandexmu, Speedoman1, sportfreak91, Stanbelly, starhaven44, stevestoke, supermansbane, swmrOtter, synxiec, The Ed, TheFighterInMe, The Kestrel, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, Ticowrestler, TiWolf, ts01268126, Tunisian fighter, twrstk101, Txwresl, Vadude, VinnyDurango, WannaWrestleSC, Wii, wrestleguyb, Wrestlelad, WrestlerJay, wrestler noob, WrslrJim, Zorbas49)
- Profile Videos (574 stemmen: 瑳武栄琉 サムエル, 운좋은올빼미, 30wrestle, a01928374, Aadi singh, Accty99, AC Luchador, actiondudenj2, Adri1952, after 8, after glow, AhmetEr, AidanTrooper, AJtheWrestler, AlanBaggins, AldiStl, Alef23, Alen farmer, Alex6352, Alexdarius, alexgarcez, Alex RS23, Alexthegreat, alexxwrestler, alphawrestler, Alyxx, Amateur fightR, Andre82, andres, AndrewChiappini05, Anthony12, Apoteosi, Aquatico, arabicwrestler, Archer, Arvindpark, AsPalepsoume, Atljock 4, a victor, awpins, Azalku, azsportsguy, b787jk, BABY21SF, Backbreaker07, backpacker2415, badboy fighter, Bageltron, Bardi, BAWrestler, bear4bears, bear89, Bear Bao, bearcub1954, beartanque, BedsUK, BeefynMJ, belligerent boy, Belly spalshes Dom, Benofduty, BigBellyKY, BigBoy5, BigDave, Bigkiruafood, BigNY, BigRob, Bigteddy, BillC, bjj-new, BLACKBELTJUDO, BlackOpals, Blarger, Blasak, Blue33, BocaWrestleGuy, bonno chele, bovine91, boxingfan91, Boxtp, Boy412, boyjobber, bradboy, bravo1, brian24, brians1974515, bristolwrestler, BritproBear65, BritProSub, Broski306, Brown Bomber, buck214, Bucks grappler, builtnycguy, Builtt2, BulldogJoynson, Burnley anything goes, buscapanza, CaliFight, Califorman, canwrestle, Carlosperez1, CarlosRockyBoxer, Cdmxguy, Cedric75, chas47707, ChaseAthlete, Chchwrstl, CHC in DC, chicago42, Chuy94, cielpourtous75, CLEWrestlr, CodyW, Combat sueur, commandertc, complique, Corbd91, Cronus, Cruche, Crushnsqueeze, Cubbear, daerre, Daivat, Danielfernandez, Danishguy, Danny biceps, dansp, DaveStillWrestles, davey123, DavidArsalan, David Batista, Davidd, Davidho1357, davidjr4u, dcwrstldude, DemolidorBR, Demolisher, dexsal, Diabolik85, diamondcutter, didou, diesel, diogiemax, diumraid, DomSquashMatch, Douglas, doyouevenwrestle2, Dracarys771, Drdrd, Drew123, drguy, drkovacs, drpdaz, Duke406, eagleg8, EagleScout18, Easygoing1973, eddie17, Edubcn, el4214, ELDIABLITO666, elpectoral, El Taïg, Ember, ericc, erzada, Etativel, Extremevell4, Fairfighterworksop, Farron, Federico ABS, feel me, Fefoasdf, Feroce DeLeon, Ferrero83, ffight, fgt-91, FighterBoy97, Fightgp, fightinms, FightLover, FightQQ, FL8892, FLbearhugger, Flyer1, FoxyBoxer, Franc8112, Francis Schwann, FrankTramplee, Frapjack, Freedomitalywrestling, Freenote, frogcub, fullnelson enthusiast, Funfighter1985, funkpro, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, Fun time wrestling, Furrycub85, gallant, gamekeeper, Gerrardwienk, Ginler, GloveBoxer, glovelover, Gpfan1996, Grakoda, grappler49, Greed, groundgrappler7, gutwrecker, Hairyheadscissors, hairy judoka, Hanjo, Hardfightr, hardinthering, hausmeister81, headlock20, Headlockking972, Hep hep 82, hergust1976, herovsvillain, Hggh145, highflyeral, HopeK, houjobb, hsfan, I24142, idechi721, IntoBoxing, Ironbull, Ironcheftom, Italian Wrestler, Italwrestler, Ivan Sánchez, izmirfreeter, JackBC, Jacquelyn Fletcher, JayPuncher, JDTP Jobber, Jh430, jimmack, Jmwrestle, joaquimalfredo123, jobber84, jobber ba, Jobber Bigboy, Jobberboy255, jobberdude88, JobberSeat23, Joe1717, Joe gutpunched, JoeMaster1, JoeStud, joewrestler, JohnSport, Jonnyboy02, Joseccs39, jove1235, jpw, JSM94, Judobremen, JustCurious, justir, Jvallee8, jwrestling85, Kaijuman, Kamikaze, Karategi01, KCBearKc, Kenny Boy, Kenyalang Terebai, Keras02, Kevin5, kevinsantana, kingtekken, Kjafa, KKFighter, knight1701, koorwin, KryppleTron, ks56, LAMuscleWrestler, Larbear, Larson659, LDNTussle, lelestat85, LetsWrestle4Fun, letswrestleyvr, LF2005, libertine109, LionFighter26, Lkn4awrestletoy, LondonFight, looking2121, looldve, Lorenzolorenzetti, LuchadorChinito, LuchadorenCali, Luchadorpizarro, Luchagu, Lugi, Lulmuid99, luta-sp, Luxxor, LV1GUY, madeincanada, Magneto, Magneto manc 80, mainewrestlingchub, MakatiFighter, mambru, MANAN, manbarbs, Mancunian, Marsan22, mat5379, Matboy27, mathandy, matlr, matteurlutte, Matt Larsen, Maxbert, MaxTheKnockouter, MCGP27, mctfght, Mean Darth Flash, Merlin74, MexicanGiant, Mf17a, MicahGP, michael86, MICKEY KNOXX, Middlegaguy, Midwestdude, milll36, Mirceal, mixedukfighter, MMABoxerMX, MMAGUY53, mockingbird, mondo321, Morgan81, MPJ fighting, Mrg1423, Mumbai4, musclefightsmuscle1, Muscle Nick, MusclePassion, Musclesamy, musclewrestlervienna, musclfl, Nachmad52, NandoSanMartin1978, Narek Sargsyan, NeilWrestler, Newboxer34, Newfighter 85, NHB, Nick, ninos, nipplefighter, NivekWas, Nodnarb1987, NorthernDon, nov, nwih, NW UK WRESTLER, NYC123, OceanWrestler, Oeste90, Oilwrest, oldscrapperderby, Oleh Shy, ord1952, osakaman, OTS XL, otterslacks, P1973, pablackbelt, painangel1213, PANEWT10, PaulistaSPBR, persianwrestler, Pete14, Petey, philliwrestler, philmay, PhoenixBigBear, phoenix th, Pinme123, Pinmeifyoucan, Pintug, PJBoxxxer1, PJHartx, Poggybacklove, Pokefan, poseidonwrestler, PowerAndControl, pressurelover, ProDudeTX, P-X-3, quadi1, ramma, RasslerMID, RavenMidnight, razkal, Recke, RED DADDY, Redmond40, redstarbear, REfighter, restars, retserof, Rex8rock, Rex Thomas, rhss4682, rickjohnson8718, Ricotewrestler, ricwrstlr, rIgrapple, rijobber, Riles17, rjbklyn, Rob89, Robgrappler, rockon-, rohitmehera1509, Rohit Patil, romandiewrestler, RudoPR, Ruff jobber, Saad33, Sadsally, Samael, sandmgh, Santitos, scoopslamme, scubafighter, Secondfigth, seokyo, Serhan, serrengeti, Sgroc3, ShadowMuscle, ShaneHannagan, Shen 02, shore2shore, Shorty Wrestler, silversnow, SimpleMan Br, singletturk, Sinux, Skeletor, SkinnyBoy, slandon23, Sleeper09, Sleeper boy, sleepermuscle, Smallpackage65, Smothbear62, SneakyTracer, Snips20202, SpandexGrappler, Spandexmu, sparte, Spoiler18, sportfreak91, Squeezetoy, starhaven44, Starting out, StephenM, Sub Fighter, SubmissionGrapple, supermansbane, SuperSteve, Survivor, Tadeo, Tagos, Takis, Talldavidla, Target10, tback094, TBLHockeyGeek, teamsmorbo, technics2, TengokKanan, Terminator, Thebeastpaul, The Ed, TheHoosierBoxer, TheMenace, Thepetitedinde, TheWillC, tigrotto, tinytough, tj666, TKOtonyNYC, Tmyyuniverse, Tnman173, TOCostaud, TomsonD, Tony C, Toughdude65, toughJobber13, Tr1zzz, TravelCub, ts01268126, twyford, TX bull, Txwresl, Ultimate Domination, UsagiChanCuu, Users name, USwrestlerTokyo, VacuumGP, V AFighter, Varwrestler, vikasm, Viktor98, vincent741, Vlcfight, Vulgan21, WarriorUy, Wata13, wekkir, Welshgoat, wesman, westsawake, wfa12521refa, WIjobber13, Wildman, wildwooly, Wiltswrestle, woofbear, WreckIt, wres, Wrestel, wrestle, WrestleAddict, WrestleBrandon, wrestlecub, WrestleCubSide, wrestleguy222, Wrestleman1234, WrestleMeDude, Wrestlenoob, WrestlePacificNW, wrestlerboy01, WrestlerJames, WrestlerJay, wrestlernys, wrestlerplace, wrestlerpnw360, Wrestlertop, wrestleruk1, wrestlewanted, Wrestleyou2, wrestlingforfun, WRSTL1wpa, wrstlarturo, wrstlnow, Wrstlr22, Wtodell, wxq1024, wywrestle, XO LWF, xxx91, Yonceshow, YoungCousin, youngwannd, Yunjin, Yusufu, Zorbas49)
- Blog posts (89 stemmen: abelisfine, after glow, Alex RS23, Anthony12, Aquitania, arabicwrestler, ashnightmare777, ayrshirewrestle, backpacker2415, bigchicago, BillC, bluetiger, BocaWrestleGuy, bonno chele, Boxtp, briansp, canwrestle, ChiJobber, daigo, dan9692, Daniel Erwin, davey123, David Batista, diamondcutter, eagleg8, EagleScout18, Fightgp, flscw, Francis Schwann, FunWrestler94, Gdbjs, Gerrardwienk, Hairyheadscissors, hboxer, hephaestion2014, Italwrestler, JacksHarry04, Jacquelyn Fletcher, joaquimalfredo123, jobber84, JoeStud, JustWrestling, JW130kgYYC, KCBearKc, keith230665, Kenyalang Terebai, Lorenzolorenzetti, Lucass, Lusobear, LVAsianNovice, Magneto, MaskedGargoyle, Mask Master wresting, matteurlutte, mekmall, mikey3458, mmt005, Mortadelo, Nachmad52, NeilWrestler, Newboxer34, oahurookie, Ottor, Petey, P-X-3, Rach61, ralph, Recke, retserof, RoninWrestler, rowdybear, rslnishot12, SamWrestler, Scissorsubmit, SethTheStud, Setiabudi Astra, Speedoman1, submissionmission, TerryHK, throw, TiWolf, Tomtapp3, TTG87auro, ursolutador, Wlaendure, WontTap, wrestlenut, wrestler noob, Zorbas49)
