
97417 recommendations

DKnight is recommended by Kenny Blaze (5/01/2024)

After speaking to DKnight for a bit we were finally able to meet and had a great time!!! He's a stud with a great build for what we do!!! Yey for us thick boys!! Lol...Got a taste of those strong legs for a bit but then it was time for Kenny Blaze to go work...Dominating this stud was perfect and pretty darn hot...Few Sub moves and fun lifts seal DKnight s fate. Off the the mats DK is a really great guy to talk to and def can't wait for Round 2 in the future 💪🏻🔥


maaa2020 is recommended by Kenny Blaze (5/01/2024)

Tuve la oportunidad de por enfrentarme a maaa2020 en tremenda lucha y lo unico q puedo de Ir es q si tienen la oportunidad de hacer lo mismo, no van a estar desilucionados...Luchando con el fue como luchar con una imagen mia, es un titan de lucha...Es un hombre fuerte y le da con todo para llevarse la victoria pero sempre respetuoso....Se q no va a ser la ultima vez q nos enfrentemos y se que cada encuentro sera mejor q el anterior 💪🏻


Kenny Blaze is recommended by maaa2020 (5/01/2024)

Tremenda lucha de bestias. Lo pasamos muy bien, es simpáticos amable y tremendo titán en el ring. Quedamos muy muy cansados, estuvieron muy parejos rounds , algunos los gane el, otro yo, yo gane uno más que el . Lo felicito ambos lo dimos todo , y por sobre todo lo pasamos bien. Gracias Kenny 💪


Eldario is recommended by Rixator (5/01/2024)

"Mens sana in corpore sano" Voilà une célèbre phrase qui colle parfaitement avec Eldario (un esprit sain dans un corps sain) Ne vous y trompez pas, sa prestance et sa courtoisie se transforment en un combattant pugnace, viril et une force surprenante . Voilà encore un jeune lutteur déjà très fort et qui ne va pas s’arrêter là. Il cache bien ses muscles le  bougre . continue la musculation ! Technique + muscu. C’est le top pour toi. Il me dit lui-même « sur le tatami tu es mon ennemi » Mais quel ennemi ! Il est préférable d’avoir des ennemis comme Eldario que de faux amis. Alors vous l’aurez compris je ne peux que vous recommander cet athlète.


sagittaron2 is recommended by wrca12 (5/01/2024)

Sagittaron and I had chatted online every now and then for the last two years, since I joined the site. I find it difficult to find opponents close to my size here, so I was always interested in having a match with him. Finally we were able to arrange a match while I was in Paris last week. He was kind enough to meet up with me despite his very busy schedule which I appreciated. We had an awesome match and it was great to compete against him. He is very strong and has great technique as well. Very experienced but also super safe. Great fun to wrestle someone so close to my own size. Definitely a recommendation.


Mirceal is recommended by PATWRESLER (5/01/2024)

Première rencontre avec Mirceal et quelle rencontre ! Une énergie incroyable associée à la technique, une force redoutable et le charme en prime. Difficile de résister à ses assauts répétés qui ont même fini par me mettre hors d'usage. A bientôt à Lugdunum...une fois rétabli !


mattderris is recommended by WrestleJ (5/01/2024)

Matt Derris was so cocky thinking he could take me down in our promission match. While he was able to get a few submissions out of me, at the end of the day, I had the ultimate victory. We had some awesome back and forth action with lots of slams, sleepers, bearhugs, and various holds. I had a ton of fun wrestling this sexy jobber. I look forward to our next match in the near future.


Tonygarzaone is recommended by WrestleJ (5/01/2024)

Tony is a tough opponent! He’s super quick, feisty, and resilient. He was a lot stronger than I thought. He was hard to buck off of me. I played defense a lot during our match. When I finally got on top, I was able to make him submit… but it sure did take a while. I had a great time wrestling this guy! Hope we can wrestle again in the near future.


PaulGNZ is recommended by KiwiSubJobr (5/01/2024)

Gee this guy is strong !
Well worth meeting up with.
Look forward to meeting again and learning more.


KiwiSubJobr is recommended by PaulGNZ (5/01/2024)

Great fight. Thanks very much

97417 recommendations