nwfan53's blog

New Indy Pro Wrestling Promotion - Washington State

Looks like we have a new indy pro wrestling promotion up in Washington state by the name of "Without A Cause". First event will be in Everett on October 21. Not sure who is connected with this one but they just started announcing the card and the first person they announced is Thunder Rosa aka Kobra Moon from Lucha Underground. Which is sort of interesting because she normally works down in Texas and the SW in general. Makes one wonder if they are bringing in out of area talent, are they running with similar resources to Defy NW ? Defy apparently has ties to Impact Wrestling.

"Without A Cause" is posting event information on Twitter and Instagram if anyone wants to check them out.

Laatst bijgewerkt op 30.8.2018 21:40 door nwfan53



nwfan53 (8)

31.8.2018 4:42

Venue for this wiill be the Sons of Norway - Normanna Lodge #3 in Everett, Bell time 4PM off their brown paper tickets listing. Pricing is roughly what Defy NW runs but their hall max headcount appears to 220 vs Washington Hall at 735 max.