- Photo Peer Review (142 stemmen: abuster, Accty99, after 8, Albertomm, alfayiz, altosportos, andre123, ANONIMO, Ant21, arabicwrestler, ArielBoxFigth, Atljock 4, a victor, B4ck4t1t4gain, backpacker2415, badboy fighter, bam27, BBPyleWrestlingTH, Belly spalshes Dom, Benofduty, BJJSingletOC, bobster, bonno chele, Brass1977, Broski306, Caguy, Califorman, Carlosperez1, CarlosRockyBoxer, cem, Charmaine84, chubwrestler, ckn10721, Clin10, CodyW, cookie0, Cruche, Crumpy141, daigo, Davidho1357, DemolidorBR, Drew123, drkovacs, EagleScout18, eddie17, Eduard, Ember, ericc, fightbull, FlDean2012, flocki, Fred49, freestyle singlet, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, funwrestleguy, Gerrardwienk, ghostblinks, Glasgow, hboxer, headlock20, Herofighter, heydude61, huge fighting man, Hypnojocks, Ironcheftom, Jacques, Jdawg7182, JudokaB, Kenyalang Terebai, Keras02, kevinsantana, ks56, Leoscissors63, lighthouseguy, Lorenzolorenzetti, Lusobear, luttecatch3, lvntn, ManyNames, Mask Master wresting, matlr, matteurlutte, maw1667, MaxTheKnockouter, mcic, mentatzps, Mik79, Mike Gaine, MLinLA, mockingbird, Musclpa, NandoSanMartin1978, Newboxer34, nightstranger, Pete14, philmay, PHXGrappler, PIboxer98, ramma, rochroll, RSantos, RudoPR, Ry462, Sam154, Samael, sandmgh, Santu, sbdjason01, scoopslamme, scorpio2, scubafighter, ShadowBoxer, Smallpackage65, sparte, Spassringer, Squeezetoy, Strongbear, Studius, surrey71, t0awanna, tailslover0725, TheWillC, thirtyrookie, tiotgas, Tjbivi, Toddey, TomsonD, Trabuv31, Trainme7, UnderBare, Undertaker, Unwusndjss, V AFighter, vikasm, Wiltswrestle, wrestlemania6, wrestler122001, Wrestlertop, Wrin86, wrstlarturo, Yunjin, Zorbas49)
- XXX Rated Pictures in Public Spaces (e.g. profiles) (530 stemmen: a01928374, abuster, Achilles20000, AC Luchador, after 8, agniandrudra, AhmetEr, AidanTrooper, al69913201, AldiStl, Alex6352, alexgonz, alexjs, Alexthegreat, alexxwrestler, Alfa-cat, alfayiz, Alisdair, alphaboy, Ambrose12345, Anakinsky, Andre82, andres, AndrewChiappini05, AndTheNew, antaeus3, Antheus, Anthon1, Apoteosi, Aquatico, Aquitania, arabicwrestler, Arabwrestle123, ArielBoxFigth, Arvindpark, athlwrestleguy98, Atlantis400, AtléticBogota, Auryn, austinwrestling, austrianguy, awpins, AZFighter2, b787jk, BABY21SF, backpacker2415, BaldNorthGA, Barrelomo, BAWrestler, bcnlucha, bear4bears, bearcub1954, beartanque, BedsUK, BeefynMJ, Beefyrider25, Benofduty, BerkshireGuy, BigBellyKY, BigBoy5, bigchicago, BigNY, Bigteddy, BjjFighter, bjj-new, BJJSingletOC, Blackstallion436, Blackwrestle, blacwing, Bluefox, bodycontact321, bonno chele, Bosmike, bostx, boyrassler, bravo1, brian24, brian840701, BristolJobber, bristolwrestler, Broski306, Browrest, Bucks grappler, Buffalo J, Builtt2, Burnley anything goes, buscapanza, ButchJobberGA, CaliFight, canwrestle, Captainandy, Cdmxguy, Cedric75, CelticWarrior, chatchawal06, Chchwrstl, CHC in DC, Chicagochub1991, Chokedup85, Chublover1970, Chuy94, CLEWrestlr, CoachSal, Colbyjackedup, Coleman, Collegiate29, commandertc, complique, cool bln, Corbd91, Couple4wrestling64, Crescent, Cronus, Crushnsqueeze, cub93100, Cubbear, daerre, daigo, danle, dann the man, Danny biceps, dansp, David Batista, Davidd, davidjr4u, DCotter, dcwrstldude, Delta1717, DemAngel, Demolisher, Dessert Doozer, DFWGuy, Diabolik85, diesel, diogiemax, dirtybarefet, Dodgetim, DragonSleeper63, drguy, drpdaz, dsbh1, DSMWrestler, EagleScout18, eddie17, Eduard, Edubcn, el4214, Elan1, eljes, El Taïg, Ember, English1000, EranG, Erdrick, erzada, f4ewithm, Fefoasdf, ffmjobber, fgt-91, fighter3, fighter9, FighterBoy97, Fightgp, fightingnovice, FlexWrestler, FLpinfall96, FluxFlox, Flyer1, ForrestTaylorWrestling, FoxyBoxer, Franc8112, Franco290, FrankTramplee, Frapjack, Freenote, frenchcat, fullnelson enthusiast, FunBoxing, Funfighter1985, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, Furrycub85, gamekeeper, GamerboyRyan, gawrestler99, Gdbjs, Germanboy97, Gerrardwienk, giannilotta78, ginori, GJLabartheFighter, glovelover, Grappeler, grappler9, GrapplerJay, GrappleViking, Greekwrestler2, GTheFighta, gutpunchingvzla, gutpunchlover88, guysinshorts, Guy West, hairy judoka, Hardfightr, hardinthering, Headlockking972, HeavyBearLdn, Helguera05, hergust1976, Herofighter, Hggh145, houjobb, INDIGO CAGED, Isaac Andrews, ItsMike, Jacquelyn Fletcher, jamielee, JayJayNYC, JayMiami, JCextreme, JDTP Jobber, jeffjcao, Jetfra21, Jh430, jimbear 51, joaquimalfredo123, Jobber Bigboy, Jobberboy255, jobberman vs heels and hairy, JobberSeat23, JobbrBoy, JoeDiscreet, joehaddad1, JohnKinkson, JohnSport, Jokxel, Jon666uk, Jonnyboy02, Jordy125, jovenconganas, jpw, Jshwrestle, Judobremen, JustCurious, justir, jwill404, Kamikaze, KBlume, KCBearKc, Kenny Boy, Kenyalang Terebai, kevinsantana, KinksterTom, Kjafa, Kruhn, KryppleTron, kuma5236, KungFuPanda00, kuriensk, L-------2, LAbackBreaker, LAsFalstaff, Lasub, Lbwrestler, LCC2001, leelondon, Legend666, LeinsterWrestle, leondex, LetsWrestle4Fun, LeVentDelOuest, LF2005, Liamrm98, Libdray, LincolnGrapple, Links07, LondonFight, Lotus, Lovetobecrushed23, LucaFightGutPunch, Lucass, LuchadorenCali, Lugi, LukaYe, Luxxor, lvntn, Magneto manc 80, maineagle93, Mancunian, Markoilwrestler, markweis, MaskedGargoyle, matlr, matteurlutte, matthewriv82, Matt Larsen, Matwix, mcic, mctfght, MedirFuerza, meierjim, Merlin74, michael86, Michael D, Michael KL, MICKEY KNOXX, MikeUK, Mikey-28, mikey3458, milll36, Mirceal, Mixedboxing1983, MMABoxerMX, mochablk, MrBrick2, Mrg1423, MrRanser, mrwrestle79, Musclejobber, Musclejock06, MusclePassion, musclfl, mutualfights, Nachmad52, Nagaret, Nashville Grappler, native chris, neatpete, nels11, Nerdy wrestler, Neverbackdown, NewbFighter, Newboy, NHB, nipplefighter, niwrestler, Nodnarb1987, NordikGrappler, northstar, nothin, nov, nwarassle, Oeste90, optflow, ord1952, Othello, OttawaWrestler, otterslacks, OxBoxer, painangel1213, PANEWT10, Paolo Knockout, PaulistaSPBR, PecsAbsFan, Peeke, Pehlivan07, Perfil Velho, Perseus, perseusblue, Petey, philliwrestler, Pillow, Pinme123, Playhard, plutonium, pndfighter, Poindexter 10, polyethylene33, PowerAndControl, powerlifter, pressurelover, PromissionHeel, ProWrestlrsFan, PuppySP, Putmeonthemat, quadi1, qwerasd2, ra ck vlc, Ramswrestle, realfighter83, Reltser W, Rex8rock, Rfg44, rhober, rhss4682, Rickywilson22, Ricotewrestler, Riles17, ringking, Rob89, Robherb, Rocko96, rohitmehera1509, Rohit Patil, romandiewrestler, rs123, Ry462, Saad33, Sam13, Sam154, Santu, sbdjason01, scissornpinmenow, Scorpio38, Secondfigth, seokyo, Serhan, SethTheStud, SE UK Wrestler, Sgroc3, Shad, ShadowMuscle, shauny, Shaurya Pratap Singh, Shawboxing78, Shorty Wrestler, shuttlexp1, silversnow, singletturk, Skeletor, SkinnyJobber, Sleeper boy, sleeperuout2, Slim79, Smallpackage65, Snips20202, southernbear1983, southernguy, South Florida Slinger, Southspar01, Spandexmu, Spassringer, SpeedoHeel, Speedoman1, spladle2submission, spladleguy, Squeezetoy, Stanbelly, starhaven44, Starting out, StephenM, stopbarking84, Strongbear, StudInTraining, Sub1973, subctboy, Sub Fighter, SuperSteve, t0awanna, T0Nii, Takis, Takushitsu, TallCanadian, Taran, TBLHockeyGeek, teamsmorbo, TengokKanan, tenispt, Tera92, Terminator, TerryHK, thalassamare, TheCosplayKid, thedrakemarcos, TheFighterInMe, TheJaxsonRainz, TheWillC, thingnstuffs, tiotgas, Tj Lo, TomsonD, Tony C, Toror, toughJobber13, Trainme7, TravelCub, Tripp Evans, TS5XG, Tuhin biswas, tummy18, twyford, Tybinola, UKAUS Wrestler, uk submission jobber, ukwrestle101, Ultimate Domination, ultimatewrestler089, Und3rst8ed, UnderBare, Unwusndjss, USwrestlerTokyo, VacuumGP, Velofight, wanikawaii, wa rassler, WarriorUy, Wata13, Welshgoat, wesman, westsawake, WIjobber13, wildwooly, wolfjobber, WontTap, WreckIt, Wrest5585, wrestle, WrestleBoyMX, wrestleguy222, Wrestleman1234, Wrestlenoob, Wrestler04, WrestlerJames, WrestlerUK, wrestleruk1, Wrestlia, Wrestling2211, Wrestlingadmirer, Wrestling legend, wrestlinstudd, WW, wywrestle, xxx91, Yonceshow, young79312, YoungCousin, youngjobber, youngwannd, you tell me 1, Yunjin, Zorbas49)
- Video Calls (437 stemmen: 30wrestle, Aadi singh, Abecedarian, Achilles20000, Adri1952, agniandrudra, Aitordonosti, al69913201, Alen farmer, Alexbw78, alexgonz, alphawrestler, Ameture Grappler 93, amex2, An02960, andre123, andres, AndrewChiappini05, AndTheNew, Anr, Ant21, Antheus, arabicwrestler, armrassler, Armund1Box, Atljock 4, ATONMAN, Auryn, Ausfella, Au sol 71, Australian Wrestler, Azalku, aztruk, Backbreaker07, backpacker2415, BagBoxGuy, Barefotwrestler, beachedboy, BelgiumWrestler, BerkshireGuy, Berlin, BertoBR, Bigbeef, bigbrother, Big e, Bigrb29v2, bigt730, billy8660, BjjBerlin45, BJJ chile, BLACKBELTJUDO, Black Titan, Blasak, Blue33, BluePrismArt, Boa94, bodycontact321, bonno chele, bopper0831, bovine91, boxerexplorer, boxingfan91, Boy412, boyjobber, bradboy, bravo1, Brett58, BroadJob, bromance, Brown Bomber, Bruce wayne, bruiser the butcher, brumlad99, Buffalo J, bulky bastard, Burnley anything goes, ButchJobberGA, Butley, Canttouchthis123, CarlosRockyBoxer, Cedric75, Charmaine84, Chato, Chicagochub1991, Chokeslammer, choKOut, chrispy, chubwrestler, Chuy94, Coleman, Combat sueur, complique, ConshyMan, Coolmgf, craigtoronto, Crescent, crossguy, CRwolfman, cub93100, cute guy, cuthbert73, danle, Danny biceps, dansp, dany 2808, David Batista, Davidd, Dddeeeg, DFWGuy, didou, diesel, DiscreetFighter, diumraid, doingaight, Dracarys771, Duke406, E10newbie, EagleScout18, Eddie Sants, Edge2127, el4214, ELDIABLITO666, elpectoral, Emperor, ericc, Etativel, Evan Azarov, f4ewithm, ffight, fightbull, fighter3, fighter961, fighterbjj87, FighterBoy97, finderskeepers34, Firemanslift, flexboxer, FlexWrestler, FLpinfall96, Franco290, Frechdax1968, frenchcat, FunBoxing, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, Fun time wrestling, gallant, Garyyy55, Gdbjs, gegcatch, Germanboy97, Gerrardwienk, Gladiador gym, Glasgow Jobber, GloveBoxer, GPNA7, Greed, Grkbear, GTheFighta, guerrero2s, Gulatyuk, gures, GuyMN1983, Guy West, hairy judoka, Handsom1, hausmeister81, Headlockking972, Helguera05, hergust1976, herovsvillain, highflyeral, huge fighting man, idechi721, IntoBoxing, Ironchef, izmirfreeter, JackBC, Jacquelyn Fletcher, JayPuncher, Jcoolz2020, Jdawg7182, Jetfra21, jimmack, Jobber Bigboy, jobberman vs heels and hairy, JobberSeat23, Joe gutpunched, Johnny B Bad, Johnnyjumper, Jon666uk, Jon paol, JORDANCKING, Joshblueye, jove1235, Justadude, justafella8, Just Looking, jwrestling85, Kaijuman, Karategi01, keith230665, Kenny Boy, Kenyalang Terebai, Kevin, KiritoKamui87, KKFighter, Kruhn, kynice, leanmachine94, Legend666, lelestat85, Leoscissors63, LetsWrestle4Fun, Levi McDaniel, LGBigMan1, Little Labourer, LIWrestler65, looldve, loq71187, LowHeel, Ltsfght, LucaFightGutPunch, LuchadorChinito, Luchadorpizarro, Luchagu, Luctator, luctator76, LukaYe, Luke rocco, Lusobear, Luxxor, LV1GUY, machoyoungbear, madeincanada, Madine, Magneto manc 80, Maleboxing, mambru, MANAN, manbarbs, Marcob3k, Marios1991, Markoilwrestler, matteurlutte, matthewriv82, Maxbert, MaxTheKnockouter, mdbxrwrslr, Mean Darth Flash, Merlin74, Metmat, mexicanboxingboy, Michael2546, Micha R, Mick1966, Mickwrestler, mikey3458, mikeyteen, mixmail, MMAGUY53, MN COWBOY, Mocha, MorenoSunga, Mr Wrestling, musclechris80, musclefightsmuscle1, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Muscle Nick, Musclesamy, musclfl, Musclpa, MusculaDos, muscularwrestler, Nachmad52, Nagaret, Nashville Grappler, Natwing, nels11, Neverbackdown, Newboxer34, Newfighter 85, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, Nonofight, Northernbeef65, NorthernDon, No Rules Brawler, nov, nwih, OceanWrestler, Oilwrest, Oilwrestlingturkish, oliver1985, optflow, OxBoxer, P1973, Pandathug, PAScramble, PaulistaSPBR, Pehlivan07, persianwrestler, Pete14, pete26, Pete72, PetinjuJKT, PHXGrappler, Pinme123, Pinmeifyoucan, playfight63, Playhard, powerlifter, Powerpunch25x, Pranay wrestler, ProDudeTX, PromissionHeel, ProRassler, Punjabimunda, quadi1, qwerasd2, Rasselpa, realfighter83, REfighter, Rex4842004, Rickywilson22, Ricotewrestler, Riles17, Riviera Wrestle, RNC23, Rocko96, rockon-, rohitmehera1509, RRR, Ruff jobber, Ruggdguy, Sam13, SamWrestler, Santitos, Santu, Scorpio38, Seasmallbear, seokyo, serrengeti, Sgroc3, Shawboxing78, Shen 02, Shoryuken78, Sleeper09, Slim79, Small Ben, Smothbear62, Smother, SneakyTracer, Snips20202, Sotonscrapper, South Florida Slinger, Southspar01, SpandexGrappler, spladleguy, Square Mile Bloke, StudInTraining, Submission Guy 82, submissionmission, Survivor, swiss75, T0Nii, Tagos, Taran, Target10, tback094, TengokKanan, thedrakemarcos, TheHoosierBoxer, TheMenace, Ticowrestler, Tiger, TigerWizard, tigrotto, TipTopTapper, TiWolf, tj666, Tj Lo, TKOtonyNYC, TOCostaud, tofighter, TomsonD, Toror, TOROSO, Tradeblows, tramplinglover, tummy18, Tunisian fighter, UKAUS Wrestler, uk submission jobber, UKSubsFighter, ukwrestle101, UsagiChanCuu, Users name, VacuumGP, videostar07, ViennaFighter, Viktor98, Vinni, Want2lrn, Wata13, wbsobe74, wesman, wfa12521refa, Wlaendure, wolfarmstrong, WreckIt, WreHunk1, Wrestel, wrestle4pins, WrestleBrandon, WrestleCubSide, wrestlemat2001, wrestlenut, Wrestler04, wrestler122001, WrestlerGoias, wrestlerplace, wrestling111101, Wrestling2211, Wrestlingadmirer, wrestlingforfun, wrestlinstudd, wrestl lad, WRSTL1wpa, Wrstlr22, Wtodell, wxq1024, Xanti Bilbao, XO LWF, Yonceshow, young79312, youngjobber, zz9zza)
- Private Notes (215 stemmen: 瑳武栄琉 サムエル, aaron27, Abecedarian, AldiStl, Alessandro1996ITA, Alex6352, Alexthegreat, amo1969, An02960, Angel, Anr, Apoteosi, Aquitania, arabicwrestler, armrassler, AsianHeelLA, ATONMAN, Auryn, Au sol 71, ayrshirewrestle, backpacker2415, BBPyleWrestlingTH, beartanque, Bellyfighter, Berlin, BetaBoyBrody, BigBellyKY, bigdog300, Bigkiruafood, BJJ chile, BJJSingletOC, Blackstallion436, Blackwrestle, bobbybencarter, bonno chele, bradboy, bravo1, briansp, BritLadSpain, Brmunc, broscissors, builtnycguy, BULLGUZ35, Caguy, CBusFighter, chitownbearchmp, ChrisWrestling, cielpourtous75, ckn10721, CoachSal, complique, cool bln, Cornejo, Couple4wrestling64, Crendal, darkk, davidjr4u, DavidVdw, DemAngel, Dodgetim, dsazcw16058, EagleScout18, Edge2127, Edubcn, Fameux 2, ffmjobber, finderskeepers34, fineyngmn, Frechdax1968, Freedomitalywrestling, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, Garyyy55, Gerrardwienk, gioroma80, giro mail, gpau1900, Grappeler, GrappleViking, groundgrappler7, GTheFighta, Handsom1, hsfan, Hunnog, imri, Ironchef, IsaacA, ItsJY, Ivangp, Ivan Sánchez, IzzyRIzzinty, Jacques, Jaywr, JDTP Jobber, Jmwrestle, Joe1717, joehaddad1, joewrestler, jove1235, jpw, JudokaB, KCBearKc, Kenyalang Terebai, kjh1963, KryptonianFigher, LAbackBreaker, LDNTussle, leelondon, leicgp, lelestat85, Liamrm98, libertine109, Lightwrestling, Lkn4awrestletoy, lotta t, lottatoregentile, Lugi, luttefrance, maeCR1, mainewrestlingchub, mambru, ManhattanMaulers, matteurlutte, matthias, mattz4fun, Matwix, mctfght, Meiiler, Melbourne Catfighter, MisterNoGi, MN COWBOY, Morgan81, MusclesPassion, MuscleSportAZ, NCgrappler, NeilWrestler, NewbSumo, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, NYCEast25, OneLastFight, Orpheus, osakaman, OttawaWrestler, paradoxrunner, Perseus, Pete72, PJHartx, planted pinned, pndfighter, Pranay wrestler, PromissionHeel, puncher, PuppySP, RED DADDY, redlandguy, Redmond40, rhober, Rjohnp15, rochroll, rock20087, RocketMan, rowdybear, RudoPR, ruffcurious, RufTumblr, Ruhr fighter, SanLee3001, Santitos, Santu, scrapper02, scrapperjj, scrappingmatt, scubafighter, Shaurya Pratap Singh, slandon23, SmallFry, Smother, StrikeFighter, Strongnfine, subctboy, Survivor, technics2, Tera92, thedrakemarcos, The Ed, TheGranta, TheMenace, ThisIsTeal42, throw, Ticowrestler, Tim22793, TiWolf, Toughdude65, Triumphman65, TTG87auro, tupsi, TX bull, Ultimate Domination, Velofight, viavoice fr, Vivichannn, Wiccan76, wolvejong, WrestleBrandon, wrestle guy, Wrestlem88, WrestlerUK, Wrestlia, Wrestling Ace, wrestlingforfun, WRSTL1wpa, wrstlnow, wxq1024, Yupper, Yusufu, zz9zza)
- Professional UI Overhaul (182 stemmen: 운좋은올빼미, adidasguy, after glow, Albertomm, Alyxx, an0681, andreawrestling, angel86, ANONIMO, Anvil, arabicwrestler, ArdonUD, arthurstuwart, backpacker2415, Bageltron, bear89, bgaff64, BigBeast, BigDave, Boa94, bobbybencarter, boine, BostonCub, boxerexplorer, BoxerScrapper, CBusFighter, CelticFire, Centaur, Chato, Chicagochub1991, choKOut, CodyW, ConshyMan, Daivat, DavidArsalan, DavidPasadena, DCotter, dcwrstldude, Delta1717, dnaeel, DSMWrestler, EagleScout18, Earth, EranG, Erdrick, fightbull, FightLover, flexboxer, Flo171702, flocki, ForrestTaylorWrestling, Foxfire22, Freedomitalywrestling, FreeGrappler, gallant, gamer82, Garyyy55, Gerrardwienk, Ginler, Gladidead, Glasgow, glovesupboxer, Grabber01, GrappleViking, GTheFighta, guysinshorts, HawkeyeWrestler, HeavyBearLdn, Howlitzer, Hypnojocks, ilovetowreslte, Irishwrestler11, IronbearJones, ItsMike, jamielee, Jay Fighting, Jay Hotley, JCextreme, jeffjcao, jitsu-will, Jiuliano-Jitsu, JobbrBoy, JoeMaster1, jovenconganas, Judoguy, JW130kgYYC, Kenyalang Terebai, Keras02, kuriensk, LAMuscleWrestler, Lasub, leanmachine94, Leon98, LeVentDelOuest, LincolnGrapple, Lion97, LionFighter26, litewt78, luc25, Luctator, MakatiFighter, Mariano, markweis, Matt Larsen, MCRLON30UK, meierjim, MicahGP, Michael KL, mixedukfighter, mixedwrestler, MPJ fighting, mrwrestle79, Ms Botas, neatpete, Newboxer34, Nick, nothin, omr24, OneLastFight, Othello, pete26, PetinjuJKT, Pillow, Pranay wrestler, punchandroll, Punchee1300, Ramswrestle, Recke, Reilly, Robherb, RoninWrestler, rumbletumbleUK, ScissorMarvel, Scrap Lad, scrappingmatt, serjjibucks, SethTheStud, Setiabudi Astra, Shad, Shadow Knight, ShaunR, SkinnyJobber, SkullBeef, sleeperuout2, solo danil, SpandexGrappler, spladle2submission, Srikar Charan, Stoker, stuttgart grappling, SubmissionGrapple, Supaboi, supermansbane, synxiec, TallCanadian, TheCosplayKid, thedrakemarcos, TheJaxsonRainz, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, thirtyrookie, TinyMonkey, TOBearhugFan80, Tr1zzz, Tradeblows, Trainme7, Tripp Evans, tryingout15, ukwrestler, VAChub4Muscle, Victoris, Vivichannn, vostok scissors, WannaWrestleSC, Wiccan76, WrestleAddict, wrestlemania6, WrestleMeDude, wrestlerpnw360, wrestlesub, wrestling game, X2000, yorkshire-lad)
- Help and Support integration (75 stemmen: Adri1952, agniandrudra, amex2, ams1989, ANONIMO, arabicwrestler, arthurstuwart, backpacker2415, BelgiumWrestler, belligerent boy, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, bonno chele, BoxerScrapper, boxingjohn, Combat sueur, Cymrofight, Diabolik85, EagleScout18, Eddie Sants, ericc, Freedomitalywrestling, funkpro, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, funwrestleguy, Garage123, Gerrardwienk, GPNA7, Guysmiley, hrylegs, Ironchef, IsaacA, JoeMaster1, Justadude, Kenyalang Terebai, knight1701, KnottedMangler, libertine109, Lkn4awrestletoy, Lobo09, lourd, MANAN, Meiiler, Mike Gaine, MisterNoGi, MoonKnightFighter, Mortadelo, musclewrestlervienna, Newboxer34, Nonofight, Pete14, PhoenixBigBear, Punchee1300, Punjabimunda, Pyro7, RavenMidnight, redstarbear, ruffbear, Ryan-Savage, Santu, scubafighter, Seasmallbear, Setiabudi Astra, SkinnyJobber, slandon23, Spoiler18, Stmbt797, Supaboi, Ticowrestler, TinyMonkey, Tmyyuniverse, Twotriangled, ultimatewrestler089, Vivichannn, Vulgan21, wrestling coach)
- Focus on bug fixing and improvements (330 stemmen: 瑳武栄琉 サムエル, Тымояжизнь-1987, a01928374, abuster, adidasguy, after glow, al69913201, AlanBaggins, Alfa-cat, alphaboy, altosportos, Ameture Grappler 93, ams1989, an0681, andreawrestling, AndrewChiappini05, andrewj, angel86, Anthon1, Anvil, arabicwrestler, Arabwrestle123, Armund1Box, arthurstuwart, AsPalepsoume, athlwrestleguy98, AtléticBogota, ayrshirewrestle, AZFighter2, backpacker2415, BagBoxGuy, Bageltron, Barrett, Batterysentinel, Beaker, BeefynMJ, belligerent boy, bgaff64, BigBeast, bigdog300, Bigteddy, billy8660, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, Blackwrestle, Blarger, Blaze wolf, bluetiger, boine, bonno chele, BostonCub, BoxerScrapper, boxingjohn, Bratwrestler, brettjones, bristolbigtel, brumlad99, Butley, Canttouchthis123, CarlosRockyBoxer, Centaur, chas47707, Chokeslammer, chokingout, Chris55, ChrisWrestling, ckn10721, Clin10, cmhhw, Colbyjackedup, Coleman, Combat sueur, Crushnsqueeze, CRwolfman, Daniel Erwin, dario sz, darkk, Davey716, David Batista, DavidVdw, DCotter, Dermott wigan1, Detro it, DiscreetFighter, doyouevenwrestle2, DragonSleeper63, drpdaz, dsbh1, EagleScout18, Earth, Emperor, Feroce DeLeon, FightMeNow5, FlDean2012, flscw, ForrestTaylorWrestling, Freedomitalywrestling, FreeGrappler, Funfighter1985, Funlad89, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, FunWrestler94, Fwre71, Garage123, Gary53, Gerrardwienk, Ginler, gioroma80, Gjpmadixtara, Gladidead, glovelover, glovesupboxer, Gpfan1996, GrapplingGuy93, GTheFighta, Gulatyuk, Guysmiley, Guy West, hairytxwrestler, Hanjo, HawkeyeWrestler, Herofighter, heydude61, Howlitzer, hrylegs, Hunnog, Instinctively, Isaac Andrews, Ivan Sánchez, JackBC, Jaywr, jeffjcao, JiminQueens2, jitsu-will, jobber ba, Joe gutpunched, JoeMaster1, JohnSport, Joker116, JSM94, Kenyalang Terebai, Kevin, kjh1963, knight1701, KnottedMangler, koorwin, KryptonianFigher, KungFuPanda00, Lancs guy, Lasub, leanmachine BE, lelestat85, Leon98, LeVentDelOuest, Levi McDaniel, LGBigMan1, libertine109, lighthouseguy, Lion97, LionFighter26, litewt78, Lobo09, looking2121, Lorenzotensur, lottatoregentile, Lovetobecrushed23, luctator76, Luke rocco, Lulmuid99, maineagle93, Mainewrsl, MakatiFighter, Mariano, Marios1991, mathandy, Matis jobber, Matmaster95, matthias, MCRLON30UK, mectlse, Meiiler, mekmall, Merseywrestle, Michael2546, michael86, Mickwrestler, Mister80, Mixedboxing1983, MLinLA, MN COWBOY, mondo321, MoonKnightFighter, MPJ fighting, Mr Input, Musclejock06, MusclePassion, MuscleSportAZ, muscularwrestler, native chris, NChi01, neva474, Newboxer34, NewbSumo, NewUnderscore, NickScratch, NickZ, nightstranger, norcallifter, Northern Warrior, No Rules Brawler, novice wrestler tr, nwgamuscle, Oleh Shy, omr24, Othello, OTS XL, Ottor, OxBoxer, pablackbelt, PAScramble, PecsAbsFan, Peeke, Pete14, philip1, Pillow, pinmi, polyethylene33, Pranay wrestler, Punchee1300, Putmeonthemat, Pyro7, RavenMidnight, razkal, rebelwrest, redlandguy, redstarbear, Reilly, Rfg44, ricwrstlr, rjbklyn, Rjohnp15, Robherb, robman, rock20087, RocketMan, RoninIT, ruffbear, Ruff jobber, rumbletumbleUK, Ryan-Savage, Sam, SamWrestler, scissornpinmenow, Scissorsubmit, scoopslamme, scorpio2, Scorpio38, scrapper02, scubafighter, serjjibucks, Setiabudi Astra, ShadowBoxer, ShadowMuscle, Shawboxing78, SkullBeef, sleeperfan94, sleepermuscle, sleeperuout2, SmallFry, SmoothLander, Sotonscrapper, southernguy, spinne, Stmbt797, stopbarking84, StrikeFighter, stuttgart grappling, Submission Guy 82, subproth19, Supaboi, surrey71, Tadeo, Tagos, tailslover0725, Takushitsu, TallBear, TengokKanan, thalassamare, TheJaxsonRainz, Thepetitedinde, ThisIsTeal42, TinyMonkey, TiWolf, Tjbivi, Tmyyuniverse, Tnman173, TOCostaud, Traguy, ts01268126, Twotriangled, twyford, ukwrestler, ultimatewrestler089, Victoris, vincent741, Vivichannn, vostok scissors, wanikawaii, Werstling uk, Wiccan76, wildwooly, woofbear, Wrest5585, wrestle4pins, WrestleBox4Fun, wrestle guy, wrestlemania6, wrestlemat2001, wrestlerboy01, Wrestlerfun, WrestlerGoias, wrestlernys, wrestlesub, wrestlewanted, Wrestling Ace, wrestl lad, Yonso21, youngjobber, Youngwrestler29, you tell me 1, zz9zza)
- Other (please specify in comments) (46 stemmen: antoniovnyc, Apollo, arabicwrestler, backpacker2415, Bigrb29v2, boxerfighter, brian24, Gerrardwienk, giro mail, gures, huge fighting man, Just Dan, JustLikeThat, Kureitondesu, kuriensk, maw1667, Mike Gaine, Mortadelo, NewUnderscore, NJMARRIEDGUY, norcallifter, PecsAbsFan, ra ck vlc, razkal, Ruggdguy, Shadow Knight, shauny, shore2shore, Srikar Charan, Stoker, Strongnfine, Studius, stuttgart grappling, Tim22793, Toddey, Travoz, Twotriangled, VAChub4Muscle, wa rassler, WeeJimmie, Werstling uk, WreckIt, Wrestlem88, Wrestlerfun, wrestr, WW)
Localization Consideration
We're aware that discussing app and website localization in an English post might not fully represent our diverse community's needs. However, as we consider offering the Meetfighters app, and the new website, in multiple languages, we're interested in your preferences. How important is a localized experience for you?
- Very important – I prefer using apps in my native language (268 stemmen: 瑳武栄琉 サムエル, Тымояжизнь-1987, Accty99, actiondudenj2, Adri1952, afwrestler, AJtheWrestler, Alef23, Alen farmer, Alexbw78, Alf Nelson, ALFRED, Alleykitten44, alphaboy, Ambrose12345, Anakinsky, andre123, AndrewChiappini05, Andrufight, ANONIMO, Anthony12, arabicwrestler, Archer, ArielBoxFigth, astian, AtléticBogota, Auryn, ausjock28, Au sol 71, Australian Wrestler, Axel fight, ayrshirewrestle, AZFighter2, Bageltron, BaldNorthGA, Batterysentinel, bcnlucha, Bear Bao, beartanque, BedsUK, Belly spalshes Dom, BigBeast, bigbrother, BigDave, Bigkiruafood, BigRob, Bigteddy, billy8660, BLACKBELTJUDO, Bluefox, bluetiger, BocaWrestleGuy, bodycontact321, brian24, Bruce wayne, Buffalo J, BulldogJoynson, Burnley anything goes, buscapanza, CaliFight, Canuwrestle, captains, Carlosperez1, CBusFighter, chicago42, chico30fgh, Chokeslammer, Chuy94, Colbyjackedup, Combat sueur, Couple4wrestling64, Crendal, Cubbear, daerre, daigo, Daniel Erwin, danle, DemolidorBR, Devgrapple, Diabolik85, didou, Dirka, DiscreetFighter, DomMexa, Douglas, drpdaz, EagleScout18, Easygoing1973, eddie17, El Taïg, Evan Azarov, Evillee, Fairfighterworksop, Fameux 2, Ferrero83, fghtruff, fightbull, fighter961, ForrestTaylorWrestling, Franc8112, Fred49, Freedomitalywrestling, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, FunWrestler94, Garage123, Gary53, Garyyy55, Gdbjs, GJLabartheFighter, Gladiador gym, gutpunchingvzla, hardpunch, Herofighter, Hggh145, humanpunchingbag22, I24142, IntoBoxing, Ironcheftom, ItsJY, Jacques, Jcoolz2020, jitsu-will, Jiuliano-Jitsu, JobberSeat23, JoeStud, jored, Joseccs39, Joshblueye, Judoguy, JudokaB, judokaguy83, justir, Just Looking, JW130kgYYC, Karategi01, Kempur65, KiritoKamui87, Kjafa, knightsub, KnottedMangler, KręcenieWora, kuma5236, Larbear, Larson659, letswrestleyvr, liwrestler, Lkn4awrestletoy, Lotus, lourd, Lovetobecrushed23, LucaFightGutPunch, Lucass, lucasvix, Luchadorpizarro, LukaYe, Lulmuid99, LV1GUY, maaa2020, Magneto, MajesticSleeper, ManyNames, Marsan22, Matmaster95, matteurlutte, matthewriv82, maxiwrestler, mctfght, Mean Darth Flash, Mec-bagarreur, MICKEY KNOXX, Mixedboxing1983, mixedwrestler, MorenoSunga, Morgan81, Mowrestle, musclefan, MusclesPassion, MusculaDos, Nachmad52, NandoSanMartin1978, nels11, Neverbackdown, Newboxer34, Newfighter 85, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, NickScratch, Nishal nishal, nothin, Octaviuspower, Oilwrest, otterslacks, OxBoxer, Pehlivan07, Perfil Velho, PJHartx, Pokefan, poseidonwrestler, powerlifter, Powerpunch25x, pressurelover, ProDudeTX, puncher, Rach61, ralfman, RegularGuyUSA, Reltser W, Reni bix, restars, Rivalfighter99, RocketMan, Ruff jobber, Sam154, Samael, Scrap Lad, serrengeti, Sicilywrest, SimWre, Skeletor, Smallpackage65, socal74, southernbear1983, Spassringer, Speedoman1, spladle2submission, spladleguy, sportiffuncool, stevestoke, Stoker, StrikeFighter, Sub1973, Tagos, tailslover0725, Tera92, Thebeastpaul, thedrakemarcos, The Ed, TheGranta, TheJaxsonRainz, The Kestrel, Thepetitedinde, tigrotto, tinytough, tj666, TomsonD, TOROSO, Toughdude65, Tr1zzz, Trabuv31, Tripp Evans, twilegs, twisterman, tzitzi, V AFighter, Velofight, Vivichannn, WarriorUy, Welshgoat, wres, WrestleAddict, WrestleBoyMX, wrestlerplace, WrestlerUK, Wrestling Ace, wxq1024, X2000, Yonso21, Yunjin, Zorbas49)
- Somewhat important – It’s convenient but not a deal-breaker (154 stemmen: 운좋은올빼미, adidasguy, after glow, agniandrudra, AlanBaggins, AldiStl, Alep 9, alfayiz, Alion, Ameture Grappler 93, an0681, andreawrestling, angel86, arthurstuwart, BagBoxGuy, BeatenPAProJobber, BJJ chile, bjj-new, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, blacwing, bopper0831, boxingjohn, brian840701, bromance, Browrest, Canttouchthis123, CarlosRockyBoxer, cem, ChineseGrappler, Clin10, cub93100, Curvy-pugilista, Daivat, Damly, Daxdante, diumraid, Drew123, Eduard, Edubcn, el4214, ELDIABLITO666, Ember, EranG, Extremevell4, f4ewithm, fightingnovice, FightMeNow5, FLGripper, flocki, FoxyBoxer, Frapjack, Funfighter1985, giannilotta78, Ginler, ginori, Gpfan1996, Gradient01, GuyOtt, Hanjo, HopeK, IzzyRIzzinty, jamielee, JayMiami, JobbrBoy, Joe gutpunched, JSM94, KungFuPanda00, Kureitondesu, kynice, Legend666, leondex, LeVentDelOuest, Libdray, Link, Lobo09, lottatoregentile, maeCR1, Matboy27, MedirFuerza, Meiiler, mentatzps, mexicanboxingboy, Michael D, Mik79, mixmail, MLinLA, mmt005, Mocha, mockingbird, MrBrick2, MuscleBully, NickZ, NoCalWrestlebob, Nonofight, Northernbeef65, NYCEast25, oahurookie, PAScramble, PaulistaSPBR, pinmi, Punchee1300, quadi1, ra ck vlc, rebelwrest, redstarbear, Rex8rock, rhober, ricwrstlr, rijobber, rjbklyn, rochroll, Rocko96, rohitmehera1509, ryo jpn, sampaul, Samugatto, SanLee3001, scrapper02, scubafighter, SecretOne2000, serjjibucks, ShadowBoxer, sleepermuscle, Slim79, SoccerAbs, sparte, Supaboi, Survivor, swiss75, T0Nii, Tadeo, Target10, teamsmorbo, Terminator, TheWillC, throw, Tim22793, TiWolf, TOCostaud, Toror, TravelCub, TromboneWres, TX bull, Varwrestler, viavoice fr, vincent741, VinnyDurango, WreckIt, wrestle guy, wrestlinstudd, Xanti Bilbao, xxx91, youngwannd, Yusufu)
- Not important – I’m comfortable using the app in English (233 stemmen: 30wrestle, AhmetEr, al69913201, Albertomm, Alexdarius, alexgarcez, alexjs, alexr, Alisdair, Amateur fightR, andrewj, Apoteosi, ArabFighter, Araboy78, Armund1Box, AsPalepsoume, Atlantis400, Ausfella, austrianguy, a victor, Bardi, BBPyleWrestlingTH, BelgiumWrestler, Berlin, BeTrayedBetrayal, BigNY, BillC, Blasak, blitzpuncher007, Blue33, boine, boxerexplorer, boxingfan91, Boy412, calfatestic, Califorman, Carlosfit, Charmaine84, chatchawal06, chitownbearchmp, Corbd91, crossguy, Cruche, cute guy, Danny biceps, dansp, dany 2808, Darren, DavidVdw, dcwrstldude, Dddeeeg, Deadpool1, Demolisher, diesel, doyouevenwrestle2, Drdrd, dsazcw16058, Eddie Sants, Emperor, ErwanNatz, es20042, Federico ABS, Fefoasdf, fight10, fighterbjj87, fighting4fun, FightLover, fraitaly, freestyle singlet, Fun time wrestling, Fwre71, gioroma80, giro mail, GloveBoxer, grappler9, hairy judoka, harlemgp, hausmeister81, herovsvillain, hlxyzha 2, hsfan, hvywght blk bxr, Hypnojocks, ikf, ilovetowreslte, Ironbull, Italian Wrestler, Ivan Sánchez, Jake, jimbear 51, jjjherrera24, JohnSport, Jonnyboy02, josmat, jove1235, jovenconganas, Judobremen, Justadude, Kos Kon, KryptonianFigher, Links07, lotta t, luc25, LuchadorChinito, LuchadorenCali, Luctator, luctator76, Lugi, luta-sp, Luv2Wrestle, lvntn, MakatiFighter, MANAN, Markoilwrestler, markweis, MarsM1, Matwix, Maxbert, Melbourne Catfighter, MexicanGiant, michigan wrestler, Mikey-28, milll36, Mirceal, MMABoxerMX, MN COWBOY, Mortadelo, MrRanser, Ms Botas, MuscleBeast, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Musclesamy, MuscleSportAZ, Musclpa, Mushino, Nagaret, NCgrappler, NewbSumo, NHB, Nik27, NordikGrappler, northstar, No Rules Brawler, Oleh Shy, OneLastFight, Orpheus, Other Guy, passermontanus, phoenix th, Pillow, plutonium, polyethylene33, puncherello84, Punjabimunda, RasslerMID, RC - GP, Recke, Rex Thomas, Rfg44, Rickp, Ricotewrestler, Riles17, Riviera Wrestle, Robgrappler, Rohit Patil, romandiewrestler, ruffcurious, sandmgh, Santitos, Santu, sebldn, sergiomad1441, Serhan, Setiabudi Astra, Shad, Shadow Knight, ShadowMuscle, Shaurya Pratap Singh, Shawboxing78, Shoryuken78, shuttlexp1, sid, Smalo, son4coach, spwrestler95, Stanbelly, StephenM, Studius, stuttgart grappling, Sub Fighter, subproth19, Subzero, Takushitsu, Tal92, TallBear, tayelagos, tback094, TengokKanan, thalassamare, Thespian wrestler, thirtyrookie, TinyMonkey, Tjbivi, tommyV, tummy18, tupsi, ultimatewrestler089, Users name, Vadude, Victoris, ViennaFighter, Viktor98, Vinni, wolfmad, wolvejong, WontTap, Wrest5585, wrestlerboy01, Wrestlerfun, WrestlerGoias, WrestlerJames, wrestlerpnw360, Wrestlertop, wrestlerwatcher, wrestlestan, wrestling111101, Wrestling2211, wrestling game, wrstlarturo, Wrstlr22, wywrestle, YoungCousin)
- English Preferred – I'm not a native English speaker, but prefer using apps in English (120 stemmen: Anr, ArdonUD, Arvindpark, Azalku, BABY21SF, Backbreaker07, Beefyrider25, belligerent boy, Bellyfighter, bgamer, BigBoy5, Blarger, boxerfighter, brians1974515, Cdmxguy, Chchwrstl, Chicagochub1991, chokingout, collegecyclist, ConshyMan, Coolmgf, CroChillDude, DavidArsalan, davidjr4u, detyrin, Diego96, dnaeel, Dracarys771, drguy, Earth, elpectoral, ericc, FL8892, FluxFlox, FrBoxer, frenchcat, frogcub, Grappeler, GrappleViking, GrapplingGuy93, Greed, guerrero2s, Gulatyuk, Hunnog, INDIGO CAGED, Ivangp, JacksHarry04, joehaddad1, Keras02, Kevin, kuriensk, LAMuscleWrestler, Leon98, Lightwrestling, Lion97, LionFighter26, Lusobear, Marios1991, mat5379, Matis jobber, matt99, mectlse, Michael2546, michael86, Michael KL, MisterNoGi, MtyTopWrestler, musclechris80, Narek Sargsyan, neva474, NewUnderscore, Nick, nightstranger, NJMARRIEDGUY, nov, Ottor, persianwrestler, Pete14, Pete72, PIboxer98, pndfighter, pojtsu87, rale8017, Ralle, ralph, ramma, razkal, REfighter, rhss4682, RoninIT, RudoPR, ScissorMarvel, SkinnyBoy, Snips20202, Spoiler18, Strongnfine, Swemoro, sydneyheel, Takis, tenispt, TerryHK, tramplinglover, TTG87auro, ukwrestle101, vostok scissors, wekkir, westsawake, wetspeedos, Wiccan76, Wii, Wildman, wrestle4pins, wrestlemania6, wrestler2000, wrestlesub, XO LWF, youngfighter89, Yupper, Z boy, ZeakMartin)
- My native language is English (381 stemmen: aaron27, AbqWrestler1, AC Luchador, Alyxx, amo1969, AndTheNew, Ant21, Anthon1, Aquatico, Aquitania, armmusclesuk, armrassler, ashnightmare777, AsianHeelLA, Atljock 4, austinwrestling, awpins, Bareknucklefighter, Barrett, Basildon Bloke, BAWrestler, Beaker, bear89, Beefy 1976, Benofduty, BetaBoyBrody, bgaff64, BigBellyKY, bigdog300, bigt730, BJJSingletOC, BlackOpals, Blackstallion436, Blackwrestle, Blaze wolf, Boa94, bobbybencarter, bobster, BoxerboyOHIO, Boxtp, bradboy, Bratwrestler, Brett58, bristolwrestler, BritLadSpain, BritproBear65, BroadJob, brumlad99, buck214, Bucks grappler, builtnycguy, Builtt2, ButchJobberGA, Butley, calad100, canwrestle, CelticFire, Centaur, chas47707, ChaseAthlete, CHC in DC, chigrapple, ChiJobber, Chokedup85, Chris55, ChrisWrestling, cielpourtous75, ckn10721, cmhhw, CoachSal, CodyW, coedyuk, Coleman, Collegiate29, Crescent, Crumpy141, cuthbert73, Cymrofight, dan9692, darkk, DaveStillWrestles, davey123, Davey716, Daveyboi, DemAngel, Dermott wigan1, Dessert Doozer, dexsal, DFWGuy, diamondcutter, diannej, diogiemax, Dodgetim, DomSquashMatch, DragonSleeper63, dsbh1, E10newbie, English1000, Feroce DeLeon, ffight, fighter9, FighterBoy97, Fighter UK, fireblt97, FlDean2012, flexboxer, FlexWrestler, floridaguy, FLpinfall96, flscw, Flyer1, FreeGrappler, Freenote, fullnelson enthusiast, gamekeeper, gawrestler99, Gjpmadixtara, Glasgow, Glasgow Jobber, glovesupboxer, GlovesUpGuy, gpau1900, Grakoda, GrapplerJay, Greekwrestler2, groundgrappler7, gures, GuyMN1983, guysinshorts, Guysmiley, Hairyheadscissors, Handsom1, hephaestion2014, heydude61, Hotrod041900, houjobb, Htxwrestler, Irishwrestler11, IsaacA, Italwrestler, ItsMike, Jacquelyn Fletcher, Jay Hotley, JayJayNYC, JayPuncher, JayRobbo1989, JCextreme, JCM28601, jeffjcao, Jetfra21, JiminQueens2, Jmwrestle, jobber84, Jobberboy255, Jobberboyfromchi, jobberman vs heels and hairy, Jock0024, JoeMaster1, Johnny B Bad, Jokxel, Jon666uk, Jordy125, Jshwrestle, Jupiter119, Jvallee8, jwill404, KBlume, keith230665, kixsman, kjh1963, knight1701, koorwin, ks56, LAbackBreaker, Lancs guy, LAsFalstaff, Lasub, Lbwrestler, LCC2001, LDNTussle, leagueofdraven2, leanmachine94, leanmachine BE, LeinsterWrestle, leyati87, LGBigMan1, LiftingandWrestlingBro86, lighthouseguy, litewt78, LIWrestler65, LondonFight, looking2121, Ltsfght, luttefrance, Luxxor, maineagle93, mainewrestlingchub, Mainewrsl, Maleboxing, manbarbs, Mancunian, ManManc, markymayor, Matinio, matsteve, Matt Larsen, mattz4fun, maw1667, Maximovillareal, MCGP27, mcic, MCRLON30UK, Megawatt, mekmall, Merseywrestle, Metmat, MicahGP, Middlegaguy, Midwestdude, Mike Gaine, MikeUK, Mister80, mixedukfighter, MoonKnightFighter, mrwrestle79, musclefightsmuscle1, Muscle Nick, Natwing, NChi01, neatpete, New2Jobber, NewbFighter, NHBFighter, norcallifter, NorthernDon, Northern Warrior, nu2rasln, nwarassle, nwgamuscle, NW UK WRESTLER, NYC123, nycguy86, nycjock72, OceanWrestler, oliver1985, oneatatime, optflow, ordjbr, painangel1213, Pandathug, paradoxrunner, PecsAbsFan, perseusblue, philip1, philliwrestler, Philosopher60, PHXGrappler, piledriverprofantasy, pinfallwizard, Pinmeifyoucan, Pintug, PJBoxxxer1, planted pinned, playfight63, Playhard, pshawfocus, PuppySP, Putmeonthemat, Pyro7, Ramswrestle, Rasselpa, RED DADDY, redlandguy, Redmond40, Reilly, Rjohnp15, RK4459, RKsubmit, Rob89, Robherb, rowdybear, RSantos, ruffbear, ruffhouse30, Ruggdguy, ruinurabs, rumbletumbleUK, Ryan-Savage, Sadsally, Sam, scissornpinmenow, scottwrestler, scrappingmatt, Sgroc3, shauny, SkullBeef, slandon23, sleeperfan94, sleeperuout2, SmallFry, Smother, southernguy, Southspar01, SpandexGrappler, Spandexmu, SpeedoHeel, Square Mile Bloke, Squeezetoy, Starting out, stone, StudInTraining, SubmissionGrapple, supermansbane, surrey71, synxiec, t0awanna, Talldavidla, Taran, TBLHockeyGeek, TheFighterInMe, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, thingnstuffs, Tiger, TigerWizard, TKOtonyNYC, Tnman173, TOBearhugFan80, Toddey, tofighter, Tomtapp3, Tony C, topboxer, Toronto59, Traguy, Trainme7, TripWire, Triumphman65, tussleboy, UKAUS Wrestler, uk submission jobber, ukwrestler, Ultimate Domination, Undertaker, UP For It, USwrestlerTokyo, VacuumGP, videostar07, Vintage shiny shorts, Vulgan21, Want2lrn, wa rassler, WeeJimmie, wesman, wildwooly, Wlaendure, wolfjobber, woofbear, wrestle2sbp, wrestlecub, WrestleCubSide, wrestleguyb, Wrestlelad, wrestlemat2001, WrestleMeDude, wrestlenut, wrestler86, WrestlerJay, wrestler noob, wrestleruk1, Wrestleyou2, Wrestlingadmirer, wrestling coach, wrestl lad, wrestlnfool, WRSTL1wpa, wrstlnow, Wrstlsub77, Wtodell, yorkshire-lad, youngjobber, you tell me 1)
4th Website Name
We recently introduced our plans for a new site, a space we're excited to develop with your involvement. You can sign up for updates via the newsletter at Our initial idea was to create a distinct identity separate from our existing sites, hence the proposed name. However, we've listened to feedback from various channels and noticed that 'Lustfinity' isn't resonating with everyone. As an alternative, the name 'MeetKink' was suggested.
Now, we're turning to you, our community, to help us decide:
Website Name:
EDIT: For clarification: This name is for our 4th website. MeetFighters will not be renamed.
- (73 stemmen: after glow, Alexbw78, Alf Nelson, Ameture Grappler 93, andre123, apollo fighter, AsPalepsoume, austrianguy, a victor, ayrshirewrestle, Azalku, Bardi, BigDave, BillC, Blasak, Canttouchthis123, cem, chokingout, Chris55, Coolmgf, Cubbear, denny62 us, DFWGuy, dirtybarefet, Dodgetim, Douglas, drpdaz, EagleScout18, El Taïg, Fameux 2, Flyer1, Freedomitalywrestling, frenchcat, Gulatyuk, Headlockking972, hsfan, Jacquelyn Fletcher, jimmack, Kees65, kynice, LiftingandWrestlingBro86, Lucass, LuchadorChinito, LukaYe, Lulmuid99, Luv2Wrestle, madridvallek1, MakatiFighter, Maleboxing, MarsM1, MartialLover0, Matis jobber, Muscle Nick, Neverbackdown, No Rules Brawler, nothin, Oilwrest, oldseadog, ProRassler, scissor me, shore2shore, sparte, Speedoman1, synxiec, thedrakemarcos, TromboneWres, twisterman, Velofight, Vivichannn, WarriorUy, wolfjobber, wrestlemania6, wrestlinaddict)
- (604 stemmen: a01928374, AbqWrestler1, AC Luchador, actiondudenj2, adidasguy, agniandrudra, AhmetEr, Alep 9, Alexdarius, alexgarcez, alexjs, alexxwrestler, alfayiz, Alion, Alisdair, alphaboy, Alyxx, Amateur fightR, Amethyst369, an0681, andreawrestling, andrewj, AndTheNew, Anr, antaeus3, Aquatico, Aquitania, ArabFighter, Arabwrestle123, Archer, ArdonUD, ArielBoxFigth, Armbar, Asdrubla45, ashnightmare777, astian, Atlantis400, AtléticBogota, Auryn, Ausfella, Au sol 71, awpins, AzmC3, aztruk, BABY21SF, BagBoxGuy, Barrett, BBPyleWrestlingTH, bear89, BeardedVillain, Benofduty, BetaBoyBrody, bgamer, bigbrother, bigchicago, bigdog300, Bigkiruafood, BJJSingletOC, BlackOpals, Blackwrestle, Blarger, Blaze wolf, blitzpuncher007, blnfighter, bobbybencarter, bobster, BostonCub, boston kid, bostx, boxinboy82, boxingjohn, Boxtp, boyrassler, brettjones, brian24, brightonwrestler, BristolJobber, bristolwrestler, BritproBear65, BroadJob, Browrest, Bruce wayne, brumlad99, BRYAN, Bucks grappler, Builtt2, buscapanza, ButchJobberGA, Cal06az, calad100, Canuwrestle, canwrestle, Carlosperez1, Cdmxguy, CelticFire, Centaur, chatchawal06, Chchwrstl, CHC in DC, Chuy94, clewrslr, Clin10, cmhhw, cntrl, CodyW, Colbyjackedup, CollegeGladi8r 99, Corbd91, Couple4wrestling64, Couplefight, Crendal, Crescent, Cruche, cub93100, Curvy-pugilista, Cymrofight, daerre, Danielfernandez, danle, Danny biceps, DaveStillWrestles, davey123, Daveyboi, DavidArsalan, davidjr4u, DavidMod, DavidVdw, dcwrstldude, Deadpool1, DemolidorBR, Dessert Doozer, detyrin, Devgrapple, dexsal, dgwrestler, didou, Dirka, DiscreetFighter, dnaeel, DomMexa, Drdrd, drguy, dsazcw16058, Easygoing1973, Eber14, eddie17, Eddie Sants, Edge2127, Eduard, Edubcn, el4214, EranG, Erdrick, ErwanNatz, Evan Azarov, Fairfighterworksop, Ferrero83, ffight, fighterbjj87, fighting4fun, FightLover, FightMeNow5, finderskeepers34, fingers 2011, flocki, FLpinfall96, fraitaly, francknord59, Franco290, Frapjack, FrBoxer, Fred49, FreeGrappler, frprowrestling, Funfighter1985, FunWrestler94, gambit7, GamerboyRyan, Gary53, GearGrappler, ghostblinks, Gladiador gym, Glasgow, Glasgow Jobber, GloveBoxer, glovesupboxer, GlovesUpGuy, Grappeler, grappler9, GrappleViking, GrapplingGuy93, Greed, grovel2u, guysinshorts, gymrat, hairy judoka, Handsom1, Hanjo, hardpunch, hashbock, headscissorme, hephaestion2014, Hggh145, HopeK, houjobb, Htxwrestler, Hunnog, hvywght blk bxr, I24142, ilovetowreslte, INDIGO CAGED, ItsJY, ItsMike, Ivan Sánchez, IzzyRIzzinty, JacksHarry04, Jake, jamielee, Japh1966, Jay Hotley, JayPuncher, JCM28601, Jcoolz2020, Jenkins, Jetfra21, jjjherrera24, Jmwrestle, jnet8m, jobber84, jobberman vs heels and hairy, JobberSeat23, joehaddad1, JoeStud, Johnny B Bad, Jon666uk, Jonnyboy02, Jordy125, jored, Joseccs39, Joshblueye, jove1235, jovenconganas, JSM94, JudokaB, Jupiter119, Just4Funs, Just Looking, Juznivetar, jwrestling85, Karategi01, KBlume, Keras02, Kevin, kimmetje, kixsman, -kj, Kjafa, koorwin, Kos Kon, KryppleTron, KryptonianFigher, ks56, kuma5236, KungFuPanda00, kuriensk, LanceFighter, Larbear, LAsFalstaff, Lasub, LDNTussle, leanmachine94, leanmachine BE, LeinsterWrestle, leon1234, leondex, Leoscissors63, letswrestleyvr, LeVentDelOuest, Levi McDaniel, leyati87, LGBigMan1, Lightwrestling, LincolnGrapple, Link, little Tony, liwrestler, Lobo09, lotta t, Lotus, Lovetobecrushed23, luallavi, LucaFightGutPunch, Luchadorpizarro, Lucho Palermo, Lugi, Lusobear, luttehuile, LV1GUY, lvntn, Magneto, maineagle93, mainewrestlingchub, Mainewrsl, ManyNames, Marios1991, Markoilwrestler, markweis, Marsan22, Matches, mateusjudo, Matinio, matsteve, matteurlutte, matthewriv82, Matt Larsen, Matwix, maw1667, Maxbert, MCGP27, mcic, mctfght, Mec-bagarreur, MedirFuerza, mekmall, Melbourne Catfighter, Merseywrestle, Metmat, mexicanboxingboy, MicahGP, michael86, Michael D, Micha R, MICKEY KNOXX, Midwestdude, MightyMo, Mikey-28, Milan fighter, milll36, Mister80, MisterNoGi, Mixedboxing1983, mixedukfighter, mixedwrestler, mixmail, MLinLA, MMABoxerMX, mmt005, Mocha, MoonKnightFighter, MorenoSunga, MrBrick2, MtyTopWrestler, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Musclejock06, Musclesamy, MusclesPassion, MusculaDos, mutualfights, Nachmad52, Narek Sargsyan, native chris, NChi01, neatpete, neva474, New2Jobber, NewbFighter, Newboxer34, Newfighter 85, NewUnderscore, NHB, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, NickScratch, NickZ, nightstranger, Nishal nishal, norcallifter, NordikGrappler, Northern Warrior, northstar, nwarassle, nwgamuscle, oahurookie, OceanWrestler, olderdesire, Oleh Shy, oneatatime, ordjbr, Orpheus, Othermt, Otter ko, otterslacks, painangel1213, Pandathug, PaulistaSPBR, Pehlivan07, Perfect Gentleman, Pete14, philip1, phillip171, philliwrestler, PHXGrappler, PIboxer98, piledriverprofantasy, Pinmeifyoucan, pinmi, PJHartx, PJMaybe, playfight63, plutonium, Pokefan, polyethylene33, Popsbrawler, poseidonwrestler, powerlifter, Powerpunch25x, pressurelover, ProDudeTX, ProWorkover, puncherello84, Rach61, ra ck vlc, ralfman, ralph, Ramswrestle, RavenMidnight, rebelwrest, redstarbear, Reilly, restars, Retiarius, Rex8rock, Rfg44, rhober, Rickp, Ricotewrestler, rijobber, ringking, rjbklyn, Rjohnp15, RKsubmit, Rob89, rochroll, rockon-, rohitmehera1509, romandiewrestler, RoninIT, RoninWrestler, Rosten, RufTumblr, ruinurabs, rumbletumbleUK, Ry462, Sam154, Sampson3000, ScisrSesh, ScissorMarvel, Scrap Lad, scrapper02, scrappingmatt, sebldn, serrengeti, Shadow Knight, ShadowMuscle, shauny, Shaurya Pratap Singh, Shawboxing78, Shen 02, Shoryuken78, Sicilywrest, sid, Skeletor, SkullBeef, sleeperfan94, SmallFry, Smallpackage65, SneakyTracer, SoccerAbs, son4coach, southernbear1983, Southspar01, Spandexmu, SpeedoHeel, Spoiler18, Square Mile Bloke, stevestoke, stone, stopbarking84, StudInTraining, Studius, subctboy, Sub Fighter, Submission89, SubmissionGrapple, subproth19, Survivor, Swemoro, t0awanna, T0Nii, tailslover0725, Takushitsu, Talldavidla, Taran, tayelagos, tback094, TBLHockeyGeek, teamsmorbo, TengokKanan, tenispt, Tera92, Terminator, TerryHK, Thebeastpaul, The Ed, TheFighterInMe, TheJaxsonRainz, Thespian wrestler, TheWillC, TinyMonkey, TiWolf, tofighter, Tommy111, tommyV, TomsonD, Tomtapp3, Tony C, topboxer, Toronto59, Toror, Torrnado, Trabuv31, Traguy, tramplinglover, Travoz, Tripp Evans, TripWire, Triumphman65, TTG87auro, tummy18, tupsi, TX bull, Tyman1314, uk submission jobber, ukwrestle101, ukwrestler, Ultimate Domination, Undertaker, Users name, VacuumGP, V AFighter, Varwrestler, viavoice fr, Victoris, ViennaFighter, Viktor98, vincent741, Vinni, VinnyDurango, visitmuc, Volkman80, wanikawaii, wa rassler, westsawake, wetspeedos, Wii, wildwooly, WreckIt, Wreslnewbie2, wrestle16, wrestle2sbp, WrestleBoyMX, wrestlefan12, Wrestlelad, wrestlemat2001, WrestleMeDude, wrestlenew, wrestlenut, WrestlerJay, wrestler noob, wrestlerplace, wrestlerpnw360, Wrestlertop, wrestlesub, wrestl lad, wrestlnfool, Wrin86, WRSTL1wpa, wrstlarturo, wrstlnow, Wtodell, X2000, Yonso21, YoungCousin, youngfighter89, youngjobber, you tell me 1, Yunjin, Yupper, Yusufu, Z boy, ZeakMartin, Zed Check, Zorbas49, zz9zza)
- I like both (115 stemmen: Accty99, Albertomm, Alen farmer, Alleykitten44, Alonzo, Anthon1, AZFighter2, Barechest1, Bear Bao, BeefyFan, belly punching, blacwing, bopper0831, Bratwrestler, brians1974515, BulldogJoynson, Butley, Califorman, ckn10721, cockynycboy, collegecyclist, cute guy, Damly, dansp, darkk, Daxdante, Dddeeeg, Diabolik85, diannej, doyouevenwrestle2, Dracarys771, Drew123, Earth, es20042, Extremevell4, f4ewithm, Federico ABS, Feroce DeLeon, fghtruff, fireman87, ForrestTaylorWrestling, Franc8112, Freenote, funkpro, Garyyy55, Gdbjs, giannilotta78, GJLabartheFighter, Gpfan1996, guerrero2s, GuyOtt, Guy West, heydude61, Hypnojocks, Jacques, JayJayNYC, Jshwrestle, Judobremen, justir, jwill404, KCBearKc, Kempur65, Kenyalang Terebai, KiritoKamui87, LCC2001, Legend666, lelestat85, LetsWrestle4Fun, LF2005, Matboy27, Meiiler, mentatzps, Mik79, Mirceal, MN COWBOY, mochablk, Morgan81, MuscleBully, Mushino, NHBFighter, Nik27, ninos, persianwrestler, PeterPeter, Pintug, RasslerMID, RC - GP, Reltser W, resparian, Rohit Patil, Samugatto, SanLee3001, Santitos, scottwrestler, Sgroc3, Shad, SimWre, sleeperuout2, Smalo, SpandexGrappler, spladleguy, Squeezetoy, supermansbane, TallBear, Target10, Tr1zzz, ultimatewrestler089, videostar07, Welshgoat, wesman, wolvejong, WrestleCubSide, wrestle guy, WrestlerUK, Wrestling2211)
- I like neither (295 stemmen: Adri1952, afwrestler, al69913201, AlanBaggins, AldiStl, alfredolima, Anakinsky, AndrewChiappini05, Angel, angel86, ANONIMO, Ant21, Araboy78, Armund1Box, AsianHeelLA, ausjock28, Australian Wrestler, Backbreaker07, Bageltron, BaldNorthGA, Basildon Bloke, BAWrestler, Beaker, BeatenPAProJobber, BelgiumWrestler, Berlin, BigBoy5, BigNY, bigt730, Bigteddy, billy8660, BJJ chile, bjj-new, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, Blue33, bluetiger, Boa94, bodycontact321, bovine91, bradboy, Brett58, BritLadSpain, brizmike77, bromance, buck214, Buffalo J, Burnley anything goes, calfatestic, CaliFight, CarlosRockyBoxer, CBusFighter, chas47707, ChaseAthlete, chicago42, Chicagochub1991, chigrapple, chitownbearchmp, Chokeslammer, chrispy, ChrisWrestling, chros8787, cielpourtous75, Coleman, ConshyMan, crossguy, Crumpy141, damon, dan9692, Daniel Erwin, Davey716, diamondcutter, diogiemax, diumraid, DomSquashMatch, ELDIABLITO666, elpectoral, Ember, Emperor, Evillee, fightbull, fighter9, Fighter UK, fightinms, FightNow, fireblt97, fitbelfastlad, FL8892, FLGripper, flscw, FluxFlox, Forester, frogcub, fullnelson enthusiast, Fun time wrestling, Furrycub85, Fwre71, gamekeeper, Garage123, Gjpmadixtara, Gltexas, Gradient01, grovelad, gutpunchingvzla, Hairyheadscissors, Hardmatch, hdlock, Hercules01, herovsvillain, hlxyzha 2, Hotrod041900, humanpunchingbag22, Irishwrestler11, Ironbull, Ironcheftom, IsaacA, Italwrestler, Ivangp, JCextreme, JiminQueens2, Jiuliano-Jitsu, Jobberboyfromchi, Jock0024, Joe gutpunched, JoeMaster1, JohnSport, josmat, jpw, Jvallee8, keith230665, kjh1963, knightsub, KnotChaz512, Kureitondesu, LAbackBreaker, Lancs guy, Larson659, Ldsbrd2024, leagueofdraven2, Leanandmean, Leon98, Libdray, lighthouseguy, Links07, Lion97, litewt78, LIWrestler65, Lkn4awrestletoy, lottatoregentile, lourd, Ltsfght, lucasvix, luctator76, luta-sp, luttefrance, Luxxor, maeCR1, MANAN, manbarbs, Manccubuk, Mancunian, markymayor, mat5379, mattz4fun, Maximovillareal, maxiwrestler, MCRLON30UK, mectlse, MexicanGiant, Michael KL, michigan wrestler, Middlegaguy, Mike Gaine, Mr X 070, Ms Botas, MuscleBeast, musclefightsmuscle1, MuscleSportAZ, musclfl, Musclpa, Natwing, NCgrappler, NewbSumo, niwrestler, Nonofight, NorthernDon, nov, nu2rasln, Octaviuspower, Ohiomixedwrestler, oliver1985, OneLastFight, optflow, Other Guy, paradoxrunner, PecsAbsFan, Perfil Velho, perseusblue, Philosopher60, Pillow, Playhard, punchandroll, puncher, Punjabimunda, PuppySP, Putmeonthemat, quadi1, ramma, Rasselpa, RedFlex, redlandguy, retserof, Rex Thomas, Riviera Wrestle, Robherb, RocketMan, rowdybear, RudoPR, ruffbear, ruffcurious, Ruggdguy, Ryan-Savage, Sam, Samael, sandmgh, scissornpinmenow, scubafighter, serjjibucks, ShadowBoxer, ShaneHannagan, shuttlexp1, SkinnyBoy, slandon23, sleepermuscle, Slim79, southernguy, spladle2submission, spwrestler95, SqueezeNW, Srikar Charan, Stanbelly, Starting out, StephenM, stuttgart grappling, Subzero, Supaboi, surrey71, Tadeo, thalassamare, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, thirtyrookie, Tiger, TigerWizard, tigrotto, tj666, Tnman173, TOBearhugFan80, TOCostaud, Toddey, TOROSO, Toughdude65, UKAUS Wrestler, UP For It, Vadude, Vintage shiny shorts, vostok scissors, WannaWrestleSC, WeeJimmie, Wiccan76, Wildman, Wlaendure, WontTap, wrestle4pins, WrestleAddict, wrestledude, wrestler2000, wrestler86, wrestlerboy01, Wrestlerfun, WrestlerGoias, WrestlerJames, wrestleruk1, wrestlestan, wrestlethecoach, Wrestleyou2, wrestling111101, Wrestling Ace, Wrestlingadmirer, wrestling coach, wrestling game, wrestlinstudd, WRSLMSK, wywrestle, Xanti Bilbao, XO LWF, youngwannd)
- Other (please comment) (28 stemmen: arabicwrestler, arthurstuwart, Brmunc, Charmaine84, CoachSal, diesel, Fefoasdf, fighter961, FlDean2012, gioroma80, gpau1900, Guysmiley, jimbear 51, KnottedMangler, KręcenieWora, Loxerdude, LuchadorFLA, ManManc, Mask Master wresting, mohdhelmi, Pete72, pshawfocus, Santu, Stoker, StrikeFighter, TKOtonyNYC, USwrestlerTokyo, wrestlerwatcher)
Here's a short teaser to help you get the feel for the site:
Thanks for being an active member of our community.
Stay strong,
Hey Fighters,
As the year wraps up, we're taking a moment to appreciate our MeetFighters community. Big thanks to every member, contributor, volunteer supporter, translator, and app tester who's been part of this journey.
Official App Launch
We've got something for you under the digital Christmas tree: the official MeetFighters App is now available for Android and iOS. It's completely free – no ads, no in-app purchases, and we're not collecting your data. It's a direct extension of our website, and we'll be rolling out more features in the coming weeks and months. You'll find it's a handy tool even in its current state.Download our MeetFighters app here.
A bit of news for transparency: MeetFighters' growth has helped kickstart WatchFighters, and together, we're now powering projects like:
- Our first MeetFighters App
- ChatFighters platform with real AI bots.
- Our new site, Lustfinity.
- Event sponsorship, starting with WrestleFest NYC.
For the first time, MeetFighters & WatchFighters will sponsor two events at NYC WrestleFest 2024, organized by Scooter and brawlmart.- Scooter's Event at WrestleFest NYC 2024
- brawlmart' Event at WrestleFest NYC 2024 (Contact for Sunday, Feb. 18, at 7 pm. EST evening supper at a NYC eatery)
Our Virtual Greeting Cards are back. If not down yet there is still time to send a quick message from Santa to one of your friends or loved ones.The receiver can see your E-Card in his E-Mail or browser. No account is required.
And if you still have some money left after your Christmas shopping, consider a contribution to MeetFighters or buy a video on WatchFighters your money will be spent on improving and maintaining our current sites (and App!), and help our community as a whole. Only thanks to fighters like you, we can keep this site free of advertisements and for the largest parts free of any paywalls.
And don't forget to download the app to get notifications of new messages during your family dinners!
Wishing everyone a peaceful holiday season and great matches in 2024.
The MeetFighters Team
MeetFighters Mobile App - closed alpha starting soon
- Admin
- 29.10.2023
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Dear Fighters,
We're extremely pumped to announce the upcoming launch of the official MeetFighters Mobile App! The knockout feature will undoubtedly be the real-time notification system for both Apple and Android, ensuring you're instantly notified whenever you receive a message.
We all know this was missing for MF, and after using the App for a few days myself, man, it feels good to get a notification, tap it, and it opens the message:
We were initially hesitant about developing our App due to the Apple App Store's restrictions on erotic or violent public content, as well as the sheer workload that this project brings. But thanks to your continuous contributions, we can now afford the long journey to develop an Apple and Android App! Some veterans might remember that an Android App was started but quickly abandoned 8 years ago. It was not possible to go to iOS at that time for various reasons.
The good news is that the wait is nearly over! The first version will soon be open for testing. This initial release will serve as a companion to, functioning as "MeetFighters Messenger". However, rest assured, we plan to integrate more of our website's features into the App, too. But we need to start somewhere, and Messaging benefits the most thanks to the notification system.
Simultaneously, as we roll out our Open Beta for new messenger page, we're also getting ready to launch a closed alpha test for the MeetFighters App.
For this alpha phase, we're calling upon our dedicated community members to join the testing process and share their constructive feedback and ideas.
Although we're eager to release the App, it's still a work in progress, with daily updates and fast development. To effectively manage the feedback, we will be restricting the number of participants.
Those keen on joining and contributing are warmly invited. However, if you're only interested in using the App without actively participating in the feedback process, we kindly ask you to hold off on requesting access for now.
Requirements for Participation
- A genuine willingness to share constructive feedback, crash reports, or relevant screenshots.
- iPhone: An active Apple ID email and an iPhone with TestFlight installed.
- (TestFlight is Apple's public app beta program, and it'll grant you access to the App.)
Android: Knowledge of how to side-load Apps (APK)- [Update: 5th Nov.] Android: An active Google account email.
How to Participate
Initiate a ticket and provide:- For Android: Your Google account email for the invitation.
- For iPhone: Apple ID Email for TestFlight invitation.
- Don't comment your email address below this news post. Use the ticket system. Comments displaying email addresses will be promptly removed without warning.
- Specify your platform (e.g., "iPhone" or "Android")
- Specify your device type (e.g., iPhone 15 Pro Max).
- Mention your current OS version (e.g., iOS 16).
- Any other information that might be pertinent
Once the testing is complete and we reach a stable version, we will open up for more Beta testers and finally release the App in the App Stores.
Once more, thank you for your contribution. Without you, our constant development of MeetFighers would not be possible.
Best regards,
Open Beta for new messenger page
- Admin
- 25.10.2023
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Hello Fighters,
The digital arena is ever-evolving, and so are we. We introduce the Open Beta for our revamped mail pag:
🚀 Join the Open Beta: We invite you to experience and shape our new messenger system.
📩 How to Participate: If you want to be part of this, simply let us know down below or open a ticket.
🗣 Feedback: Feel free to share your feedback or bug findings directly here, or for a more detailed and private discussion, use our ticket system.
📝 Rich Text Editor:Our newly integrated rich text editor allows you to format your messages, making your conversations more expressive and personalized.
We hope you enjoy the overhauled mail page and are looking forward to your participation in the open beta test and your feedback.
Thank you for your help.
Best Regards,
Introducing Advanced Tagging + Erotic content and Porn
- Admin
- 03.9.2023
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Hello Fighters,
The last update which brought the Enhanced Recommendation System is not even a week old, and here we are again with new updates and features! From tags to enhanced group search, these upgrades are tailored to maximize your experience on our platform. And a big announcement at the end!
Introducing private #tags
🔖 Private Tags: A fresh feature to keep your connections organized! Tag members based on shared interests, fighting styles, or any criteria you desire. Planning a trip to Paris next year? (We mean Paris, Texas.) Tag interesting profiles with #paristrip so you can search and review your fights when the time comes.
✏️ Easy Tagging: Use the pencil icon on profiles for tagging. As you tag, the system will remember and suggest those tags for future profiles, making the process smoother with each use.
🔍 Tag Search: Our search was modified to let you quickly find your tagged members. And the map button will show these members on the interactive world map!
Group and Notes
🌍 Group Mapping: You can now visualize the member list of groups on our interactive world map. Go to your Interest Groups members and click 'show on map'.
📑 Private Notes: Our search result page now visualizes accounts where you entered a private note.
If you selected "Block messages from trial members (new members without photos)", but reach out to one, this member can now respond to your message because you initiated the conversation.
Plus, there are general improvements and changes to the events and new members when it comes to blocks.
End of the update news.
Now, we have a special announcement to make:
Welcome to: Dating, Erotic content, Porn, Fetish, Kink, and Sex!
To our veteran members and newcomers alike, you may have noticed our firm stance on erotic content limits, especially when it comes to avatar pictures. Our mission with has always been to highlight the essence of wrestling. While wrestling can have erotic undertones, it doesn't exclusively represent that realm. Simply put, your public avatar and profile should represent the sport, not porn.
However, we understand and appreciate (and like!) the intersection of wrestling with other desires and fantasies. It's not uncommon for a match on the mats to transition to the bed or a dungeon. We also know about multiple stories of those who found true love here.
Reflecting on our journey, when we faced similar problems in the past:
- emerged from a community desire for cyber fights (and the sad need to create fake accounts), evolving to be one of the top platforms for online cyber fight enthusiasts.
- was born from a collaboration between creators, wrestling production houses, and fans, (instead of blocking and banning these accounts for aggressive advertisement); now, all are connected to celebrate wrestling in video form and create some secondary income.
Facing the future:
We've received countless requests to broaden MeetFighters' horizons, incorporating a wider spectrum of BDSM, other fetishes, and even general dating features. But diversifying too much could dilute our core essence: MeetFighters
The successful specialization of ChatFighters and WatchFighter showcased the advantages of dedicated platforms, each fine-tuned to serve an aspect of our community.
With this in mind:
Lustfinity promises to be an inclusive sanctuary for every imaginable fantasy and kink. Dedicated features to stay close to kinks you love but far away from kinks you dislike. Discretion, security, and privacy, together with verification and recommendations. FREE* of charge; *Sounds simple but is actually hard to maintain and host a site for free. To be transparent, we use the same model as on ChatFighters and MeetFighters: small volunteering contributions yearly- non-recurring. To gain some smaller perks - but no restrictions when it comes to engaging with other members or scrolling the userbase. And, of course, free of advertising and data collection. These are just a few reasons we think why MeetFighters is used by some of you for this sole purpose, and we will do our best to create a new platform to embrace it.
Eager to learn more? Visit and sign up for our launch newsletter. You'll receive an exclusive invite to our closed Beta launch, granting you a chance to be at the forefront of shaping Lustfinity.
Final words:
We are in this unique position to go into the adventures of creating niche websites and keep adding features and improvements to our existing ones only because of the continued support of our community. Financial support, but also recommending our platform. Thank you very much!
I also want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to our volunteering Supporter and Translation team. Without you guys, it would not be possible to keep hosting this website in its current form. Your work is essential on a day-to-day basis.
All your feedback has been guiding our updates. Every decision, including the creation of Lustfinity, was inspired by you, our community. Please keep them coming.
Thank you for reading, and we would love it if you sign up for the Lustfinity newsletter.
Best Regards,